Controller (state executive office)

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State Executive Offices
GovernorLt. GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralTreasurerAuditorSuperintendent of SchoolsInsurance CommissionerControllerAgriculture CommissionerNatural Resources CommissionerLabor CommissionerPublic Service CommissionerState Board of EqualizationPublic Utilities CommissionerIndustrial Commission DirectorState Mine InspectorDepartment of Revenue CommissionerCommissioner of Energy and Environmental ProtectionChief Financial OfficerDirector of the Department of Economic OpportunityDirector of Commerce and Consumer AffairsState ExaminerGovernor's CouncilTransportation CommissionExecutive Director of Employment SecurityCommissioner of Management and BudgetTax CommissionerBoard of Elections
Elections by Year

Controller, also known as comptroller, is a state-level position in 20 states. Most controllers and comptrollers share duties similar to state treasurers, exercising varying powers related to budgetary and management matters.

  • The controller is popularly elected in 11 states and appointed in nine. Seven of those states are an appointment by the governor. The controller is appointed by the state legislature in Tennessee, by the state finance director in Alabama, and by the executive director of the Department of Personnel and Administration in Colorado.
  • In 2023, controller salaries ranged from $94,760 in Indiana to $222,252 in Tennessee.
  • Current officeholders

    List of All Current State Controllers in the United States:

    Office Name Party Date assumed office
    Alabama Comptroller Kathleen D. Baxter Nonpartisan August 2, 2017
    Alaska Comptroller Kayla Wisner Nonpartisan October 1, 2019
    California Controller Malia Cohen Democratic January 2, 2023
    Colorado Controller Robert Jaros Nonpartisan May 1, 2013
    Connecticut Comptroller Sean Scanlon Democratic January 4, 2023
    Idaho Controller Brandon Woolf Republican October 15, 2012
    Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza Democratic December 5, 2016
    Indiana Comptroller of State Elise Nieshalla Republican December 1, 2023
    Maryland Comptroller Brooke Elizabeth Lierman Democratic January 16, 2023
    Massachusetts Comptroller of the Commonwealth Bill McNamara Nonpartisan February 21, 2020
    Nevada Controller Andy Matthews Republican January 2, 2023
    New Hampshire State Comptroller Dana Call Nonpartisan 2017
    New Jersey Comptroller Kevin D. Walsh Nonpartisan January 27, 2020
    New Mexico State Controller Mark Melhoff Nonpartisan April 15, 2023
    New York Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Democratic February 7, 2007
    North Carolina State Controller Nels Roseland Nonpartisan July 1, 2022
    South Carolina Comptroller General Brian Gaines Democratic May 12, 2023
    Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury Jason Mumpower Republican January 13, 2021
    Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Glenn Hegar Republican January 1, 2015
    Virginia State Comptroller Scott Adams Nonpartisan August 23, 2024

    Method of selection

    The controller is popularly elected in 11 states and appointed in nine. Seven of those states are an appointment by the governor. The controller is appointed by the state Legislature in Tennessee, by the state finance director in Alabama, and by the executive director of the Department of Personnel and Administration in Colorado.

    Partisan affiliation

    See also

    External links
