Article XIX, Maryland Constitution

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Maryland Constitution
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Article XIX of the Maryland Constitution is entitled Video Lottery Terminals and consists of a single section.

Note: Added by Chapter 5, Acts of 2007 Special Session, on November 4, 2008.

Section 1

Text of Section 1:

(a) This article does not apply to:

(1) Lotteries conducted under Title 9, Subtitle 1 of the State Government Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland; (2) Wagering on horse racing conducted under Title 11 of the Business Regulation Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland; or (3) Gaming conducted under Title 12 or Title 13 of the Criminal Law Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland.

(b) In this article, "video lottery operation license" means a license issued to a person that allows players to operate video lottery terminals.

(c) (1) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the State may issue up to five video lottery operation licenses throughout the State for the primary purpose of raising revenue for:

(i) Education for the children of the State in public schools, prekindergarten through grade 12; and

(ii) Public school construction and public school capital improvements.

(2) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the State may not authorize the operation of more than 15,000 video lottery terminals in the State.

(3) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, a video lottery operation license only may be awarded for a video lottery facility in the following locations:

(i) Anne Arundel County, within 2 miles of MD Route 295;

(ii) Cecil County, within 2 miles of Interstate 95;

(iii) Worcester County, within 1 mile of the intersection of Route 50 and Route 589;

(iv) On State property located within Rocky Gap State Park in Allegany County; or

(v) Baltimore City, if the video lottery facility is:

1. Located:

A. In a nonresidential area;

B. Within one-half mile of Interstate 95;

C. Within one-half mile of MD Route 295; and

D. On property that is owned by Baltimore City on the date on which the application for a video lottery operation license is submitted; and 2. Not adjacent to or within one-quarter mile of property that is:

A. Zoned for residential use; and

B. Used for a residential dwelling on the date the application for a video lottery operation license is submitted.

(4) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, the State may not award more than one video lottery operation license in a single county or Baltimore City.

(5) A video lottery facility shall comply with all applicable planning and zoning laws of the local jurisdiction.

(d) Except as provided in subsection (e) of this section, on or after November 15, 2008, the General Assembly may not authorize any additional forms or expansion of commercial gaming.

(e) The General Assembly may only authorize additional forms or expansion of commercial gaming if approval is granted through a referendum, authorized by an act of the General Assembly, in a general election by a majority of the qualified voters in the State.

(f) (1) Subject to the requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, from the revenues raised under subsection (c)(1) of this section and any other commercial gaming revenues dedicated to public education, the governor’s budget submission shall include not less than the following amounts as supplemental funding for public education:

(i) for fiscal year 2020, $125,000,000;

(ii) for fiscal year 2021, $250,000,000;

(iii) for fiscal year 2022, $375,000,000; and

(iv) for fiscal year 2023 and for each fiscal year thereafter, 100% of revenues raised for public education under subsection (c)(1) of this section and any other commercial gaming revenues dedicated to public education.

(2) The supplemental funding shall be used to:

(i) ensure access to public education that allows children in the state to compete in the global economy of the future;

(ii) provide funding for high–quality early childhood education programs;

(iii) provide opportunities for public school students to participate in career and technical education programs that lead to an identified job skill or certificate;

(iv) allow students to obtain college credit and degrees while in high school at no cost to the students;

(v) support the advancement and professionalization of educators in public schools; and

(vi) maintain, renovate, or construct public schools.

(3) (i) The supplemental funding required under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be in addition to the state funding provided through the funding formulas established in the bridge to excellence in public schools act of 2002 for prekindergarten through grade 12 in public schools.

(ii) Beginning in fiscal year 2020 and for each fiscal year thereafter, the governor shall identify in the annual budget as introduced how the revenue required under this section is being used to supplement and not supplant spending on public education for prekindergarten through grade 12.

(g) The General Assembly may, from time to time, enact such laws not inconsistent with this section, as may be necessary and proper to carry out its provisions.[1]


See also

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External links

Additional reading
