Connecticut local trial court judicial elections, 2018

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Connecticut held general elections for probate court seats on November 6, 2018.

Ballotpedia provides comprehensive coverage of elections in America's 100 largest cities by population. This coverage extends to every office on the ballot for residents of these cities, including local trial court judges. Since this state did not have a city in the top 100, Ballotpedia did not cover local trial court judicial elections in this state in 2018. Click here to learn more about how the judges in this state are selected. Please consider donating to Ballotpedia to help us expand our coverage of these elections.

Election rules

See also: Partisan elections

Judges of the Connecticut Probate Courts are the only judges in the state to be chosen in partisan elections. They serve four-year terms that begin on the Wednesday after the first Monday in January following their election. At the end of their terms, judges must compete in contested re-elections if they wish to retain their seats.[1][2][3]

To serve on the probate court, a judge must be:[1]

  • a resident of the probate district;
  • over the age of 18; and
  • under the age of 70 (retirement at 70 is mandatory).

Connecticut utilizes a system of partisan nominations, primaries, and independent petitioning to garner candidates for partisan offices, including probate judges. There are several routes by which candidates could get on the ballot, which varied depending on the political affiliation of the candidate seeking office.

Pivot Counties

See also: Pivot Counties by state

One of eight Connecticut counties—12.5 percent—is a Pivot County. Pivot Counties are counties that voted for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012 and for Donald Trump (R) in 2016. Altogether, the nation had 206 Pivot Counties, with most being concentrated in upper midwestern and northeastern states.

Counties won by Trump in 2016 and Obama in 2012 and 2008
County Trump margin of victory in 2016 Obama margin of victory in 2012 Obama margin of victory in 2008
Windham County, Connecticut 7.78% 13.28% 14.68%

In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton (D) won Connecticut with 54.6 percent of the vote. Donald Trump (R) received 40.9 percent. In presidential elections between 1900 and 2016, Connecticut voted Republican 53.33 percent of the time and Democratic 46.67 percent of the time. In the five presidential elections between 2000 and 2016, Connecticut voted Democratic all five times.

Presidential results by legislative district

The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in Connecticut. Click [show] to expand the table. The "Obama," "Romney," "Clinton," and "Trump" columns describe the percent of the vote each presidential candidate received in the district. The "2012 Margin" and "2016 Margin" columns describe the margin of victory between the two presidential candidates in those years. The "Party Control" column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. Data on the results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections broken down by state legislative districts was compiled by Daily Kos.[4][5]

In 2012, Barack Obama (D) won 120 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 30.3 points. In 2016, Hillary Clinton (D) won 105 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 30.9 points. Clinton won 32 districts controlled by Republicans heading into the 2018 elections.
In 2012, Mitt Romney (R) won 31 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 8.6 points. In 2016, Donald Trump (R) won 46 out of 151 state House districts in Connecticut with an average margin of victory of 11.6 points. Trump won seven districts controlled by Democrats heading into the 2018 elections.

See also

Local courts Connecticut Other local coverage
Seal of Connecticut.png
Local Politics Image.jpg

External links
