Affirmative action on the ballot

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Affirmative action on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding policies that factor in "race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or national origin."


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Arizona Race and Ethnicity Affirmative Action, Programs, and Requirements Amendment (2026)


  1. California Proposition 209, Affirmative Action Initiative (1996)
  2. California Proposition 54, Prohibit State Classification Based on Race in Education, Employment, and Contracting Initiative (October 2003)
  3. California Proposition 16, Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment (2020)


  1. Colorado Amendment 46, Elimination of Affirmative Action Initiative (2008)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 759, Affirmative Action Amendment (2012)


  1. Washington Initiative 200, Affirmative Action Measure (1998)
  2. Washington Referendum 88, Vote on I-1000 Affirmative Action Measure (2019)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Arizona Race and Ethnicity Affirmative Action, Programs, and Requirements Amendment (2026)


  1. California Proposition 16, Repeal Proposition 209 Affirmative Action Amendment (2020)


  1. Washington Referendum 88, Vote on I-1000 Affirmative Action Measure (2019)


  1. Oklahoma State Question 759, Affirmative Action Amendment (2012)


  1. Colorado Amendment 46, Elimination of Affirmative Action Initiative (2008)


  1. California Proposition 54, Prohibit State Classification Based on Race in Education, Employment, and Contracting Initiative (October 2003)


  1. Washington Initiative 200, Affirmative Action Measure (1998)


  1. California Proposition 209, Affirmative Action Initiative (1996)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Arizona Proposition 104 (2008)
  2. Colorado Discrimination/Preferential Treatment Initiative (2008)
  3. Colorado Equal Opportunity Initiative (2008)
  4. Oklahoma State Question No. 737 (2008)
  5. Missouri Affirmative Action Ban (2010)
  6. Utah Affirmative Action Amendment (2010)
  7. Utah Civil Rights Amendment (2012)
  8. California Affirmative Action in Education Amendment (2014)
  9. Washington Affirmative Action Ban for Businesses Initiative (2017)
  10. Washington Affirmative Action Ban for Government Initiative (2018)
  11. Washington Affirmative Action Ban for Businesses Initiative (2018)
  12. Washington Affirmative Action and Diversity Commission Initiative (2018)
  13. Washington Initiative 1000, Affirmative Action and Diversity Commission Measure (2019)
  14. Washington Affirmative Action, Discrimination, and Preferential Treatment Policy Initiative (2020)
  15. Washington Affirmative Action Ban Initiative (2020)
  16. Florida Civil Rights Initiative (2000)
  17. Missouri Civil Rights Initiative (2008)
  18. Washington Vaccinations, Infectious Disease Data, and Affirmative Action Policies Initiative (2020)
  19. Washington Define and Prohibit Preferential Treatment Initiative (2021)
  20. Arizona Race and Ethnicity Affirmative Action, Programs, and Requirements Amendment (2024)
  21. California Amend Proposition 209 to Authorize State Programs Based on Race, Ethnicity, National Origin, or Genders Amendment (2024)
Voting on
Affirmative Action
Affirmative action ballots 2.jpg
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

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Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also