California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)

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California Proposition 6
Flag of California.png
Election date
November 4, 1930
Defeatedd Defeated
Constitutional amendment
State legislature

California Proposition 6 was on the ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in California on November 4, 1930. It was defeated.

A “yes” vote supported requiring the state to pay taxes to counties, municipalities, or political subdivisions on toll bridges acquired by the state where such taxes are required until the state ceases to collect fees for the bridge.

A “no” vote opposed requiring the state to pay taxes to counties, municipalities, or political subdivisions on toll bridges acquired by the state where such taxes are required until the state ceases to collect fees for the bridge.

Election results

California Proposition 6

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 493,086 48.32%

Defeated No

527,434 51.68%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Proposition 6 was as follows:

Taxation of Toll Bridges Acquired by State

Ballot summary

The ballot summary for this measure was:

Senate Constitutional Amendment 45. Amends Section 1 of Article XIII of Constitution. Declares toll bridge property, acquired by State or governmental agency thereof, continues subject to taxation by county, municipality or political subdivision, wherein same is located, during life of original franchise, and State shall pay amounts due under franchise to county or city and county granting same; but whenever State ceases to collect tolls upon such property, and it becomes free to public use, it shall be exempt from taxation and thereafter State shall make no payments under franchise provisions.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Amending the California Constitution

A two-thirds vote was needed in each chamber of the California State Legislature to refer the constitutional amendment to the ballot for voter consideration.

See also

External links
