Timeline of John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker
From Ballotpedia
Below is a comprehensive timeline that details the events surrounding two John Doe investigations related to Scott Walker that took place in Wisconsin. To read the full details of these investigations, click here.
John Doe I
- June
- Georgia Thompson, a civil servant hired by former Republican Gov. Scott McCallum, is prosecuted by Steven Biskupic and convicted of federal corruption charges.[1][2]
- April
- 4/5/2007: Thompson's case is thrown out, and Biskupic is admonished by judges. Some believe Biskupic was prosecuting Thompson for political reasons, in an attempt to implicate others in then-Gov. Jim Doyle's (D) administration.[3]
- The annual Operation Freedom event is held, which is put on by then-County Executive Scott Walker.[4]
- Walker aide Darlene Wink brings attention to missing funds from the 2007 Operation Freedom event.[5][6]
- Walker and his office ask for an investigation into the missing funds, and the case is turned over to Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm's (D) office.
- April
- 4/23/2009: Walker Chief of Staff Tom Nardelli tells the DA's lead investigator, David Budde, the funds were taken by Kevin Kavanaugh, the treasurer of the Military Order of the Purple Heart (MOPH), at the time of the event.[5]
- 4/24/2009: Walker announces his run for governor.[5][7]
- January
- 1/21/2010: The Supreme Court issues its ruling in the contested Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case.[8]
- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett (D) awards Jeff Fleming, his former campaign spokesperson, a no-bid contract. Fleming, while employed by the city, was also involved in private business and campaign work for Barrett. Correspondence related to campaign activity went to both his city email and his personal email.[5][9]
- April
- 4/19/2010: The Government Accountability Board (GAB) receives a complaint from a girlfriend of a Walker donor stating that contributions had been made by other people on behalf of the donor, William Gardner, in order to skirt campaign contribution limits.[10]
- May
- 5/5/2010: John Doe I Judge Neal Nettesheim okays a John Doe investigation into the missing funds two years after they are reported missing.[5][11]
- 5/10/2010: The GAB initiates an investigation into Gardner.[5][12]
- The GAB and Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Bruce Landgraf pull the Gardner investigation under the John Doe investigation.[5][13]
- 5/13/2010: Darlene Wink admits to posting political comments on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website.[14][12]
- 5/13/2010: Darlene Wink resigns.[14][12]
- 5/14/2010: Affidavits are submitted to enlarge the scope of the John Doe investigation.
- 5/14/2010: Wink's county office is searched, and her computer and files are seized.[5][14]
- 5/14/2010: John Weishan sends a criminal complaint to Chisholm, alleging Darlene Wink was “illegally using state resources for political purposes” by posting favorably about Walker on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's website.[5]
- 5/18/2010: The John Doe investigation is expanded again to include Gardner's illegal campaign contributions.[15]
- 5/18/2010: Gardner contacts the GAB and agrees to cooperate.[10][12]
- Chisholm's office declines to prosecute a county employee, Chris Liebenthal, who was blogging about politics on his county computer.[5][6]
- August
- 8/6/2010: DA Investigator Budde signs an affidavit for a search warrant of Wink's house.[16]
- 8/9/2010: Wink's house is searched.[15]
- 8/12/2010: Budde signs an affidavit for a search warrant for Internet and email service providers for eight of Walker's staff members.[17]
- 8/17/2010: Nardelli meets with Chisholm, questioning the need for a John Doe investigation.
- 8/19/2010: Budde submits an affidavit to widen the scope of the investigation and subpoenas from the Information Management Services Division, the Milwaukee County IT department, for Tim Russell's records. Russell had been Walker's deputy chief of staff.[18]
- 8/20/2010: Budde signs an affidavit to seize Russell's work computer.[19]
- 8/20/2010: Russell's work computer is seized.[15]
- September
- 9/12/2010: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports Democrats and unions are coordinating an attack on Walker for the death of a teenager that occurred as the result of an accident at the county-owned O'Donnell Park parking structure. [5][20]
- 9/14/2010: Walker wins the Republican primary for governor.[21]
- 9/22/2010: The Republican Party of Wisconsin files a complaint that SEIU, media and Milwaukee County supervisors are coordinating against Walker.[5][22]
- 9/22/2010: Christopher Brekken, owner of a Harley-Davidson dealership, receives a subpoena for credit card records related to Kevin Kavanaugh and the missing Operation Freedom funds. Maintaining such records is against state and federal law. [23]
- 9/27/2010: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Dan Bice delivers his first report on the first John Doe investigation.[5][24]
- October
- 10/18/2010: DA Investigator Budde asks that data collected from subpoenas but held by the John Doe judge be released.[25]
- 10/19/2010: Budde asks for a subpoena for the private emails of Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff, and Brian Pierick, Tim Russell's boyfriend.[26]
- 10/19/2010: Christopher Brekken is jailed without charges for not cooperating with the investigation.[5]
- November
- 11/1/2010: The John Doe investigation is expanded to include Walker's deputy chief of staff, Kelly Rindfleisch; Walker's chief of staff, Tom Nardelli; Walker's press secretary during his time as county executive, Fran McLaughlin; and his personal assistant, Dorothy Moore.
