Federal judges nominated by Dwight Eisenhower

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U.S. Federal Courts
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Dwight D. Eisenhower, President from 1953-1961

Dwight D. Eisenhower was president of the United States from 1953 to 1961. During his time in office he had 175 judges successfully nominated and confirmed to the federal bench. Eisenhower had one nominee decline their nomination, two withdrawn and 26 receiving no votes from the Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Status Term
Bailey Aldrich District of Massachusetts Elevated (dec. 2002) 1954 - 1959
Bailey Aldrich First Circuit Deceased 1959 - 2002
Mary Alger United States Customs Court Deceased 1955 - 1977
Robert Anderson District of Connecticut Elevated 1954 - 1964
Alfred Arraj District of Colorado Deceased 1957 - 1992
Stanley Barnes Ninth Circuit Deceased 1956 - 1990
John Bartels Eastern District of New York Deceased 1959 - 1997
Walter Bastian District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1975
John Beck District of South Dakota Deceased 1958 - 1981
Alexander Bicks Southern District of New York Deceased 1954 - 1963
Harry Blackmun Eighth Circuit Elevated 1959 - 1970
George Boldt Western District of Washington Deceased 1953 - 1984
William Bootle Middle District of Georgia Deceased 1954 - 2005
Herbert Boreman Northern District of West Virginia Elevated 1954 - 1959
Herbert Boreman Fourth Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1982
Jean Breitenstein District of Colorado Elevated 1954 - 1957
Jean Breitenstein Tenth Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1986
William Brennan Supreme Court Deceased 1957 - 1997
Henry Brooks Western District of Kentucky Elevated 1954 - 1969
John Brown Fifth Circuit Deceased 1955 - 1993
Walter Bruchhausen Eastern District of New York Deceased 1953 - 1976
Frederick Bryan Southern District of New York Deceased 1956 - 1978
Warren Burger District of Columbia Circuit Elevated 1956 - 1969
Lloyd Burke Northern District of California Deceased 1958 - 1988
Algernon Butler Eastern District of North Carolina Deceased 1959 - 1978
Andrew Caffrey District of Massachusetts Deceased 1960 - 1993
Benjamin Cameron Fifth Circuit Deceased 1955 - 1964
George Carswell Northern District of Florida Elevated 1958 - 1969
John Cashin Southern District of New York Deceased 1956 - 1970
Latham Castle Seventh Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1986
Lamar Cecil Eastern District of Texas Deceased 1954 - 1958
Lester Cecil Southern District of Ohio Elevated 1953 - 1959
Lester Cecil Sixth Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1982
Richard Chambers Ninth Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1994
Olin Chilson District of Colorado Deceased 1960 - 1991
Emett Choate Southern District of Florida Deceased 1954 - 1974
Albert Christensen District of Utah Deceased 1954 - 1996
Thurmond Clarke Southern District of California Reassigned 1955 - 1966
Claude Clayton Northern District of Mississippi Elevated 1958 - 1967
James Connell Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1954 - 1973
Myron Crocker Southern District of California Reassigned 1959 - 1966
Ted Dalton Western District of Virginia Deceased 1959 - 1989
John Danaher District of Columbia Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1990
Ronald Davies District of North Dakota Deceased 1955 - 1996
Benjamin Dawkins, Jr. Western District of Louisiana Deceased 1953 - 1984
Archie Dawson Southern District of New York Deceased 1954 - 1964
Edward Day District of Rhode Island Deceased 1954 - 1985
Edward Devitt District of Minnesota Deceased 1955 - 1992
James Durfee United States Court of Claims Deceased 1960-1977
William East District of Oregon Deceased 1955 - 1985
Thomas Egan Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1957 - 1961
Joe Estes Northern District of Texas Deceased 1955 - 1989
James Fee Ninth Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1959
John Feikens Eastern District of Michigan Nomination rejected 1960 - 1961
John Field Southern District of West Virginia Elevated 1959 - 1971
Joseph Fisher Eastern District of Texas Deceased 1959 - 2000
Phillip Forman Third Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1978
