Automatic ballot referral

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Types of ballot measures

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Initiated constitutional amendment
Initiated state statute
Veto referendum
Legislative constitutional amendment
Legislative state statute
Legislative bond issue
Advisory question
Automatic ballot referral
Commission-referred measure
Convention-referred amendment

Select a state from the menu below to learn more about that state's types of ballot measures.

An automatic ballot referral is a ballot measure established under state law or a state's constitution that must appear on the ballot at certain intervals or under certain circumstances. An automatic ballot referral is considered automatic because these measures appear on the ballot without legislative votes or citizen-initiated signatures drives. This type of ballot measure is also known as an automatic ballot measure or compulsory referral.

The most common type of automatic ballot referral is state constitutional convention questions, which are required to appear on the ballot at certain intervals in some states.

State constitutional convention questions

See also: State constitutional conventions

In 14 states, a constitutional convention question is an automatic ballot referral, meaning no legislative vote is required. Rather, the state constitution includes a provision calling for the question at a specific interval. Oklahoma has a requirement; however, state officials have declined to place a question on the ballot since 1970.

State Interval Last question on the ballot Next question on the ballot
Alaska 10 years 2022 2032
Iowa 10 years 2020 2030
New Hampshire 10 years 2022 2032
Rhode Island 10 years 2024 2034
Hawaii 10 years 2018 2028
Michigan 16 years 2010 2026
Connecticut 20 years 2008 2028
Illinois 20 years 2008 2028
Maryland 20 years 2010 2030
Missouri 20 years 2022 2042
Montana 20 years 2010 2030
New York 20 years 2017 2037
Ohio 20 years 2012 2032
Oklahoma 20 years 1970 N/A

Types of ballot measures

Most ballot measures are placed on the ballot through citizen initiatives or legislative processes. Others are placed on the ballot automatically, by a special commission, or by a state constitutional convention. The following is a list of different types of state ballot measures:

Types of state ballot measures
Citizen-initiated ballot measure
Initiated constitutional amendment
Direct initiated constitutional amendment
Indirect initiated constitutional amendment
Initiated state statute
Direct initiated state statute
Indirect initiated state statute
Combined initiated constitutional amendment and state statute
Veto referendum
Statute affirmation (Nevada)
Legislatively referred ballot measure
Legislatively referred constitutional amendment
Legislatively referred state statute
Legislatively referred bond measure
Advisory question
Other type of state ballot measure
Automatic ballot referral
Constitutional convention question
Commission-referred ballot measure
Convention-referred constitutional amendment

See also
