Bill Atkinson
Bill Atkinson was the Constitution Party candidate in the special election for the Alabama House of Representatives, District 105. He ran to fill the vacancy created when Spencer Collier (R) resigned to take a position as director of the Alabama Department of Homeland Security. A special election to fill this seat was held May 10, 2011. A special election primary was held March 22, 2011.
Atkinson is the owner of Atkinson Nursery. He is also President of HOPE, the Honduras Orphans Provision Effort. He holds a master's degree in education and taught for six years before starting his nursery. He is married to his wife, Cindy. They have six children.[1]
Campaign themes
Atkinson's 2011 special election campaign site emphasizes several key policy positions and campaign themes:
- Constitution: "The Alabama State Legislature should call into account those in the Federal government who would ignore the U.S. Constitution, and should be equally zealous to protect our own state Constitution."
- Economic Development: "As a small business owner himself, Bill desires to help local industries, such as fishing and farming, by removing unnecessary and burdensome regulations. He will also support legislation that gives businesses freedom to grow and reach their full potential, thus helping the private sector create much needed jobs."
- Education: "We need to focus on bringing morality back to our schools, increasing parental involvement, making wise use of available funds, and promoting community and local direction for schools. Bill supports both vocational and charter schools as a step in the right direction..."
- Insurance Reform: "Having no ties to special interest groups or the insurance industry, Bill will be able to address insurance reform from an unbiased standpoint and will work diligently to end unethical insurance practices."
- Pro-Family (Marriage): "The Divinely instituted form of marriage is between one man and one woman. Bill will stand in defense of traditional marriage, and will not accept any legislation that encourages the breakdown of the family and society by “alternative” definitions."
- Pro-Life: "Life begins at conception and all people should be protected with no exceptions! As a state legislator, Bill will support the Personhood Act which declares a baby to be a person at conception and will end all abortion in the state of Alabama."
- 2nd Amendment: "Bill will be vigilant to protect Alabamians from any attempts to interfere with this freedom, whether threats come from the state level, or the national level in the form of U.N. treaties."
- Socialized Healthcare (Obamacare): "Bill will be persistent in continuing the battle for our liberties through an Alabama Healthcare Freedom Act, which protects the people of Alabama from being forced against their will into an unconstitutional healthcare system, or from being fined and penalized for not participating in Obamacare."
- Taxes: "Bill supports rolling property appraisals back to every four years and the “Fair Tax” system (based on the consumption of new products and services), to replace the current state income tax. Bill will not vote for any new taxes, but instead supports a more responsible budgeting of current state revenues."
- Tea Party: "Bill is presently working, and will continue to work, with our local Tea Parties to restore government to its proper Constitutional role and function."
Atkinson ran in the special election to fill the vacant House District 105 seat. He was defeated by Republican candidate David Sessions in the May 10 general election.[2][3]
Stanley was endorsed by:
External links
- Vote Bill Atkinson for Alabama House District 105
- Bill Aktinson on Twitter
- Bill Atkinson on Facebook