Canyons School District, Utah

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Canyons School District
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Salt Lake County, Utah
District details
Superintendent: Rick Robins
# of school board members: 7
Website: Link

Canyons School District is a school district in Utah.

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This information is updated as we become aware of changes. Please contact us with any updates.

Rick Robins is the superintendent of the Canyons School District. Briscoe was appointed superintendent in 2020. Robins' previous career experience includes working as a superintendent with Juab School District in Nephi, Utah, as a school principal with Juab High School, and as a history teacher with Copper Hills High School in the Jordan School District in Utah.[1]

Past superintendents

  • James Briscoe was the superintendent of the Canyons School District from 2014 to 2020. Briscoe's previous career experience included working as a middle school teacher, dean of students, and high school principal.[2]

School board

The Canyons School District Board of Education consists of seven members elected to four-year terms. Members are elected by-district.[3]

This officeholder information was last updated on May 14, 2024. Please contact us with any updates.


See also: Canyons School District elections in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, & 2024

Members of the Canyons School District Board of Education are elected to four-year terms. Elections are held in November of even-numbered years.[3]

Three seats on the Canyons School District school board in Utah were up for general election on November 5, 2024. A primary was scheduled for June 25, 2024.

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Public participation in board meetings

The Canyons School District Board of Education maintains the following policy on public testimony during board meetings:[4]

Patron Comment Instructions:
  1. Patron comment time is limited to residents and taxpayers of Canyons District, students and parents of current students, and current employees of the District, except with prior approval of Board Leadership.
  2. Patrons wishing to provide public comment are asked to write their names on the provided sign-up sheet at least 15 minutes before the published start time of the meeting. Participants must note the agenda item or topic they wish to address and whether they represent a group.
  3. When several people share the same opinion, the Board Leadership may ask individuals to select a representative spokesperson.
  4. Speakers who are seeking an elected or an appointed position must mention their candidacy.
  5. Patrons may provide Board members with written documents pertaining to their comments. These documents must be submitted to the Board Secretary at the meeting or emailed to the Office of Public Communication at by noon of the day following the Board meeting.
  6. Time allotted for individual public comment is at the discretion of the Board President. Generally, individuals receive three minutes, and groups receive five minutes. The time set aside for all Patron Comments will be up to 45 minutes but may be extended at the discretion of the Board President.
  7. At the discretion of the Board, individual patrons may be limited from addressing the same issue more than once in a three-month period.
  8. Patrons who do not have a seat in the Board chambers will be asked to find a seat in overflow seating.
  9. To encourage civil discourse and respect of all opinions, patrons may not bring signs or posters into the Board Chambers and are asked to refrain from applause during the duration of the Board meeting.
  10. Comments made are part of the public record of the meeting.[5]

District map


The following statistics were published by the National Center for Education Statistics, which is a part of the U.S. Department of Education.[6]

Revenue, 2020-2021
Federal: $33,399,000 $971 8%
Local: $211,917,000 $6,163 52%
State: $159,333,000 $4,634 39%
Total: $404,649,000 $11,769
Expenditures, 2020-2021
Total Expenditures: $473,946,000 $13,784
Total Current Expenditures: $326,084,000 $9,483
Instructional Expenditures: $195,861,000 $5,696 41%
Student and Staff Support: $39,858,000 $1,159 8%
Administration: $40,941,000 $1,190 9%
Operations, Food Service, Other: $49,424,000 $1,437 10%
Total Capital Outlay: $127,772,000 $3,716
Construction: $107,774,000 $3,134
Total Non El-Sec Education & Other: $1,754,000 $51
Interest on Debt: $17,152,000 $498

Teacher salaries

The following salary information was pulled from the district's teacher salary schedule. A salary schedule is a list of expected compensations based on variables such as position, years employed, and education level. It may not reflect actual teacher salaries in the district.

Year Minimum Maximum
2023-2024[7] $59,350 $96,400
2021-2022[8][9] $51,850 $102,835

Academic performance

Each year, state and local education agencies use tests and other standards to assess student proficiency. Although the data below was published by the U.S. Department of Education, proficiency measurements are established by the states. As a result, proficiency levels are not comparable between different states and year-over-year proficiency levels within a district may not be comparable because states may change their proficiency measurements.[10]

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 49 46 15-19 22 <=10 50 56
2018-2019 54 53 15-19 27 15-19 58 61
2017-2018 55 56 20-24 28 20-24 58 61
2016-2017 54 57 20-24 27 25-29 59 60
2015-2016 53 59 15-19 26 20-24 53 59
2014-2015 49 55 20-24 25 15-19 51 55
2013-2014 48 56 15-19 23 10-14 50 53
2012-2013 79 81 50-54 60 60-64 81 83
2011-2012 78 83 50-54 56 55-59 76 82
2010-2011 74 76 45-49 54 55-59 66 78

The following table shows the percentage of district students who scored at or above the proficiency level each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2020-2021 53 50 20-24 27 11-19 55 60
2018-2019 56 52 25-29 30 20-24 59 63
2017-2018 54 51 25-29 28 30-34 53 61
2016-2017 53 55 20-24 27 25-29 58 59
2015-2016 54 58 25-29 29 15-19 58 60
2014-2015 51 55 20-24 26 15-19 55 56
2013-2014 51 54 25-29 27 10-14 54 56
2012-2013 85 86 60-64 69 65-69 89 89
2011-2012 84 86 55-59 67 55-59 82 88
2010-2011 83 82 60-64 66 55-59 81 86

