United States House of Representatives election in Guam, 2024

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Guam's At-large Congressional District
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Democratic primary
Republican primary
General election
Election details
Filing deadline: May 3, 2024
Primary: August 3, 2024
General: November 5, 2024
How to vote
Poll times: 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Voting in Guam
Ballotpedia analysis
U.S. Senate battlegrounds
U.S. House battlegrounds
Federal and state primary competitiveness
Ballotpedia's Election Analysis Hub, 2024
See also
Guam's At-large Congressional District
Guam elections, 2024
U.S. Congress elections, 2024
U.S. Senate elections, 2024
U.S. House elections, 2024

The U.S. House of Representatives election in Guam was on November 5, 2024. Voters elected one non-voting member to serve in the U.S. House from the territory's one at-large U.S. House district. The primary was August 3, 2024. The filing deadline was May 3, 2024.

To learn more about other elections on the ballot, click here.

Candidates and election results

General election

General election for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Incumbent James Moylan defeated Ginger Cruz in the general election for U.S. House Guam At-large District on November 5, 2024.

Image of James Moylan
James Moylan (R)
Image of Ginger Cruz
Ginger Cruz (D) Candidate Connection
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 29,551
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Ginger Cruz defeated Amanda Shelton and Michael F.Q. San Nicolas in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District on August 3, 2024.

Image of Ginger Cruz
Ginger Cruz Candidate Connection
Image of Amanda Shelton
Amanda Shelton
Image of Michael F.Q. San Nicolas
Michael F.Q. San Nicolas
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 12,688
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Incumbent James Moylan advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District on August 3, 2024.

Image of James Moylan
James Moylan
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 4,026
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Candidate profiles

This section includes candidate profiles that may be created in one of two ways: either the candidate completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey, or Ballotpedia staff may compile a profile based on campaign websites, advertisements, and public statements after identifying the candidate as noteworthy. For more on how we select candidates to include, click here.

Image of Ginger Cruz


Party: Democratic Party

Incumbent: No

Political Office: None

Submitted Biography "Ginger Cruz is experienced, credible, and confident. She is a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a former Deputy Inspector General with oversight of Iraq reconstruction, where she held the civilian equivalent rank of a two-star general, and a successful private sector CEO in the defense industry, working to maximize local community content for large federal programs. Ginger has implemented policy within the executive branch of the federal government and influenced it in the Congress. She has worked with the Secretaries of State and Defense, and eight committees in both the House and Senate. Ginger is the daughter of a DPW surveyor and a DOE teacher, raised in Dededo and a proud graduate of Guam’s public and private schools. Everything she learned growing up in Guam has contributed to her success and is what drives her to give back and make a difference. When she came home from college, her groundbreaking work in Guam media and her growth into policy and communications with two of the most successful administrations in Guam history - Gov. Joe Ada and Gov. Carl Gutierrez – were the basis on which she expanded her knowledge and experience. Returning home once again in 2019, Ginger taught Foreign Policy at the University of Guam, worked to promote local small businesses and help people benefit from the massive federal investment occurring in the region, and championed efforts to finally move power lines underground with federal help."

Key Messages

To read this candidate's full survey responses, click here.

Ginger Cruz is running for Congress because the stakes have never been higher. When Guam transitioned away from Naval Rule in 1949, it was placed under the Department of the Interior. It’s 2024, and Guam is at the center of the U.S. national security strategy and a keystone of deterrence in a growing superpower competition. And while we are taking on more of the burden of a growing military presence, Guam is on the sidelines of U.S. efforts to expand prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. It is past time for Guam to seek a revision and strengthen its position as America in the Indo-Pacific by elevating Guam's oversight from Interior to the White House.

With the military hardening defenses to protect its personnel and infrastructure, Guam is behind the curve obtaining federal resources and attention to protect the people of Guam “outside the fence”. We must strengthen our National Guard and Homeland Security – not with more studies, but with funding and concrete federal support. Water security must be a top priority. Guam's National Guard needs the flexibility to reorganize and train to defend Guam, given today’s military posture in the Pacific. It should receive dedicated funding and a local training facility, like other states. Our Homeland Security and Civil Defense need support and resources to expand public awareness and preparedness for both natural and manmade disasters.

Guam can use its unincorporated territorial status as a blank slate rather than a barrier, leveraging our unique identity to create opportunities for much needed solutions. Now is the time to ensure that the military build-up is good for Guam – that our schools are improved, our infrastructure is stronger, our healthcare is better, and crime rates are brought down by shutting down the importation of drugs. We are the only ones who can leverage our value to build a better future for our people. We cannot expect others to do it for us. We must be the agents of our own change.

