Washington 1958 ballot measures
In 1958, voters decided on 10 statewide ballot measures in Washington on November 4.
- One of the measures was an Initiative to the People.
- One of the measures was an Initiative to the Legislature.
- One of the measures was a legislatively referred state statute.
- One of the measures was a veto referendum.
- Six of the measures were legislatively referred constitutional amendments.
- Voters approved five (50%) and rejected five (50%) measures.
On the ballot
November 4, 1958
Type | Title | Subject | Description | Result | Yes Votes | No Votes |
Initiative 202 | Labor | Provide for the nullification of agreements that require labor organization membership as a condition of employment. |
339,742 (36%) |
596,949 (64%) |
Initiative 23 | Law enforcement; Civil service | Provide civil service status for certain county sheriffs' employees and a civil service commission to administer the act and set rules. |
539,640 (65%) |
289,575 (35%) |
Referendum 10 | Education; Bonds | Provide $25 million for buildings for state charitable, educational, and penal institutions. |
402,937 (51%) |
391,726 (49%) |
Referendum 30 | Insurance; Taxes | Provide for the taxation of insurance policy proceeds payable upon death under the inheritance tax. |
52,223 (6%) |
811,539 (94%) |
SJR 10 | Administration | Adjust the state's boundaries with Oregon along the Columbia River. |
395,969 (56%) |
309,922 (44%) |
SJR 14 | Religion | Provide the legislature with the authority to employ a chaplain for custodial, correctional, and mental institutions. |
492,047 (64%) |
279,700 (36%) |
SJR 18 | Labor; Salaries | Prohibit the legislature from increasing compensation, excluding pensions, to public employees after they have provided their services. |
388,797 (51%) |
371,652 (49%) |
Substitute HJR 4 | Education; Taxes; Property | Permit school district electors to authorize excess tax levies at a maximum rate of two years for operation and six years for capital outlay. |
293,386 (38%) |
483,165 (62%) |
SJR 9 Part 1 | Legislature; Salaries | Provide for the legislature to increase or decrease the compensation of all elected state and county officials. |
199,361 (27%) |
539,483 (73%) |
SJR 9 Part 2 | Legislature; Salaries | Allow legislators to be elected or appointed to an office where the compensation has increased during their legislative term. |
140,142 (20%) |
570,630 (80%) |
See also
- Laws governing the initiative process in Washington
- Types of ballot measures in Washington
- List of Washington ballot measures
- 1958 ballot measures
External links
State of Washington Olympia (capital) | |
Elections |
What's on my ballot? | Elections in 2025 | How to vote | How to run for office | Ballot measures |
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