United States House of Representatives elections in Illinois, 2012

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2012 U.S. House Elections in Illinois

Primary Date
March 20, 2012

Partisan breakdownCandidates

Illinois District Pages
District 1District 2District 3District 4District 5District 6District 7District 8District 9District 10District 11District 12District 13District 14District 15District 16District 17District 18

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2012 U.S. Senate Elections

Flag of Illinois.png

The 2012 U.S. House of Representatives elections in Illinois took place on November 6, 2012. Voters elected 18 candidates to serve in the U.S. House, one from each of the state's 18 congressional districts.

Candidate Filing Deadline Primary Election General Election
December 27, 2011
March 20, 2012
November 6, 2012

Primary: Illinois has a mixed-hybrid primary system. Voters can change parties each year but must declare a party affiliation at the polls. Depending on which party is chosen, the voter will then be counted as registered for that party. Voters may change party affiliation at polls or caucus.

Voter registration: Voters had to register to vote in the primary by February 21. For the general election, the voter registration deadline was October 9. A "grace period" was also available, allowing voter registration until three days before an election.[1][2]

See also: Illinois elections, 2012

Prior to the 2010 census, Illinois had 19 U.S. House members but the state lost one seat as a result of the 2010 census.

According to the New York Times race ratings in October 2012, six of the 18 districts are considered to be in play. Those are the 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, and 17th districts.[3]

The Center for Voting and Democracy (Fairvote) projected that Democrats would win seven districts while Republicans would win two seats. It did not make a projection for the remaining nine districts.[4]

Primary competitiveness

See also: National contested primary average during the 2012 U.S. congressional elections

Illinois was tied with Tennessee and Texas for having the 19th most competitive congressional primaries in 2012, with 55.56% of major party primaries having been contested (20 out of 36). The national average was 54.31%.

Eighteen U.S. House incumbents ran for re-election in Illinois in 2012. 8 of those 18 (44.44%) faced a primary challenger. Nationwide, 200 out of the 386 incumbents seeking re-election faced a primary challenger (51.81%).

Partisan breakdown

Heading into the November 6 election, the Republican Party held 11 of the 19 Congressional seats from Illinois. However, the state lost one seat after the 2010 census and elected 18 representatives.

Members of the U.S. House from Illinois -- Partisan Breakdown
Party As of November 2012 After the 2012 Election
     Democratic Party 8 12
     Republican Party 11 6
Total 19 18


Heading into the 2012 election, the incumbents for the 19 congressional districts were:

Name Party District
Bobby L. Rush Electiondot.png Democratic 1
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Electiondot.png Democratic 2
Daniel Lipinski Electiondot.png Democratic 3
Luis V. Gutierrez Electiondot.png Democratic 4
Mike Quigley Electiondot.png Democratic 5
Peter J. Roskam Ends.png Republican 6
Danny K. Davis Electiondot.png Democratic 7
Joe Walsh Ends.png Republican 8
Jan Schakowsky Electiondot.png Democratic 9
Robert J. Dold Ends.png Republican 10
Adam Kinzinger Ends.png Republican 11
Jerry F. Costello Electiondot.png Democratic 12
Judy Biggert Ends.png Republican 13
Randy Hultgren Ends.png Republican 14
Timothy V. Johnson Ends.png Republican 15
Donald A. Manzullo Ends.png Republican 16
Robert T. Schilling Ends.png Republican 17
Aaron Schock Ends.png Republican 18
John Shimkus Ends.png Republican 19

Margin of victory for winners

There were a total of 18 seats up for election in 2012 in Illinois. The following table shows the margin of victory for each district winner, which is calculated by examining the percentage difference between the top-two vote getters. If the race was uncontested, the margin of victory is listed as 100%.

