Attorney General of Wyoming

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Wyoming Attorney General

Seal of Wyoming.png

General information
Office Type:  Partisan
Office website:  Official Link
Compensation:  $193,815
2024-26 FY Budget:  $112,689,436
Term limits:  None
Length of term:   Serves at the governor's pleasure
Authority:   Wyoming Constitution, Article 4, Section 11
Selection Method:  Appointed by the governor with the consent of the Senate
Current Officeholder

Attorney General of Wyoming Bridget Hill
Republican Party
Assumed office: March 15, 2019

Other Wyoming Executive Offices
GovernorLieutenant GovernorSecretary of StateAttorney GeneralTreasurer • Auditors: AuditorDirectorSuperintendent of EducationDirector of EducationAgriculture CommissionerInsurance CommissionerLabor CommissionerPublic Service Commission

The Attorney General of Wyoming is an appointed, statutory position in the Wyoming state government. As the chief legal officer for the state, the attorney general provides legal opinions to state officials and represents the state in both civil and criminal matters. The attorney general is appointed by the governor with the consent of the state Senate.[1]

Wyoming has a Republican triplex. The Republican Party controls the offices of governor, secretary of state, and attorney general.

Current officeholder

The office is held by Bridget Hill. Hill was appointed to the position by Governor Mark Gordon (R).[2]


Unlike many states, Wyoming's constitution does not provide for the office of attorney general. In Article 4 of however, it does grant the state legislature the power to create offices it deems necessary.

The office of attorney general in Wyoming was created by legislative statute.

Article 4, Section 11:

... The legislature may provide for such other state officers as are deemed necessary.


Title 9, Chapter 1, Article 6 of the Wyoming Code establishes the qualifications of the office:[1]

  • practicing attorney for at least four years
  • in good standing in Wyoming's courts
  • a resident of Wyoming
  • a registered voter in Wyoming
Prior to his appointment, the attorney general shall have been a practicing attorney for at least four (4) years. At the date of appointment, he shall be in good standing in the courts of record of this state and shall be a resident and elector of the state.


According to Title 9, Chapter 1, Article 6 of the Wyoming Code, the attorney general is appointed by the governor with the consent of the state senate.[1]


In the event of a vacancy in the office, the governor shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy.[1]


The attorney general serves as the chief legal officer of Wyoming. Their office represents state agencies in courts of law and provides legal opinions to state officials. The office does not provide legal advice to individual citizens, organizations or private businesses.[3]

Title 9, Chapter 1, Section 6 of the Wyoming Code outlines the specific duties of the office:[1]

  1. Prosecute and defend all suits instituted by or against the state of Wyoming, the prosecution and defense of which is not otherwise provided for by law;
  2. Represent the state in criminal cases in the supreme court;
  3. Defend suits brought against state officers in their official relations, except suits brought against them by the state;
  4. Represent the state in suits, actions or claims in which the state is interested in either the Wyoming supreme court or any United States court;
  5. Be the legal adviser of all elective and appointive state officers and of the county and district attorneys of the state;
  6. When requested, give written opinions upon questions submitted to him by elective and appointive state officers and by either branch of the legislature, when in session;
  7. Effective July 1, 2000, serve as the designated agency to administer the Wyoming governor's council on developmental disabilities. A memorandum of understanding shall be executed by and between the designated agency and the governor's council, which shall incorporate the provisions of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 6024;
  8. Approve or disapprove any contract submitted to him for review within thirty (30) days of submission.[4]


As of January 12, 2021, divisions within the Attorney General's Office included:[3]

  • Administrative Division
  • Civil Division
  • Criminal Division
  • Human Services Division
  • Tort Litigation Division
  • Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
  • Water and Natural Resources Division
  • Casper Office
  • School Finance Litigation
  • Division of Criminal Investigation
  • Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Wyoming Law Enforcement Academy
  • Peace Officer Standards and Training
  • Victim Services Division

State budget

See also: Wyoming state budget and finances

The budget for the Attorney General's Office for the 2024-2026 fiscal biennium was $112,689,436.[5]


See also: Compensation of state executive officers

DocumentIcon.jpg See statutes: Title 9, Chapter 3 of the Wyoming Statutes

Title 9, Chapter 3, Article 1 (§9‑3-101) of the Wyoming Statutes notes that the governor establishes the attorney general's salary along with "other state employees and officers."[6]


