Andrew Hendrickson

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Andrew Hendrickson

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Andrew Hendrickson was a candidate for District F representative on the Boulder Valley School District school board in Colorado. Hendrickson filed to run in the at-large general election on November 7, 2017, but he withdrew from the race.[1]



See also: Boulder Valley School District elections (2017)

Three of the seven seats on the Boulder Valley School District Board of Education in Colorado were up for nonpartisan general election on November 7, 2017. In her bid for re-election, incumbent Tina Marquis ran unopposed and won re-election to the District B seat. Donna Miers, Raj Rawat, and Dean Vlachos ran for the open District E seat, and Alexandra Eddy and Kitty Sargent ran for the open District F seat. Miers and Sargent won election to the board.[2][3] Andrew Hendrickson initially filed to run for the District F seat, but he withdrew from the race.[1]

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