Article 7, Arizona Constitution

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Arizona Constitution
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Article VII of the Arizona Constitution is entitled Suffrage and Elections. It has 18 sections describing the voting process.[1]

Section 1

Text of Section 1:

Method of Voting; Secrecy

All elections by the people shall be by ballot, or by such other method as may be prescribed by law; Provided, that secrecy in voting shall be preserved.[1][2]

Section 2

Text of Section 2:

Qualifications of Voters; Disqualification

A. No person shall be entitled to vote at any general election, or for any office that now is, or hereafter may be, elective by the people, or upon any question which may be submitted to a vote of the people, unless such person be a citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years or over, and shall have resided in the state for the period of time preceding such election as prescribed by law, provided that qualifications for voters at a general election for the purpose of electing presidential electors shall be as prescribed by law. The word "citizen" shall include persons of the male and female sex.

B. The rights of citizens of the United States to vote and hold office shall not be denied or abridged by the state, or any political division or municipality thereof, on account of sex, and the right to register, to vote and to hold office under any law now in effect, or which may hereafter be enacted, is hereby extended to, and conferred upon males and females alike.

C. No person who is adjudicated an incapacitated person shall be qualified to vote at any election, nor shall any person convicted of treason or felony, be qualified to vote at any election unless restored to civil rights.[1][2]


Ratified on November 7, 2000 via voter approval of Proposition 101.

Section 3

Text of Section 3:

Voting Residence of Federal Employees and Certain Others

For the purpose of voting, no person shall be deemed to have gained or lost a residence by reason of being present or absent while employed in the service of the United States, or while a student at any institution of learning, or while kept at any institution or other shelter at public expense, or while confined in any public jail or prison.[1][2]


Ratified on November 7, 2000 via voter approval of Proposition 101.

Section 4

Text of Section 4:

Privilege of electors from Arrest

Electors shall in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at any election, and in going thereto and returning therefrom.[1][2]

Section 5

Text of Section 5:

Military Duty on Day of Election

No elector shall be obliged to perform military duty on the day of an election, except in time of war or public danger.[1][2]

Section 6

Text of Section 6:

Residence of Military Personnel Stationed within State

No soldier, seaman, or marine, in the army or navy of the United States shall be deemed a resident of this state in consequence of his being stationed at any military or naval place within this state.[1][2]

Section 7

Text of Section 7:

Highest Number of Votes Received as Determinative of Person Elected

In all elections held by the people in this state, the person, or persons, receiving the highest number of legal votes shall be declared elected.[1][2]


Section 8

Text of Section 8:

Qualifications for Voters at School Elections

Qualifications for voters at school elections shall be as are now, or as may hereafter be, provided by law.[1][2]

Section 9

Text of Section 9:

Advisory Vote

For the purpose of obtaining an advisory vote of the people, the legislature shall provide for placing the names of candidates for United States senator on the official ballot at the general election next preceding the election of a United States senator.[1][2]

Section 10

Text of Section 10:

Direct Primary Election Law

The Legislature shall enact a direct primary election law, which shall provide for the nomination of candidates for all elective State, county, and city offices, including candidates for United States Senator and for Representative in Congress. Any person who is registered as no party preference or independent as the party preference or who is registered with a political party that is not qualified for representation on the ballot may vote in the primary election of any one of the political parties that is qualified for the ballot.[1][2]


Amended on November 3, 1998 via voter approval of Proposition 103.

Section 11

Text of Section 11:

General Elections; Date

There shall be a general election of representatives in congress, and of state, county, and precinct officers on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of the first even numbered year after the year in which Arizona is admitted to statehood and biennially thereafter.[1][2]

Section 12

Text of Section 12:

Registration and Other Laws

There shall be enacted registration and other laws to secure the purity of elections and guard against abuses of the elective franchise.[1][2]

Section 13

Text of Section 13:

Submission of Questions upon Bond Issues or Special Assessments

Questions upon bond issues or special assessments shall be submitted to the vote of real property tax payers, who shall also in all respects be qualified electors of this State, and of the political subdivisions thereof affected by such question.[1][2]

Section 14

Text of Section 14:

Fee for Placing Candidate's Name on Ballot

No fee shall ever be required in order to have the name of any candidate placed on the official ballot for any election or primary.[1][2]

Section 15

Text of Section 15:

Qualifications for Public Office

Every person elected or appointed to any elective office of trust or profit under the authority of the state, or any political division or any municipality thereof, shall be a qualified elector of the political division or municipality in which such person shall be elected.[1][2]

Section 16

Text of Section 16:

Campaign Contributions and Expenditures; Publicity

The legislature, at its first session, shall enact a law providing for a general publicity, before and after election, of all campaign contributions to, and expenditures of campaign committees and candidates for public office.[1][2]

Section 17

Text of Section 17:

Vacancy in Congress

There shall be a primary and general election as prescribed by law, which shall provide for nomination and election of a candidate for United States senator and for representative in congress when a vacancy occurs through resignation or any other cause.[1][2]

Section 18

Text of Section 18:

Term Limits on Ballot Appearances in Congressional Elections

The name of any candidate for United States senator from Arizona shall not appear on the ballot if, by the end of the current term of office, the candidate will have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that office for two consecutive terms, and the name of a candidate for United States representative from Arizona shall not appear on the ballot if, by the end of the current term of office, the candidate will have served (or, but for resignation, would have served) in that office for three consecutive terms. Terms are considered consecutive unless they are at least one full term apart. Any person appointed or elected to fill a vacancy in the United States congress who serves at least one half of a term of office shall be considered to have served a term in that office for purposes of this section. For purposes of this section, terms beginning before January 1, 1993 shall not be considered.[1][2]


Ratified in November 1992 via voter approval of Proposition 107.

See also

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External links

Additional reading


  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 Arizona State Legislature, "Arizona Constitution," accessed March 26, 2014
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.