District Winner Margin of Victory Total Vote Top Opponent
Illinois, District 10 Democratic Party Brad Schneider 1.3% 264,454 Robert J. Dold
Illinois, District 11 Democratic Party Bill Foster 17.1% 254,276 Judy Biggert
Illinois, District 12 Democratic Party William Enyart 8.9% 303,947 Jason Plummer
Illinois, District 13 Republican Party Rodney Davis 0.3% 294,385 David Gill
Illinois, District 14 Republican Party Randy Hultgren 17.6% 301,954 Dennis Anderson
Illinois, District 15 Republican Party John Shimkus 37.2% 299,937 Angela Michael
Illinois, District 16 Republican Party Adam Kinzinger 23.6% 294,090 Wanda Rohl
Illinois, District 17 Democratic Party Cheri Bustos 6.6% 288,152 Bobby Schilling
Illinois, District 18 Republican Party Aaron Schock 48.3% 329,631 Steve Waterworth
Illinois, District 1 Democratic Party Bobby Rush 47.6% 320,843 Donald Peloquin
Illinois, District 2 Democratic Party Jesse Jackson Jr. 40.1% 297,424 Brian Woodworth
Illinois, District 3 Democratic Party Daniel Lipinski 37% 246,391 Richard Grabowski
Illinois, District 4 Democratic Party Luis Gutierrez 66% 160,505 Hector Concepcion
Illinois, District 5 Democratic Party Mike Quigley 37.1% 270,377 Dan Schmitt
Illinois, District 6 Republican Party Peter Roskam 18.4% 326,129 Leslie Coolidge
Illinois, District 7 Democratic Party Danny K. Davis 73.7% 286,428 Rita Zak
Illinois, District 8 Democratic Party Tammy Duckworth 9.5% 225,066 Joe Walsh
Illinois, District 9 Democratic Party Jan Schakowsky 32.7% 293,793 Timothy Wolfe

General election candidates

This is a map of the congressional districts of Illinois before and after the 2010 redistricting. The image also includes the partisan breakdown of the districts that are close in registration figures.
District General Election Candidates Incumbent 2012 Winner Partisan Switch?
1st Democratic Party Bobby Rush
Republican Party Donald Peloquin
Bobby Rush Democratic Party Bobby Rush No
2nd Democratic Party Jesse Jackson Jr.
Republican Party Brian Woodworth
Grey.png Marcus Lewis
Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Democratic Party Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. No
3rd Democratic Party Daniel Lipinski
Republican Party Richard Grabowski
Daniel Lipinski Democratic Party Daniel Lipinski No
4th Democratic Party Luis Gutierrez
Democratic Party Jorge Zavala (write-in)
Republican Party Hector Concepcion
Luis Gutierrez Democratic Party Luis Gutierrez No
5th Democratic Party Mike Quigley
Republican PartyDan Schmitt
Green PartyNancy Wade
Mike Quigley Democratic Party Mike Quigley No
6th Democratic Party Leslie Coolidge
Republican Party Peter Roskam
Peter Roskam Republican Party Peter Roskam No
7th Democratic Party Danny K. Davis
Republican PartyRita Zak
Grey.pngJohn H. Monaghan
Danny Davis Democratic Party Danny K. Davis No
8th Democratic Party Tammy Duckworth
Republican Party Joe Walsh
Grey.png Robert Gregory Canfield
Joe Walsh Democratic Party Tammy Duckworth Yes
9th Democratic Party Jan Schakowsky
Republican Party Timothy Wolfe
Jan Schakowsky Democratic Party Jan Schakowsky No
10th Democratic Party Brad Schneider
Democratic Party Aloys Rutagwibira (write-in)
Republican Party Robert J. Dold
Robert Dold Democratic Party Brad Schneider Yes
11th Democratic Party Bill Foster
Republican Party Judy Biggert
Republican Party Diane Harris (write-in)
Adam Kinzinger Democratic Party Bill Foster Yes
12th Democratic Party William Enyart
Republican Party Jason Plummer
Green Party Paula Bradshaw
Jerry Costello Democratic Party William Enyart No
13th Republican Party Rodney Davis
Democratic Party David Gill
Grey.pngJohn Hartman
Judy Biggert Republican Party Rodney Davis No
14th Democratic Party Dennis Anderson
Republican Party Randy Hultgren
Republican Party Mark Masrogiovanni
Randy Hultgren Republican Party Randy Hultgren No
15th Democratic Party Angela Michael
Republican Party John Shimkus
Timothy V. Johnson Republican Party John Shimkus No
16th Republican Party Adam Kinzinger
Democratic PartyWanda Rohl
Donald Manzullo Republican Party Adam Kinzinger No
17th Democratic Party Cheri Bustos
Republican Party Bobby Schilling
Grey.png Eric Reyes
Bobby Schilling Democratic Party Cheri Bustos Yes
18th Democratic Party Steve Waterworth
Republican Party Aaron Schock
Aaron Schock Republican Party Aaron Schock No
19th District deleted after 2010 Census John Shimkus N/A N/A


Note: Election results were added on election night as races were called. Vote totals were added after official election results had been certified. Click here for more information about Ballotpedia's election coverage plan. Please contact us about errors in this list.