- 11/1/2010: A hearing is held for search warrant requests.[27]
- 11/1/2010: Judge Nettesheim signs a search warrant for the county executives office.[28]
- 11/1/2010: Nettesheim signs a search warrant for the home and vehicle of Kelly Rindfleisch.[29]
- 11/1/2010: Computers are seized from the county executives office.[5]
- 11/1/2010: Rindfleisch's house, vehicle and temporary residence in Milwaukee are searched.[5]
- 11/1/2010: Emails of the group Friends of Scott Walker are subpoenaed.[15]
- 11/2/2010: Scott Walker wins the general election, becoming the 45th governor of Wisconsin.[30]
- 11/15/2010: DA Chisholm asks then-Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen (R) for help on the John Doe investigation, but Van Hollen declines.[15]
- 11/30/2010: The John Doe investigation is expanded to include an investigation of Tim Russell, Walker's former deputy chief of staff.[5]
- December
- 12/7/2010: Russell's house and real estate office are raided.[5]
- January
- 1/3/2011: Walker takes the oath of office.[5]
- 1/20/2011: Tim Russell's nonprofit, the Heritage Guard Preservation Society, has its bank records seized.[15]
- February
- Recall groups begin collecting unofficial signatures to recall Gov. Walker.[5]
- 2/11/2011: Walker introduces Act 10, which seeks to address a $137 million shortfall in the 2010-11 fiscal year. The bill includes changes to collective bargaining rights for public employees, which infuriates public sector unions and their supporters.[31]
- 2/14/2011: Protests over Act 10 begin.[32]
- 2/15/2011: Hearings are held on Act 10.[33]
- 2/16/2011: The number of protestors rises to an estimated 30,000.[34]
- 2/17/2011: Fourteen Democratic state senators flee the state in order to deny Walker the quorum required to approve a bill with financial provisions.[35]
- 2/18/2011: Richard Trumka, president of the AFL-CIO, addresses approximately 70,000 protestors. [36]
- 2/19/2011: University of Wisconsin doctors sign sick notes for teachers, allowing them to skip school in order to participate in the protests.[37]
- 2/20/2011: Protestors take over the capitol building in Madison.[38]
- 2/22/2011: The state Assembly passes Act 10.[39]
- 2/23/2011: A liberal blogger, pretending to be David Koch, prank calls Walker.[40]
- 2/26/2011: Protestors grow to an estimated 70,000-100,000.[41]
- March
- 3/1/2011: United Wisconsin files for a PAC to fund the Walker recall effort.[42]
- 3/3/2011: Police find 41 rounds of .22 caliber bullets at the capitol building.[43]
- 3/4/2011: Walker says layoff notices will be sent to 1,500 public employees if Act 10 is not passed.[44]
- 3/5/2011: Filmmaker Michael Moore speaks to protesters.[45]
- 3/7/2011: As a result of the prank phone call, the Democratic Party files a complaint with the GAB, alleging illegal campaign coordination between Walker and his donors.[5]
- 3/9/2011: The state Senate removes financial stipulations from Act 10 in order to pass it without a quorum present.[39]
- 3/9/2011: The state Senate passes the amended version of Act 10.[39]
- 3/10/2011: The state Assembly passes the amended version of Act 10.[39]
- 3/11/2011: Walker signs Act 10 into law.[39]
- 3/11/2011: Kathleen Falk, then-county executive of Dane County, files suit against Act 10.[5]
- 3/12/2011: The Democratic senators who fled the state return to Madison.[46]
- 3/16/2011: Dane County DA Ismael Ozanne files suit against Act 10.[5]
- 3/18/2011: Judge Maryann Sumi grants a temporary restraining order on Act 10.[5]
- 3/25/2011: The Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau publishes Act 10 after Secretary of State Doug La Follette (D) refuses to do so.[5]
- 3/25/2011: Two unions, AFL-CIO Laborers Local 236 and Firefighters Local 311, file a lawsuit against Act 10.[5]
- April
- June
- 6/15/2011: All public sector unions in the state jointly file a lawsuit against Act 10.[5]
- July
- Reports surface that the office of Shelly Moore, a Democrat running against Republican incumbent Sheila Harsdorf in a recall election for the state Senate, is housed with the We Are Wisconsin offices. Since We are Wisconsin is a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization, it is not allowed to coordinate with candidates like Moore.[5]
- A complaint is filed that state Senator Dave Hansen (D) illegally coordinated with liberal groups.[5]
- July
- 7/7/2011: Gardner is sentenced to nine months probation.[47]
- The Republican Party of Wisconsin files a complaint that Shelly Moore, a teacher, used school equipment for her recall campaign. In an email, Moore acknowledged she was not legally allowed to use public property for this purpose, but stated, “I don’t frankly care.” Nothing came of the complaint.[5]
- August
- 8/22/2011: The Republican Party of Wisconsin files a complaint stating that Rep. Sandy Pasch (D) and the group Citizen Action of Wisconsin illegally coordinated. Pasch served as a board member for the group. Nothing came of the complaint.[5]
- 8/16/2011: Recall elections are held for six Republican state senators and three Democratic state senators, in the wake of Act 10.[49]
- September
- 9/14/2011: The house of Cindy Archer, Walker's director of Administrative Services in Milwaukee County and his deputy secretary of the Department of Administration in Madison, is raided by police and the FBI.[5][50]
- October
- November
- 11/15/2011: The effort to recall Gov. Scott Walker is officially launched.[5]
- 11/19/2011: The Committee to Recall Scott Walker coordinates with the groups We Are Wisconsin, United Wisconsin and the Democratic Party of Wisconsin on an event.[5][6]
- Coordination between recall groups is questioned.[5]
- December
- 12/4/2011: Judge Nettesheim signs a warrant to search the office of Christopher Wiesmueller, Darlene Wink's attorney.[51]
- 12/6/2011: Investigators execute the warrant on Weismueller's office.[51]
- 12/13/2011: Andrew P. Jensen, Jr., who was involved with the Ruess Building lease, is arrested, without being formally charged, for failing to cooperate with the John Doe investigation. In 2005, Milwaukee County signed a lease with a private developer to house some county offices in Ruess Federal Plaza. In the summer of 2010, a request for bids for private office space went out. In the end, the county opted to move the offices back into a county-owned building, so none of the bids were accepted, including the bid to keep the offices in the Ruess building. Despite that, the John Doe was expanded again to look into the possibility that inside information was provided to some of the bidders, eventually leading to Jensen's arrest. He was never charged with any wrongdoing.[52]
- January
- 1/5/2012: Charges are filed against Tim Russell, Walker's former deputy chief of staff; Brian Pierick, Russell's boyfriend; and Kevin Kavanaugh, the treasurer of the Military Order of the Purple Heart at the time of the Operation Freedom event.[53]
