Charter school statistics for all 50 states

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In the 2015-2016 academic year, approximately 2.9 million students were enrolled in 6,824 charter schools nationwide. This represented roughly 5.9 percent of total public school enrollment.[1][2]

  • In the 2015-2016 school year, nearly 50 percent of the District of Columbia's public school students were enrolled in charter schools, a greater share than in any state.
  • In six states (as well as Washington, D.C.), charter school students accounted for more more than 10 percent of total public school enrollments.
  • California was home to 1,234 charter schools, 18 percent of the nationwide total and more than any other state.
  • The tables below summarize charter school participation and prevalence data for each state by school year.

    Charter school participation and prevalence

    Note: Click on a column heading to sort the data.

    2015-2016 academic year

    Charter school participation and prevalence, 2015-2016
    State Total number of charter schools Estimated enrollment Percentage of total public school enrollment
    Alabama 0 0 0.00%
    Alaska 28 6,700 5.00%
    Arizona 535 177,600 15.90%
    Arkansas 50 23,700 4.92%
    California 1,234 581,100 9.18%
    Colorado 226 108,800 12.26%
    Connecticut 24 8,900 1.68%
    Delaware 27 14,400 11.01%
    District of Columbia 115 39,000 49.87%
    Florida 656 282,500 10.36%
    Georgia 115 82,800 4.79%
    Hawaii 34 11,000 5.87%
    Idaho 48 21,100 7.20%
    Illinois 145 64,400 3.13%
    Indiana 91 40,300 3.92%
    Iowa 3 300 0.06%
    Kansas 10 2,800 0.57%
    Kentucky 0 0 0.00%
    Louisiana 143 80,100 11.21%
    Maine 7 1,500 0.84%
    Maryland 50 19,000 2.17%
    Massachusetts 81 40,300 4.28%
    Michigan 300 149,100 9.85%
    Minnesota 165 48,200 5.55%
    Mississippi 2 200 0.04%
    Missouri 68 20,800 2.28%
    Montana 0 0 0.00%
    Nebraska 0 0 0.00%
    Nevada 38 34,000 7.41%
    New Hampshire 26 3,200 1.76%
    New Jersey 89 44,600 3.29%
    New Mexico 99 25,700 7.53%
    New York 257 125,800 4.66%
    North Carolina 161 82,000 5.30%
    North Dakota 0 0 0.00%
    Ohio 373 132,000 7.77%
    Oklahoma 35 20,000 2.92%
    Oregon 127 31,500 5.36%
    Pennsylvania 175 141,200 8.10%
    Rhode Island 28 7,200 5.21%
    South Carolina 68 31,300 4.15%
    South Dakota 0 0 0.00%
    Tennessee 100 33,300 3.32%
    Texas 723 282,900 5.39%
    Utah 111 64,800 10.03%
    Vermont 0 0 0.00%
    Virginia 9 1,200 0.09%
    Washington 0 0 0.00%
    West Virginia 0 0 0.00%
    Wisconsin 244 44,800 5.15%
    Wyoming 4 500 0.53%
    United States total 6,824 2,930,600 5.85%
    Sources: National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, "A Closer Look at the Charter School Movement," accessed June 27, 2016
    National Center for Education Statistics, "Table 203.20. Enrollment in public elementary and secondary schools, by region, state, and jurisdiction: Selected years, fall 1990 through fall 2025," accessed June 27, 2016

    2013-2014 academic year

    2012-2013 academic year

    See also

    External links
