Arizona Traffic Camera Question (2012)

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Not on Ballot
Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
This measure was not put
on an election ballot

The Arizona Re-Authorization Vote Amendment did not make the November 6, 2012 ballot in the state of Arizona as a legislatively referred state statute. The measure would ban red light cameras and photo radar in the state. It was proposed during 2012 state legislative session. The bill's formal title in state legislative session is Senate Concurrent Resolution 1029, and the sponsor of the proposed state statute is State Senator Frank Antenori.[1]

Path to the ballot

On February 13, 2012, the measure was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee with a vote of 4-1. The measure must have been approved by both chambers of the Arizona Legislature in order to make the ballot.[1]

On March 6, 2012, the Arizona State Senate voted 14-14 on the measure, meaning that the proposal failed in legislative session.[2]

See also

External links
