Welfare on the ballot

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Welfare on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding welfare assistance, social security, unemployment compensation and other entitlements.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, Amendment 8 (1932)


  1. Alaska Health and Welfare Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1964)
  2. Alaska Health and Welfare Correctional Facility Bond, Proposition 5 (1970)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 314-315, Extension of Unemployment Benefits Initiative (September 1950)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Expansion of Old-Age Assistance Initiative (September1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 316-317, Unemployment Benefits for Agricultural Laborers Initiative (September 1950)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, Old-Age Assistance Amendment (1944)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Public Welfare Recipients Initiative (1944)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Department of Public Health and Welfare Measure (1952)
  7. Arizona Proposition 200, Voter ID, Citizenship Proof for Voter Registration, and Immigration Status Verification for Public Benefits Initiative (2004)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 314-315, Old-Age and Mother's Pension Initiative (1914)


  1. California Proposition 19, Children's Aid Amendment (1920)
  2. California Proposition 19, Aid for Blind People in Need Amendment (1928)
  3. California Proposition 7, Administration of Aid for Hardships Amendment (1938)
  4. California Proposition 1, Encumbrances Taken on by Counties Amendment (1940)
  5. California Proposition 4, Aged and Blind Aid Initiative (1948)
  6. California Proposition 2, Old Age Security and Aid to Blind Plan Initiative (1949)
  7. California Proposition 11, Old Age Payments Initiative (1952)
  8. California Proposition 4, Spending of Aid Money to Blind People Amendment (1952)
  9. California Proposition 4, Aid Payments to Aged People in Need Initiative (1954)
  10. California Proposition 2, Release of Encumbrances Amendment (1940)
  11. California Proposition 41, Spending on Public Assistance Programs Initiative (1984)
  12. California Proposition 165, Fiscal Emergencies and Welfare Assistance Initiative (1992)
  13. California Proposition 11, Payments from a Gross Income Tax Initiative (1944)
  14. California Proposition 12, Aid for Physically Handicapped People in Need Amendment (1928)
  15. California Proposition 17, Repeal of Obsolete Social Welfare Provisions Amendment (1970)
  16. California Proposition 187, Prohibit Persons in Violation of Immigration Law from Using Public Healthcare, Schools, and Social Services Initiative (1994)


  1. Colorado Public Aid for Blind Adults, Measure 1 (1918)
  2. Colorado Old Age Pensions, Measure 5 (1936)
  3. Colorado Public Assistance to Tubercular Residents, Measure 2 (1936)
  4. Colorado Aid to Dependent and Neglected Children, Measure 17 (1912)
  5. Colorado Referendum D, Unemployment Insurance and Compensation Amendment (1996)
  6. Colorado Amendment 51, Sales Tax Increase for People with Developmental Disabilities Initiative (2008)
  7. Colorado Proposition 118, Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative (2020)


  1. Florida State Social Welfare System Amendment (1936)


  1. Georgia Board of Public Welfare, Amendment 1 (1946)
  2. Georgia State Children's Trust Fund, Amendment 5 (1986)


  1. Hawaii Public Health and Welfare, Amendment 17 (1978)


  1. Idaho Proposition 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2018)


  1. Kansas Welfare, Amendment 2 (1972)


  1. Maine Old Age Assistance and Minimum Education, Referendum Question (1937)
  2. Maine Question 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2017)


  1. Montana Determination of Economic Assistance, C-18 (1988)


  1. Nebraska Services for Handicapped Children, Amendment 6a (1976)


  1. Nevada Question 4, Old Age Pensions Initiative (1936)
  2. Nevada Question 2, Old Age Pensions Initiative (1944)
  3. Nevada State Question 1, County Responsibility for Aid Amendment (March 1937)
  4. Nevada State Question 25, State Responsibility for Needy Persons Amendment (1888)
  5. Nevada State Question 25, Welfare for Elderly and Infirm Amendment (February 1889)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Amendment 5 (1998)

