Wisconsin Public Service Commission

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Wisconsin Public Service Commission


General information
Office Type:  Nonpartisan
Office website:  Official Link
Compensation:  $126,182
2025 FY Budget:  $30,541,800
Total Seats:  3
Term limits:  None
Length of term:   6 years
Authority:  Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 15.79
Leadership:  Summer Strand
Selection Method:  Appointed by Governor
Current Officeholder
Marcus Hawkins, Kristy Nieto, Summer Strand
Other Wisconsin Executive Offices
GovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralTreasurerAuditorSuperintendent of EducationAgriculture CommissionerInsurance CommissionerNatural Resources CommissionerLabor CommissionerPublic Service Commission

The Wisconsin Public Service Commission is a three-person state executive regulatory board in the Wisconsin state government. The Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC) is an independent regulatory agency dedicated to serving the public interest through the regulation of public utilities, including those owned by municipalities.[1]

Current officeholder

The current officeholders are:

The current chair is Summer Strand. She was appointed to the position by Governor Tony Evers (D), effective February 2, 2024.[2]


The PSC is established in Wisconsin Statutes.

Wisconsin Statutes, Chapter 15.79, Public service commission; creation

There is created a public service commission. No member of the commission may have a financial interest in a railroad, water carrier, or public utility. If any member voluntarily becomes so interested, the member's office shall become vacant. If the member involuntarily becomes so interested, the member's office shall become vacant unless the member divests himself or herself of the interest within a reasonable time. Each commissioner shall hold office until a successor is appointed and qualified.


Qualifications of public service commissioners are detailed within the Wisconsin State Statutes, Chapter 15.79 (2):

A commissioner of the public service commission may not do any of the following:

  • Be a candidate for public office in any election
  • Directly or indirectly solicit or receive any contribution, as defined in s. 11.01 (6), for any political purpose, as defined in s. 11.01 (16), from any person within or outside of the state
  • Act as an officer or manager for any candidate, political party or committee organized to promote the candidacy of any person for any public office
  • Serve on or under any committee of a political party


Wisconsin state government organizational chart

Under Chapter 15.05 of the Wisconsin Statutes, the secretary is nominated by the governor, with the advice and consent of the state Senate, and serves as the pleasure of the governor.[3]

Commissioners are appointed to staggered six-year terms. The governor designates one commissioner to serve as chair for a term of two years.[4]


Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches the constitutional or statutory text that details the process of filling vacancies for a state executive office. That information for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission has not yet been added. After extensive research, we were unable to identify any relevant information on state official websites. If you have any additional information about this office for inclusion on this section and/or page, please email us.


As of February 2021, duties of the PSC included:[1]

  • Values diversity in the work place, allowing employees to fully develop and contribute their individual skills in meeting the needs of our diverse customer base;
  • Ensures fair pricing for utility services to customers and to utility investors;
  • Sets quality standards for utility services and ensures that the standards are met or exceeded;
  • Ensures reliability so there will be sufficient resources, facilities and alternatives available to meet the needs of present and future utility customers at a reasonable price;
  • Ensures utility services are provided in an efficient and environmentally responsible manner;
  • Protects the interests of both investors and customers and ensures that securities issued by utilities meet the needs of utilities;
  • Provides fairness in transactions between utilities and their customers, other utilities, and other entities specifically provided protection by law;
  • Adjusts our oversight of utilities according to the level of competition in their markets and according to the degree of customer satisfaction with their services;
  • Educates Wisconsin citizens on utility issues and promotes their involvement in our decision-making process.[5]


As of February 2021, divisions within the public service commission included:[6]

  • Division of Business Operations & Office Management
  • Division of Digital Access, Consumer and Environmental Affairs
  • Division of Energy Regulation and Analysis
  • Division of Water Utility Regulation and Analysis​​
  • Office of General Counsel

State budget

See also: Wisconsin state budget and finances

The budget for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission in Fiscal Year 2025 was $30,541,800.[7]


See also: Compensation of state executive officers


In 2023, each commissioner received a salary of $126,182, according to the Council of State Governments.[8]


In 2022, each commissioner received a salary of $137,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[9]


In 2021, each commissioner received a salary of $137,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[10]


In 2020, each commissioner received a salary of $135,013 according to the Council of State Governments.[11]