- 1/17/2012: Recall petitions are certified for the governor, lieutenant governor and four Republican state senators.[54]
- 1/25/2012: Judge Nettesheim signs the order that Kelly Rindfleisch's information, including personal emails, can be released to be used in prosecution.[55]
- 1/26/2012: Charges are filed against Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff, and Darlene Wink, a former Walker aide. [56]
- February
- March
- April
- Dan Bice reports for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on the status of the John Doe investigation, inferring that charges against Walker will be filed before the recall election.[5]
- 4/19/2012: A letter is released exonerating Andrew Jensen, who was involved with the Ruess Building lease, from any wrongdoing. No one was ever charged with any wrongdoing related to the lease.[60][61]
- May
- Michael D. Dean, on behalf of Anthony Ostry, files a formal complaint with the GAB and with John Chisholm, alleging the Wisconsin AFL-CIO violated campaign rules by sending mail outside of its membership. Nothing came of this complaint.[5]
- 5/8/2012: Recall primaries are held.[62]
- 5/28/2012: Bice reports the John Doe investigation is focusing in on bid-rigging.[5]
- 5/30/2012: The Democratic Party of Wisconsin puts out a press release saying Walker admitted to being under criminal investigation.[5]
- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who is running against Walker in the recall election, puts out ads addressing the John Doe investigation.[5]
- 5/31/2012: Fran McLaughlin, Walker's former press secretary, is given immunity.[5]
- June
- 6/1/2012: Tom Barrett repeatedly brings up the John Doe investigation during a debate.[5]
- 6/5/2012: The recall elections are held, with Walker winning by a larger margin than he did in 2010.[63]
- 6/18/2012: David Robles, an assistant district attorney under John Chisholm, makes an open records request for communications between the governor's office and the Department of Administration (DOA), "requesting all communications 'related to the designation and determination of individuals as ‘key professional staff’ of the Office of Governor.'" Robles lists personal information and does not identify himself as working for the DA. [5]
- 6/27/2012: The DOA denies Robles' open records request on the grounds that it is related to official DA business and does not constitute a personal inquiry.[5]
- September
- An AFL-CIO report shows lobbying payments made to the Center for Media and Democracy, which is not registered to lobby.[5]
- 9/14/2012: Christopher Brekken, the owner of a Harley-Davidson dealership who was imprisoned for failing to provide the DA's office credit card information on a client, files a lawsuit against ADA Bruce Landgraf.[64]
- October
- 10/8/2012: The trial of Kevin Kavanaugh begins.[65][66]
- 10/11/2012: Kelly Rindfleisch agrees to a plea deal.[67][68]
- 10/12/2012: Kevin Kavanaugh is found guilty of one felony count of theft in relation to the missing Operation Freedom funds, the reason the John Doe investigation was initiated. [65][66]
- November
- The Federal Election Commission (FEC) fines the Professional Firefighters of Wisconsin $58,000 for violating campaign finance laws.[5]
- 11/19/2012: Kelly Rindfleisch is sentenced to six months in jail and three years probation for responding to emails from a lieutenant governor candidate, Brett Davis (R), for whom she was doing fundraising work.[67][69]
- 11/29/2012: Tim Russell pleads guilty to one felony count of theft in relation to the missing Operation Freedom funds, the reason the John Doe investigation was initiated. [70][71]
- December
- January
- 1/10/2013: Darlene Wink is sentenced to 120 days in jail—though a judge stayed the sentence—one year of probation, 50 hours of community service and $1,000 in fines for organizing a fundraising event for Walker in 2009.[57]
- 1/22/2013: Tim Russell is sentenced to two years in prison, five years extended supervision and restitution of $26,621.04.[70][71]
- 1/25/2013: Russell's boyfriend, Brian Pierick, pleads guilty to one misdemeanor count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor.[72][73]
- February
- March
- November
- 11/22/2013: Lisa Graves, of the Center for Media and Democracy (CFMD), admits on a conference call that liberals do the same things for which the Republicans connected to Scott Walker were being investigated. [75]
- February
- 2/10/2014: Kelly Rindfleisch's emails are released to the public.[76]
- September
- 9/18/2014: Oral arguments are heard on Rindfleisch's appeal, which was part of her plea bargain.[77]
- November
- 11/3/2014: Darlene Wink's lawyer, Christopher Wiesmueller, files a lawsuit against Judge Nettesheim on the belief that Nettesheim violated his First and Fourth Amendment Constitutional rights.[51]
- 11/3/2014: Judge Nettesheim asks Attorney General Van Hollen to represent him.[78]
- 11/12/2014: Kelly Rindfleisch's appeal is denied.[79][80]
- December
- 12/12/2014: Rindfleisch appeals to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.[81][82]
- January
- March
- 3/16/2015: The Supreme Court declines to hear Rindfleisch's case.[85]
- April
- 4/2/2015: Rindfleisch begins serving her six-month sentence under home confinement.[86]
John Doe II
- March
- 3/24/2010: The GAB implements rules to expand the definition of express advocacy to include issue advocacy.[10]
- October
- The DA's office begins investigating the Walker campaign and deposes R.J. Johnson, an adviser to Walker and the conservative social issues group Wisconsin Club for Growth (WCFG).[87]
- January
- March
- Walker is deposed.[87]
- August
- Judge Nettesheim okays rolling documents from John Doe I over to John Doe II.[88]
- 8/8/2012: Chisholm and others meet with the GAB regarding alleged criminal violations of campaign finance law during the 2012 recall election.[10]
- 8/10/2012: Chisholm petitions for a second John Doe investigation.[89][90]
- 8/10/2012: Robert Stelter, an investigator with the Milwaukee County DA's office, submits an affidavit requesting a second John Doe investigation. David Robles, an assistant district attorney under John Chisholm, also requests a second John Doe investigation.[91]
- September
- 9/5/2012: Wisconsin Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (via A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts) appoints Judge Barbara Kluka as the John Doe II judge.[89]
- 9/5/2012: The second John Doe investigation is officially launched.[89]
- 9/5/2012: Judge Kluka files a secrecy order.[89]
- The GAB board and staff are admitted as parties to the John Doe II investigation without the knowledge of the board.[10][92]
- Subpoenas are served for email and phone records of various targets of John Doe II.[93]
- December
- January
- 1/18/2013: Chisholm meets with Attorney General Van Hollen to get help from the Department of Justice.[89]
- March
