United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

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Eastern District of Michigan
Sixth Circuit
Great seal of the United States.png
Posts: 15
Judges: 15
Vacancies: 0
Chief: Sean Cox
Active judges: Terrence Berg, Sean Cox, Susan DeClercq, Mark Goldsmith, Jonathan Grey, Frances Kay Behm, Shalina Kumar, Matthew Frederick Leitman, Judith Ellen Levy, Thomas Ludington, Brandy McMillion, Laurie Michelson, Stephen Murphy, Linda V. Parker, Robert White

Senior judges:
Paul Borman, Robert Cleland, Gershwin Drain, Nancy Edmunds, Bernard Friedman, Denise Hood, David Lawson, George Steeh

The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan is one of 94 United States district courts. It was established by an act of Congress on December 24, 1863. When decisions of the court are appealed, they are appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit based in downtown Cincinnati at the Potter A. Stewart Federal Courthouse and Building.


See also: Current federal judicial vacancies

There are no current vacancies on the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, out of the court's 15 judicial positions.

Pending nominations

There are no pending nominees for this court.

Active judges

Article III judges

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

Sean Cox

George W. Bush (R)

June 12, 2006 -

University of Michigan, 1979

Detroit College of Law, 1983

Thomas Ludington

George W. Bush (R)

June 12, 2006 -

Albion College, 1976

University of San Diego School of Law, 1979

Stephen Murphy

George W. Bush (R)

August 18, 2008 -

Marquette University, 1984

St. Louis University School of Law, 1987

Mark Goldsmith

Barack Obama (D)

June 22, 2010 -

University of Michigan, 1974

Harvard Law School, 1977

Terrence Berg

Barack Obama (D)

December 7, 2012 -

Georgetown University, 1981

Georgetown University Law Center, 1986

Judith Ellen Levy

Barack Obama (D)

March 14, 2014 -

University of Michigan, 1981

University of Michigan Law, 1996

Laurie Michelson

Barack Obama (D)

March 14, 2014 -

University of Michigan, 1989

Northwestern University Law, 1992

Matthew Frederick Leitman

Barack Obama (D)

March 14, 2014 -

University of Michigan, 1990

Harvard Law, 1993

Linda V. Parker

Barack Obama (D)

March 17, 2014 -

University of Michigan, 1980

George Washington University Law Center, 1983

Shalina Kumar

Joe Biden (D)

December 21, 2021 -

University of Michigan, 1993

University of Detroit, Mercy School of Law, 1996

Frances Kay Behm

Joe Biden (D)

December 15, 2022 -

Albion College, 1991

University of Michigan Law School, 1994

Jonathan Grey

Joe Biden (D)

March 9, 2023 -

Morehouse College, 2004

Georgetown University Law Center, 2007

Susan DeClercq

Joe Biden (D)

November 9, 2023 -

University of Michigan, 1995

Wayne State University Law School, 1999

Brandy McMillion

Joe Biden (D)

November 13, 2023 -

University of Michigan, 2001

The George Washington University Law School, 2006

Robert White

Joe Biden (D)

April 15, 2024 -

University of Michigan, 2007

Chicago-Kent College of Law, 2010

Active Article III judges by appointing political party

The list below displays the number of active judges by the party of the appointing president. It does not reflect how a judge may rule on specific cases or their own political preferences.

  • Democrat appointed: 12
  • Republican appointed: 3

Senior judges

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

Bernard Friedman

Ronald Reagan (R)

January 1, 2009 -

Detroit College of Law, 1968

Nancy Edmunds

George H.W. Bush (R)

August 1, 2012 -

Cornell University, 1969

Wayne State University Law School, 1976

George Steeh

Bill Clinton (D)

January 29, 2013 -

University of Michigan, 1969

University of Michigan Law School, 1973

Robert Cleland

George H.W. Bush (R)

February 28, 2013 -

Michigan State University, 1969

University of North Carolina School of Law, 1972

David Lawson

Bill Clinton (D)

August 6, 2021 -

University of Notre Dame, 1973

Wayne State University, 1976

Denise Hood

Bill Clinton (D)

May 1, 2022 -

Yale University, 1974

Columbia Law School, 1977

Gershwin Drain

August 13, 2022 -

Western Michigan University, 1970

University of Michigan Law, 1972

Paul Borman

Bill Clinton (D)

August 1, 2023 -

University of Michigan, 1959

University of Michigan Law School, 1962

Senior judges by appointing political party

The list below displays the number of senior judges by the party of the appointing president. It does not reflect how a judge may rule on specific cases or their own political preferences.

