Federal judges nominated by Ulysses Grant

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U.S. Federal Courts
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Ulysses S. Grant, President from 1869-1877

Ulysses Grant was president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. During his time in office he had 48 judges successfully nominated and confirmed to the federal bench. Grant also had three nominees decline their nomination, one passed away prior to appointment, 11 withdrawn and 11 rejected or not voted on by the Senate.[1][2]

List of judges

First name Last name Court Term
Edward Billings Eastern District of Louisiana 1876 - 1893
Henry Blodgett Northern District of Illinois 1870 - 1892
Hugh Bond Fourth Circuit 1870 - 1893
Edward Bradford District of Delaware 1871 - 1884
Joseph Bradley Supreme Court 1870 - 1892
Henry Brown Eastern District of Michigan 1875 - 1890
John Bruce Northern and Middle Districts of Alabama 1875 - 1901
John Bruce Southern District of Alabama 1875 - 1886
Robert Dick Western District of North Carolina 1872 - 1898
John Dillon Eighth Circuit 1869 - 1879
Charles Drake Court of Claims 1870 - 1885
Thomas Drummond Seventh Circuit 1869 - 1884
Charles Dyer Eastern District of Wisconsin 1875 - 1888
Halmer Emmons Sixth Circuit 1870 - 1877
Cassius Foster District of Kansas 1874 - 1899
Walter Gresham District of Indiana 1869 - 1883
Moses Hallett District of Colorado 1877 - 1906
Edgar Hillyer District of Nevada 1869 - 1882
James Hopkins Western District of Wisconsin 1870 - 1877
James Howe Eastern District of Wisconsin 1873 - 1875
Robert Hughes Eastern District of Virginia 1874 - 1898
David Humphreys DC District Court 1870 - 1879
Ward Hunt Supreme Court 1872 - 1882
Alexander Johnson Second Circuit 1875 - 1878
Winthrop Ketcham Western District of Pennsylvania 1876 - 1879
John Knowles District of Rhode Island 1870 - 1881
James Locke Southern District of Florida 1872 - 1912
John Longyear Eastern District of Michigan 1870 - 1875
Arthur MacArthur DC District Court 1870 - 1887
William McKennan Third Circuit 1869 - 1891
John McKinney Southern District of Florida 1871 - 1871
Amos Morrill Eastern District of Texas 1872 - 1883
John Nixon District of New Jersey 1870 - 1889
Isaac Parker Western District of Arkansas 1875 - 1896
William Richardson Court of Claims 1874 - 1885
Alexander Rives Western District of Virginia 1871 - 1882
Lorenzo Sawyer Ninth Circuit 1870 - 1891
Thomas Settle Northern District of Florida 1877 - 1888
George Shepley First Circuit 1869 - 1878
Nathaniel Shipman District of Connecticut 1873 - 1892
William Story Western District of Arkansas 1871 - 1874
William Strong Supreme Court 1870 - 1880
Philip Swing Southern District of Ohio 1871 - 1882
Morrison Waite Supreme Court 1874 - 1888
William Wallace Northern District of New York 1874 - 1882
Martin Welker Northern District of Ohio 1873 - 1889
Joel Winch Eastern District of Texas nominated in 1870; not confirmed
Lewis Woodruff Second Circuit 1869 - 1875
William Woods Fifth Circuit 1869 - 1880

Historical context

Appointments by current president

See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump

Since taking office for his second term, President Donald Trump (R) has not nominated any individuals to federal judgeships on Article III courts.

During his first term in office, President Donald Trump (R) nominated 274 individuals to federal judgeships. Trump made 245 judicial appointments.[3] Of those appointments, 234 were Article III judges.[4] Trump withdrew eight nominees and 143 received no vote from the Senate.[5]

Ballotpedia publishes the federal vacancy count report tracking vacancies, nominations, and confirmations to all United States Article III federal courts each month. In the most recent report covering activity in March 2025, there were 43 Article III vacancies in the federal judiciary. To learn more about current vacancies in the federal judiciary, click here. The following chart from the monthly federal vacancy count report for March 1, 2025, details the number of appointments made by President Trump to each type of Article III federal court since taking office. This chart is updated at the start of each month with new appointments data.

See also

External links