- 3/19/2013: The judge assigned the lawsuit that Christopher Brekken, owner of a Harley-Davidson dealership, brought against ADA Bruce Landgraf dismisses it but says the investigation was politically motivated.[64]
- May
- 5/31/2013: Attorney General Van Hollen declines to help Chisholm but gives the GAB authority to investigate.[89]
- June
- July
- 7/16/2013: Jonathan Becker, the administrator of the Ethics and Accountability Division of the GAB, calls Francis Schmitz to bring him on board as the special prosecutor for John Doe II. Schmitz describes himself as a Republican and says he voted for Walker in 2012.[10]"
- 7/22/2013: The Columbia County DA asks to commence a second John Doe investigation on Kelly Rindfleisch, Walker's deputy chief of staff who was convicted during the course of John Doe I.[89]
- 7/25/2013: The Iowa County DA asks to commence a John Doe investigation on Eric O'Keefe, director of the Wisconsin Club for Growth (WCFG).[89]
- 7/28/2013: The Dodge County DA asks to commence a John Doe investigation on R.J. Johnson, an adviser to Walker and the WCFG.[89]
- August
- 8/7/2013: Wisconsin Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (via A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts) appoints Judge Barbara Kluka the judge for both the Iowa and Dodge County John Doe investigations.[89]
- 8/7/2013: Francis Schmitz signs a contract to be a special investigator for the GAB.[10]
- 8/10/2013: ADA David Robles asks for the John Doe to investigate everyone and everything.[89]
- 8/14/2013: Wisconsin Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (via A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts) appoints Judge Barbara Kluka as the Columbia County John Doe judge.[89]
- 8/17/2013: Francis Schmitz begins as the special investigator for John Doe II.[95]
- 8/21/2013: The Dane County DA asks to commence a John Doe investigation on Keith Gilkes, a top campaign aide of Walker's.[89]
- 8/21/2013: Wisconsin Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (via A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts) appoints Judge Barbara Kluka as the Dane County John Doe judge.[89]
- 8/21/2013: Judge Kluka commences John Doe investigations in four other counties with a secrecy order.[89]
- 8/21/2013: The DAs in the five counties where John Doe investigations are taking place send a letter to Judge Kluka asking her to appoint Francis Schmitz the special prosecutor of the John Does.[89]
- 8/22/2013: Schmitz is named special prosecutor.[95]
- 8/23/2013: Kluka issues an order making Schmitz the special prosecutor for all five counties.[89]
- September
- 9/10/2013: Dean Nickel is appointed the special investigator for the GAB.[91]
- 9/18/2013: The GAB arm of the John Doe investigation is closed by order of the GAB Board.[96][92]
- 9/18/2013: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel files a motion to John Doe I Judge Nettesheim to have access to records from the first John Doe investigation.[97]
- 9/28/2013: GAB investigator Nickel submits an affidavit.[91]
- 9/30/2013: Robert Stelter, an investigator with the Milwaukee County DA's office, submits another affidavit requesting search warrants and subpoenas.[98]
- 9/30/2013: Judge Kluka signs 30 subpoenas and five search warrants.[10]
- October
- 10/3/2013: The houses of Kelly Rindfleisch, R.J. Johnson and WCFG advisor Deborah Jordahl are raided, and subpoenas for records are served.[87][99]
- 10/21/2013: Subpoenas are served for bank records.[10]
- 10/21/2013: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel columnist Dan Bice breaks the story of a second John Doe investigation.[100]
- 10/23/2013: Judge Kluka recuses herself from the John Doe II investigation.[89][101]
- 10/25/2013: Motions are filed to quash the subpoenas of Eric O'Keefe, the WCFG and four other recipients.[10]
- November
- 11//2013: Wisconsin Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson (via A. John Voelker, Director of State Courts) appoints Judge Gregory Peterson to be the John Doe judge in the five counties.[89]
- 11/5/2013: Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke, Jr. says the DA's office is "weaponized for political purposes."[102]
- 11/13/2013: Judge Gregory Peterson is appointed the new John Doe II judge to replace Judge Barbara Kluka.
- 11/14/2013: Three unnamed petitioners file a suit to halt the investigation.[103]
- 11/17/2013: The Wall Street Journal prints an article discussing Eric O'Keefe being a target of John Doe II.[104]
- 11/19/2013: Democratic Party-affiliated Senate Minority Leader Chris Larson (D) and the State Senate Democratic Committee send a fundraising letter asking for $29 for each of the 29 targets of John Doe II.[5]
- 11/21/2013: Former Federal Election Commission (FEC) official Hans von Spakovsky blasts the John Doe investigation.[105]
- 11/22/2013: The District 4 Court of Appeals denies the unnamed petitioners' motion to stop the investigation, but orders prosecutors to respond to the questions of the legal authority to assign one judge and one special prosecutor to multiple John Doe investigations and the scope of the secrecy orders.[89]
- 11/27/2013: The Department of Justice agrees to represent judges in the lawsuit filed by the unnamed petitioners.[89]
- December
- 12/9/2013: Special Prosecutor for the John Doe investigation Francis Schmitz files a response to the motions to quash the subpoenas.[106]
- 12/16/2013: Republican legislators start to speak out against the John Doe investigation.[107]
- 12/20/2013: Schmitz files a motion to seal records in the unnamed petitioners' suit.[89]
- January
- 1/10/2014: Judge Peterson quashes the subpoenas.[106][108]
- 1/15/2014: Eric O’Keefe’s lawyer, Washington attorney David B. Rivkin, sends a letter telling Chisholm and others involved in the John Doe II investigation to shut it down or be sued.[109]
- 1/24/2014: Walker delegates the authority to appoint special counsel to Walker’s chief legal counsel, Brian Hagedorn.
- 1/30/2014: The Madison-based District 4 Court of Appeals rejects the three petitioners' suit, which was filed in an attempt to shut down the investigation, and refuses to move the case to the state Supreme Court.[89]
- February
- 2/10/2014: Dan Bice reports for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Eric O'Keefe and Kelly Rindfleisch are targets of the second John Doe investigation.[110]
- 2/10/2014: Eric O'Keefe files a civil rights lawsuit against DA John Chisholm, Special Prosecutor Francis Schmitz, ADA Bruce Landgraf, ADA David Robles, John Doe II Judge Gregory Peterson and GAB investigator Dean Nickel. The lawsuit states that the investigation was used as an instrument to shut down conservative speech and therefore violates the targets' First Amendment rights.[111]
- 2/10/2014: O'Keefe files a motion for a preliminary injunction to stop the John Doe II investigation.[106]
- 2/10/2014: Chisholm and the others named in the lawsuit, known as Eric O'Keefe et al. v. John Chisholm et al., are served notices of the motion for a preliminary injunction.
