City of Greenfield Sales Tax, Measure X (June 2012)

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A City of Greenfield Sales Tax, Measure X ballot question was on the June 5, 2012 ballot for voters in the City of Greenfield in Monterey County, where it was approved.

Measure X imposes a one-cent sales tax in the City of Greenfield. The tax will be in effect for 5 years.

Election results

Measure X
Approveda Yes 951 65.23%
These final results are from the Monterey County elections office.

Ballot text

The question on the ballot:

MEASURE X: "To prevent potential reduction of services to the Police Department, restore Police staffing and services; maintain the financial viability of the City; ensure adequate park maintenance, restore City Hall service hours and return Recreation Programs for youth; shall the City of Greenfield enact a one cent sales tax, which will sunset in 5 years, and be subject to review by an Oversight Committee, annual financial audits and public expenditure reports?"[1]

See also

External links

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  1. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.