This information was current as of the candidate's run for U.S. House Guam At-large District in 2024.

Voting information

See also: Voting in Guam
Ballotpedia will publish the dates and deadlines related to this election as they are made available.

Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey responses

Ballotpedia asks all federal, state, and local candidates to complete a survey and share what motivates them on political and personal levels. The section below shows responses from candidates in this race who completed Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey. Candidates are asked three required questions for this survey, but they may answer additional optional questions as well.

Survey responses from candidates in this race

Click on a candidate's name to visit their Ballotpedia page.

Note: Ballotpedia reserves the right to edit Candidate Connection survey responses. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. If the candidate disagrees with an edit, he or she may request the full removal of the survey response from Ballotpedia.org. Ballotpedia does not edit or correct typographical errors unless the candidate's campaign requests it.

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Ginger Cruz is running for Congress because the stakes have never been higher. When Guam transitioned away from Naval Rule in 1949, it was placed under the Department of the Interior. It’s 2024, and Guam is at the center of the U.S. national security strategy and a keystone of deterrence in a growing superpower competition. And while we are taking on more of the burden of a growing military presence, Guam is on the sidelines of U.S. efforts to expand prosperity in the Indo-Pacific. It is past time for Guam to seek a revision and strengthen its position as America in the Indo-Pacific by elevating Guam's oversight from Interior to the White House.

With the military hardening defenses to protect its personnel and infrastructure, Guam is behind the curve obtaining federal resources and attention to protect the people of Guam “outside the fence”. We must strengthen our National Guard and Homeland Security – not with more studies, but with funding and concrete federal support. Water security must be a top priority. Guam's National Guard needs the flexibility to reorganize and train to defend Guam, given today’s military posture in the Pacific. It should receive dedicated funding and a local training facility, like other states. Our Homeland Security and Civil Defense need support and resources to expand public awareness and preparedness for both natural and manmade disasters.

Guam can use its unincorporated territorial status as a blank slate rather than a barrier, leveraging our unique identity to create opportunities for much needed solutions. Now is the time to ensure that the military build-up is good for Guam – that our schools are improved, our infrastructure is stronger, our healthcare is better, and crime rates are brought down by shutting down the importation of drugs. We are the only ones who can leverage our value to build a better future for our people. We cannot expect others to do it for us. We must be the agents of our own change.
Ginger is a strong advocate for women's reproductive health rights, and ensuring contraception remains legal and available. She believes that civic engagement must be elevated in schools to teach future generations the value of productive debate, compromise and respect. Ginger believes that protection, enhancement and revitalization of the environment is a key public responsibility. And she believes that improved collaboration between the public and private sectors is the key to economic development. The public sector should be both an enabler and an overseer of private sector initiatives allowing private capitol to improve lives while protecting the public good.
Foremost is a genuine love for Guam and its residents, demonstrating unwavering commitment to enhancing the quality of life for everyone. This is what must drive the policies that prioritize our safety, well-being, health, and prosperity.

Also key is understanding and respecting Guam's unique political status as an unincorporated U.S. territory. Any elected official from Guam must navigate the complexities of this relationship, advocating for the island's interests at both local and federal levels, striving for greater political empowerment and ensuring Guam's voice is heard and respected while also holding sacred the responsibility as Americans, to promote, protect and defend the nation.

Protection and promotion of the environment are critical. Guam's natural beauty is a precious resource requiring vigilant safeguarding. Elected officials should champion environmental protection, sustainable development, and conservation efforts. Cultural preservation and promotion are equally important. Guam's rich cultural heritage, rooted in CHamoru traditions, must be upheld.

Integrity and accountability are also fundamental. Trustworthiness and transparency are crucial for building public trust. Elected officials must manage public resources responsibly, make ethical decisions, and be open to scrutiny, ensuring actions align with the best interests of the community.

Commitment to social equity and justice is vital. An elected official should strive for a fair and just society, addressing social inequalities, ensuring equal opportunities, and protecting the rights of marginalized groups.

Throughout, a good elected leader has Vision and collaborates across the aisle with public and private sector and civil society to address complex issues and implement successful initiatives.

By embodying these principles, an elected official in Guam can truly serve the island and its people, ensuring a thriving, resilient, and culturally vibrant future.
As I face the prospect of turning 60 years old next year, I look back at a lifetime of accomplishments seeking to find the most important thing I can do with my life to give back to the island that is my home.