- 2/19/2014: The three unnamed petitioners take their suit to the Wisconsin Supreme Court.[112]
- 2/21/2014: Kevin Kennedy, director of the GAB, submits an affidavit for Schmitz et al.[113]
- 2/21/2014: Schmitz appeals Peterson's decision to quash the subpoenas.[114]
- March
- 3/7/2014: Schmitz files a motion to delay the decision for an injunction.[115]
- 3/10/2014: The plaintiffs, O'Keefe et al., file a response to Schmitz's motion to delay the injunction decisions.[116]
- 3/12/2014: The defendants, Chisholm et al., file a motion to dismiss.[106]
- 3/12/2014: GAB Investigator Nickel files a response in support of the motion to dismiss.[117]
- 3/12/2014: State Farm Insurance Agency files a motion to intervene to resolve a dispute regarding whether the agency must pay for the legal fees of ADA Bruce Landgraf. Landgraf declined to elaborate on why he requested that the agency absorb some of the legal fees under his homeowner's and personal liability policies.[118]
- 3/13/2014: A scheduling conference is held on O'Keefe's lawsuit.[119]
- 3/13/2014: Judge Rudolph Randa, an Article III federal judge in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, grants a motion to delay.[119]
- 3/14/2014: O'Keefe et al. file a motion to amend the scheduling order.[120]
- 3/19/2014: Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley recuses herself from the three unnamed petitioners' hearing because her son practiced at the same law firm as one of the attorneys involved in the case.[121][122]
- 3/22/2014: Peterson issues an order permitting information from John Doe II to be used in the lawsuit.[95]
- 3/31/2014: Chisholm et al. file a response to O'Keefe's response to their motion to dismiss.[106]
- April
- 4/2/2014: The U.S. Supreme Court rules in McCutcheon v FEC. As a result of the McCutcheon decision, individuals may now contribute to as many federal candidates as they want, but may only contribute up to $2,700 in each case.[123]
- 4/2/2014: O'Keefe files a Notice of Supplemental Authority based on the McCutcheon ruling.[124]
- 4/8/2014: Judge Randa denies Chisholm et al.'s motion to dismiss.[125][126]
- 4/11/2014: Four DAs submit declarations that they were not coerced into the John Doe investigation.
- 4/15/2014: Schmitz files for a protective order to keep O'Keefe from releasing John Doe II filings.[127]
- 4/20/2014: O'Keefe files a supplemental response in support of an injunction.[128]
- 4/21/2014: Former federal elections official Hans von Spakovsky likens the John Doe law to "Nazi Germany."[129]
- Chisholm et al. file a motion for a stay pending appeal.
- 4/28/2014: O'Keefe files a memorandum in opposition of Chisholm et al.'s motion for a stay pending appeal.[130]
- 4/29/2014: Chisholm et al. file a response to the complaint, etc.[131]
- May
- 5/1/2014: Judge Randa denies the motion for a stay to injunction proceedings.[132][133]
- 5/1/2014: The media files a motion for documents in John Doe II to be released.[134]
- 5/5/2014: Chisholm et al. file an appeal for an emergency stay of proceedings under Judge Randa.[135]
- 5/6/2014: O'Keefe asks Judge Randa to intercede in the request for an appeal and deem it frivolous.[135]
- 5/6/2014: Chisholm et al. file a response to O'Keefe's request to determine the appeal is frivolous.[136]
- 5/6/2014: Judge Randa grants a preliminary injunction on the investigation.[137][138]
- 5/6/2014: Chisholm et al. file an appeal in the 7th Circuit after the preliminary injunction is granted.[139]
- 5/7/2014: The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals stays Judge Randa's injunction on the investigation.[140]
- 5/7/2014: Judge Randa grants the media's motion to intervene.[141]
- 5/8/2014: Judge Randa orders the shutdown of the investigation for the second time.[142]
- 5/8/2014: Senator Tom Tiffany (R) and Representative Dave Craig (R) call for a review into the GAB's role in the investigation.[143]
- 5/14/2014: The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals rules the GAB's regulation of issue advocacy is unconstitutional in the case Wisconsin Right to Life v. Barland. Thomas Barland was the chair of the GAB at the time.[144][145]
- 5/14/2014: Schmitz et al. file a response in support of unsealing the John Doe documents.
- 5/14/2014: O'Keefe files a response in support of unsealing the John Doe documents.[146]
- 5/14/2014: Two unnamed intervenors file to have certain documents remain sealed.[147]
- 5/15/2014: Schmitz et al. file a response to the motion by the two unnamed intervenors to keep some of the records sealed.[148]
- State Farm Insurance Agency files a motion to intercede due to a dispute regarding the coverage of ADA Bruce Landgraf's legal fees.
- 5/19/2014: O'Keefe et al. offer no objection to State Farm's motion to intervene.[149]
- 5/21/2014: The GAB board deems the investigation closed as of September 18, 2013.[96][92]
- 5/21/2014: The GAB staff appeals to the board for more funding to continue the investigation.
- 5/21/2014: The two unnamed petitioners file a revised notice based on the ruling handed down in Wisconsin Right to Life v. Barland.[150]
- 5/27/2014: Information comes out revealing that Steve Biskupic, the lawyer representing the group Friends of Scott Walker (FOSW), is negotiating with special prosecutor Schmitz on a deal for FOSW.[151]
- 5/27/2014: Schmitz halts talks with FOSW.[152]
- 5/29/2014: The Walker campaign releases a statement saying it's not party to the suit so it cannot negotiate.[153]
- 5/1/2014: Schmitz asks for an advisory opinion on his contact with targets not part of the lawsuit (FOSW).[152]
- It is revealed that Attorney General Van Hollen opted not to represent the GAB in any court cases.[154]
- 5/29/2014: O'Keefe files a response to Schmitz's request for an opinion, asking the court to defer until Schmitz reveals to the court his motives for negotiations with FOSW.[155]
- 5/30/2014: O'Keefe files a lawsuit against the GAB.[156][157]
- 5/30/2014: Judge Randa issues an order to Schmitz to provide all targets with a copy of the injunction on the investigation.[158]
- 5/21/2014: Judge Nettesheim orders Chisholm to turn over documents from John Doe I to Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele.[159]
- June
- 6/4/2014: Chisholm et al. file a brief in support of an appeal for stay.[160]
- 6/5/2014: Schmitz files a notice of compliance to Judge Randa's ruling to provide all targets with a copy of the injunction.[161]
- 6/9/2014: The Wall Street Journal reveals John Doe I never truly ended and was enlarged at least 18 times.[88]
- 6/9/2014: The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals upholds Judge Randa's injunction on the investigation and the prosecutors' personal liability.[162]
- 6/9/2014: O'Keefe et al. file a motion to amend the complaint to include the GAB.[163]
- 6/9/2014: Chisholm et al. file a motion to file additional documents under seal, despite filing a motion several weeks earlier that sided with a media coalition that sought to have sealed John Doe documents opened to the public.[164]"
- 6/9/2014: Judge Randa grants the motion for Chisholm et al. to file documents under seal.[165]
- 6/18/2014: Walker again delegates the authority to appoint special counsel for the GAB to his chief legal counsel, Brian Hagedorn.[166]
- 6/19/2014: Documents are released detailing Chisholm et al.'s case for pursuing the John Doe investigation.[106]
- 6/19/2014: Judge Randa denies a motion by the press to intervene and grants the two unnamed intervenors' motion to keep their information sealed.[167]
- 6/19/2014: The Democratic Party sends out a fundraising appeal based on unsealed documents from the John Doe investigation.[168]
- 6/19/2014: American Bridge 21st Century, the Hillary Clinton-attached, left-leaning political action committee, releases a statement on the unsealed documents, saying, “(W)e know that Scott Walker is a direct subject of this investigation into potentially illegal coordination between Walker’s recall campaign and outside groups." The statement continued, "More importantly, prosecutors are alleging that Walker’s campaign ‘tacitly admitted to violating Wisconsin law.'”[168]
- 6/19/2014: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel prints a story about Walker being at the center of a "criminal scheme."[169]
- 6/20/2014: The Wall Street Journal prints an editorial criticizing main stream press for reporting a "criminal scheme."[170]
- 6/26/2014: Schmitz's attorney, Randall D. Crocker, issues a statement saying Walker is not a target of the John Doe II investigation.[171]
- Chisholm et al. file a brief introducing new arguments in the appeal.
