War and peace on the ballot

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War and peace on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding war and anti-war related activities such as cruise missile tests. Subtopics include: Nuclear issues.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama National Guard, Amendment 10 (1948, November)
  2. Alabama State MIlitary Force, Amendment 3 (1951)


  1. Alaska National Guard Facilities Bond, Proposition 13 (1978)
  2. Alaska Nuclear Weapons Freeze Initiative, Measure 1 (1986)


  1. Arizona Proposition 201, Peace Sunday and Nuclear Weapons Freeze Initiative (1982)


  1. California Proposition 24, Restrictions Based on a World Communist Movement Initiative (1962)
  2. California Proposition 7, Administration of Government During Times of War Amendment (1958)
  3. California Proposition 12, Allow Public Officials to Serve in the Military Amendment (1952)


  1. Florida National Guard Amendment (1938)
  2. Florida State Militia Officers Amendment (1914)
  3. Florida Amendment 2, Absentee Voting for the Armed Forces Amendment (1960)
  4. Florida Amendment 7, Continuity of Governmental Operations in Emergencies Amendment (1964)


  1. Georgia City of Macon Defense Debt, Amendment 25 (June 1941)
  2. Georgia Bibb County Defense Debt, Amendment 70 (June 1941)
  3. Georgia Amendment 18, Militia Discipline Procedures Amendment (1960)
  4. Georgia Amendment 6, Continuity of Government Measure (1964)


  1. Illinois National Draft for War on Foreign Soil Question (1938)


  1. Indiana Formation of a Militia, Amendment 3 (1974)


  1. Iowa Militia Qualifications, Amendment 5 (1868)


  1. Maine Stop Cruise Missile Testing, Question 2 (1989)
  2. Maine Relating to Military, Proposed Amendment No. 4 (1917)
  3. Maine Relating to Military, Amendment No. 1 (1919)
  4. Maine Continuity of Government Under Enemy Attack, Proposed Constitutional Amendment (1960)
  5. Maine Repeal of Poll Tax and Military Service Exemption, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1978)
  6. Maine Armory Expansion, Rehabilitation and Construction, Bond Issue 7 (1986)


  1. Massachusetts Question 6, Appointment and Removal of Military and Naval Officers Amendment (1918)
  2. Massachusetts Question 7, Powers and Duties of Government Regarding Armed Forces Amendment (1918)


  1. Mississippi Widow's Pensions, Amendment 4 (1990)


  1. Montana Organization of State Militia, IR 300-301 (1912)
  2. Montana Suspension of Provisions During Enemy Attack, Amendment 1 (1966)
  3. Montana Placement of Missiles in Montana, I-91 (1982)


  1. Nebraska City Armory Act, Referendum 2 (1914)
  2. Nebraska Government Continuity, Amendment 1 (1960)
  3. Nebraska Militia Provisions, Amendment 13 (May 1972)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Conscientious Objector, Question 3 (1950)
  2. New Hampshire State Militia, Question 4 (1950)
  3. New Hampshire Conscientious Objector, Question 5 (1920)
  4. New Hampshire State Militia Qualification, Question 2 (1903)
  5. New Hampshire Military Service Amendment (1964)
  6. New Hampshire Governor as Commander-in-chief Amendment (1968)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1982)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Amendment 1, Constitutional Language for Civil War Amendment (1914)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota State Militia, Constitutional Measure 1 (2006)


  1. Oklahoma Service in Government and Military Amendment, State Question 769 (2014)
  2. Oklahoma State Question 344, Charter Amendments to United Nations Question (1950)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Freeze on Production and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons, Proposal 10 (1982)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Appointment of Adjutant General, Amendment 2 (2014)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota State Militia Organization (1910)
  2. South Dakota Continuity of Operations (1960)
  3. South Dakota Nuclear Freeze, Initiative 3 (1984)


  1. Texas Proposition 7, Continuity of Government in the Event of Enemy Attack Amendment (1962)
  2. Texas Proposition 4, Succession of Office Amendment (1983)
  3. Texas Proposition 22, Active Duty Officeholders Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1960)


  1. Wyoming Eligibility for State Militia, Amendment B (2000)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Oklahoma Service in Government and Military Amendment, State Question 769 (2014)
  2. South Carolina Appointment of Adjutant General, Amendment 2 (2014)


  1. North Dakota State Militia, Constitutional Measure 1 (2006)


  1. Texas Proposition 22, Active Duty Officeholders Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Wyoming Eligibility for State Militia, Amendment B (2000)


