Endorsers in Virginia

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Endorsers by state

Noteworthy people and organizations may issue formal endorsements for political candidates to express public support for their candidacies. Ballotpedia has tracked endorsements for Virginia candidates issued by the people and organizations listed below.

If you are aware of endorsements for a current candidate that meet our criteria and have not been tracked by Ballotpedia yet, please use this form to submit them for review.

List of endorsers (people)

Aaron Bean
Aaron Rawls
Abigail Spanberger
Adam Ebbin
Aijalon Cordoza
Albert Vega
Alfonso Lopez
Alfred Taylor
Alicia Atkins
Alisa Anderson Gregory
Allison Spillman
Alvin Lui
Amanda Chase
Amanda Pohl
Amy Ashworth
Amy Laufer
Andrea Bailey
Andres Jimenez
Andre Soriano
Andrew Hoyler
Andy Biggs
Angela Rowe
Anna Paulina Luna
Anne Luckinbill
Anne-Marie Leake
Ann Parker
Ann Wheeler
Anthony Sabatini
Ashley Hinson
Asra Nomani
Atif Qarni
Atoosa Reaser
August Pfluger
Austin Scott
Barack Obama
Barbara Jones
Barbee Brown
Barry Goldwater Jr.
Bellamy Brown
Benjamin Lee Cline
Ben Litchfield
Bertha Armstrong
Beth Hardy
Betsy Smith
Bill Howell
Bill Stanley
Bobby Orrock
Bob Gibson
Bob Good
Bob Marshall
Bob McDonnell
Brandi Rutz
Briana Sewell
Brian Babin
Brian Mast
Brian Murphy
Bryan Hutcheson
Bryan Scrafford
Bryce Reeves
Buta Biberaj
Byron Donalds
Candi King
Carol Tracy Carr
Carrie Rist
Charla Bansley
Charles W. Haywood
Charlie Collins
Cheryl Facciani
Cheryl Onderchain
Chip Roy
Chris Faraldi
Chris Harris
Chris Obenshain
Chris Runion
Christina Burnett
Christopher Hodges
Chuck Smith
Cindy Sussan
Claire Russo
Connie Lorentzen
Corey Stewart
Corin Jackson
Cory Mills
Creigh Deeds
Dale Swanson
Dalia Palchik
Damien Kelly
Dan Bishop
Dan Burton
Dan Cullers
Dan Helmer
Daniel Brubaker
Daniel G. "Dan" Storck
Dan Lagana
Danny Diggs
Darren Post
Dave Marsden
David Brat
David Broder
David Bulova
David Reid
David Suetterlein
David Walrod
Deana Griffiths
Deanna Reed
Debbie Lesko
Deborah Desilets
Dennis Barlow
Derrick Van Orden
Dewey Ritchie
Diane Raulston
Dick Saslaw
Donald Sternoff Beyer Jr.
Donald Trump
Donna Moser
Don Richardson
Doris Boitnott
Eddie Garcia
Eileen Filler-Corn
Eli Crane
Elise Stefanik
Elizabeth Guzman
Elizabeth Hutchins
Elizabeth McCauley
Ellen Campbell
Erica Baez
Eric Brazeal
Eric Burlison
Eric Orange
Eric Zehr
Erika Ogedegbe
Erin Lobato
Frank Thornton
Gary Palmer
George Allen
George Barker
George Clark
Gerald Childress
Gerald Edward Connolly
Gerry Hyland
Ghazala Hashmi
Gil Trenum
Glen Hill
Glenn Thompson
Glenn Youngkin
Glen Sturtevant
Hakeem Jeffries
Heidi Barshinger
Henry Eickelberg
Hillary Clinton
H. Morgan Griffith
Holly Seibold
H. Otto Wachsmann Jr.
Hung Cao
Ian Prior
Irene Shin
James Holland
James Walkinshaw
Jamie Raskin
Janann Mercker
Janeth Valenzuela
Jarome Bell
Jason Melendez
Jason Miyares
Jason Smith
Jeanine Lawson
Jeff Helgeson
Jeff McKay
Jennifer Boysko
Jennifer Kiggans
Jennifer McClellan
Jennifer Wexton
Jeremy McPike
Jessica Anderson
Jim Banks
Jim DeMint
Jim Gilmore
Jim Hingeley
Jim Moran
Joe Biden
Joel Hensley