In 2023, the officer's salary was $193,815, according to the Council of State Governments.[7]


In 2022, the officer's salary was $177,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[8]


In 2021, the attorney general received a salary of $177,000, according to the Council of State Governments.[9]


In 2020, the attorney general received a salary of $177,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[10]


In 2019, the attorney general received a salary of $175,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[11]


In 2018, the attorney general received a salary of $175,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[12]


In 2017, the attorney general received a salary of $175,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[13]


In 2016, the attorney general received a salary of $175,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[14]


In 2015, the attorney general received a salary of $153,614 according to the Council of State Governments.[15]


In 2014, the attorney general received a salary of $147,000 according to the Council of State Governments.[16]


In 2013, the attorney general was paid an estimated $143,328.[17]


In 2010, the attorney general was paid an estimated $137,150 according to the Council of State Governments.[18]

Historical officeholders

Note: Ballotpedia's state executive officials project researches state official websites for chronological lists of historical officeholders; information for the Attorney General of Wyoming has not yet been added because the information was unavailable on the relevant state official websites, or we are currently in the process of formatting the list for this office. If you have any additional information about this office for inclusion on this section and/or page, please email us.

State profile

Demographic data for Wyoming
Total population:586,555316,515,021
Land area (sq mi):97,0933,531,905
Race and ethnicity**
Black/African American:1.1%12.6%
Native American:2.2%0.8%
Pacific Islander:0.1%0.2%
Two or more:2.7%3%
High school graduation rate:92.3%86.7%
College graduation rate:25.7%29.8%
Median household income:$58,840$53,889
Persons below poverty level:12.7%11.3%
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "American Community Survey" (5-year estimates 2010-2015)
Click here for more information on the 2020 census and here for more on its impact on the redistricting process in Wyoming.
**Note: Percentages for race and ethnicity may add up to more than 100 percent because respondents may report more than one race and the Hispanic/Latino ethnicity may be selected in conjunction with any race. Read more about race and ethnicity in the census here.

Presidential voting pattern

See also: Presidential voting trends in Wyoming

Wyoming voted Republican in all seven presidential elections between 2000 and 2024.

More Wyoming coverage on Ballotpedia

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Wyoming Attorney General. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

Contact information

Attorney General's Office
2320 Capitol Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82002

Phone: (307) 777-7841
Fax: (307) 777-6869

See also

Wyoming State Executive Elections News and Analysis
Seal of Wyoming.png
Ballotpedia RSS.jpg
Wyoming State Executive Offices
Wyoming State Legislature
Wyoming Courts
Wyoming elections: 2025202420232022202120202019201820172016
Party control of state government
State government trifectas
State of the state addresses
Partisan composition of governors

External links


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Wyoming Legislative Services, "Title 9, Chapter 1, Article 6: Attorney General," accessed January 12, 2021
  2. Casper Star-Tribune, "Bridget Hill sworn in as Wyoming's 38th attorney general," March 15, 2019
  3. 3.0 3.1 Attorney General of Wyoming, "Home," accessed January 12, 2021
  4. Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  5. Wyoming State Legislature, "Enrolled Act No. 50, House of Representatives," accessed January 23, 2025
  6. Wyoming Legislative Service Office, "Wyoming Statutes: Title 9 - Administration of Government: Chapter 3 - Compensation and Benefits: Article 1 - Salaries and Expenses," accessed January 12, 2021
  7. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2023 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed January 21, 2025
  8. Council of State Governments, "Book of the States 2022 Table 4.11: Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," provided to Ballotpedia by CSG personnel
  9. Issuu, "The Book of the States 2021," accessed September 28, 2022
  10. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2020," accessed January 12, 2021
  11. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2019," accessed January 12, 2021
  12. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2018," accessed January 12, 2021
  13. Council of State Governments, "The Book of the States 2017," accessed January 12, 2021
  14. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2016," accessed August 27, 2016
  15. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries, 2015," accessed August 27, 2016
  16. Council of State Governments, "Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed December 8, 2014
  17. Council of State Governments, "Table 4.11 Selected State Administrative Officials: Annual Salaries," accessed January 31, 2014
  18. The Council of State Governments, "The Book of States 2010 Table 4.11," accessed May 14, 2011