Escambia County School District, Florida

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Escambia County School District
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Escambia County, Florida
District details
Superintendent: Keith Leonard (interim)
# of school board members: 5
Website: Link

Escambia County School District is a school district in Florida.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Keith Leonard is the interim superintendent of the Escambia County School District. He was appointed interim superintendent in May 2023, and started serving in this role on June 1, 2023.[1]

Past superintendents

  • Timothy Smith was the superintendent of the Escambia County School District from November 17, 2020 until his contract was terminated in May 2023.[1] Smith's previous career experience includes being the executive area director in the high school office for Orange County Public Schools in Florida, a principal, and a teacher.[2]
  • Malcolm Thomas was the superintendent of the Escambia County School District from 2008 to 2020. Thomas' previous career experience includes working as a teacher and education specialist.[3]

School board

The Escambia County School District school board consists of five members elected to four-year terms. Members are elected by district.[4]

This officeholder information was last updated on May 14, 2024. Please contact us with any updates.


See also: Escambia County School District elections in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2024

Elections are held on a staggered basis in the November general election.[4]

Two seats on the board were up for general election on November 5, 2024. A primary was scheduled for August 20, 2024.

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Public participation in board meetings

The Escambia County School District school board maintains the following policy on public testimony during board meetings:[4]

(1) Board meetings are to transact the business of the public school system. Members of the public who wish to present comments about education and the public school system are encouraged to participate in Board meetings and workshops. By law and precedent, the Board provides opportunities for the public to address the Board at its regularly scheduled and/or special board meetings: Public Hearing, Agenda Items, and Public Forum. Members of the public may also address the Board in a Public Forum at the conclusion of its regularly scheduled Board workshops. The general rules set forth in this policy for public comment shall apply to Public Hearing, Agenda Items, and Public Forum.

A. Public Hearing: In accordance with state law, the School Board is required to conduct a Public Hearing before voting on certain agenda items. When such agenda items are brought to the table during a meeting, the public shall be given an opportunity to address them before a vote is taken.

B. Agenda Items: Public comment shall be allowed with regard to agenda items on any regular or special Board meeting or workshop agenda. If an item is on the Consent Agenda, speakers must advise the Chair of their intent to address the item prior to the vote being taken on the Consent Agenda. The Board shall then pull each such item for handling on the open agenda to allow public comment.

C. Public Forum: Prior to the adoption of the agenda at each regular and special meeting, the Board will allow public comment on any matter of relevance to public education. No action will be taken on a speaker’s topic except as otherwise included on the meeting agenda. A Public Forum will also be held at the conclusion of each regularly scheduled Board workshop.

(2) Any presentation to the Board shall conform to the following standards:

A. Remarks and statements shall be addressed directly to the Chair and Board Members using titles rather than names when possible to do so;

B. All questions should be directed to the Chair. The Superintendent, or his designated staff members, may answer questions during the meeting or they may request appointments for answers at a later time;

C. Personalities or motives shall be avoided in presentations. Concerns discussed should be related to issues and problems of education and the school system;

D. Personal attacks against officers and personnel shall be excluded from presentation or discussion. Except in cases of emergency, complaints relating to the official conduct of the personnel or the discharge of duties and responsibilities shall first be made to the appropriate supervisory personnel;

E. Time allocated for speakers addressing the Board will be three (3) minutes. The Chair shall have the discretion to extend the presentation time provided a majority of the Board Members consent to the extension;

F. No action will be taken by the Board on any matter presented in the Public Forum. Consideration will be given to action which the Board may take some time in the future;

G. Persons, failing to follow these procedures and after being warned by the Chair of being in violation, are subject to removal from the meeting;

H. The Superintendent of Schools will provide a speaker form for members of the public to use to inform the Board of a desire to be heard, to indicate support, opposition, or neutrality on a proposition, and to designate a representative to speak for him/her or a group on the issue if he or she chooses. Said form will request contact information for the speaker, including name, address, telephone number, and email address; and

I. Speakers who are physically present at the meeting or workshop may request to yield their time to a designated speaker. The yielded time will be pooled for a maximum of ten (10) minutes for the designated speaker. Speakers may not split their time and yield only a portion of it to a designated speaker.[5]