  • Democrat appointed: 6
  • Republican appointed: 3

Magistrate judges

Federal magistrate judges are federal judges who serve in United States district courts, but they are not appointed by the president and they do not serve life terms. Magistrate judges are assigned duties by the district judges in the district in which they serve. They may preside over most phases of federal proceedings, except for criminal felony trials. The specific duties of a magistrate judge vary from district to district, but the responsibilities always include handling matters that would otherwise be on the dockets of the district judges. Full-time magistrate judges serve for renewable terms of eight years. Some federal district courts have part-time magistrate judges, who serve for renewable terms of four years.[1]

Judge Appointed By Assumed Office Bachelors Law

David Grand

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

November 1, 2011 -

Indiana University, 1994

University of Michigan Law School, 1998

Patricia T. Morris

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

April 24, 2014 -

University of Michigan

Cooley Law

Elizabeth A. Stafford

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

November 17, 2014 -

Michigan State University

Wayne State University Law School

Anthony P. Patti

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

January 5, 2015 -

University of Michigan, 1987

University of Notre Dame Law School, 1990

Kimberly Altman

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

September 16, 2020 -

James Madison College at Michigan State University, 1992

Wayne State University Law School, 1995

Curtis Ivy Jr.

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan

October 2, 2020 -

Eastern Michigan University

University of Mississippi School of Law

Former chief judges

In order to qualify for the office of chief judge in an Article III circuit or district court, or on the United States Court of International Trade, a judge must be in active service and hold seniority over the court's commissioned judges who are 64 years of age or under, have served one year or more, and have not previously served as chief judge.[2]

In the event that no judge on the court meets those qualifications, the youngest judge in regular active service aged 65 years or more and who has served as a judge for one year or more shall become chief judge. If no judge meets those qualifications, the judge holding seniority in active service who has not served as chief before shall become the chief judge.[3][4][5]

The chief judge serves for a term of seven years until another judge becomes eligible to serve in the position. No judge is permitted to serve as chief judge after reaching the age of 70 years unless no other judge is qualified to serve.[3][4][5]

Unlike the chief justice of the United States, a chief judge returns to active service after the expiration of their term and does not create a vacancy on the court by the fact of their promotion.[2][3][4][5]

On the United States Court of Federal Claims, the chief judge is selected by the president of the United States. The judge must be less than 70 years of age. A chief may serve until they reach age 70 or until another judge is designated by the president as the new chief judge. If the president selects a new chief judge, the former chief judge may continue active service on the court for the remainder of their appointed term.[6]

Former judges

For more information on the judges of the Eastern District of Michigan, see former federal judges of the Eastern District of Michigan.


The Counties of the Eastern District of Michigan (click for larger map)

The Eastern District of Michigan has original jurisdiction over cases filed within its jurisdiction. These cases can include civil and criminal matters that fall under federal law.

The District Court is based in Detroit, with courthouses also located in Ann Arbor, Bay City, Flint, and Port Huron.

The geographic jurisdiction of the Eastern District of Michigan consists of all the following counties in the eastern part of the state of Michigan.


This section contains court management statistics dating back to 2010. It was last updated in September 2024.

Click [show] below for more information on caseload terms and definitions.

United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan caseload stats, 2010-2023
Year Cases Filed Cases Terminated Cases Pending Number of Judgeships Vacant Judgeship Months Average Total Filings per Judgeship Trials Completed per Judgeship Median time from filing to disposition, criminal Median time from filing to disposition, civil Three-year civil cases (#) Three-year civil cases (%)
2010 6,276 6,301 6,192 15 25 418 13 10 8 320 7
2011 6,645 6,445 5,873 15 24 443 14 11 8 404 8
2012 7,186 6,786 6,918 15 30 479 13 10 8 441 8
2013 6,829 6,973 6,850 15 45 455 14 10 8 484 9
2014 6,240 6,379 6,763 15 10 416 14 10 9 512 10
2015 5,840 6,127 6,442 15 0 389 12 11 8 828 16
2016 5,736 5,612 6,540 15 2 382 13 11 9 1,040 20
2017 5,543 5,569 6,498 15 12 370 11 11 10 995 19
2018 5,383 5,582 5,512 15 5 359 13 10 9 330 8
2019 4,982 5,300 5,202 15 12 332 12 10 9 382 10
2020 4,139 3,990 5,361 15 0 276 5 10 10 350 9
2021 4,080 4,122 5,356 15 15 272 8 18 10 421 11
2022 4,149 4,531 5,002 15 27 277 11 15 10 435 12
2023 4,250 4,247 5,000 15 21 283 13 16 8 397 11
Average 5,520 5,569 5,965 15 16 368 12 12 9 524 11


On July 1, 1836, Statute 5 Stat. 61 organized the State of Michigan as one judicial district. One judgeship was authorized for this U.S. district court, and being that it was not assigned to a judicial circuit, the district court was granted the same jurisdiction as the United States circuit courts, excluding appeals and writs of error, which are the jurisdiction of the United States Supreme Court.

On March 3, 1837, the circuit court jurisdiction was repealed, and the U.S. District Court for the District of Michigan was assigned to the Seventh Circuit, in addition to establishing a circuit court for the district.

Congress reorganized the circuits and assigned Michigan to the Eighth Circuit on July 15, 1862, followed by reassignment to the Seventh Circuit on January 28, 1863.

The State of Michigan divided into two judicial districts on February 24, 1863. The districts were known as the Eastern District of Michigan and the Western District of Michigan. One judgeship was authorized for each district, and the district judge serving the District of Michigan was assigned over to the Eastern District of Michigan.

