Ballot measure signature costs, 2022

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Ballotpedia's cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) report analyzes the signature-gathering costs of ballot initiative campaigns. In 2022, 30 citizen-initiated measures[1] were on the ballot. Proponents of these initiatives conducted initiative petition signature drives and qualified to appear on the state's statewide ballot. Signature requirements such as the number of signatures required, maximum circulation periods, and other requirements vary by state.

CPRS is calculated as a campaign's total spending on signature gathering relative to the minimum number of signatures required. You can read more about how we measure signature gathering below.

For elections in 2022, 140 statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in 38 states. Of this total, 30 measures were citizen initiatives. Campaigns for these citizen-initiated measures spent a combined $118.29 million on signature gathering. The average CPRS in 2022 was $12.70, an increase from $8.09 in 2020, $6.19 in 2018, and $6.93 in 2016.

The average total petition drive cost for 2022 was $4.08 million, an increase from previous years. In 2020, the average total petition cost was $2.06 million. In 2018, the average cost was $1.13 million. In 2016, the average cost was $1.03 million. From 2016 to 2022, the average cost of a petition drive increased 297%.

The number of citizen-initiated measures that qualified for the ballot decreased 61% from 2016 to 2022, with 76 in 2016 and 30 in 2022.

  • $118.29 million was spent on signature drives for certified ballot initiatives in 2022.
  • $4.08 million was the average petition drive cost in 2022. In 2020, the average cost was $2.06 million.
  • $12.70 was the average CPRS for 2022. In 2020, the average CPRS was $8.09.
  • California Proposition 27 was the measure with the most expensive signature drive at $18.8 million.
  • Arizona Proposition 209 was the measure with the highest CPRS at $25.44.
  • Note: Ballotpedia was unable to calculate signature gathering costs for South Dakota Amendment D due to how expenditures are reported on the state's campaign finance website. Ballotpedia contacted the sponsoring campaign, South Dakotans Decide Healthcare. As this data is unavailable, South Dakota Amendment D is excluded from this report's analyses.

    See the sections below for further information on the following topics:

    1. Defining signature drive costs and CPRS
    2. Findings by costs, issues, and petition companies
    3. Data on petition drive costs
    4. Data on CPRS
    5. List of initiatives and signature drive costs
    6. Signature costs by state
    7. Signature costs compared to previous years
    8. Factors affecting signature costs


    See also: Ballot measures cost per required signatures analysis

    Campaigns spend funds to collect signatures. Campaigns hire signature-gathering companies, utilize unpaid volunteers, or use a mix of both. States have different ballot measure signature requirements and different population sizes, resulting in varied signature drive costs across states.

    This report uses two ways to measure the cost of an initiative or veto referendum petition drive:

    1. According to the total cost of gathering the required signatures to put an initiative on the ballot
    2. According to the total cost divided by the number of signatures required to qualify the measure for the ballot or cost per required signature (CPRS)

    The cost per required signature (CPRS) measures the costs based on the number of signatures required. CPRS allows us to compare the signature costs to get an initiative on the ballot within a state and between states. If a campaign spends $1 million on its petition drive and the state's signature requirement is 100,000, the CPRS is $10.00. In other words, the campaign spent $10.00 per required signature to qualify the initiative for the ballot.

    Analysis, averages, and highlights

    Total costs and averages

    • For elections in 2022, 140 statewide ballot measures were certified for the ballot in 38 states. Of this total, 30 measures were citizen-initiated ballot measures. In total, $118,285,971.56 was spent to collect signatures for these initiatives.
    • The average total petition cost for 2022 was $4.08 million. In 2020, the average total petition cost was $2.1 million. In 2018, the average cost was $1.2 million.
    • The average cost per required signature in 2022 was $12.70. In 2020, the average CPRS was $8.09. In 2018, it was $6.19.
    • In California, a total of $71.6 million was spent by six initiative campaigns to qualify the six initiatives for the 2022 ballot. California's average total cost for a successful petition drive in 2022 was $11.9 million. In 2020, the average cost of a successful petition drive in California was $4.36 million.
    • As a state, Arkansas had the highest average CPRS at $25.28. Sponsors of Arkansas Issue 4, a marijuana legalization initiative, hired Verified Arkansas, LLC and Advanced Micro Targeting to collect signatures for the petition to qualify this measure for the ballot. A total of $2,253,440.30 was spent to collect the 89,151 valid signatures required to put this measure before voters, resulting in a total cost per required signature (CPRS) of $25.28.
    • In 2022, the measure with the highest CPRS was Arizona Proposition 209. Sponsors of the measure, Arizonans Fed Up With Failing Healthcare, hired Fieldworks LLC to collect signatures for the petition to qualify this measure for the ballot. A total of $6,045,788.96 was spent to collect the 237,645 valid signatures required to put this measure before voters, resulting in a total cost per required signature (CPRS) of $25.44.

