Wendell Phillips Stafford

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Wendell Phillips Stafford

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Prior offices
United States District Court for the District of Columbia

Barre, Vt.

Wendell Phillips Stafford (1861-1953) was an Associate Justice on the United States District Court for the District of Columbia.

He received a recess appointment from President Theodore Roosevelt on June 1, 1904 to fill a seat vacated by Jeter Connelly Pritchard. On December 6, 1904, he was nominated. He was confirmed by the Senate on December 13th, and received commission that same day. He retired on May 4, 1931.[1]


  • Boston University, LL.B., 1883[1]

Professional career

  • Private practice, St. Johnsbury, Vermont
  • Member, Vermont House of Representatives, 1892
  • Reporter of decisions, Supreme Court of Vermont, 1896-1900
  • Judge, Supreme Court of Vermont, 1900-1904
  • Professor, George Washington University, 1908-[1]