Congress again reorganized the circuits and assigned Michigan over to the Sixth Circuit on July 23, 1866. Over time, 14 additional judicial posts were added for a total of 15 current posts.[7]

Judicial posts

The following table highlights the development of judicial posts for the Eastern District of Michigan:[7]

Year Statute Total Seats
February 24, 1863 12 Stat. 660 1
September 14, 1922 42 Stat. 837 2(1 temporary)
March 3, 1927 44 Stat. 1380 3
February 20, 1931 46 Stat. 1197 4
August 19, 1935 49 Stat. 659 4
May 31, 1938 52 Stat. 585 5
February 10, 1954 68 Stat. 8 6
May 19, 1961 75 Stat. 80 8
June 2, 1970 84 Stat. 294 10
October 20, 1978 92 Stat. 1629 13
July 10, 1984 98 Stat. 333 15

Noteworthy cases

For a searchable list of opinions, please see Justia.com-Dockets and Filings-Eastern District of Michigan.

Federal courthouse

Five separate courthouses serve the Eastern District of Michigan in Detroit, Ann Harbor, Bay City, Flint, and Port Huron.[23]

About United States District Courts

The United States district courts are the general trial courts of the United States federal courts. There are 94 such courts. Both civil and criminal cases are filed in the district court, which is a court of both law and equity.

There is a United States bankruptcy court and a number of bankruptcy judges associated with each United States district court. Each federal judicial district has at least one courthouse, and most districts have more than one.

There is at least one judicial district for each state, and one each for Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. District courts in three insular areas—the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands—exercise the same jurisdiction as U.S. district courts. Despite their name, these courts are technically not District Courts of the United States. Judges on these territorial courts do not enjoy the protections of Article III of the Constitution, and serve terms of 10 years rather than for life.

There are 677 U.S. District Court judgeships.[24][25]

The number of federal district judge positions is set by the U.S. Congress in Title 28 of the U.S. Code, Section 133, which authorizes a set number of judge positions, or judgeships, making changes and adjustments in these numbers from time to time.

In order to relieve the pressure of trying the hundreds of thousands of cases brought before the federal district courts each year, many trials are tried by juries, along with a presiding judge.[26]

Appointments by president

The chart below shows the number of district court judges confirmed by the U.S. Senate through March 1 of the first year of each president's term in office. At this point in the term, no president had made Article III judicial appointments.

See also

External links


  1. Federal Judicial Center, "Magistrate Judgeships," accessed April 29, 2021
  2. 2.0 2.1 United States Courts, "Frequently Asked Questions," accessed January 25, 2022
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, "28 U.S. Code § 136 - Chief judges; precedence of district judges," accessed January 25, 2022
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, "28 U.S. Code § 258 - Chief judges; precedence of judges," accessed January 25, 2022
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, "28 U.S. Code § 45 - Chief judges; precedence of judges," accessed January 25, 2022
  6. Cornell Law School Legal Information Institute, "28 U.S. Code § 171 - Appointment and number of judges; character of court; designation of chief judge," accessed January 25, 2022
  7. 7.0 7.1 Federal Judicial Center, "History of the Eastern District of Michigan," accessed May 25, 2021
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 MLive.com, "Judge calls child's death a 'heinous and barbarous act' in sending killer Anthony Bennett to prison," May 22, 2014
  9. MLive.com, "Anthony Bennett pleads guilty to federal charge of second-degree murder in Mount Pleasant 4-year-old's slaying," December 17, 2013
  10. 10.0 10.1 Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 ABC 7 Chicago, "90-year-old drug courier sentenced to three years calls it 'death sentence'," May 7, 2014
  12. Michigan Marriage Amendment, Proposal 2 (2004)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 New York Times, "Federal Judge Strikes Down Michigan’s Ban on Same-Sex Marriage," March 21, 2014
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 DeBoer v. Snyder, "Conclusion," accessed May 20, 2015
  15. Same-sex marriage in the federal courts
  16. New York Times, "For Gay Couples in Michigan, a Day of Joy Ends in Legal Uncertainty," March 22, 2014
  17. ACLU, "Hill v. Snyder," November 26, 2013
  18. MLive.com, "Juvenile lifers: Federal judge orders Michigan to offer 'meaningful and realistic' parole hearings," November 26, 2013
  19. MLive, "Juvenile lifers: Federal judge orders Michigan to offer 'meaningful and realistic' parole hearings," November 27, 2013
  20. Toledo Blade, "Michigan weighs fate of its lifers in juvenile prisons," December 6, 2013
  21. State of Michigan Attorney General, "Schuette Announces He Will Appeal Federal Court Ruling Opening Door for Parole for Teenage Murderers," December 2, 2013
  22. The Detroit News, "U.S. appeals court delays possible parole for Michigan's 'juvenile lifers'," December 23, 2013
  23. Eastern District of Michigan, "Locations," accessed May 7, 2021
  24. US Courts, "Federal Judgeships," accessed May 10, 2021 (archived)
  25. 25.0 25.1 U.S. Courts, "United States District Court Federal Judiciary Frequently Asked Questions," accessed May 10, 2021 (archived)
  26. United States District Courts, "District Courts," accessed May 10, 2021
  27. The 'Lectric Law Library, "Understanding the U.S. federal courts"