District map


The following statistics were published by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education.[6]

Revenue, 2020-2021
Federal: $70,275,000 $1,827 16%
Local: $164,745,000 $4,283 37%
State: $206,276,000 $5,363 47%
Total: $441,296,000 $11,473
Expenditures, 2020-2021
Total Expenditures: $450,900,000 $11,722
Total Current Expenditures: $383,395,000 $9,967
Instructional Expenditures: $215,280,000 $5,596 48%
Student and Staff Support: $55,950,000 $1,454 12%
Administration: $35,194,000 $914 8%
Operations, Food Service, Other: $76,971,000 $2,001 17%
Total Capital Outlay: $57,692,000 $1,499
Construction: $44,134,000 $1,147
Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $5,798,000 $150
Interest on Debt: $4,015,000 $104

Teacher salaries

The following salary information was pulled from the district's teacher salary schedule. A salary schedule is a list of expected compensations based on variables such as position, years employed, and education level. It may not reflect actual teacher salaries in the district.

Year Minimum Maximum
2023-2024[7] $47,500 $75,500
2020-2021[8] $43,500 $73,300
2019-2020[9] $38,000 $67,800

Academic performance

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[10]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 40 63 20 39 35-39 45 54
2018-2019 49 76 29 50 50-54 53 62
2017-2018 48 74 28 48 45-49 53 61
2016-2017 47 72 26 45 35-39 50 60
2015-2016 46 70 24 48 45-49 49 60
2014-2015 49 71 28 51 50-54 61
2013-2014 53 75 33 58 55-59 65
2012-2013 53 74 33 55 55-59 65
2011-2012 50 72 31 53 50-54 62
2010-2011 62 82 43 66 65-69 74

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 45 62 25 43 35-39 49 58
2018-2019 49 71 29 50 40-44 56 62
2017-2018 47 68 27 46 40-44 53 60
2016-2017 48 68 26 51 35-39 53 60
2015-2016 45 62 24 47 40-44 51 58
2014-2015 45 66 25 48 45-49 57
2013-2014 53 69 31 56 50-54 66
2012-2013 52 69 31 54 50-54 64
2011-2012 52 66 31 54 50-54 65
2010-2011 59 70 39 62 60-64 72

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2019-2020 88 >=95 84 85-89 >=80 90-94 90
2018-2019 86 >=95 81 80-84 60-79 85-89 89
2017-2018 81 85-89 76 80-84 80-89 80-84 83
2016-2017 79 90-94 71 80-84 >=80 80-84 85
2015-2016 76 90-94 64 80-84 40-59 85-89 82
2014-2015 73 80-84 62 75-79 80-89 70-74 79
2013-2014 66 80-84 50 70-74 60-69 75
2012-2013 64 80-84 51 65-69 70-79 71
2011-2012 62 80-84 50 65-69 60-79 67
2010-2011 58 80-84 45 50-54 40-59 65


Year Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2022-2023 37,851 0.1
2021-2022 37,804 -1.7
2020-2021 38,465 -3.3
2019-2020 39,739 -0.6
2018-2019 39,973 -0.8
2017-2018 40,292 -0.2
2016-2017 40,386 -0.7
2015-2016 40,655 -0.2
2014-2015 40,735 0.0
2013-2014 40,753 0.2
2012-2013 40,670 0.4
2011-2012 40,496 0.7
2010-2011 40,227 -1.0
2009-2010 40,613 -0.8
2008-2009 40,924 -2.3
2007-2008 41,854 -2.0
2006-2007 42,708 -1.8
2005-2006 43,460 -1.1
2004-2005 43,953 -0.1
2003-2004 43,998 0.0
2002-2003 44,019 -1.8
2001-2002 44,807 -0.5
2000-2001 45,012 -0.6
1999-2000 45,297 0.0
Racial Demographics, 2022-2023
RACE Escambia County School District (%) Florida K-12 STUDENTS (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.4 0.2
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 2.1 2.8
Black 34.4 21.0
Hispanic 9.8 36.4
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 0.4 0.2
Two or More Races 8.0 4.1
White 44.9 35.3

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.


