Barry M. Cohen

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Barry Michael Cohen

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Prior offices
Palm Beach County Court

Barry Michael Cohen is a former judge in the criminal division of the Palm Beach County Court in Florida.[1] He retired on June 30, 2016.[2]

Inquiry concerning Judge Cohen

On October 14, 2012, the Investigate Panel of the Florida Judicial Qualifications Commission instituted formal proceedings against Judge Cohen. The commission, in March 2013, recommended that the judge be reprimanded for statements he made showing his disagreement with laws passed by the Florida Legislature, statements implying that law enforcement took actions based on race or status of subjects, and instances when he criticized the charging decisions of assistant state attorneys before him. The panel also said that Cohen was using his position to act as a “bully pulpit” espousing his views on others around him in the courtroom. However, the commission found that "despite Judge Cohen's statements, his rulings and decisions were not adversely affected."[3][4]

2010 election

See also: Florida judicial elections, 2010

Cohen was re-elected after running unopposed.[5]

See also

External links
