Campaign for Liberty

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Campaign for Liberty
Campaign for Liberty.png
President:John Tate

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119th Congress

Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c)(4) political organization founded by former Rep. Ron Paul.[1] The Campaign for Liberty focuses on continuing the "Ron Paul Revolution" that was created during Paul's 2008 presidential campaign.


A proposal for the group was announced on June 12, 2008, as a way of continuing the grassroots support involved in Ron Paul's 2008 presidential campaign, and corresponded with the suspension of Ron Paul's campaign. Paul formally announced its creation during the Texas Republican Convention.[2]

Mission statement

The mission of the Campaign for Liberty is "to promote and defend the principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and non-interventionism, by means of educational and political activity."[3]


According to Ron Paul, the purpose of the Campaign for Liberty is to continue the principles that invoked the grassroots support of his campaign, and to also be able to continue the message that he promoted during the course of his bid, without having a presidential campaign, and is also intended to "lay the groundwork for a different America." Paul also noted,[4] "The time has come to act on these words. May future generations look back on our work and say that these were men and women who, in a moment of great crisis, stood up to the politicians, the opinion-molders, and the establishment, and saved their country."

It was also established as a reporting agency for news involved with the principles of the organization.


  • President: John F. Tate
  • Vice President of Programs: Matthew Hawes
  • Assistant to the President: Amanda Lee
  • Director of Legislation: Tim Shoemaker
  • Direct of Membership: Matthew Burrow
  • Vice President of Policy: Norman Singleton

Funding and Foundation

Ron Paul founded the Campaign for Liberty with a portion of the over $4.7 million left from his presidential campaign. The organization is funded through donations by both mail and the internet.


Petition to defund Obamacare

Senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio found agreement in defunding President Barack Obama’s health care law in August 2013 and both of the senators are gathering petitions to defund the law.[5]

The Campaign for Liberty, which is chaired by Paul’s father Ron Paul, has been sharply critical of Rubio’s stances on foreign affairs and immigration reform.[5] However, the Campaign for Liberty and Rubio stressed similar lines of attack against Obama’s health care law.[5]

In a message sent out to supporters on August 23, 2013, John Tate, the president of the Campaign for Liberty, pointed toward Congress returning to Washington in September. “Another opportunity may not come around until it is too late to reverse the damage Obamacare is doing to our health care and our liberty,” Tate insisted. “Next month, Congress will consider a ‘continuing resolution’ (CR) to keep taxpayer dollars flowing to the federal bureaucracy. Senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul are spearheading an effort to attach language defunding Obamacare to the CR. This would force President Obama, Harry Reid, and their statist cronies to choose between funding all their other big-spending schemes or defunding what they see as their signature ‘accomplishment.’”[5]

Tate offered harsh words for some of the GOP leadership in the Republican-controlled House. “Some Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, are heading for the tall grass, claiming it would be ‘irresponsible’ to force Obama to choose between admitting his health care plan is a disaster or funding his other favorite programs,” Tate insisted. “They would rather bask in the approval of the Beltway media than obey their promise to you to fight to repeal Obamacare.”[5]

The Campaign for Liberty is running a petition calling for the defunding of the health care law.[5]

Rally for the Republic

On June 10, 2008, the Ron Paul Campaign announced the first promotional event for the organization, a "Rally for the Republic." After being denied a speaking slot at the 2008 Republican convention, Ron Paul, who is not supporting GOP nominee John McCain, decided to stage his own parallel convention in Minneapolis.[6] This event occurred at the Target Center on September 2, 2008, which was the second day of the GOP Convention.[7] On July 22, 2008, the event's official website launched, which provided details of the Rally, and of other events which were to occur in the same week including a leadership summit, book signing, and free concert.[8] Notable attendees were announced, including MSNBC's Tucker Carlson, former governor Jesse Ventura, former governor Gary E. Johnson, Barry Goldwater Jr., Bruce Fein, Howard Phillips, Thomas Woods, Bill Kauffman, Erik Vendt, Grover Norquist, Lew Rockwell, Barb Davis White and Doug Wead. Country music's Sara Evans, singer/songwriter Aimee Allen and Rockie Lynne headlined the musical portion of the event.[9][10] Tickets for the main event went on sale for $17.76 on July 25th. Over half of them sold within 12 hours.[11], and by September 1, the more than 10,000 tickets were sold out.[12] Most of the rally was broadcast live on C-SPAN 2 and a live stream was set up on the Campaign for Liberty website.

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for "Campaign+ for + Liberty"

All stories may not be relevant to this organization due to the nature of the search engine.

See also

External links
