California Proposition 2, School District Bond Measure (1954)

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California Proposition 2
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Election date
November 2, 1954
Bond issues
Approveda Approved
Constitutional amendment
State legislature

California Proposition 2 was on the ballot as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in California on November 2, 1954. It was approved.

A “yes” vote supported allowing for the issuance of bonds up to $100,000,000 for school district buildings and equipment and establishing the terms of such bonds.

A “no” vote opposed allowing for the issuance of bonds up to $100,000,000 for school district buildings and equipment and establishing the terms of such bonds.

Election results

California Proposition 2

Result Votes Percentage

Approved Yes

2,758,076 80.07%
No 686,507 19.93%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Proposition 2 was as follows:

School Bonds

Ballot summary

The ballot summary for this measure was:

Senate Constitutional Amendment No.3. Directs issue and sale of $100,000,000 of State bonds to provide loans and grants to school districts to be used for such purposes as school site acquisition and improvement, school building construction and alteration, and school furniture and equipment purchase, as well as for expenses of bond issue and of administration. Permits Legislature to reduce total bond issue by appropriation of other money or to augment bond proceeds by additional appropriation. Provides that fund allocation shall be regulated by Legislature, which shall require districts to repay State according to their ability.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

A simple majority vote was needed in each chamber of the California State Legislature to refer the measure to the ballot for voter consideration.

See also

External links