In 2019, each commissioner received a salary of $128,502 according to the Council of State Governments.[12]


In 2018, each commissioner received a salary of $128,502 according to the Council of State Governments.[13]


In 2017, each commissioner received a salary of $130,500 according to the Council of State Governments.[14]


In 2016, each commissioner received a salary of $118,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[15]


In 2015, each commissioner received a salary of $120,002 according to the Council of State Governments.[16]


In 2014, each commissioner received a salary of $131,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[17]


In 2013, each commissioner was paid an estimated $127,500.[18]


In 2012, each commissioner was paid an estimated $124,000. This figure comes from the Council of State Governments.

Historical officeholders

Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches state official websites for chronological lists of historical officeholders; information for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission has not yet been added because the information was unavailable on the relevant state official websites, or we are currently in the process of formatting the list for this office. If you have any additional information about this office for inclusion on this section and/or page, please email us.

State profile

Demographic data for Wisconsin
Total population:5,767,891316,515,021
Land area (sq mi):54,1583,531,905
Race and ethnicity**
Black/African American:6.3%12.6%
Native American:0.9%0.8%
Pacific Islander:0%0.2%
Two or more:2.1%3%
High school graduation rate:91%86.7%
College graduation rate:27.8%29.8%
Median household income:$53,357$53,889
Persons below poverty level:15%11.3%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Wisconsin.
**Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Presidential voting pattern

See also: Presidential voting trends in Wisconsin

Wisconsin voted for the Democratic candidate in five out of the seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

Pivot Counties (2016)

Ballotpedia identified 206 counties that voted for Donald Trump (R) in 2016 after voting for Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012. Collectively, Trump won these Pivot Counties by more than 580,000 votes. Of these 206 counties, 23 are located in Wisconsin, accounting for 11.17 percent of the total pivot counties.[19]

Pivot Counties (2020)

In 2020, Ballotpedia re-examined the 206 Pivot Counties to view their voting patterns following that year's presidential election. Ballotpedia defined those won by Trump won as Retained Pivot Counties and those won by Joe Biden (D) as Boomerang Pivot Counties. Nationwide, there were 181 Retained Pivot Counties and 25 Boomerang Pivot Counties. Wisconsin had 21 Retained Pivot Counties and two Boomerang Pivot Counties, accounting for 11.60 and 8.00 percent of all Retained and Boomerang Pivot Counties, respectively.

More Wisconsin coverage on Ballotpedia

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Wisconsin Public Service Commission. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

Contact info

Physical address:
North Tower, 6th Floor
Hills Farms State Office Building
4822 Madison Yards Way
Madison, WI 53705

Phone: (608) 266-5481

See also

Wisconsin State Executive Elections News and Analysis
Seal of Wisconsin.png
Ballotpedia RSS.jpg
Wisconsin State Executive Offices
Wisconsin State Legislature
Wisconsin Courts
Wisconsin elections: 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016
Party control of state government
State government trifectas
State of the state addresses
Partisan composition of governors

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, "History and Mission" accessed February 1, 2021
  2. ‘’WISPOLITICS,’’ “Gov. Evers: Announces PSC Chairperson Valcq leaving Evers Administration,” accessed February 7, 2024
  3. Wisconsin Statutes, "Chapter 15: Structure of the Executive Branch -- Subchapter I: General Provisions, Section 15.05: Secretaries," accessed February 1, 2021
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named comm
  5. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  6. Wisconsin Public Service Commission, "Our Team," accessed February 1, 2021
  7. Wisconsin Legislature, "2023 Wisconsin Act 19, accessed December 6, 2023
  8. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2023 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed January 21, 2025
  9. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2022 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," provided to Ballotpedia by CSG personnel
  10. Issuu, "The Book of the States 2021," accessed September 28, 2022
  11. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2020," accessed February 1, 2021
  12. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2019," accessed February 1, 2021
  13. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2018," accessed February 1, 2021
  14. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2017," accessed February 1, 2021
  15. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2016," accessed August 27, 2016
  16. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2015," accessed August 27, 2016
  17. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed December 8, 2014
  18. Council of State Governments, "Table 4.11 Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed January 31, 2014
  19. The raw data for this study was provided by Dave Leip of Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections.