Washington Initiative 13, Private Alcohol Sales Ban Measure (1948)

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Washington Initiative 13

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Election date

November 2, 1948



Initiative to the Legislature


Washington Initiative 13 was on the ballot as an initiative to the legislature in Washington on November 2, 1948. It was defeated.

A “yes” vote supported banning the sale of alcohol by any person other than the State of Washington.

A “no” vote opposed banning the sale of alcohol by any person other than the State of Washington.

Election results

Washington Initiative 13

Result Votes Percentage
Yes 208,337 25.71%

Defeated No

602,141 74.29%
Results are officially certified.

Text of measure

Ballot title

The ballot title for Initiative 13 was as follows:

An Act prohibiting the retail sale of beer and wine by any person other than the State of Washington, repealing all provisions of existing law pertaining to licensing for retail sale of beer and wine, revoking existing licenses and providing penalties.

Full Text

The full text of this measure is available here.

Path to the ballot

See also: Laws governing the initiative process in Washington

In Washington, proponents needed to collect a number of signatures for an Initiative to the Legislature, a type of indirect initiated state statute.

See also

External links