    Average total cost and average CPRS

    The following table shows the number of initiatives in the given state, the average CPRS in the state, and the average total cost of a petition drive in the state.

    Click on the arrows in the table below to sort it by column.

    State Initiatives Avg. CPRS Avg. total cost
    Arizona 2 $15.29 $3,632,894.48
    Arkansas 1 $25.28 $2,253,440.30
    California 6 $16.18 $11,936,073.68
    Colorado 6 $9.84 $1,226,242.73
    Massachusetts 3 $4.83 $450,616.67
    Michigan 2 $20.47 $8,700,095.00
    Missouri 1 $21.33 $3,659,401.28
    North Dakota 2 $9.61 $232,000.00
    Nebraska 2 $15.67 $1,684,667.22
    Nevada 1 $14.75 $2,000,000.00
    Oregon 2 $5.14 $739,816.28
    South Dakota[1] 1 $4.03 $68,435.54

    Most expensive petition drives

    The top five most expensive petition drives according to total cost were California Proposition 27, California Proposition 31, California Proposition 29, California Proposition 26, and Michigan Proposal 3.

    • Sponsors of California Proposition 27, an initiative to legalize sports betting, hired 2022 Campaigns Inc. to collect signatures for the petition to qualify the measure for the ballot. A total of $18,815,649.25 was spent to collect the 997,139 valid signatures required to put this measure before voters, resulting in a total cost per required signature (CPRS) of $18.87.
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    California Proposition 26, Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative (2022) American Indian issues 2020 Ballcamp LLC $10,827,151.95 997,139 $10.86
    California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative (2022) Gambling 2022 Campaigns Inc. $18,815,649.25 997,139 $18.87
    California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022) Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $13,374,336.75 623,212 $21.46
    California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum (2022) Tobacco 2020 Ballcamp LLC $13,699,810.05 623,212 $21.98
    Michigan Proposal 3, Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022) Abortion Fieldworks LLC $9,594,991.24 425,059 $22.57

    Petition costs by issue

    Topic Initiatives Lowest CPRS Highest CPRS Average CPRS
    Abortion 1 $22.57 $22.57 $22.57
    Alcohol 4 $0.40 $17.13 $6.42
    Firearms 1 $1.47 $1.47 $1.47
    Transportation 1 $0.08 $0.08 $0.08
    Tobacco 1 $21.98 $21.98 $21.98
    Drug Crime Policy 1 $19.12 $19.12 $19.12
    Education 1 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40
    Elections, campaigns, voting policy, campaign finance 7 $0.00 $18.36 $9.60
    Gambling 2 $10.86 $18.87 $14.87
    Healthcare 3 $6.68 $25.44 $17.86
    Housing 1 $17.61 $17.61 $17.61
    Marijuana 4 $4.03 $25.28 $14.83
    Minimum Wage 1 $13.85 $13.85 $13.85
    Taxes 2 $4.36 $13.51 $8.94

    By petition company

    Petition drive management companies are companies that contract with campaigns to collect signatures.

    Since some initiative petition drives used more than one company, some initiatives are counted more than once in the table below. Proponents of Colorado Proposition 123 hired Landslide Political and Blitz Canvassing. Proponents of Arkansas Issue 4 hired both Advanced Micro Targeting and Verified Arkansas, LLC. Proponents of some initiatives contracted with petition-gathering companies as well as individuals.

    Of the 30 certified citizen-initiated measures, Advanced Micro Targeting was the most-used petition company in 2022, with campaigns from five states (Arizona, Arkansas, Nebraska, Nevada, and North Dakota) qualifying initiatives for the ballot using the company's signature gathering services.

