Charter schools in the United States

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Education policy in the U.S.
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Charter schools in the U.S.
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Charter schools in NevadaCharter schools in AlaskaCharter schools in HawaiiCharter schools in ArizonaCharter schools in UtahCharter schools in New MexicoCharter schools in ColoradoCharter schools in WyomingCharter schools in CaliforniaCharter schools in OregonCharter schools in WashingtonCharter schools in IdahoCharter schools in MontanaCharter schools in North DakotaCharter schools in South DakotaCharter schools in NebraskaCharter schools in KansasCharter schools in OklahomaCharter schools in TexasCharter schools in MinnesotaCharter schools in IowaCharter schools in MissouriCharter schools in ArkansasCharter schools in LouisianaCharter schools in MississippiCharter schools in AlabamaCharter schools in WisconsinCharter schools in IllinoisCharter schools in TennesseeCharter schools in KentuckyCharter schools in IndianaCharter schools in MichiganCharter schools in OhioCharter schools in GeorgiaCharter schools in FloridaCharter schools in South CarolinaCharter schools in North CarolinaCharter schools in VirginiaCharter schools in West VirginiaCharter schools in PennsylvaniaCharter schools in New YorkCharter schools in VermontCharter schools in New HampshireCharter schools in MassachusettsCharter schools in Rhode IslandCharter schools in ConnecticutCharter schools in New JerseyCharter schools in DelawareCharter schools in MarylandCharter schools in MaineUS map.png

Charter schools are public schools operated independently of the public school system, either by nonprofit or for-profit organizations. The first charter school law was enacted in Minnesota in 1991. As of 2015, 43 states and the District of Columbia had enacted charter school laws. The seven states that had not are Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, and West Virginia. Use the map or the list below to click through and learn more about charter schools in your state.

List of state charter school pages