1st Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Bobby RushApproveda
Republican Party Donald Peloquin

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

2nd Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Jesse Jackson Jr.Green check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Brian Woodworth
Grey.png Marcus Lewis

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

3rd Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Daniel LipinskiGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Richard Grabowski

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

4th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Luis GutierrezGreen check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party Jorge Zavala (Write-in)
Republican Party Hector Concepcion (Write-in)

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

No candidates declared an intent to run

Note: Hector Concepcion and Jorge Zavala were removed from the candidate list on January 17, 2012.[17][18]

5th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Mike QuigleyGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Dan Schmitt
Green Party Nancy Wade

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

6th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Leslie Coolidge
Republican Party Peter RoskamGreen check mark transparent.png

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

7th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Danny K. DavisGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Rita Zak
Grey.png John H. Monaghan

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

  • No candidates declared an intent to run

8th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Tammy DuckworthGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Joe Walsh
Grey.png Robert Gregory Canfield

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

Grey.pngIndependent Party

9th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Jan SchakowskyGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Timothy Wolfe

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

10th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Brad SchneiderGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Robert J. Dold
Democratic Party Aloys Rutagwibira (Write-in)

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

11th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Bill FosterGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Judy Biggert
Republican Party Diane Harris (Write-in)

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

12th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party William EnyartGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Jason Plummer
Green Party Paula Bradshaw
Note: Brad Harriman withdrew from the race after the primary and was replaced by William Enyart.

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

13th Congressional District

General election candidates

Republican Party Rodney DavisGreen check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party David Gill
Grey.png John Hartman

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

14th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Dennis Anderson
Republican Party Randy HultgrenGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Mark Masrogiovanni (Write-in)

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

15th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Angela Michael
Republican Party John ShimkusGreen check mark transparent.png

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

16th Congressional District

General election candidates

Republican Party Adam KinzingerGreen check mark transparent.png
Democratic Party Wanda Rohl

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

No Democratic candidates filed to run.

Republican Party Republican Primary

17th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Cheri BustosGreen check mark transparent.png
Republican Party Bobby Schilling
Grey.png Eric Reyes

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

Grey.png Independent party

18th Congressional District

General election candidates

Democratic Party Steve Waterworth
Republican Party Aaron SchockGreen check mark transparent.png

March 20, 2012, primary results

Democratic Party Democratic Primary

Republican Party Republican Primary

Race background

The Washington Post listed the House of Representatives elections in Illinois in 2012 as one of the 10 states that could determine whether Democrats would retake the House or Republicans would hold their majority in 2013.[63] Illinois ranked 3rd on the list.[63]

Impact of redistricting

With the 2011 redistricting, Illinois lost 1 of its current 19 House seats because the state's population failed to grow as fast as in other states.[64] Illinois had 11 Republican congressmen and 8 Democrats after the November 2010 election.[64] The new map, designed by the dominant Democrats, flipped that advantage to 12 Democrats and only 6 Republicans.[64]