    Company Initiatives Avg. CPRS States involved
    2020 Ballcamp 2 $16.42 • California
    2022 Campaigns Inc. 3 $14.26 • California
    Advanced Micro Targeting 5 $12.48 • Arizona • Arkansas • Nebraska • Nevada • North Dakota
    Ballot Access Management 1 $6.68 • Massachusetts
    Blitz Canvassing 3 $13.03 • Colorado
    Eagle Campaigns LLC 1 $8.66 • North Dakota
    Fieldworks LLC 4 $21.93 • Michigan • Arizona • Missouri
    Kimball Petition Management 1 $21.46 • California
    Landslide Political 2 $18.37 • Colorado
    Osprey Field Services 1 $1.47 • Oregon
    Scotch Strategies 2 $0.40 • Colorado
    Spoonworks Inc. 1 $7.73 • Massachusetts
    The Outreach Team 1 $8.80 • Oregon
    Verified Arkansas, LLC 1 $6.34 • Arkansas
    Vanguard Field Strategies 1 $17.48 • Arkansas

    The Wine in Grocery Stores PAC, which sponsored Proposition 125 and Proposition 126, paid Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 for the purpose of signature gathering. The PAC reported $3,191,361.48 in expenditures to various entities for the purpose of consultant and professional services, which can include signature gathering expenditures. Ballotpedia could not determine whether those additional expenditures were signature-gathering costs.[2]

    South Dakota is not included in this chart because South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws accepted an in-kind contribution from New Approach Advocacy Fund for the purpose of signature gathering. The in-kind contribution was $68,435.54. As 16,961 valid signatures were required, the CPRS was $4.03.

    Total petition drive costs, 2022

    The following table shows the number of initiatives in the given state, the lowest, median, and highest petition drive cost, as well as the average total cost of a petition drive in the state, and the total cumulative cost of all signature drives in the state in 2022.

    Click on the arrows in the table below to sort it by column.

    State Initiatives Lowest Median Highest Average Cumulative cost in state
    Arizona 2 $1,220,000.00 $3,632,894.48 $6,045,788.96 $3,632,894.48 $7,265,788.96
    Arkansas 1 $2,253,440.30 $2,253,440.30 $2,253,440.30 $2,253,440.30 $2,253,440.30
    California 6 $6,480,367.30 $12,100,744.35 $18,815,649.25 $11,936,073.68 $71,616,442.10
    Colorado 6 $50,000.00 $1,339,475.60 $2,383,505.21 $1,226,242.73 $7,357,456.40
    Massachusetts 3 $3,350.00 $625,000.00 $723,500.00 $450,616.67 $1,351,850.00
    Michigan 2 $7,805,198.76 $8,700,095.0 $9,594,991.24 $8,700,095.00 $17,400,190.00
    Missouri 1 $3,659,401.28 $3,659,401.28 $3,659,401.28 $3,659,401.28 $3,659,401.28
    North Dakota 2 $135,000.00 $232,000.00 $329,000.00 $232,000.00 $464,000.00
    Nebraska 2 $1,202,033.07 $1,684,667.22 $2,167,301.36 $1,684,667.22 $3,369,334.43
    Nevada 1 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00 $2,000,000.00
    Oregon 2 $164,982.72 $739,816.28 $1,314,649.83 $739,816.28 $1,479,632.55
    South Dakota[1] 1 $68,435.54 $68,435.54 $68,435.54 $68,435.54 $68,435.54

    Average total cost map

    Cost per required signature, 2022

    The following table shows the number of initiatives in the given state, the lowest, median, and highest CPRS, as well as the average CPRS in the state.

    Click on the arrows in the table below to sort it by column.