Ralph Freeman Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1954 - 1990
Henry Friendly Second Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1986
Edward Gignoux District of Maine Deceased 1957 - 1988
Robert Grant Northern District of Indiana Deceased 1957 - 1998
Harlan Grooms Northern District of Alabama Deceased 1953 - 1991
Kenneth Grubb Eastern District of Wisconsin Retired 1955 - 1965
Sherrill Halbert Northern District of California Reassigned 1954 - 1966
Frederick Hamley Ninth Circuit Deceased 1956 - 1975
Oliver Hamlin Northern District of California Elevated 1953 - 1958
Oliver Hamlin Ninth Circuit Deceased 1958 - 1973
John Harlan Second Circuit Elevated 1954 - 1955
John Harlan Supreme Court Deceased 1955 - 1971
George Hart District of Columbia Deceased 1959 - 1984
John Hastings Seventh Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1977
Clement Haynsworth Fourth Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1989
John Henderson Western District of New York Deceased 1959 - 1974
Jesse Henley Eastern District of Arkansas Nomination rejected 1958 - 1959
Jesse Henley Eastern District of Arkansas Elevated 1959 - 1975
Jesse Henley Western District of Arkansas Elevated 1959 - 1975
William Herlands Southern District of New York Deceased 1956 - 1969
Edwin Hicklin Southern District of Iowa Deceased 1957 - 1963
Carroll Hincks Second Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1964
Walter Hodge District of Alaska Deceased 1960 - 1975
Julius Hoffman Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1953 - 1983
Walter Hoffman Eastern District of Virginia Deceased 1954 - 1996
Cale Holder Southern District of Indiana Deceased 1954 - 1983
Edwin Hunter Western District of Louisiana Deceased 1954 - 2002
Joe Ingraham Southern District of Texas Elevated 1954 - 1969
William Jameson District of Montana Deceased 1957 - 1990
Gilbert Jertberg Southern District of California Elevated 1955 - 1958
Gilbert Jertberg Ninth Circuit Deceased 1958 - 1973
Frank Johnson Middle District of Alabama Elevated 1956 - 1979
Warren Jones Fifth Circuit Reassigned 1955 - 1981
William Juergens Eastern District of Illinois Reassigned 1956 - 1979
Anthony Julian District of Massachusetts Deceased 1959 - 1984
Frederick Kaess Eastern District of Michigan Deceased 1960 - 1979
Girard Kalbfleisch Northern District of Ohio Deceased 1959 - 1990
Wallace Kent Western District of Michigan Elevated 1954 - 1971
Ewing Kerr District of Wyoming Deceased 1956 - 1992
John Kilkenny District of Oregon Elevated 1959 - 1969
Winfred Knoch Northern District of Illinois Elevated 1953 - 1958
Winfred Knoch Seventh Circuit Deceased 1958 - 1983
Montgomery Koelsch Ninth Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1992
Charles Kraft Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1956 - 2002
Fred Kunzel Southern District of California Deceased 1959 - 1969
Arthur Lane District of New Jersey Resigned 1960 - 1967
Don Laramore United States Court of Claims Reassigned 1954 - 1982 (dec. 1989)
Caleb Layton District of Delaware Deceased 1957 - 1988
Dal Lemmon Ninth Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1958
Richard Levet Southern District of New York Resigned 1956 - 1976
David Lewis Tenth Circuit Deceased 1956 - 1983
Oren Lewis Eastern District of Virginia Deceased 1960 - 1983
Joseph Lieb Southern District of Florida Reassigned 1956 - 1962
John Lord Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1954 - 1972
Joseph Lumbard Second Circuit Deceased 1955 - 1999
Lloyd MacMahon Southern District of New York Deceased 1959 - 1989
Isaac Martin Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Deceased 1958 - 1966
Marion Matthes Eighth Circuit Deceased 1958 - 1980
Joseph McGarraghy District of Columbia Deceased 1954 - 1975
John McIlvaine Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1955 - 1963
Frederick Mercer Southern District of Illinois Deceased 1956 - 1966
Charles Merrill Ninth Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1996
Charles Metzner Southern District of New York Deceased 1959 - 2009
George Mickelson District of South Dakota Deceased 1954 - 1965
John Miller Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1954 - 1978
William Miller Middle District of Tennessee Elevated 1955 - 1970