- 6/27/2014: O'Keefe files a response to Chisholm et al. introducing new arguments in the appeal.[172]
- July
- The 7th circuit court denies the GAB's motion to intervene but allows an amicus brief.
- 7/10/2014: The Wisconsin Reporter provides copies of invoices showing the broad reach of subpoenas of digital files.[173]
- 7/10/2014: Attorney General Van Hollen releases an opinion that the GAB does not need to release John Doe documents to the Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB).[174]
- 7/10/2014: State Senator Tom Tiffany sends a letter to Van Hollen asking him to compel the GAB to open their books.[175]
- 7/11/2014: Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Lee Dreyfus grants the GAB's motion to redact portions of documents.[176]
- 7/17/2014: Chisholm et al. file a motion to consolidate and file joint appellate briefs.[177]
- 7/18/2014: The GAB files a motion to intervene in a federal lawsuit or file an amicus brief.[178]
- 7/20/2014: Trek Bicycle runs a full-page ad in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and other papers defending Mary Burke—the Democratic candidate running against Walker for the governor's seat in 2014—from the outsourcing accusation against her. Burke's family owns Trek. [179]
- 7/21/2014: O'Keefe files a response objecting to the GAB's motion to intervene.[180]
- 7/21/2014: The GAB votes on reauthorizing the investigation, but the vote fails.
- 7/22/2014: O'Keefe files a response to the GAB's motion for a protective order. Included in O'Keefe's response is a proposed joint protective order.[181]
- 7/22/2014: The Republican Party of Wisconsin files a complaint against Trek Bicycle for purchasing ads to defend Burke, alleging Trek used corporate money to aid Burke’s campaign.[179]
- 7/28/2014: Judge Randa denies a motion by O'Keefe and the Wisconsin Club for Growth (WCFG) to include the GAB as a defendant in the lawsuit.[182]
- August
- 8/8/2014: Documents are released from the first John Doe investigation.[183]
- 8/18/2014: O'Keefe et al. file a response to a media motion to unseal documents in order to keep some under seal.[184]
- 8/19/2014: The GAB officially shuts down the probe.
- 8/21/2014: The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals unseals some documents from the second John Doe investigation.[185]
- 8/22/2014: At 4:30 pm, the 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals releases sealed documents due to a "clerical error."[186]
- 8/22/2014: At 5:40 pm, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel prints a story on the accidentally unsealed documents.[187]
- September
- Chisholm requests four more investigators for his office.
- 9/2/2014: O'Keefe et al. file an appellate brief.[87]
- 9/2/2014: Former FEC members file an amicus brief in support of O'Keefe.[188]
- 9/3/2014: The Legislative Fiscal Bureau sends a memo to State Sen. Tom Tiffany on funding for special prosecutors.[189]
- 9/5/2014: The Wisconsin Reporter reports the GAB defense has cost taxpayers $24,577.41.[190]
- 9/8/2014: Judge Randa grants a temporary injunction on a statute that prohibits candidates from accepting PAC contributions if they have reached the aggregate limit for PAC donations to their campaign. The Citizens for Responsible Government Network (CRG), a conservative, Wisconsin-based PAC, filed suit against the GAB to overturn this statute.[191]
- 9/9/2014: Oral arguments are made in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.[192]
- 9/10/2014: Stuart Taylor publishes a story for the American Media Institute based on an anonymous source saying Chisholm has a personal vendetta against Walker because Chisholm's wife, a teacher’s union shop steward, had been so upset by Act 10.[193]
- 9/11/2014: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's Dan Bice shows up at the home of former Milwaukee police officer Mike Lutz, whom Bice believes to be Taylor's anonymous source, and harasses him.[194]
- 9/12/2014: Bice writes an article discrediting Lutz, who is indeed revealed to be Taylor's source.[195]
- 9/19/2014: Stuart Taylor publishes a follow-up on the fallout with Lutz for blowing the whistle on Chisholm.[196]
- 9/24/2014: The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reverses the injunction on the investigation, affirms Chisholm et al.'s immunity and dismisses the lawsuit.[197][198]
- 9/26/2014: O'Keefe sends a certified letter to Chisholm requesting that he ask the court to appoint a special investigator to investigate Chisholm and his office.[199]
- Chisholm hands off O'Keefe's request to Milwaukee County Chief Judge Jeffrey Kremers.[200]
- October
- 10/2/2014: The CRG Network files a lawsuit in federal court for an injunction against GAB et al.