The following table shows the graduation rate of district students each school year:

School year All (%) Asian/Pacific Islander (%) Black (%) Hispanic (%) Native American (%) Two or More Races (%) White (%)
2019-2020 90 >=95 80-89 81 >=50 85-89 93
2015-2016 86 85-89 >=50 73 >=50 85-89 88
2014-2015 86 90-94 60-69 70 40-59 85-89 89
2013-2014 84 80-84 50-59 72 40-59 85-89 87
2012-2013 83 70-74 60-79 60-64 60-79 90-94 86
2011-2012 83 75-79 60-69 60-64 40-59 80-89 86
2010-2011 83 75-79 60-79 60-64 40-59 70-79 87


Year Enrollment Year-to-year change (%)
2022-2023 33,386 -0.9
2021-2022 33,702 -2.0
2020-2021 34,383 -2.2
2019-2020 35,127 -0.6
2018-2019 35,330 2.3
2017-2018 34,512 0.0
2016-2017 34,520 0.3
2015-2016 34,423 0.8
2014-2015 34,142 -0.7
2013-2014 34,394 1.3
2012-2013 33,951 0.0
2011-2012 33,946 0.7
2010-2011 33,714 0.1
2009-2010 33,678 0.0
2008-2009 0 0.0
2007-2008 0 0.0
2006-2007 0 0.0
2005-2006 0 0.0
2004-2005 0 0.0
2003-2004 0 0.0
2002-2003 0 0.0
2001-2002 0 0.0
2000-2001 0 0.0
1999-2000 0 0.0
Racial Demographics, 2022-2023
RACE Canyons School District (%) Utah K-12 STUDENTS (%)
American Indian/Alaska Native 0.4 1.0
Asian or Asian/Pacific Islander 2.7 1.7
Black 1.6 1.3
Hispanic 18.4 19.6
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 1.3 1.7
Two or More Races 5.6 3.4
White 70.0 71.3

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.


As of the 2022-2023 school year, Canyons School District had 1,529.76 full-time classroom teachers. The student-teacher ratio was 21.82.

Teachers, 2022-2023 school year
Prekindergarten: 22.32
Kindergarten: 80.85
Elementary: 522.22
Secondary: 755.62
Total: 1,529.76

Canyons School District employed 20.00 district administrators and 89.88 school administrators as of the 2022-2023 school year.

Administrators, 2022-2023 school year
District Administrators: 20.00
District Administrative Support: 0.00
School Administrators: 89.88
School Administrative Support: 0.00
Other staff, 2022-2023 school year
Instructional Aides: 0.00
Instruc. Coordinators & Supervisors: 145.34
Total Guidance Counselors: 70.44
Elementary Guidance Counselors: 17.70
Secondary Guidance Counselors: 52.74
Librarians/Media Specialists: 12.99
Library/Media Support: 0.00
Student Support Services: 127.03
Other Support Services: 0.00


The Canyons School District operates 50 schools. They are listed below in alphabetical order.
List of schools
Albion Middle9586-8
Alta High2,2948-12
Altara School538KG-5
Alta View School581KG-5
Bella Vista School202KG-5
Brighton High2,3608-12
Brookwood School389KG-5
Butler Middle8956-8
Butler School605KG-5
Canyons Online163KG-8
Canyons Technical Education Center07-12
Canyons Transition Academy4612-12
Canyons Virtual High School06-12
Canyon View School500KG-5
Copperview School399KG-5
Corner Canyon High2,4348-12
Crescent School423KG-5
Diamond Ridge High School976-12
Draper Park Middle1,4946-8
Draper School677KG-5
East Midvale School516KG-5
Eastmont Middle5946-8
East Sandy School377KG-5
Glacier Hills Elementary586KG-5
Goldminer'S Daughter5KG-8
Granite School355KG-5
Hillcrest High2,2968-12
Indian Hills Middle1,1146-8
Jordan High1,7858-12
Jordan Valley School98KG-12
Lone Peak School580KG-5
Midvale Middle9076-8
Midvale School722KG-5
Midvalley School549KG-5
Mt. Jordan Middle7766-8
Oakdale School397KG-5
Oak Hollow School570KG-5
Park Lane School343KG-5
Peruvian Park School505KG-5
Quail Hollow School452KG-5
Ridgecrest School547KG-5
Sandy School512PK-5
Silver Mesa School577KG-5
Special Ed Preschool340PK-PK
Sprucewood School319KG-5
Sunrise School602KG-5
Union Middle8626-8
Willow Canyon School356KG-5
Willow Springs School664KG-5

Contact information

Canyons School District logo.png

Canyons School District
9361 S. 300 East
Sandy, UT 84070
Phone: 801-826-5000

About school boards

Education legislation in Utah

Bills are monitored by BillTrack50 and sorted by action history.

See also

Utah School Board Elections News and Analysis
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External links