The journey that got me here has been long and winding filled with personal and professional achievements, challenges, and lessons. It has taken me deep into the villages, out on the sparkling ocean, and all the way to Washingon and back. Each experience has shaped me and my understanding of the world, deepening my gratitude for the opportunities I have had.

And now, at this point in life, I know that the true measure of a life well-lived is not personal success, but in the impact I can have on others and on this island we call home.

Some people give back in social work, or save lives practicing medicine. Others are chefs who bring joy to their diners, or farmers who grow fruits and vegetables that sustain us. Some are craftsmen and women who keep our culture alive through their art.

The skill sets and value that I can bring are in the area of public policy. I have dedicated my life to learning and practicing public policy.

Public policy, when done well - strengthened with love for those that you serve, creativity to help get around roadblocks, and persistence to keep you on track until you achieve results - is something that I aspire to be my legacy to Guam and our people.

As I embark on this next chapter, I am filled with a sense of purpose and hope. I am committed to using my experience and knowledge to make a meaningful difference, contributing to a better island and a peaceful world through the power of thoughtful and compassionate public policy.
I remember my mom and dad in January of 1971, taking me to the Plaza de Espana in the center of Guam to attend the celebrations that were part of the swearing in of Guam's very first elected Governor, Carlos G. Camacho. I was five years old. I think that was what first triggered my interest in government and governance. Throughout my younger years I would often choose essay topics that were related to government or international relations and that fascination only continued to grow over time.
I worked as a legislative budget analyst my first summer back home from college under local Senator Franklin Gutierrez. Getting on the plane to fly home after my first year in college, I ran into Speaker Carl T.C. Gutierrez. He asked was I was planning on doing - when I responded getting my tan back and seeing friends and family - he corrected me and told me to show up at the Guam Legislature that next Monday. I did and it was my first introduction to politics. That has not left me since.
I believe Guam's constituents will significantly benefit from a Congressional representative with a strong background in the federal government system. A deep understanding of federal processes, institutions, and regulations enables a delegate to navigate the complexities of legislation more effectively, advocating for policies that directly benefit the island.

A combination of local and federal background and a lifetime of contacts throughout Washington D.C. will equip a delegate with the tools and connections to devise creative and successful policy initiatives.

In the case of Guam, the needs include not just drafting laws or amendments, but extends to an understanding of the federal regulatory environment where so many policy decisions are made in a vacuum because what works for states very often does not work for a territory thousands of miles away.

A strong familiarity with federal agencies and departments would ensure that a delegate could more effectively advocate for resources and support, benefiting schools, drug interdiction, healthcare facilities, and community programs.

Given Guam's unique non-voting delegate status, the understanding of how the federal government works will open new avenues previously unexplored, and will make available legislative and administrative avenues through which solutions can be pursued.
I trust the voters have the judgement to determine appropriate limits on public officials.
I have always admired the work of Guam's greatest Congressional Delegates: Won Pat, Blaz, Underwood and Bordallo - each of whom brought dignity, passion and integrity to the position. More than that, these are and were individuals who were bold and sought to be agents of change for the people of Guam.
Compromise is an essential component of a functioning Democracy. However, achieving compromise is becoming more challenging in today's polarized environment, where entrenched positions and populist rhetoric get in the way of negotiation.

Whether on Guam or on the mainland, evidence of the negative effect of fragmented information sources, biased opinion masquerading as fact, and online echo chambers makes the divisions even worse.

The irony is so much of the public that engages in these polarized debates and that is more and more intolerant of others' views... is the same public that decries the lack of progress in a government that is stalled in place due to the entrenched positions being taken in this hyper-polarized environment.

Critical thinking, empathy, respect are all areas that we have to consciously foster in current and future generations in Guam if we are to break this cycle and build more inclusive dialogue and deliberative democracy initiatives that will foster mutual understanding.

Leadership that models bipartisanship and prioritizes the common good can also inspire a broader culture of cooperation.

Compromise remains the cornerstone of democracy. It is essential for reconciling diverse interests, preventing tyranny, and promoting social cohesion and stability.

Only when we prioritize working together for good - Inafa'Maolek as we say in Guam - can our democratic society work towards a more just and harmonious future for all that live on our island.
Armed Services, Foreign Affairs and Natural Resources.
As the former Deputy Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, I have extensive experience related to the importance of transparency and accountability. Not only was that role one in which my office goal was to promote transparency and accountability over the $50 billion Iraq reconstruction program - it was also responsible for lessons learned that improved government economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

One of the primary roles of government is to allocate limited resources in a manner that maximizes the public good. Given the inherent scarcity of resources, it is impossible to meet everyone's needs no matter how just. Therefore, it is essential that the public understands how their elected leaders are prioritizing the available funding and support.