- 10/3/2014: O'Keefe makes public the behavior of Chisholm et al. and the early-morning home raids perpetrated on targets of the John Doe investigations, which have been described as "para-military style."[99]
- 10/3/2014: O'Keefe uses the word "rape" to describe the experiences of John Doe targets in a radio interview with Vicki McKenna, of News/Talk 1130.[201]
- 10/3/2014: The media, Mary Burke's campaign and Scott Walker's campaign attack O'Keefe for comparing the raids to rape.[202]
- 10/6/2014: Chris Kliesmet, who runs CRG, requests a John Doe investigation of Chisholm to Dodge County DA Kurt Klomberg.[203]
- 10/7/2014: CRG files a motion for a preliminary injunction to keep the GAB from enforcing unconstitutional laws relating to campaign finance.[204]
- 10/8/2014: O'Keefe files a petition to have the full 7th Circuit Court hear his appeal.[205]
- 10/14/2014: Judge Randa issues an injunction prohibiting the GAB and Chisholm et al. from enforcing issue advocacy regulations.[206][207]
- 10/21/2014: John Doe I emails are released.[208]
- 10/22/2014: Dodge County DA Klomberg responds to Kliesmet's petition stating no DA will investigate Chisholm.[209]
- 10/23/2014: The 7th Circuit Court denies O'Keefe's request for the full court to hear the appeal.[210]
- 10/28/2014: Milwaukee County Chief Judge Jeffrey Kremers tells the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that he will consider appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Chisholm if O'Keefe makes a direct request.[211]
- November
- 11/4/2014: Walker wins another four-year term.[212]
- 11/4/2014: CRG and the GAB file a joint motion stipulating that an injunction on Wisconsin law regarding issue advocacy will remain in place.[213][214]
- 11/5/2014: Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos (R) says the John Doe laws and the GAB will be changed during the 2015-16 session.[215]
- 11/5/2014: CRG files a lawsuit with the Wisconsin Supreme Court for an injunction against GAB et al.[216]
- 11/6/2014: Steven Bauer, circuit court judge, declines to launch a John Doe investigation into Chisholm et al., per Kliesmet's request.[217]
- December
- 12/5/2014: Waukesha County Circuit Court Judge Lee Dreyfus gives the GAB a week to go through documents and decide which ones should remain sealed.[218]
- 12/12/2014: The Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB) releases a report on the GAB concluding that its staff does not follow the law or directives of the GAB board.[219]
- 12/16/2014: The Wisconsin Supreme Court announces it will take up the John Doe cases filed in February 2014.[220][221]
- 12/19/2014: Documents are released in the lawsuit O'Keefe v. GAB.[10]
- 12/19/2014: Senator Tom Tiffany and Representative Dave Craig call for a special panel to investigate the GAB.[222]
- 12/29/2014: The GAB files a response to the complaint.[223]
- 12/29/2014: O'Keefe sends a certified letter to Milwaukee County Chief Judge Jeffrey Kremers asking that a special prosecutor investigate Chisholm.[224]
- 12/29/2014: Dean Strang, who defends people accused of crimes in state and federal court and represents an individual in the John Doe case, writes a letter to the GAB board to take steps to ensure staff compliance with the law.[225]
- January
- 1/7/2015: Representative Dave Craig asks for a special legislative committee—which "could issue subpoenas to obtain records and communications, and compel witnesses to testify"—to investigate the GAB. [226]
- 1/13/2015: The GAB board passes a resolution asking the state legislature to overhaul Chapter 11, which addresses statutes on campaign finance.[227]
- 1/21/2015: O'Keefe files a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court for review of the 7th Circuit Court's ruling.[228][229]
- 1/22/2015: Judge Gerald Nichol, chair of the GAB, writes a letter to state Rep. Robin Vos (R) saying board members knew what the staff was doing regarding the John Doe investigation. In the letter, he states, "All of the Board Members have been closely involved in overseeing all of the staff's investigative activities. And I can assure you that the staff has taken no action in these matters without the Board's full knowledge and prior approval."[230]
- 1/30/2015: U.S. District Court Judge Charles N. Clevert, Jr. issues a permanent injunction on the GAB enforcing issue advocacy regulations.[231][232]
- February
- 2/12/2015: State Senator Tiffany and Representative Craig introduce legislation dictating that a secrecy order would be applied only to prosecutors and law enforcement.[233]
- 2/12/2015: Special prosecutor Francis Schmitz files a motion for conservative court justices to recuse themselves.[234]
- 2/16/2015: Former federal elections official Hans von Spakovsky says Chisholm et al. should resign in embarrassment.[235]
- April
- 4/20/2015: Writer David French pens an article for National Review describing the experiences of the John Doe targets. This article, coupled with the fact Governor Walker is believed to be entertaining a presidential bid, launches the John Doe story into the national spotlight.[236]
- 4/25/2015: After Walker responds to the National Review article, Chisholm suggests Walker could be prosecuted for his remarks, saying, "As to defamatory remarks, I strongly suspect the Iowa criminal code, like Wisconsin's, has provisions for intentionally making false statements intended to harm the reputation of others." Chisholm's reaction leads to media articles questioning the DA's grasp of the First Amendment and free speech rights.[237][238]
- 4/27/2015: The U.S. Supreme Court "takes no action" on whether to hear the lawsuit. According to attorney Andrew Grossman, "Nearly all cert petitions (petitions for review) get denied at their first conference. A hold indicates that a petition has the court's interest. It doesn't guarantee a grant, but it is a very positive sign for the petitioner."[239]
- May
- 5/18/2015: The U.S. Supreme Court declines to accept the lawsuit.[240]
- June
- 6/30/2015: Cindy Archer files a civil rights suit against John Chisholm.[241]
- July
- 7/16/2015: The Wisconsin Supreme Court officially puts an end to the investigation in a 4-2 ruling, noting "a state law outlawing such coordination was 'unconstitutionally overbroad and vague under the First Amendment'" and that "the special prosecutor's legal theory is unsupported in either reason or law."[242][243]
- December
- 12/2/2015: The Wisconsin Supreme Court reasserts and clarifies its July decision that the John Doe investigations were unconstitutional. The court barred attorney Francis Schmitz from continued involvement in the case.[244][245]
- 12/16/2015: Governor Walker signs a bill into law, introduced by state Rep. Dean Knudson (R), to shut down the GAB and create two new agencies to assume the GAB's responsibilities. According to Wisconsin Public Radio, the law "split the GAB into two separate commissions, one regulating ethics laws and the other covering elections. It would be similar to the system the GAB replaced in 2007."[246][247]
- 12/29/2015: Investigators file a motion in the Eastern District of Wisconsin to overrule the Wisconsin Supreme Court's order that they overturn evidence.[248]
- September
- 09/14/2016: The Guardian newspaper publishes approximately 1,500 pages of leaked documents, including sealed court filings and hundreds of pages of email exchanges, produced and obtained as evidence by investigators and prosecutors working on the John Doe II investigation.[249]
- December
