Washington Healthcare Funds, Initiative 1156 (2011)

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Not on Ballot
Proposed ballot measures that were not on a ballot
This measure was not put
on an election ballot

The Washington Healthcare Funds, Initiative 1156, did not appear on the November 2011 statewide ballot in Washington as an Initiative to the People.

The proposed measure would have funded certain health and child care services with revenues collected through use or sales taxes on certain goods and services .[1]

A total of four similar initiatives were filed: 1153, 1154, 1155 and 1156. They were sponsored by Knoll Lowney.

The initiatives were filed by Sharon Kitchel-Perdue - 1159, 1160, 1170 and 1171. The measure would "restore certain cuts to health care services by taxing private jets, extending the sales tax to nonresidents and certain services, and adding a 35¢ per-pack cigarette tax; adopts accountability measures."[2]

Path to the ballot

See also: Washington signature requirements

In order to qualify for the ballot, supporters were required to submit a minimum of 241,153 valid signatures by July 8, 2011. As of July 8, 2011, petition deadline day, no signatures were filed.

See also

External links