See also

External links


  1. Illinois Board of Elections, "2012 Election Calendar," accessed July 21, 2012
  2. Illinois Board of Elections, "Registering to Vote in Illinois," accessed July 21, 2012
  3. New York Times, "House Race Ratings," accessed July 25, 2012
  4. , "2011 Redistricting and 2012 Elections in Illinois," September 2012
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 ABC News 7 "Election Results Primary 2012" accessed March 20, 2012
  6. SouthTown Star "Sims to run for U.S. rep in 1st District" accessed December 5, 2011
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "candidates" defined multiple times with different content
  8. 8.00 8.01 8.02 8.03 8.04 8.05 8.06 8.07 8.08 8.09 8.10 8.11 8.12 Chicago Tribune "Illinois congressional candidates seek spots on ballot" accessed December 27, 2011 Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "source" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "source" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "source" defined multiple times with different content Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; name "source" defined multiple times with different content
  9. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  10. SouthTown Star "Peloquin says he’s running for Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  11. Chicago Tribune "Halvorson takes on Jackson for Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  12. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  13. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  14. 14.0 14.1 Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  15. South Town Star "Hometown resident to run for Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  16. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  17. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  18. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  19. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  20. Roll Call "Leslie Coolidge Faces Tough Climb Against Peter Roskam" accessed December 5, 2011
  21. The Courier News "Petzel seeking Dem nod in 6th Dist." accessed December 5, 2011
  22. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  23. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  24. Daily Herald "Race in the 8th begins" accessed December 5, 2011
  25. Chicago Tribune "Duckworth to file for congressional race" accessed December 5, 2011
  26. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  27. Daily Herald "Write-in candidate challenging Walsh" accessed February 23, 2012
  28. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  29. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  30. Buffalo Grove Patch "Third Democrat Enters 10th Congressional Race" accessed December 5, 2011
  31. Chicago Sun-Times "Brad Schneider running in Illinois 10 Democratic primary" accessed December 5, 2011
  32. abc7.com "Waukegan Dem announces bid for congressional seat" accessed December 5, 2011
  33. Chicago Sun-Times "Illinois Ten Democratic primary: John Tree, Air Force reservist, jumps in race" accessed December 5, 2011
  34. Chicago Sun-Times "Illinois Democrats target GOP with redrawing of congressional map" accessed December 5, 2011
  35. Chicago Sun-Times "Illinois Congress 2012: Bill Foster running in new 11th District UPDATE GOP react" accessed December 5, 2011
  36. Trib Local.com "Hickey readies for congressional run" accessed December 5, 2011
  37. Naperville Patch "Former Aurora Township Clerk Announces Run for Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  38. Daily Herald "Cunningham to face Biggert in 11th District," February 21, 2012
  39. Chicago Tribune, "Cunningham again off 11th Congressional District ballot — for now," March 8, 2012
  40. Belleville News-Democrat "'It's a wide open race right now': Musical chairs continues for 12th Congressional District seat" accessed December 5, 2011
  41. The Telegraph.com "Democrat to run for 12th District seat in Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  42. Belleville News-Democrat ""Retired carpenter plans run for Costello's seat in Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  43. Belleville News-Democrat "Roger Cook, former Belleville mayor, plans to run for Congress" accessed December 5, 2011
  44. Belleville News-Democrat ""O'Fallon nurse hopes to unseat U.S. Rep. Jerry Costello" accessed December 5, 2011
  45. St. Louis Post-Dispatch "Plummer, Callis jumping into fray for Costello's Illinois congressional seat" accessed December 5, 2011
  46. The News-Gazette "Gill will run again; another Dem may enter race in 13th" accessed December 6, 2011
  47. Roll Call "Goetten to Challenge Timothy Johnson in Illinois" accessed December 6, 2011
  48. 48.0 48.1 48.2 The Telegraph "Johnson faces two challengers in 13th District GOP primary" accessed March 15, 2012
  49. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  50. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  51. Northwest Herald "Hultgren will seek re-election in 14th" accessed December 6, 2011
  52. Daily Herald "Manzullo to run in redrawn 16th District" accessed December 15, 2011
  53. Illinois State Board of Elections "Candidate List" accessed December 27, 2011
  54. Quad-City Times "Augustana official joins 17th District race" accessed December 15, 2011
  55. Quad-City Times "Illinois’ 17th District field taking shape" accessed December 15, 2011
  56. WIFR.com "Freeport Mayor Announces Run for Congress" accessed December 15, 2011
  57. Quad-City Times "Hare rules out another run for Congress" accessed December 15, 2011
  58. Quad-City Times "RI attorney announces congressional run" accessed December 15, 2011
  59. WIFR.com "Gaulrapp and Reyes Still in the Congressional Race" accessed March 15, 2012
  61. Chicago Sun Times "Elections 2012: Illinois 2012 Primary Election Results" accessed March 20, 2012
  62. Central Illinois Proud.com "27 Year Old Running For Congress" accessed December 15, 2011
  63. 63.0 63.1 Washington Post, "The 10 states that will determine control of the House in 2012," accessed April 25, 2012
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 Chicago Tribune, "Odd geography in new Illinois congressional map:Millions of constituents will find their representative has changed" accessed February 22, 2012

District 1
District 2
District 3
District 4
District 5
District 6
District 7
District 8
District 9
District 10
District 11
District 12
Mike Bost (R)
District 13
District 14
District 15
District 16
District 17
Democratic Party (16)
Republican Party (3)