Campaign finance agencies in South Dakota

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In South Dakota, there are two primary agencies involved in campaign finance regulation: the South Dakota Secretary of State and the South Dakota Attorney General. The former processes campaign finance reports, and the attorney general is responsible for enforcement of campaign finance law.[1]

See also: Campaign finance requirements in South Dakota

South Dakota Secretary of State


The South Dakota Secretary of State has authority over the filing of campaign finance disclosure statements. The agency adopts forms and collects filing information from candidates and committees. The secretary of state also chairs the state board of elections, which is authorized to set election rules.[1][2][3]


South Dakota state statutes provide for a seven-member state board of elections, with the secretary of state serving as the chair. Other board members are appointed by the state legislature, with two as county auditors. The table below provides information about the board.[3]

South Dakota State Board of Elections—members as of July 2015
Name Position Appointment Telephone Email address Term expiration date
Cindy Brugman Codington County Auditor Speaker of the House (605) 882-6297 01/31/2017
Drew Duncan Member Senate Republican Leader (605) 297-4446 01/31/2017
Mitch LaFleur Member House Republican Leader (605) 348-4200 01/31/2018
Richard D. Casey Deputy State's Attorney, Minnehaha County House Democratic Leader (605) 367-4226 1/31/2016
Shantel Krebs Secretary of State, Chairman Virtue of Office (605) 773-3537 01/15/2019
Pam L Lynde Deuel County Auditor Speaker of the House (605) 874-2312 01/31/2019
Linda Lea M Viken Member Senate Democratic Leader (605) 721-7230 01/31/2019
Source:, "Board of Elections", accessed July 29, 2015

Agency budget, 2003-2016

The budget for the office of the secretary of state for fiscal year 2016 was $4,618,080. This represented a 5 percent decrease from the prior year. The table below provides information on the office's budget for previous years.[4]

South Dakota Secretary of State—total budget
Fiscal year Total budget
2016 $4,618,080
2015 $4,864,404
2014 $4,519,664
2013 $4,585,167
2012 $4,451,159
2011 $4,558,672
2010 $4,561,767
2009 $4,440,382
2008 $4,413,814
2007 $4,430,207
2006 $6,410,328
2005 $1,577,207
2004 $1,555,636
2003 $1,116,903
Source:, "State Budget," accessed July 29, 2015

Electronic reporting system

The South Dakota Secretary of State offers an online system for campaign finance report filing. As of July 2015, the system had been taken offline for upgrades.[5]

South Dakota Attorney General


The South Dakota Attorney General is responsible for the enforcement of campaign finance law. The attorney general is also authorized to investigate violations of the law. The attorney general has the power to bring criminal or civil actions against violators. The attorney general may inspect the records of any candidate or committee for the purpose of enforcing campaign finance law.[1][6]

Agency budget

As of fiscal year 2016, the total budget for the office of the South Dakota Attorney General was $24,789,395. The table below provides information on the office's budget for previous years.[4]

South Dakota Attorney General—total budget
Fiscal year Total budget
2016 $24,789,395
2015 $23,960,402
2014 $23,409,456
2013 $23,560,119
2012 $20,981,510
2011 $21,254,205
2010 $20,094,360
2009 $18,381,004
2008 $17,589,168
2007 $21,235,739
2006 $16,042,538
2005 $14,801,763
2004 $13,437,788
2003 $13,220,613
Source:, "State Budget," accessed July 29, 2015

Contact information

South Dakota Secretary of State

Capitol Building
500 East Capitol Avenue Ste 204
Pierre, SD 57501-5070
Telephone: (605) 773-3537
Fax: (605) 773-6580

South Dakota Attorney General

1302 E Hwy 14
Suite 1
Pierre SD 57501-8501
Telephone: (605) 773-3215
Fax: (605) 773-4106

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Campaign finance South Dakota. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

State Executive Officials

External links