New York

  1. New York Social Welfare, Amendment 8 (1938)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Old Age Assistance Initiative (1938)
  2. North Dakota Diversion of State Highway Construction Funds Initiative (1939)
  3. North Dakota Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
  4. North Dakota Earmarking Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Unemployment Relief Bond Amendment (August 1933
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Old-Age Assistance Amendment (August 1935)
  3. Texas Proposition 5, Assistance for the Blind Amendment (August 1937)
  4. Texas Proposition 6, Assistance for Children Amendment (August 1937)
  5. Texas Proposition 4, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (August 1945)
  6. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1951)
  7. Texas Proposition 8, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1954)
  8. Texas Proposition 1, Aid for the Improperly Fined or Imprisoned Amendment (1956)
  9. Texas Proposition 9, Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Amendment (1956)
  10. Texas Proposition 1, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1957)
  11. Texas Proposition 8, Medical Care for the Needy Amendment (1958)
  12. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1962)
  13. Texas Proposition 8, Assistance for the Disabled Amendment (1962)
  14. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1963)
  15. Texas Proposition 3, Providing Assistance and Medical Care to the Needy Amendment (1965)
  16. Texas Proposition 15, Assistance for the Disabled Amendment (1966)
  17. Texas Proposition 2, Public Assistance Fund Increase Amendment (1968)
  18. Texas Proposition 5, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (August 1969)
  19. Texas Proposition 3, Appropriations for Assistance Grants (May 1971)
  20. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for Needy Children Amendment (1982)
  21. Texas Proposition 3, Medical Care for the Needy Elderly Amendment (1964)


  1. Utah Proposition 3, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2018)
  2. Utah Initiative Proposal 1, Repeal Lean Provisions of the Public Assistance Act Measure (1952)


  1. Vermont Workman's Compensation Amendment (1913)


  1. Washington Initiative 184, Public Assistance Revision Measure (1952)
  2. Washington Initiative 178, Public Assistance Program Revision Measure (1950)
  3. Washington Initiative 176, Increasing Minimum Grant for Social Security Measure (1950)
  4. Washington Initiative 172, Public Assistance for Seniors and Blind Persons Measure (1948)
  5. Washington Initiative 141, Elderly Assistance Grants Measure (1940)
  6. Washington Initiative 157, Social Security and Unemployment Assistance Measure (1944)
  7. Washington Initiative 158, Revenues for Elderly and Disabled Measure (1944)
  8. Washington Initiative 151, Elderly Public Assistance Grants Measure (1942)
  9. Washington Referendum 28, Disability Compensation Measure (1950)
  10. Washington Initiative 102, Child and Family Services Tax Measure (1989)
  11. Washington Referendum 53, Unemployment Insurance Measure (2002)


  1. Wisconsin Question 3, Work Requirement for Welfare Benefits Advisory Question (April 2023)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Wisconsin Question 3, Work Requirement for Welfare Benefits Advisory Question (April 2023)


  1. Colorado Proposition 118, Paid Medical and Family Leave Initiative (2020)


  1. Idaho Proposition 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2018)
  2. Utah Proposition 3, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2018)


  1. Maine Question 2, Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2017)


  1. Colorado Amendment 51, Sales Tax Increase for People with Developmental Disabilities Initiative (2008)


  1. Arizona Proposition 200, Voter ID, Citizenship Proof for Voter Registration, and Immigration Status Verification for Public Benefits Initiative (2004)


  1. Washington Referendum 53, Unemployment Insurance Measure (2002)


  1. New Mexico Amendment 5 (1998)


  1. Colorado Referendum D, Unemployment Insurance and Compensation Amendment (1996)


  1. California Proposition 187, Prohibit Persons in Violation of Immigration Law from Using Public Healthcare, Schools, and Social Services Initiative (1994)


  1. California Proposition 165, Fiscal Emergencies and Welfare Assistance Initiative (1992)


  1. Washington Initiative 102, Child and Family Services Tax Measure (1989)


  1. Montana Determination of Economic Assistance, C-18 (1988)


  1. Georgia State Children's Trust Fund, Amendment 5 (1986)


  1. California Proposition 41, Spending on Public Assistance Programs Initiative (1984)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for Needy Children Amendment (1982)


  1. Hawaii Public Health and Welfare, Amendment 17 (1978)


  1. Nebraska Services for Handicapped Children, Amendment 6a (1976)


  1. Kansas Welfare, Amendment 2 (1972)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Appropriations for Assistance Grants (May 1971)


  1. Alaska Health and Welfare Correctional Facility Bond, Proposition 5 (1970)
  2. California Proposition 17, Repeal of Obsolete Social Welfare Provisions Amendment (1970)


  1. Texas Proposition 5, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (August 1969)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Public Assistance Fund Increase Amendment (1968)


  1. Texas Proposition 15, Assistance for the Disabled Amendment (1966)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Providing Assistance and Medical Care to the Needy Amendment (1965)


  1. Alaska Health and Welfare Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1964)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Medical Care for the Needy Elderly Amendment (1964)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1963)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1962)
  2. Texas Proposition 8, Assistance for the Disabled Amendment (1962)


  1. Texas Proposition 8, Medical Care for the Needy Amendment (1958)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1957)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Aid for the Improperly Fined or Imprisoned Amendment (1956)
  2. Texas Proposition 9, Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Amendment (1956)