    State Initiatives Lowest Median Highest Average CPRS
    Arizona 2 $5.13 $15.29 $25.44 $15.29
    Arkansas 1 $25.28 $25.28 $25.28 $25.28
    California 6 $10.40 $16.19 $21.98 $16.18
    Colorado 6 $0.40 $10.75 $19.12 $9.84
    Massachusetts 3 $0.08 $6.68 $7.73 $4.83
    Michigan 2 $18.36 $20.47 $22.57 $20.47
    Missouri 1 $21.33 $21.33 $21.33 $21.33
    Nebraska 2 $13.85 $15.67 $17.48 $15.67
    Nevada 1 $14.75 $14.75 $14.75 $14.75
    North Dakota 2 $8.66 $9.61 $10.56 $9.61
    Oregon 2 $1.47 $5.14 $8.80 $5.14
    South Dakota[1] 1 $4.03 $4.03 $4.03 $4.03

    Average CPRS map

    Citizen initiative petition gathering costs, 2022

    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Arizona Proposition 209, Healthcare Debt Interest Rate Limit and Debt Collection Exemptions Initiative (2022) Healthcare Fieldworks LLC $6,045,788.96 237,645 $25.44
    Arizona Proposition 211, Campaign Finance Sources Disclosure Initiative (2022) Campaign finance Advanced Micro Targeting $1,220,000.00 237,645 $5.13
    Arkansas Issue 4, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Verified Arkansas, LLC, Advanced Micro Targeting $2,253,440.30 89,151 $25.28
    California Proposition 26, Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative (2022) American Indian issues 2020 Ballcamp LLC $10,827,151.95 997,139 $10.86
    California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative (2022) Gambling 2022 Campaigns Inc. $18,815,649.25 997,139 $18.87
    California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022) Education 2022 Campaigns Inc. $6,480,367.30 623,212 $10.40
    California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022) Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $13,374,336.75 623,212 $21.46
    California Proposition 30, Tax on Income Above $2 Million for Zero-Emissions Vehicles and Wildfire Prevention Initiative (2022) Taxes 2022 Campaigns Inc. $8,419,126.80 623,212 $13.51
    California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum (2022) Tobacco 2020 Ballcamp LLC $13,699,810.05 623,212 $21.98
    Colorado Proposition 121, State Income Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2022) Taxes Blitz Canvassing $543,717.49 124,632 $4.36
    Colorado Proposition 122, Decriminalization and Regulated Access Program for Certain Psychedelic Plants and Fungi Initiative (2022) Drug crime policy Landslide Political $2,383,505.21 124,632 $19.12
    Colorado Proposition 123, Dedicate State Income Tax Revenue to Fund Housing Projects Initiative (2022) Housing Landslide Political, Blitz Canvassing $2,195,000.00 124,632 $17.61
    Colorado Proposition 124, Retail Liquor Store Licenses Initiative (2022) Alcohol Blitz Canvassing $2,135,233.70 124,632 $17.13
    Colorado Proposition 125, Wine Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores Initiative (2022) Alcohol Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 124,632 $0.40
    Colorado Proposition 126, Alcohol Delivery Service Initiative (2022) Alcohol Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 124,632 $0.40
    Massachusetts Question 2, Medical Loss Ratios for Dental Insurance Plans Initiative (2022) Healthcare Ballot Access Management $625,000.00 93,613 $6.68
    Massachusetts Question 3, Changes to Alcohol Retail Licensing Initiative (2022) Alcohol Spoonworks Inc. $723,500.00 93,613 $7.73
    Massachusetts Question 4, Remove Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Status for Driver's License Applications Referendum (2022) Transportation N/A $3,350.00 40,120 $0.08
    Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022) Voting policy measures Fieldworks LLC $7,805,198.76 425,059 $18.36
    Michigan Proposal 3, Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022) Abortion Fieldworks LLC $9,594,991.24 425,059 $22.57
    Missouri Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Fieldworks LLC $3,659,401.28 171,592 $21.33
    Nebraska Initiative 432, Photo Voter Identification Initiative (2022) Voting policy measures Vanguard Field Strategies $2,167,301.36 123,966 $17.48
    Nebraska Initiative 433, Minimum Wage Increase Initiative (2022) Minimum wage Advanced Micro Targeting $1,202,033.07 86,776 $13.85
    Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022) Elections and campaigns Advanced Micro Targeting $2,000,000.00 135,561 $14.75
    North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Term Limits for Governor and State Legislators Initiative (2022) Term limits Advanced Micro Targeting $329,000.00 31,164 $10.56
    North Dakota Statutory Measure 2, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Eagle Campaigns LLC $135,000.00 15,582 $8.66
    Oregon Measure 113, Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative (2022) Government accountability The Outreach Team $1,314,649.83 149,360 $8.80
    Oregon Measure 114, Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative (2022) Firearms Osprey Field Services $164,982.72 112,020 $1.47
    South Dakota Initiated Measure 27, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana New Approach Advocacy Fund $68,435.54 16,961 $4.03

    Signature costs by state

    The tables below shows the number of required signatures, total petition drive cost, petition companies, and CPRS for each initiative in a given state.


