Chart of 2011 ballot measure changes

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Citizen initiative changes

Below is a chart depicting the changes in the number of citizen initiatives on statewide ballots when comparing the two most recent odd election years: 2009 and 2011. All 26 initiative and referendum states are listed in the chart.

  • It must be noted that 21 of the 26 I&R states do not have any citizen initiatives on their 2011 ballot. Of the 9 total states with measures on the ballot, 5 are initiative and referendum states: Colorado, Maine, Mississippi, Ohio and Washington. All five initiative states have initiatives on the 2011 ballot.

Chart statistics

  • 2011 features 4 more initiatives than 2009
  • Maine featured less initiatives (2) on their 2011 ballot than 2009
  • Colorado, Mississippi, Ohio and Washington all saw initiatives increases on their 2011 ballots
  • Of the five states, Colorado and Mississippi did not have initiatives on the 2009 ballot.


     Less initiatives than 2009 ballot -      More initiatives than 2009 ballot +      Biggest change

I&R State Number of initiatives in 2009 Number of initiatives in 2011 Change between the two years
Alaska 0 0 0
Arizona 0 0 0
Arkansas 0 0 0
California 0 0 0
Colorado 0 1 +1
Florida 0 0 0
Idaho 0 0 0
Illinois 0 0 0
Louisiana 0 0 0
Maine 5 3 -2
Maryland 0 0 0
Massachusetts 0 0 0
Michigan 0 0 0
Mississippi 0 3 +3
Missouri 0 0 0
Montana 0 0 0
Nebraska 0 0 0
Nevada 0 0 0
New Mexico 0 0 0
North Dakota 0 0 0
Ohio 1 2 +1
Oklahoma 0 0 0
Oregon 0 0 0
South Dakota 0 0 0
Utah 0 0 0
Washington 2 3 + 1
Wyoming 0 0 0
Totals: 8 12 +4

Legislative referral changes

The following chart displays the changes in legislative referrals when comparing the two most recent odd-numbered election years: 2009 and 2011. Included in the chart's statistics are both legislatively referred constitutional amendments and legislatively referred state statutes.

Chart statistics

  • Three states did not have legislative referrals on the ballot in 2009, but did in 2011.
  • California (-6) and Louisiana (+6) had the most significant changes in the number legislative referrals on the ballot.
  • 2011 has two less referrals on the ballot than 2009.
  • Texas is the only state with a double digit number of referrals on both the 2009 and 2011 ballots.
  • California is the only state that did not have any legislative referrals on the ballot in 2011.


     Significant change (3 or more)      No change

State Number of referrals in 2009 Number of referrals in 2011 Change between the two years
Arkansas 0 1 +1
California 6 0 -6
Louisiana 0 6 +6
Maine 2 1 -1
New Jersey 1 1 0
New York 2 0 -2
Ohio 2 1 -1
Texas 11 10 -1
Washington 0 2 +2
Totals: 24 22 -2

See also