Firearms on the ballot

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Voting on Firearms
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

Firearms on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding regulations and rights to own, carry, use, sell, and buy firearms.

List of ballot measures

By state


  1. Alabama Amendment 5, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Franklin County Churches Measure (2020) Approved
  2. Alabama Amendment 6, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Lauderdale County Churches Measure (2020) Approved
  3. Alabama Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 3 (2014) Approved


  1. Alaska Right to Bear Arms, Measure 1 (1994) Approved


  1. California Proposition 15, Handgun Ownership and Registration Initiative (1982) Defeated
  2. California Proposition 63, Background Checks for Ammunition Purchases and Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazine Ban (2016)#Path to the ballot Approved


  1. Colorado Amendment 22, Background Checks for Gun Sales Initiative (2000) Approved
  2. Colorado Proposition KK, Excise Tax on Firearms Dealers, Manufacturers, and Ammunition Vendors Measure (2024) Approved


  1. Florida Amendment 12, Sales of Firearms Amendment (1998) Approved
  2. Florida Amendment 2, Three Day Waiting Period for Handgun Purchases Amendment (1990) Approved


  1. Idaho Reinforce Right to Bear Arms, SJR 116 (1978) Approved


  1. Iowa Amendment 1, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (2022) Approved


  1. Kansas Right to Bear Arms Question, Constitutional Amendment Question 1 (2010) Approved


  1. Louisiana Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 2 (2012) Approved


  1. Maine Background Checks for Gun Sales, Question 3 (2016) Defeated
  2. Maine Extreme Risk Protection Orders to Restrict Firearms and Weapons Access Initiative (2025)
  3. Maine Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Question 12 (1987) Approved


  1. Maryland Question 3, Prohibit Handguns Not on State Roster Referendum (1988) Approved


  1. Massachusetts Firearm Regulations Referendum (2026)
  2. Massachusetts Question 5, Handguns Ban Initiative (1976) Defeated


  1. Missouri Proposition B, Concealed Firearms Permit Measure (April 1999) Defeated
  2. Missouri Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 5 (August 2014) Approved


  1. Montana LR-130, Limit Local Government Authority to Regulate Firearms Measure (2020) Approved


  1. Nebraska Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 4 (1988) Approved


  1. Nevada Background Checks for Gun Purchases, Question 1 (2016) Approved
  2. Nevada Question 2, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (1982) Approved

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Right to Bear Arms Amendment (1978) Defeated
  2. New Hampshire Right to Bear Arms Amendment (1982) Approved

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Right to Keep and Bear Arms (1986) Approved

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Right to Bear Arms Initiative, Measure 3 (1984) Approved


  1. Oregon Measure 114, Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative (2022) Approved
  2. Oregon Measure 5, Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Initiative (2000) Approved


  1. Utah Proposition 5, Permit the Legislature to Define the Lawful Use of Firearms Amendment (1984) Approved


  1. Washington Gun Rights Measure, Initiative 591 (2014) Defeated
  2. Washington Individual Gun Access Prevention by Court Order, Initiative 1491 (2016) Approved
  3. Washington Initiative 1639, Changes to Gun Ownership and Purchase Requirements Measure (2018) Approved
  4. Washington Initiative 676, Handgun Trigger-Locks and Safety Licenses Measure (1997) Defeated
  5. Washington Universal Background Checks for Gun Purchases, Initiative 594 (2014) Approved

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment, Amendment 1 (1986) Approved


  1. Wisconsin Question 2, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (1998) Approved

By year


  1. Massachusetts Firearm Regulations Referendum (2026)


  1. Maine Extreme Risk Protection Orders to Restrict Firearms and Weapons Access Initiative (2025)


  1. Colorado Proposition KK, Excise Tax on Firearms Dealers, Manufacturers, and Ammunition Vendors Measure (2024) Approved


  1. Iowa Amendment 1, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (2022) Approved
  2. Oregon Measure 114, Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative (2022) Approved


  1. Alabama Amendment 5, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Franklin County Churches Measure (2020) Approved
  2. Alabama Amendment 6, "Stand Your Ground" Rights in Lauderdale County Churches Measure (2020) Approved
  3. Montana LR-130, Limit Local Government Authority to Regulate Firearms Measure (2020) Approved


  1. Washington Initiative 1639, Changes to Gun Ownership and Purchase Requirements Measure (2018) Approved


  1. California Proposition 63, Background Checks for Ammunition Purchases and Large-Capacity Ammunition Magazine Ban (2016)#Path to the ballot Approved
  2. Maine Background Checks for Gun Sales, Question 3 (2016) Defeated
  3. Nevada Background Checks for Gun Purchases, Question 1 (2016) Approved
  4. Washington Individual Gun Access Prevention by Court Order, Initiative 1491 (2016) Approved


  1. Alabama Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 3 (2014) Approved
  2. Missouri Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 5 (August 2014) Approved
  3. Washington Gun Rights Measure, Initiative 591 (2014) Defeated
  4. Washington Universal Background Checks for Gun Purchases, Initiative 594 (2014) Approved


  1. Louisiana Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 2 (2012) Approved


  1. Kansas Right to Bear Arms Question, Constitutional Amendment Question 1 (2010) Approved


  1. Colorado Amendment 22, Background Checks for Gun Sales Initiative (2000) Approved
  2. Oregon Measure 5, Background Checks for Firearm Transfers Initiative (2000) Approved


  1. Missouri Proposition B, Concealed Firearms Permit Measure (April 1999) Defeated


  1. Florida Amendment 12, Sales of Firearms Amendment (1998) Approved
  2. Wisconsin Question 2, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (1998) Approved


  1. Washington Initiative 676, Handgun Trigger-Locks and Safety Licenses Measure (1997) Defeated


  1. Alaska Right to Bear Arms, Measure 1 (1994) Approved


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Three Day Waiting Period for Handgun Purchases Amendment (1990) Approved


  1. Maryland Question 3, Prohibit Handguns Not on State Roster Referendum (1988) Approved
  2. Nebraska Right to Bear Arms, Amendment 4 (1988) Approved


  1. Maine Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Question 12 (1987) Approved


  1. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Right to Keep and Bear Arms (1986) Approved
  2. West Virginia Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment, Amendment 1 (1986) Approved


  1. North Dakota Right to Bear Arms Initiative, Measure 3 (1984) Approved
  2. Utah Proposition 5, Permit the Legislature to Define the Lawful Use of Firearms Amendment (1984) Approved


  1. California Proposition 15, Handgun Ownership and Registration Initiative (1982) Defeated
  2. Nevada Question 2, Right to Keep and Bear Arms Amendment (1982) Approved
  3. New Hampshire Right to Bear Arms Amendment (1982) Approved


  1. Idaho Reinforce Right to Bear Arms, SJR 116 (1978) Approved
  2. New Hampshire Right to Bear Arms Amendment (1978) Defeated


  1. Massachusetts Question 5, Handguns Ban Initiative (1976) Defeated

See also