  1. California Proposition 4, Aid Payments to Aged People in Need Initiative (1954)
  2. Texas Proposition 8, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1954)


  1. Washington Initiative 184, Public Assistance Revision Measure (1952)
  2. California Proposition 11, Old Age Payments Initiative (1952)
  3. California Proposition 4, Spending of Aid Money to Blind People Amendment (1952)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Department of Public Health and Welfare Measure (1952)
  5. Utah Initiative Proposal 1, Repeal Lean Provisions of the Public Assistance Act Measure (1952)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (1951)


  1. Washington Initiative 178, Public Assistance Program Revision Measure (1950)
  2. Washington Initiative 176, Increasing Minimum Grant for Social Security Measure (1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 314-315, Extension of Unemployment Benefits Initiative (September 1950)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Expansion of Old-Age Assistance Initiative (September1950)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 316-317, Unemployment Benefits for Agricultural Laborers Initiative (September 1950)
  6. Washington Referendum 28, Disability Compensation Measure (1950)


  1. California Proposition 2, Old Age Security and Aid to Blind Plan Initiative (1949)


  1. Washington Initiative 172, Public Assistance for Seniors and Blind Persons Measure (1948)
  2. California Proposition 4, Aged and Blind Aid Initiative (1948)


  1. Georgia Board of Public Welfare, Amendment 1 (1946)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Assistance for the Needy Amendment (August 1945)


  1. Washington Initiative 157, Social Security and Unemployment Assistance Measure (1944)
  2. Washington Initiative 158, Revenues for Elderly and Disabled Measure (1944)
  3. Nevada Question 2, Old Age Pensions Initiative (1944)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, Old-Age Assistance Amendment (1944)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Public Welfare Recipients Initiative (1944)
  6. California Proposition 11, Payments from a Gross Income Tax Initiative (1944)


  1. Washington Initiative 151, Elderly Public Assistance Grants Measure (1942)


  1. Washington Initiative 141, Elderly Assistance Grants Measure (1940)
  2. California Proposition 1, Encumbrances Taken on by Counties Amendment (1940)
  3. California Proposition 2, Release of Encumbrances Amendment (1940)
  4. North Dakota Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)
  5. North Dakota Earmarking Sales Tax for Schools and Relief Initiative (1940)


  1. North Dakota Diversion of State Highway Construction Funds Initiative (1939)


  1. North Dakota Old Age Assistance Initiative (1938)
  2. California Proposition 7, Administration of Aid for Hardships Amendment (1938)
  3. New York Social Welfare, Amendment 8 (1938)


  1. Maine Old Age Assistance and Minimum Education, Referendum Question (1937)
  2. Texas Proposition 5, Assistance for the Blind Amendment (August 1937)
  3. Texas Proposition 6, Assistance for Children Amendment (August 1937)
  4. Nevada State Question 1, County Responsibility for Aid Amendment (March 1937)


  1. Colorado Old Age Pensions, Measure 5 (1936)
  2. Colorado Public Assistance to Tubercular Residents, Measure 2 (1936)
  3. Nevada Question 4, Old Age Pensions Initiative (1936)
  4. Florida State Social Welfare System Amendment (1936)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Old-Age Assistance Amendment (August 1935)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Unemployment Relief Bond Amendment (August 1933


  1. Alabama Emergency Relief and Construction Act of 1932, Amendment 8 (1932)


  1. California Proposition 19, Aid for Blind People in Need Amendment (1928)
  2. California Proposition 12, Aid for Physically Handicapped People in Need Amendment (1928)


  1. California Proposition 19, Children's Aid Amendment (1920)


  1. Colorado Public Aid for Blind Adults, Measure 1 (1918)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 314-315, Old-Age and Mother's Pension Initiative (1914)


  1. Vermont Workman's Compensation Amendment (1913)


  1. Colorado Aid to Dependent and Neglected Children, Measure 17 (1912)

Before 1900

  1. Nevada State Question 25, State Responsibility for Needy Persons Amendment (1888)
  2. Nevada State Question 25, Welfare for Elderly and Infirm Amendment (February 1889)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. California Charity Care Provided by Non-Profit Hospitals (2012)
  2. California "Welfare Reform Act" (2014)
  3. Maine Municipal Welfare Benefits for Asylum Seekers Referendum (2015)
  4. Missouri Medicaid Expansion Initiative (2018)
  5. Utah Allow Tax Revenue to Fund Services for the Poor, Disabled, or Elderly Amendment (2020)
  6. Oregon Businesses Charged for Public Assistance Programs Utilized by Employees Initiative (2020)
Voting on Welfare
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot
Local Measures

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Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state