Washington 1960 ballot measures
In 1960, voters decided on six statewide ballot measures in Washington on November 8.
- Four of the measures were Initiatives to the People.
- One of the measures was an Initiative to the Legislature.
- One of the measures was a legislatively referred constitutional amendment.
- Voters approved four (67%) and rejected two (33%) measures.
On the ballot
November 8, 1960
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 205 | Alcohol; Business | Provide eligibility for taverns to obtain spirituous liquor licenses, along with regulations, fees, and disbursements associated with such sales. |
357,455 (31%) |
799,643 (69%) |
Initiative 207 | Administration; Civil service | Provide for the establishment of a merit-based civil service system for state government employees and applicants. |
606,511 (56%) |
471,730 (44%) |
Initiative 208 | Property | Provide the authorization for two or more people to become co-owners of any kind of property as joint tenants with rights of survivorship. |
647,529 (60%) |
430,698 (40%) |
Initiative 210 | Time | Provide for the establishment of a state-wide daylight saving time from the last Sunday of April to the last Sunday of September. |
596,135 (52%) |
556,623 (48%) |
Initiative 25 | Water; Environment; Hunting and fishing | Prohibit the construction of obstructions over 25 feet high on tributary streams of the Columbia River downstream from McNary Dam and the diversion of water from these tributaries exceeding limits. |
526,130 (52%) |
483,449 (48%) |
SJR 4 | Property | Remove land ownership restrictions by non-residential foreigners, repealing Article II Sec. 33 of the Washington Constitution. |
466,705 (45%) |
564,250 (55%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Washington
- Types of ballot measures in Washington
- List of Washington ballot measures
- 1960 ballot measures
External links
State of Washington Olympia (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
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