Transparency and accountability are foundational to fostering public trust in government. When Guam's residents are aware of how decisions are made, they are more likely to have confidence in the processes and outcomes.

Communication - both sharing information and listening to the public - is also critical in fostering a transparent government. Maintaining strong communication lines between stakeholders and elected officials is key to improving outcomes.

Likewise accountability is an essential foundation of good government. Officials must answer for their actions and decisions, ensuring that they adhere to legal and ethical standards.

Campaign finance

Name Party Receipts* Disbursements** Cash on hand Date
James Moylan Republican Party $288,357 $285,559 $4,024 As of December 31, 2024
Ginger Cruz Democratic Party $529,388 $522,799 $-18,009 As of December 31, 2024
Michael F.Q. San Nicolas Democratic Party $23,168 $38,204 $2,235 As of December 31, 2024
Amanda Shelton Democratic Party $166,381 $159,751 $6,629 As of December 31, 2024

Source: Federal Elections Commission, "Campaign finance data," 2024. This product uses the openFEC API but is not endorsed or certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

* According to the FEC, "Receipts are anything of value (money, goods, services or property) received by a political committee."
** According to the FEC, a disbursement "is a purchase, payment, distribution, loan, advance, deposit or gift of money or anything of value to influence a federal election," plus other kinds of payments not made to influence a federal election.

District history

The section below details election results for this office in elections dating back to 2018.


See also: United States House of Representatives election in Guam, 2022

General election

General election for U.S. House Guam At-large District

James Moylan defeated Judith Won Pat in the general election for U.S. House Guam At-large District on November 8, 2022.

Image of James Moylan
James Moylan (R)
Image of Judith Won Pat
Judith Won Pat (D)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 33,116
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary election

Democratic primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Judith Won Pat defeated Telena Cruz Nelson in the Democratic primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District on August 27, 2022.

Image of Judith Won Pat
Judith Won Pat
Telena Cruz Nelson
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 17,827
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Republican primary election

Republican primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District

James Moylan advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District on August 27, 2022.

Image of James Moylan
James Moylan
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 2,641
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.


See also: United States House of Representatives election in Guam, 2020

General runoff election

General runoff election for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Incumbent Michael F.Q. San Nicolas defeated Robert Underwood in the general runoff election for U.S. House Guam At-large District on November 17, 2020.

Image of Michael F.Q. San Nicolas
Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (D)
Image of Robert Underwood
Robert Underwood (D)

Total votes: 17,557
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

General election

General election for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Incumbent Michael F.Q. San Nicolas and Robert Underwood advanced to a runoff. They defeated William Castro in the general election for U.S. House Guam At-large District on November 3, 2020.

Image of Michael F.Q. San Nicolas
Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (D)
Image of Robert Underwood
Robert Underwood (D)
Image of William Castro
William Castro (R)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 28,622
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

Democratic primary election

The Democratic primary election was canceled. Incumbent Michael F.Q. San Nicolas and Robert Underwood advanced from the Democratic primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District.

Republican primary election

The Republican primary election was canceled. William Castro advanced from the Republican primary for U.S. House Guam At-large District.


See also: United States House of Representatives election in Guam, 2018

General election

General election for U.S. House Guam At-large District

Michael F.Q. San Nicolas defeated Doris Flores Brooks in the general election for U.S. House Guam At-large District on November 6, 2018.

Image of Michael F.Q. San Nicolas
Michael F.Q. San Nicolas (D)
Doris Flores Brooks (R)
 Other/Write-in votes

Total votes: 34,990
Candidate Connection = candidate completed the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection survey.
If you are a candidate and would like to tell readers and voters more about why they should vote for you, complete the Ballotpedia Candidate Connection Survey.

Do you want a spreadsheet of this type of data? Contact our sales team.

See also

Guam 2024 primaries 2024 U.S. Congress elections
Seal of Guam.png
Ballotpedia Election Coverage Badge.png
Guam congressional delegation
Voting in Guam
Guam elections:
2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018
Democratic primary battlegrounds
Republican primary battlegrounds
U.S. Senate Democratic primaries
U.S. Senate Republican primaries
U.S. House Democratic primaries
U.S. House Republican primaries
U.S. Congress elections
U.S. Senate elections
U.S. House elections
Special elections
Ballot access

External links


Republican Party (1)