John Castorani
John Chapman Petersen
John Collick
John Foust
John Lockwood
John Massoud
John McGuire
John Sharp
John Sharp
John Stirrup
John Wright
Jon Zug
Josh Brecheen
Josh Ludwig
Joshua Cole
Joshua Throneburg
Juan Diego Wade
Juan Pablo Segura
Juli Briskman
Justin Carwile
Kamala D. Harris
Karen Corbett Sanders
Karen Keys-Gamarra
Karl Leonard
Karrie Delaney
Kate Taylor
Katherine Morrison
Kathy Byron
Kathy Smith
Kathy Tran
Katrina Callsen
Kaye Kory
Kaylene Seigle
Kellen Squire
Kelly Burk
Ken Buck
Ken Cuccinelli
Kenny Boddye
Kenny Brown
Kevin Carroll
Kevin Hern
Kip Parsons
Kris Amundson
Lamont Bagby
Lance Allen
Lashrecse Aird
Laura Downs
Laura Hughes
Laura Jane Cohen
Lauren Boebert
Lee Carter
Lewis Combs
Libby Garvey
Lillie Jessie
Lisa Merkel
Louis B. Gohmert Jr.
Louise Lucas
Luke Radley Wright
Luke Torian
Makya Little
Mamie Locke
Marco Rubio
Marcus Simon
Margaret Franklin
Mark Cole
Mark Green
Mark Obenshain
Mark Peake
Mark Sickles
Marsha Garst
Marti Graham
Martin Helsley
Mary Miller
Mary Minor
Matt Cline
Matt de Ferranti
Matthew Cross
Matthew Gabriele
Matt Rosendale
Matt Royer
Maureen Siegmund
Max Fisher
Max Miller
Megan Lockwood
Megan McLaughlin
Melanie Meren
Melissa Anderson
Melissa Dart
Michael Hevener
Michael P. Mullin
Michael Rivera
Michael Van Meter
Michael Waltz
Michael Webert
Michael Wray
Michelle Davis Younger
Michelle Maldonado
Michelle Ogburn
Mickey Johnson
Mike Braun
Mike Carey
Mike Cherry
Mike Hedrick
Mike Holmes
Mike Johnson
Mike Lee
Mike Meredith
Mike Newman
Mike Pence
Mike Pruitt
Mike Rickard
Mike Rogers
Monae Nickerson
Naila Alam
Nancy Pelosi
Newt Gingrich
Nick Freitas
Nikki Baldwin
Norma Margulies
Pat Baker
Patti Lyman
Paul Beran
Paul Ferguson
Paul Krizek
Penelope Gross
Perrie Johnson
Pete Ricketts
Pete Sessions
Philip Hamilton
Phyllis Randall
Rachna Heizer
Radhika Murari
Raheel Sheikh
Raiford Beasley
Ralph Norman
Ralph Northam
Randy Forbes
R.C. Sullivan Jr.
Rebecca Geller
Rebecca Longnaker
Richard Anderson
Richard Stuart
Rich McCormick
Rick Perry
Rick Randolph
Robert B. Weir
Robert C. Scott
Robert J. Wittman
Robert Thomas Jr.
Robin Roopnarine
Rodney Lusk
Ronny L. Jackson
Ron Paul
Rudy Yakym
Ruth Anderson
Ryan Girdusky
Saddam Salim
Sally Hudson
Sam Rasoul
Sara Allison
Sarah Kahle
Schuyler VanValkenburg
Scott Perry
Scott Surovell
Sean Perryman
Selonia Miles
Shannon Dillon
Shannon Taylor
Sharon Ashurst
Sharon Bulova
Shaun Peet
Shelly Arnoldi
Sherri Story
Shirley Stewart
Spencer Drake
Srilekha Palle
Stacey Kincaid
Stella Pekarsky
Steve Newman
Steven Mosley
Steve Rogers
Steve Scalise
Steve Shockley
Steve T. Descano
Stuart Gibson
Suhas Subramanyam
Tamara Derenak Kaufax
Tara Vance
Taysha DeVaughan
Ted Cruz
Terry Kilgore
Terry McAuliffe
Tiffany Polifko
Tim Anderson
Tim Griffin
Tim Kaine
Timothy Carter
Tom Cotton
Tom Emmer
Tom Gordy
Tommy Scott
Tommy Tuberville
Tom Underwood
Tony O'Brien
Tony Wilt
Tracey Mann
Tyler Ohta
Victor Angry
Victoria Manning
Vivian Watts
Walter Alcorn
Warren Davidson
Warren Jeff Bain
Wendell Walker
William Carroll Woolf
Willie Bailey Sr.
Will Morefield
Winsome Earle-Sears
Wren Williams
Xi Van Fleet
Yesli Vega
Zach Nunn