  1. Mississippi Widow's Pensions, Amendment 4 (1990)


  1. Maine Stop Cruise Missile Testing, Question 2 (1989)


  1. Maine Armory Expansion, Rehabilitation and Construction, Bond Issue 7 (1986)
  2. Alaska Nuclear Weapons Freeze Initiative, Measure 1 (1986)


  1. South Dakota Nuclear Freeze, Initiative 3 (1984)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Succession of Office Amendment (1983)


  1. Montana Placement of Missiles in Montana, I-91 (1982)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 1 (1982)
  3. Rhode Island Freeze on Production and Deployment of Nuclear Weapons, Proposal 10 (1982)
  4. Arizona Proposition 201, Peace Sunday and Nuclear Weapons Freeze Initiative (1982)


  1. Maine Repeal of Poll Tax and Military Service Exemption, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1978)
  2. Alaska National Guard Facilities Bond, Proposition 13 (1978)


  1. Indiana Formation of a Militia, Amendment 3 (1974)


  1. Nebraska Militia Provisions, Amendment 13 (May 1972)


  1. New Hampshire Governor as Commander-in-chief Amendment (1968)


  1. Montana Suspension of Provisions During Enemy Attack, Amendment 1 (1966)


  1. Florida Amendment 7, Continuity of Governmental Operations in Emergencies Amendment (1964)
  2. New Hampshire Military Service Amendment (1964)
  3. Georgia Amendment 6, Continuity of Government Measure (1964)


  1. California Proposition 24, Restrictions Based on a World Communist Movement Initiative (1962)
  2. Texas Proposition 7, Continuity of Government in the Event of Enemy Attack Amendment (1962)


  1. Florida Amendment 2, Absentee Voting for the Armed Forces Amendment (1960)
  2. Maine Continuity of Government Under Enemy Attack, Proposed Constitutional Amendment (1960)
  3. South Dakota Continuity of Operations (1960)
  4. Utah Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1960)
  5. Nebraska Government Continuity, Amendment 1 (1960)
  6. Georgia Amendment 18, Militia Discipline Procedures Amendment (1960)


  1. California Proposition 7, Administration of Government During Times of War Amendment (1958)


  1. California Proposition 12, Allow Public Officials to Serve in the Military Amendment (1952)


  1. Alabama State MIlitary Force, Amendment 3 (1951)


  1. New Hampshire Conscientious Objector, Question 3 (1950)
  2. New Hampshire State Militia, Question 4 (1950)
  3. Oklahoma State Question 344, Charter Amendments to United Nations Question (1950)


  1. Alabama National Guard, Amendment 10 (1948, November)


  1. Georgia City of Macon Defense Debt, Amendment 25 (June 1941)
  2. Georgia Bibb County Defense Debt, Amendment 70 (June 1941)


  1. Florida National Guard Amendment (1938)
  2. Illinois National Draft for War on Foreign Soil Question (1938)


  1. New Hampshire Conscientious Objector, Question 5 (1920)


  1. Maine Relating to Military, Amendment No. 1 (1919)


  1. Massachusetts Question 6, Appointment and Removal of Military and Naval Officers Amendment (1918)
  2. Massachusetts Question 7, Powers and Duties of Government Regarding Armed Forces Amendment (1918)


  1. Maine Relating to Military, Proposed Amendment No. 4 (1917)


  1. Florida State Militia Officers Amendment (1914)
  2. Nebraska City Armory Act, Referendum 2 (1914)
  3. North Carolina Amendment 1, Constitutional Language for Civil War Amendment (1914)


  1. Montana Organization of State Militia, IR 300-301 (1912)


  1. South Dakota State Militia Organization (1910)


  1. New Hampshire State Militia Qualification, Question 2 (1903)

Before 1900

  1. Iowa Militia Qualifications, Amendment 5 (1868)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Washington Initiative 990 (2008)
  2. South Dakota Home from Iraq Initiative (2008)
  3. Washington Commercial Use of Military Personnel Initiative I-1037 (2009)
  4. Massachusetts Prohibit Deployment of State National Guard Initiative (2014)
  5. Idaho Persons Subject to Military Duty Amendment (2014)
  6. South Dakota Militia Gender and Age Specifications Removal Amendment, SJR 2 (2018)
  7. Nebraska Reserve and Active Militias Initiative (2022)
  8. Oregon Prohibit Fully Autonomous Combat Robots Amendment (2024)
  9. Arizona State Militia Age Requirement Amendment (2018)
Voting on
War and Peace
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot
Local Measures

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Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also