United States Congress Joint Economic Committee
The United States Congress Joint Economic Committee is a joint committee of the U.S. Congress. It was established by the Employment Act of 1946.[1]
118th Congress
The committee vice chair in the 118th Congress was Martin Heinrich (D).
117th Congress
The committee chairman in the 117th Congress was Don Beyer (D).
116th Congress
The committee chairman in the 116th Congress was Mike Lee (R).
115th Congress
The committee chairman in the 115th Congress was Pat Tiberi (R).
114th Congress
The committee chairman in the 114th Congress was Dan Coats (R).
113th Congress
The committee chairman in the 113th Congress was Kevin Brady (R).
112th Congress
The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Robert Casey (R).
2023-2024 (118th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2023-2024 |
Democratic members (6) | Republican members (4) |
2021-2022 (117th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2021-2022 |
Democratic members (11) | Republican members (9) |
2019-2020 (116th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2019-2020 |
Democratic members (10) | Republican members (10) |
2017-2018 (115th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2017-2018 |
Democratic members (8) | Republican members (12) |
2015-2016 (114th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2015-2016 |
Democratic members (8) | Republican members (11) |
2013-2014 (113th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2013-2014 |
Democratic members (10) | Republican members (9) |
2011-2012 (112th Congress)
Joint Economic Committee, 2011-2012 |
Democratic members (10) | Republican members (9) |
According to the official Congress website, the jurisdiction of the Joint Economic Committee includes the following:
- Make a continuing study of matters relating to the US economy.
- Hold hearings, perform research, and advise Members of Congress.
G-01 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515
Telephone: (202) 224-5171
See also
External links
- Official Committee Page
- Committee Majority Official Page
- Official Committee Facebook Page
- Committee Minority Facebook Page
- Official Committee Twitter Account
- Committee Minority Twitter Account
- Official Committee Youtube Channel
- Committee Minority Youtube Channel
- Committee profile on Congress Merge
- Committee profile on Govtrack
- Committee profile on Legistorm