Julius Miner Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1958 - 1963
Jacob Mishler Eastern District of New York Deceased 1960 - 2004
Leonard Moore Second Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1982
Justin Morgan Western District of New York Deceased 1956 - 1959
Mendon Morrill District of New Jersey Deceased 1958 - 1961
Clifford O'Sullivan Eastern District of Michigan Elevated 1957 - 1960
Clifford O'Sullivan Second Circuit Deceased 1960 - 1975
Edmund Palmieri Southern District of New York Deceased 1954 - 1989
William Parkinson Northern District of Indiana Elevated 1954 - 1957
William Parkinson Seventh Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1959
Charles Paul Northern District of West Virginia Deceased 1960 - 1965
Omer Poos Southern District of Illinois Deceased 1958 - 1976
Charles Powell Eastern District of Washington Deceased 1959 - 1975
George Register District of North Dakota Deceased 1955 - 1972
Giles Rich Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Reassigned (dec. 1999) 1956 - 1982
Scovel Richardson United States Customs Court Reassigned (dec. 1982) 1957 - 1980
Ross Rizley Western District of Oklahoma Deceased 1956 - 1969
Richard Robinson District of Nebraska Deceased 1956 - 1991
Edwin Robson Northern District of Illinois Deceased 1958 - 1986
Waldo Rogers District of New Mexico Deceased 1954 - 1964
John Ross District of Nevada Deceased 1954 - 1963
Elmer Schnackenberg Seventh Circuit Deceased 1953 - 1968
John Sirica District of Columbia Deceased 1957 - 1992
Arthur Smith Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Deceased 1959 - 1968
John Smith Second Circuit Deceased 1960 - 1980
Randle Smith Western District of Missouri Deceased 1956 - 1962
Simon Sobeloff Fourth Circuit Deceased 1956 - 1973
Herbert Sorg Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1955 - 1979
Arthur Stanley District of Kansas Deceased 1958 - 2001
Edwin Stanley Middle District of North Carolina Deceased 1957 - 1971
Edwin Steel District of Delaware Deceased 1958 - 1986
Roy Stephenson Southern District of Iowa Elevated 1960 - 1971
Potter Stewart Sixth Circuit Elevated 1954 - 1958
Potter Stewart Supreme Court Deceased 1958 - 1985
William Sweigert Northern District of California Deceased 1959 - 1983
Cyrus Tavares District of Hawaii Deceased 1960 - 1976
Fredrick Taylor District of Idaho Deceased 1954 - 1988
Roby Thompson Western District of Virginia Deceased 1957 - 1960
Roszel Thomsen District of Maryland Deceased 1954 - 1992
William Timbers District of Connecticut Elevated 1960 - 1971
Elbert Tuttle Fifth Circuit Reassigned 1954 - 1981
Francis Van Dusen Eastern District of Pennsylvania Elevated 1955 - 1967
Martin Van Oosterhout Eighth Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1979
Robert Van Pelt District of Nebraska Deceased 1957 - 1988
Charles Vogel Eighth Circuit Deceased 1954 - 1980
Lawrence Walsh Southern District of New York Resigned 1954 - 1957
Leonard Walsh District of Columbia Deceased 1959 - 1980
Earl Warren Supreme Court Deceased 1953 - 1974
Sterry Waterman Second Circuit Deceased 1955 - 1984
Robert Watkins District of Maryland Deceased 1955 - 1986
Randolph Weber Eastern District of Missouri Deceased 1957 - 1961
Paul Weick Northern District of Ohio Elevated 1956 - 1959
Paul Weick Sixth Circuit Deceased 1959 - 1997
Carl Weinman Southern District of Ohio Deceased 1959 - 1979
Charles Whittaker Western District of Missouri Elevated 1954 - 1956
Charles Whittaker Eighth Circuit Elevated 1956 - 1957
Charles Whittaker Supreme Court Resigned 1957 - 1965
Joseph Willson Western District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1953 - 1998
David Wilson United States Customs Court Deceased 1954 - 1976
John Wisdom Fifth Circuit Deceased 1957 - 1999
Albert Wollenberg Northern District of California Deceased 1958 - 1981
Harold Wood Eastern District of Pennsylvania Deceased 1959 - 1972
Francis Worley Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, chief judge Deceased 1959 - 1974
Reynier Wortendyke District of New Jersey Deceased 1955 - 1975
Caleb Wright District of Delaware Deceased 1955 - 2001
Gordon Young Eastern District of Arkansas Deceased 1959 - 1969
Joseph Zavatt Eastern District of New York Deceased 1957 - 1985

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