    See also: Arizona 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Arizona Proposition 209, Healthcare Debt Interest Rate Limit and Debt Collection Exemptions Initiative (2022) Healthcare Fieldworks LLC $6,045,788.96 237,645 $25.44
    Arizona Proposition 211, Campaign Finance Sources Disclosure Initiative (2022) Campaign finance Advanced Micro Targeting $1,220,000.00 237,645 $5.13


    See also: Arkansas 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Arkansas Issue 4, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Verified Arkansas, LLC, Advanced Micro Targeting $2,253,440.30 89,151 $25.28

    Responsible Growth Arkansas, sponsors of Issue 4, spent $565,590.30 with Verified Arkansas, LLC and $1,687,850.00 with Advanced Micro Targeting, meaning the CPRS with Verified Arkansas was $6.34 and the CPRS with AMT was $18.93. The combined total CPRS for the measure was $25.27.


    See also: California 2022 ballot propositions
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    California Proposition 26, Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative (2022) American Indian issues 2020 Ballcamp LLC $10,827,151.95 997,139 $10.86
    California Proposition 27, Legalize Sports Betting and Revenue for Homelessness Prevention Fund Initiative (2022) Gambling 2022 Campaigns Inc. $18,815,649.25 997,139 $18.87
    California Proposition 28, Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022) Education 2022 Campaigns Inc. $6,480,367.30 623,212 $10.40
    California Proposition 29, Dialysis Clinic Requirements Initiative (2022) Healthcare Kimball Petition Management $13,374,336.75 623,212 $21.46
    California Proposition 30, Tax on Income Above $2 Million for Zero-Emissions Vehicles and Wildfire Prevention Initiative (2022) Taxes 2022 Campaigns Inc. $8,419,126.80 623,212 $13.51
    California Proposition 31, Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum (2022) Tobacco 2020 Ballcamp LLC $13,699,810.05 623,212 $21.98

    In California, a total of $71.6 million was spent by six initiative campaigns to qualify the six initiatives for the 2022 ballot. California's average total cost for a successful petition drive in 2022 was $11.9 million. In 2020, the average cost of a successful petition drive in California was $4.36 million.


    See also: Colorado 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Colorado Proposition 121, State Income Tax Rate Reduction Initiative (2022) Taxes Blitz Canvassing $543,717.49 124,632 $4.36
    Colorado Proposition 122, Decriminalization and Regulated Access Program for Certain Psychedelic Plants and Fungi Initiative (2022) Drug crime policy Landslide Political $2,383,505.21 124,632 $19.12
    Colorado Proposition 123, Dedicate State Income Tax Revenue to Fund Housing Projects Initiative (2022) Housing Landslide Political, Blitz Canvassing $2,195,000.00 124,632 $17.61
    Colorado Proposition 124, Retail Liquor Store Licenses Initiative (2022) Alcohol Blitz Canvassing $2,135,233.70 124,632 $17.13
    Colorado Proposition 125, Wine Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores Initiative (2022) Alcohol Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 124,632 $0.40
    Colorado Proposition 126, Alcohol Delivery Service Initiative (2022) Alcohol Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 124,632 $0.40

    The Wine in Grocery Stores PAC, which sponsored Proposition 125 and Proposition 126, paid Scotch Strategies $50,000.00 for the purpose of signature gathering. The PAC reported $3,191,361.48 in expenditures to various entities for the purpose of consultant and professional services, which can include signature gathering expenditures. Ballotpedia could not determine whether those additional expenditures were signature-gathering costs.[3]


    See also: Massachusetts 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Massachusetts Question 2, Medical Loss Ratios for Dental Insurance Plans Initiative (2022) Healthcare Ballot Access Management $625,000.00 93,613 $6.68
    Massachusetts Question 3, Changes to Alcohol Retail Licensing Initiative (2022) Alcohol Spoonworks Inc. $723,500.00 93,613 $7.73
    Massachusetts Question 4, Remove Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Status for Driver's License Applications Referendum (2022) Transportation N/A $3,350.00 40,120 $0.08

    Sponsors of Question 4 hired individuals to collect signatures for the petition.