List of endorsers (organizations)

1776 Project PAC
Albemarle County, Va., Democratic Party
Albemarle, Virg., Education Association
Alleghany-Covington County, Va., Republican Party
American Federation of Government Employees District 4
American Hindu Coalition
American Veterans Vote
American Women's Party
Amherst County, Va., Republican Party
Arlington County, Va., Democratic Party
Augusta County, Va., Republican Party
Bedford County, Va., Republican Party
Blue Virginia
Brunswick County, Va., Democratic Party
Campbell County, Va., Republican Party
CASA in Action
Catholics for Catholics
Change Makers PAC
Charlottesville (City), Va., Democratic Party
Charlottesville, Va., Pride
Chesapeake Democratic Committee
Chesterfield County, Va., Democratic Party
Chesterfield County, Va., Republican Party
Chesterfield Education Association
Citizens United Political Victory Fund
Clarke County, Va., Democratic Party
Clarke County, Va., Republican Party
Clean Virginia
Climate Cabinet Action
Club for Growth Action
College Republicans of America
Colonial Mount Vernon Republican Women's Club
Congressional Leadership Fund
Culpeper County 2A
Culpeper County, Va., Democratic Party
Culpeper County, Va., Republican Party
Defense of Democracy
Democratic Asian Americans of Virginia
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
District Five Forward
Emgage Action
EMILY's List
End Citizens United
Equality Virginia
Everytown for Gun Safety
Fairfax County Democratic Committee Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus
Fairfax County Federation of Teachers
Fairfax County Parents Association
Fairfax County Public Schools Pride
Fairfax County, Va., Democratic Party
Fairfax County, Va., Republican Party
Fairfax Education Association
Fauquier County, Va., Republican Party
Floyd County, Va., Democratic Party
Floyd County, Va., Republican Party
Forward Albemarle
Franklin County, Va., Democratic Party
Frederick County Strong
Frederick County, Va., Republican Party
Fredericksburg (City), Va., Democratic Party
Freedom Caucus of Virginia
Freedom Virginia
FreedomWorks for America
Freethought Equality Fund PAC
Futures PAC
Gays Against Groomers
Gloucester County, Va., Republican Party
Goochland County, Va., Republican Party
Greater Hampton Roads Black Democrats
Greater Peninsula Young Republicans, Virg.
Green Beret PAC
Greene County, Va., Democratic Party
Hate-Free Schools Coalition of Albemarle County
Henrico County, Va., Democratic Party
Henrico Education Association
Her Bold Move
Historic Triangle, Va., Democratic Party
House Conservatives Fund
Indian American Impact
Indivisible Charlottesville, Virg.
International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers Political Action League
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 26
Isle of Wight County, Va., Republican Party
Juntos Por Virginia
King William County, Va., Republican Party
Krimson Political Action Council
Latinos for America First
LGBTQ+ Victory Fund
Loudoun County Moms
Loudoun County Republican Women's Club
Loudoun County, Va., Democratic Party
Loudoun County, Va., Republican Party
Loudoun Education Association
Mathews Citizens for the Common Good
Mid-Atlantic Pipe Trades Association
Middle Resolution PAC
Moms Demand Action
Moms for America
Moms for Free and Appropriate Public Education
Moms for Liberty, Bedford County, Va.
Moms for Liberty, Montgomery County, Va.
Moms for Liberty, Prince William County, Va.
Montgomery County, Va., Democratic Party
Montgomery County, Va., Education Association
Montgomery County, Va., Republican Party
NAACP, Fairfax County, Va.
National Rifle Association
Neabsco, Va., Democratic Party
Network for Public Education Action
New Kent County, Va., Republican Party
Newport News (City), Va., Democratic Party
New Virginia Majority
Northern Virginia Labor Federation
Northumberland County, Va., Democratic Party
Orange County, Va., Republican Party
Organized Latino Advocates
Our Revolution
Parents Advocating for Spotsylvania Schools
Parents' Rights in Education
Patriot Parents
Patriot Women of Prince William
People for the American Way
Pittsylvania County, Va., Republican Party
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Virginia
Powhatan County, Va., Democratic Party
Powhatan County, Va., Republican Party
Prince Edward County, Va., Democratic Party
Prince Edward County, Va., Republican Party
Prince William Area Young Republicans
Prince William County, Va., Democratic Party
Prince William County, Va., Republican Party
Prince William Education Association
Progressive Change Campaign Committee
Project LPAC
Pulaski County, Va., Republican Party
Redwave PAC
Red Wine and Blue
Renew Virginia
Republican Women of Harrisonburg Rockingham County
Republican Women of Shenandoah County
Roanoke County, Va., Republican Party
Rockingham County, Va., Republican Party
Roe Your Vote Virginia
Run for Something
Russell County, Va., Republican Party
School Board Member Alliance
School Board Project
SEAL PAC Supporting Electing American Leaders PAC
Shenandoah GOP Freedom Caucus
Sierra Club Virginia
Spotsylvania County, Va., Democratic Party
Spotsylvania County, Va., Republican Party
Spotsy SOS
SSPS PAC, Spotsylvania, Va.
Stafford County, Va., Democratic Party
Stafford County, Va., Republican Party
Sterling, Va., Democratic Party
The Collective Political Action Committee
The NoVA Project
The Real Parents of Loudoun County
The Remembrance Project Action
The Washington Post Editorial Board
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada
United Mine Workers of America, Pennsylvania
Veterans for America First
Veterans for American First
Virginia 6th Cong. District Republican Committee
Virginia Citizens Defense League
Virginia Dems Latinos
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
Virginia Mavens
Virginia Muslim Business Chamber
Virginians for Children First
Virginians for Common Sense
Virginia Police Benevolent Association
Vote Pro-Choice
Warren County, Va., Republican Party
War Veterans Fund
Washington County, Va., Democratic Party
Washington County, Va., Republican Party
We the People for Education
Williamsburg-James City Education Association
Winchester, Frederick, Clarke, Va., Republican Womens Club
Woodbridge, Va., Republican Party
Working Families Party
Wythe County, Va., Republican Party
York County, Va., Republican Party
Young Republican Federation of Virginia

See also