As of the 2022-2023 school year, Escambia County School District had 2,173.79 full-time classroom teachers. The student-teacher ratio was 17.41.

Teachers, 2022-2023 school year
Prekindergarten: 30.00
Kindergarten: 147.75
Elementary: 778.30
Secondary: 827.44
Total: 2,173.79

Escambia County School District employed 30.50 district administrators and 124.90 school administrators as of the 2022-2023 school year.

Administrators, 2022-2023 school year
District Administrators: 30.50
District Administrative Support: 117.00
School Administrators: 124.90
School Administrative Support: 257.04
Other staff, 2022-2023 school year
Instructional Aides: 591.99
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 43.00
Total Guidance Counselors: 89.50
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 36.00
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 46.50
Librarians/Media Specialists: 46.80
Library/Media Support: 0.00
Student Support Services: 542.94
Other Support Services: 991.19


The Escambia County School District operates 70 schools. They are listed below in alphabetical order.
List of schools
Achieve Academy At Mcmillian281KG-12
A. K. Suter Elementary School587KG-5
Bellview Elementary School545PK-5
Bellview Middle School9926-8
Beulah Academy Of Science3096-8
Beulah Elementary School946KG-5
Beulah Middle School9586-8
Blue Angels Elementary School789PK-5
Bratt Elementary School496PK-5
Brentwood Elementary School407PK-5
Brown Barge Middle School5496-8
Byrneville Elementary School Inc.174KG-5
Capstone Academy16PK-PK
C. A. Weis Elementary School466PK-5
Cordova Park Elementary School637PK-5
County Administrative Annex729-12
Ensley Elementary School465PK-5
Ernest Ward Middle School4866-8
Escambia Boys' Base226-12
Escambia County Acceleration Academy1078-12
Escambia High School1,6559-12
Escambia Juvenile Detention285-12
Escambia Sch. Dist. Jail Prog.96-12
Escambia Virtual Academy Franchise177KG-12
Escambia Virtual Instructional Program (District Provided)0KG-12
Escambia Virtual Instruction Program66KG-12
Escambia Westgate Center141PK-12
Ferry Pass Elementary School567PK-5
Ferry Pass Middle School1,0146-8
George Stone Technical College09-12
Global Learning Academy470PK-5
Hellen Caro Elementary School659PK-5
Hope Horizon At Judy Andrews Center26KG-12
Hospital & Homebound21PK-12
Jackie Harris Preparatory Academy203KG-5
J. H. Workman Middle School7056-8
Jim Allen Elementary School677PK-5
Jim C. Bailey Middle School1,1596-8
J. M. Tate Senior High School2,1109-12
Kingsfield Elementary School883PK-5
L. D. Mcarthur Elementary School593PK-5
Lincoln Park Elementary School230PK-5
Longleaf Elementary School548PK-5
Molino Park Elementary561PK-5
Montclair Elementary School379PK-5
Myrtle Grove Elementary School446PK-5
Navy Point Elementary School430PK-5
N. B. Cook Elementary School514PK-5
Northview High School5329-12
Oakcrest Elementary School491PK-5
O. J. Semmes Elementary School302PK-5
Pace Program556-12
Pensacola Beach Elementary School Inc122KG-5
Pensacola High School1,2299-12
Pensacola State Charter Academy4810-12
Pine Forest High School1,8709-12
Pine Meadow Elementary School710PK-5
Pleasant Grove Elementary School534PK-5
Ransom Middle School1,2246-8
R. C. Lipscomb Elementary School764PK-5
Reinhardt Holm Elementary School453PK-5
Scenic Heights Elementary School809PK-5
Sherwood Elementary School511PK-5
Success Academy2666-12
Tap Pk Babies7PK-PK
Warrington Elementary School307PK-5
Warrington Middle School5736-8
Washington Senior High School1,7339-12
West Florida High School/Technical1,2779-12
West Pensacola Elementary School459PK-5

Contact information

Escambia County School District logo.gif
Escambia County School District
75 N. Pace Blvd.
Pensacola, FL 32505
Phone: 850-432-6121

About school boards

Education legislation in Florida

Bills are monitored by BillTrack50 and sorted by action history.

See also

Florida School Board Elections News and Analysis
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External links