    See also: Michigan 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022) Voting policy measures Fieldworks LLC $7,805,198.76 425,059 $18.36
    Michigan Proposal 3, Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative (2022) Abortion Fieldworks LLC $9,594,991.24 425,059 $22.57


    See also: Missouri 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Missouri Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Fieldworks LLC $3,659,401.28 171,592 $21.33


    See also: Nebraska 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Nebraska Initiative 432, Photo Voter Identification Initiative (2022) Voting policy measures Vanguard Field Strategies $2,167,301.36 123,966 $17.48
    Nebraska Initiative 433, Minimum Wage Increase Initiative (2022) Minimum wage Advanced Micro Targeting $1,202,033.07 86,776 $13.85


    See also: Nevada 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Nevada Question 3, Top-Five Ranked-Choice Voting Initiative (2022) Elections and campaigns Advanced Micro Targeting $2,000,000.00 135,561 $14.75

    North Dakota

    See also: North Dakota 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    North Dakota Constitutional Measure 1, Term Limits for Governor and State Legislators Initiative (2022) Term limits Advanced Micro Targeting $329,000.00 31,164 $10.56
    North Dakota Statutory Measure 2, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana Eagle Campaigns LLC $135,000.00 15,582 $8.66

    Of the $329,000 total expenditures for Constitutional Measure 1, $25,000 was paid to Charles Tuttle and Jessica Jaworski to fund signature gathering efforts and $304,000 was paid to Advanced Micro Targeting.[4]


    See also: Oregon 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    Oregon Measure 113, Exclusion from Re-election for Legislative Absenteeism Initiative (2022) Government accountability The Outreach Team $1,314,649.83 149,360 $8.80
    Oregon Measure 114, Changes to Firearm Ownership and Purchase Requirements Initiative (2022) Firearms Osprey Field Services $164,982.72 112,020 $1.47

    South Dakota

    See also: South Dakota 2022 ballot measures
    Ballot Measure Topic Petition Companies Cost Signatures CPRS
    South Dakota Initiated Measure 27, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2022) Marijuana New Approach Advocacy Fund $68,435.54 16,961 $4.03

    Note: Ballotpedia was unable to calculate signature gathering costs for South Dakota Amendment D due to how expenditures are reported on the state's campaign finance website. Ballotpedia contacted the sponsoring campaign, South Dakotans Decide Healthcare. As this data is unavailable, South Dakota Amendment D is excluded from this report's analyses. To view the campaigns' campaign finance totals, click here.

    Comparison to previous years

    Cost Per Required Signature

    BallotMeasureFinal badge.png

    2024 Signature costs
    2023 Signature costs
    2022 Signature costs
    2021 Signature costs
    2020 Signature costs
    2019 Signature costs
    2018 Signature costs
    2017 Signature costs
    2016 Signature costs
    2015 Signature costs
    2014 Signature costs
    2013 Signature costs
    2012 Signature costs
    2010 Signature costs

    In 2022, 30 measures citizen initiatives were on the ballot in 12 states. In total, $118,285,971.56 was spent to collect signatures for 29 measures in 12 states.[1] The average total petition cost for 2022 was $4.08 million. The average CPRS was $12.70.

    By CPRS

    The chart below shows the lowest non-zero CPRS, the average CPRS, and the largest CPRS for even-numbered years from 2010 through 2022:

    Year Lowest (non-zero) CPRS Average CPRS[5] Highest CPRS
    2022 $0.08 $12.97 $25.44
    2020 $1.30 $8.09 $24.20
    2018 $0.07 $6.52 $25.86
    2016 $0.41 $5.63 $56.00
    2014 $0.76 $3.22 $10.86
    2012 $0.24 $4.30 $10.86
    2010 $0.08 $2.62 $9.51

