Campaign finance agencies in Texas

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In Texas, there is one primary agency involved in campaign finance regulation: the Texas Ethics Commission.

See also: Campaign finance requirements in Texas


The Texas Ethics Commission was created on November 5, 1991, by an amendment to the state constitution. The agency is responsible for the filing of campaign finance reports and enforcement of Title 15 of the Texas Election Code, which is concerned with political contributions and finances.[1]


The Texas Ethics Commission consists of eight members. Members are appointed to four-year terms. Four are appointed by the governor, two by the lieutenant governor, and two by the speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. The tables below provide information on the members and staff of the Texas Ethics Commission.[2][3]

Texas Ethics Commission—members as of July 2015
Name Position Appointment End of term
Hugh C. Akin Member Lt. Governor 11/19/2017
Jim Clancy Member Governor 11/19/2017
Wilhelmina Delco Member Lt. Governor 11/19/2015
Tom Harrison Member Governor 11/19/2011
Paul W. Hobby Chair Speaker 11/19/2015
Bob Long Member Governor 11/19/2015
Tom Ramsay Member Governor 11/19/2017
Chase Untermeyer Vice Chair Speaker 11/19/2017
Note: Although Harrison’s term appeared to have expired in 2011, it was unclear as of July 2015 whether he was still serving on the commission.
Source:, "Commissioners," November 20, 2014
Texas Ethics Commission—staff as of July 2015
Name Position
Natalia Luna Ashley Executive Director
John Moore Director of Enforcement
Robbie Douglas Director of Disclosure Filing
Jessie Haug Director of Computer Services
Michael McElhaney CFO/Director of Administration
Source:, "Contact Us," May 29, 2014

Agency budget

In fiscal year 2014, general fund spending for the commission equaled $5,495,463. This represented a 285 percent increase over the previous fiscal year.[4]

Texas Ethics Commission—agency budget
Fiscal year General funds budget
2012 $1,920,420
2013 $1,923,813
2014 $5,495,463
Source:, "Operating Budget 2014," accessed July 29, 2015

Electronic reporting system

The Texas Ethics Commission hosts an online filing system for candidates, PACs, lobbyists, and parties. The filed reports can be accessed here.[5]

Contact information

Texas Ethics Commission

P. O. Box 12070
Austin, TX 78711-2070
Telephone: (512) 463-5800
Fax: (512) 463-5777

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance Texas. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
