Bend-La Pine Schools elections (2015)

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School Board badge.png
2015 Bend-La Pine Schools Elections

General Election date:
May 19, 2015
Table of Contents
About the district
Method of election
What was at stake?
Key deadlines
Additional elections
External links
See also
Bend-La Pine Schools
Deschutes County, Oregon ballot measures
Local ballot measures, Oregon
Flag of Oregon.png

Four seats on the Bend-La Pine School Board were up for general election on May 19, 2015.

Zone 3 incumbent Andy High, Zone 4 incumbent Stuart Young, Zone 5 incumbent Ron Gallinat and Zone 6 incumbent Peggy Kinkade won re-election unopposed.[1]

See also: What was at stake in Bend-La Pine's 2015 School Board election?

About the district

See also: Bend-La Pine Schools, Oregon
Bend-La Pine Schools is located in Deschutes County, Ore.

Bend-La Pine Schools is based in Bend, the seat of county government in Deschutes County, which lies in central Oregon. The county was home to an estimated 165,954 residents in 2013, according to the United States Census Bureau.[2] Bend-La Pine Schools was the seventh-largest school district in the state serving 16,437 students in the 2011-2012 school year.[3]


Deschutes County outperformed Oregon as a whole in terms of higher education achievement and poverty rates in 2013. The United States Census Bureau found that 31.0 percent of county residents aged 25 years and older had earned a bachelor's degree or higher compared to 29.7 percent of residents statewide. The median household income in the county was $50,209 while it was $50,229 for the state. The percentage of persons below the poverty line in Deschutes County was 14.5 percent in comparison to 16.2 percent for the entirety of Oregon.[2]

Racial Demographics, 2013[2]
Race Deschutes County (%) Oregon (%)
White 94.8 88.1
Black or African American 0.5 2.0
American Indian and Alaska Native 1.1 1.8
Asian 1.0 4.1
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.2 0.4
Two or More Races 2.4 3.5
Hispanic or Latino 7.7 12.3

Presidential Voting Pattern, Deschutes County[4]
Year Democratic Vote Pacific Green Vote Libertarian Vote Republican Vote Other Vote
2012 36,961 600 1,038 42,463 838
2008 38,819 129 305 39,064 1,465
2004 31,179 210 360 41,757 542

Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Voter and candidate information

The Bend-La Pine School Board consists of seven members who are elected to four-year terms. Five of the seats, Zones 1 through 5, represent specific geographic zones; Zones 6 and 7 are at-large representatives. There was no primary election, and the general election for Zones 3, 4, 5 and 6 was May 19, 2015.

Candidates were required to file for the election by March 19, 2015. Voters were required to register by April 28, 2015, in order to vote in this election.




Zone 3

Andy High Green check mark transparent.png

Andy High.jpg

  • Incumbent
  • Member from 2013-2015
  • B.S., Western Oregon University
  • Staff vice president of government affairs and membership, Central OR Builders Association

Zone 4

Zone 5

Zone 6, at-large

Election results

Zone 3
Bend-La Pine Schools,
Zone 3 General Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngAndy High Incumbent 98.9% 8,841
     Nonpartisan Write-in votes 1.1% 98
Total Votes 8,939
Source: Deschutes County Public Records Center, "2015-05-19 - Canvass Report," June 3, 2015
Zone 4
Bend-La Pine Schools,
Zone 4 General Election, 2-year unexpired term term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngStuart Young Incumbent 99.2% 8,878
     Nonpartisan Write-in votes 0.8% 75
Total Votes 8,953
Source: Deschutes County Public Records Center, "2015-05-19 - Canvass Report," June 3, 2015
Zone 5
Bend-La Pine Schools,
Zone 5 General Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngRon Gallinat Incumbent 99.1% 8,795
     Nonpartisan Write-in votes 0.9% 82
Total Votes 8,877
Source: Deschutes County Public Records Center, "2015-05-19 - Canvass Report," June 3, 2015
At-Large Zone 6
Bend-La Pine Schools,
At-Large Zone 6 General Election, 4-year term, 2015
Party Candidate Vote % Votes
     Nonpartisan Green check mark transparent.pngPeggy Kinkade Incumbent 99.1% 8,926
     Nonpartisan Write-in votes 0.9% 83
Total Votes 9,009
Source: Deschutes County Public Records Center, "2015-05-19 - Canvass Report," June 3, 2015


No official endorsements were made in this election.

Campaign finance

No contributions or expenditures were reported during the election, according to the Oregon Secretary of State. Andy High had an existing account balance of $120.00 from his previous campaign, but he did not receive any new contributions nor make any expenditures in the 2015 election cycle.[5]

Candidates whose committees expected to receive or spend more than $3,500 in a calendar year were required to file campaign finance reports according to the following rules:[6]

  • Transactions occurring before March 7, 2015, were required to be filed by the 30th day after the date of the transaction.
  • Transactions between March 8, 2015, and April 6, 2015, were required to be filed on April 14, 2015.
  • Transactions between April 7, 2015, and May 19, 2015, were required to be filed by the seventh day after the date of the transaction.

Committees who did not expect to surpass the expenditure or contribution threshold were allowed to file a Certificate of Limited Contributions and Expenditures. If they later surpassed the limit, they were then required to file all transactions from the calendar year.[6]

Past elections

What was at stake?


This year's entirely unopposed school board election guaranteed the four incumbents who sought re-election would return to the board. The lack of opposition fit with the district's most recent election trends.

In 2013, five seats were filled in unopposed races, including two unopposed incumbents. In 2011, two of the four seats up for election were decided in unopposed races. Only one incumbent faced opposition and was successfully re-elected. A total of six candidates filed for all of the races combined making an average of 1.5 candidates per seat up for election. These elections have another commonality beyond low and no-contest races: 2011, 2013 and 2015 all featured a special election for an unexpired two-year term due to unscheduled seat changes.

Key deadlines

The following dates were key deadlines for the 2015 Oregon school board elections:[7][6]

Deadline Event
February 7, 2015-
March 19, 2015
Candidate filing period
March 19, 2015 Deadline for candidates to withdraw
March 23, 2015 Candidate statements for voters' pamphlet deadline
April 7, 2015-
May 19, 2015
Seven day campaign finance reporting period
April 14, 2015 Campaign finance report due
April 28, 2015 Voter registration deadline
May 5, 2015 Last day to mail ballots
May 19, 2015 Election Day
June 8, 2015 Certified election results deadline
June 23, 2015 Last day to file recount demand
July 1, 2015 New school board terms begin

Additional elections on the ballot

See also: Oregon elections, 2015

Library, parks and recreation, rural fire protection, sanitation and water district positions were also up for election on May 19, 2015.[8]

Recent news

This section links to a Google news search for the term "Bend + La + Pine + Schools + Oregon"

See also

External links