    Average CPRS across initiative states, 2016-2022

    State 2016 2018 2020 2022 State avg across all years
    Alaska $4.11 $6.10 $7.01 None $5.74
    Arizona $5.19 $10.58 $11.36 $15.29 $10.61
    Arkansas $6.93 $12.11 None $25.28 $14.77
    California $6.20 $6.07 $7.22 $16.18 $8.92
    Colorado $6.43 $8.35 $7.37 $9.84 $8.00
    Florida $6.07 $5.99 $8.80 None $6.95
    Idaho No initiatives $11.14 No initiatives No initiatives $11.14
    Maine $5.53 $1.57 $1.72 No initiatives $2.94
    Massachusetts $6.24 $3.77 $3.69 $4.83 $4.63
    Michigan No initiatives $3.42 No initiatives $20.47 $11.95
    Mississippi No initiatives No initiatives N/A No initiatives N/A
    Missouri $5.71 $7.19 $1.30 $21.33 $8.88
    Montana $5.01 $9.21 $24.02 No initiatives $12.75
    Nebraska $5.24 $8.56 $5.07 $15.67 $8.64
    Nevada $5.67 $7.07 $12.46 $14.75 $9.99
    North Dakota $2.14 $4.73 No initiaives $9.61 $5.49
    Oklahoma $9.59 $0.21 $9.13 No initiatives $6.31
    Oregon $3.49 $5.67 $8.66 $5.14 $5.74
    South Dakota $8.80 $4.20 $16.22 $4.02 $8.31
    Utah No initiatives $8.38 No initiatives No initiatives $8.38
    Washington $3.43 $8.08 $0.00 No initiatives $3.84

    By total cost

    The chart below shows the number of initiatives, the number of states featuring initiatives, the total cost of signature drives for the year, and the average total cost each year.

    Year # of initiatives # of states featuring initiatives total cost of signature gathering campaigns in year average state signature gathering cost
    2020 43 16 $87.23 million $2.1 million
    2018 68 21 $74.4 million $1.15 million
    2016 76 17 $78.12 million $1.03 million
    2014 40 15 $16.9 million $608,516
    2012 61 17 $51.9 million $850,936
    2010 50 14 $36 million $720,000

    Factors impacting signature costs

    See also: Laws governing the initiative process

    States have different requirements and restrictions for signature gathering, which can affect how expensive an initiative signature petition effort is. The total petition drive cost depends on the factors that can make a petition effort more or less expensive, including the population of the state and the state's signature requirements. This measurement does not indicate how difficult running a signature petition campaign is in a given state relative to other states. Requirements based on voter turnout, for example, can result in different petition drive costs due to a state's population. In 2016, the average cost of a successful initiative petition drive in California was $2.9 million. In Oklahoma, the average cost was about $870,000. Initiatives in California, however, required more than four times the number of signatures.

    The cost-per-required-signature (CPRS) controls for the state's signature requirements and shows the cost for each signature needed for qualifying the measure for the ballot. This second measurement is a better indication of how difficult a signature drive is in a given state relative to other states. Returning to California and Oklahoma in 2016, the average CPRS in California was $6.20 and the average CPRS in Oklahoma was $9.59. However, the average total petition drive cost was $2.9 million in California and $870,000 in Oklahoma.

    Higher signature requirements are an example of why initiative petition costs may be higher in one state compared to others. Other policies that can affect the cost of a petition campaign include:

    • Distribution requirements - Collecting a large number of signatures in a few populous areas is more efficient than collecting a small number of signatures from multiple less-populated areas.
    • Pay-per-signature bans - Paying signature gatherers by signature is likely a cost-efficient way to fund signature-gathering efforts.
    • Restrictions on circulators - Restricting who can collect signatures may decrease the number of people available for signature gathering.
    • Initiative petition circulation periods - Shorter signature gathering periods may increase signature drive costs.

    See also

    2022 ballot measures

    CPRS reports


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Ballotpedia was unable to calculate signature gathering costs for South Dakota Amendment D due to how expenditures are reported on the state's campaign finance website. Ballotpedia contacted the sponsoring campaign, South Dakotans Decide Healthcare. As this data is unavailable, South Dakota Amendment D is excluded from this report's analyses.
    2. Colorado TRACER, "Wine in Grocery Stores," accessed October 7, 2022
    3. Colorado TRACER, "Wine in Grocery Stores," accessed October 7, 2022
    4. Ballotpedia Staff, email communication with Scott Tillman, National Field Director of U.S. Term Limits, October 11, 2022
    5. If the average is lower than the lowest non-zero figure listed for a given year, it means that there were successful volunteer petitions drives with $0 CPRS.