- 12/6/2017: The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) releases a report recommending disciplinary action but no criminal charges against six former employees of the GAB and three employees of the Milwaukee County district attorney's office who participated in the John Doe investigations. This report comes at the conclusion of the department's investigation into the leak of sealed documents published by the Guardian newspaper in September 2016. The department's report concludes that "the systemic and pervasive mishandling of John Doe evidence likely resulted in circumstances allowing the Guardian leak in the first place, and now prevents prosecutors from proving criminal liability beyond a reasonable doubt." While searching for the leaked documents, DOJ investigators discovered evidence of what they referred to as John Doe III, a "previously unknown and secret investigation into a broad range of Wisconsin Republicans." According to the DOJ report, GAB investigators collected "hundreds of thousands of private emails from dozens of Wisconsin Republicans (and at least two national conservative leaders, Ed Gillespie and Leonard Leo)." During the course of DOJ's investigation, more than 500,000 of these emails were found in boxes in the basement of the former GAB, while thousands of other private emails and instant messages were found in folders hosted on GAB servers. The DOJ report notes that some of these emails and other evidence files were kept in folders marked opposition research. The Wisconsin Supreme Court had previously ordered the return and destruction of all John Doe-related evidence.[250][251]
- 12/8/2017: Judge William Hue, a circuit court judge for Branch 2 of the Jefferson County Circuit Court in Wisconsin, steps down from overseeing proceedings related to the John Doe investigations. He withdraws in order to avoid the appearance of impartiality because of two comments he made about the case on Twitter in 2015 and 2016, before being assigned the case, telling reporters "I don't want to be the focus of any attention here." Hue had been overseeing the case since March 2017. The same day, Wisconsin Supreme Court Chief Justice Pat Roggensack issues a statement accepting Hue's withdrawal because of appearance concerns while also expressing her belief that Hue could remain impartial.[252]
- 12/18/2017: Judge Hue tells reporters that he made a mistake allowing some of the details contained in the Wisconsin DOJ's report on the Guardian leak to be released to the public earlier that month. Hue said, "I didn't intend to hurt these people. I didn't intend to out them or embarrass them." In a statement released the same day, Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel says that disclosing these details, including the existence of the previously unknown John Doe III investigation, was "critical to document the circumstances" leading to the leak. Schimel says that "The John Doe III records were not kept in such a way as to indicate whether the investigation was 'closed' and the allegations unsubstantiated." According to the Associated Press, "Hue said he was embarrassed about what he did and took responsibility for it, even though Schimel did not call for any redactions, including the names of 35 people who were investigated."[253]
See also
- ↑ Isthmus, "Biskupic tried to 'squeeze' Georgia Thompson," May 17, 2007
- ↑ New York Times, "A Woman Wrongly Convicted and a U.S. Attorney Who Kept His Job," April 16, 2007
- ↑ Madison.com, "Georgia Thompson Acquitted, Set Free Her Conviction in Travel Agency Case Is Overturned," April 6, 2007
- ↑ Free Republic, "Operation Freedom: Milwaukee County Zoo, 7/3/05," July 1, 2005
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.40 5.41 5.42 5.43 5.44 5.45 5.46 5.47 5.48 5.49 5.50 The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Division, "O'Keefe v. Schmitz," May 5, 2010
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Wisconsin Watchdog, "Disparate treatment: Civil rights lawsuit claims conservative speech trampled," February 11, 2014
- ↑ Widgerson Library and Pub, "Walker on the tour," April 28, 2009
- ↑ Supreme Court of the United States, "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission," October 2009
- ↑ Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel, "Sometime Barrett spokesman hired for part-time city job," August 22, 2010
- ↑ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 State of Wisconsin Waukesha County Circuit Court, "O'Keefe v. Wisconsin Government Accountability Board," December 19, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "John Doe I judge says he’s not responsible for John Doe II," June 10, 2014
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker donor broke political contribution rules," May 19, 2010
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Investigations target Walker donor, aide," September 27, 2010
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 14.2 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker staffer quits after admitting she posted Web comments while at work," May 14, 2010
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "A look at the John Doe investigation," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in support of request for search warrant - Darlene Wink," August 6, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in support of request for search warrant - Wisconsin Statutes 968.375," August 12, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in support of enlargement of the scope of the John Doe proceedings and application for the issuance of John Doe subpoenas," August 19, 2015
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in Support of Request for Search Warrants - Information and Records Relating to Tim Russell," August 20, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "New emails show Scott Walker played role in O'Donnell Park news flow," July 30, 2013
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "2010 Fall Partisan Primary Results," September 14, 2010
- ↑ Right Wisconsin, "Lawsuit Highlights Selective Prosecution in John Doe Probe Of Conservatives," February 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Vendetta justice? Criticism growing about John Doe prosecutor Bruce Landgraf," November 15, 2013
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Investigations target Walker donor, aide," September 27, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in Support of Petition for Release of "Paragraph 2" Data," October 18, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Affidavit in Support of Request for Search Warrants - Wis. Stat. 968.375," October 19, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Transcript from the hearing on November 1, 2010, on the State's request for court orders for the foregoing subpoenas and warrants," November 1, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Search Warrant for seizing and searching information and records in Milwaukee County Executive suite of offices," November 1, 2010
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Search Warrant for seizing and searing laptop and desktop computers, financial records, cellphone records, and records relating to remote data storage information at the premises occupied by Rindfleish in Columbus, Wisconsin," November 1, 2010
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "2010 Fall General Election Results," December 1, 2010
- ↑ New York Times, "Wisconsin May Take an Ax to State Workers’ Benefits and Their Unions," February 11, 2011
- ↑ Wisconsin State Journal, "On Campus: UW-Madison students to Walker: "Don't Break My ♥," February 14, 2011
- ↑ The Journal Times, "Hearing day in Madison: Hundreds come to testify on budget bill," February 15, 2011
- ↑ Huffington Post, "Wisconsin Protests: State Police Pursue Democratic Lawmakers Boycotting Vote," February 17, 2011
- ↑ MSNBC, "Walker shows no sign of conceding in Wisconsin battle," February 28, 2011
- ↑ Isthmus, "AFL-CIO president arrives at Wisconsin Capitol to support public-employee union uprising," February 18, 2011
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Doctors who gave protesters sick notes disciplined," April 5, 2012
- ↑ New York Times, "Delivering Moral Support in a Steady Stream of Pizzas," February 25, 2011
- ↑ 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 Wisconsin State Legislature, "Assembly Bill 11," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ NPR, "Billionaire Brothers In Spotlight In Wis. Union Battle," February 25, 2011
- ↑ Los Angeles Times, "Protesters out in force nationwide to oppose Wisconsin's anti-union bill," February 26, 2011
- ↑ Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System, "Wisconsin Campaign Finance Information System," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ CNN, "Wisconsin governor tells absent senators: Return or 1,500 get laid off," March 8, 2011
- ↑ Reuters, "Wisconsin governor prepares layoffs amid standoff," March 4, 2011
- ↑ Huffington Post, "Michael Moore Joins Wisconsin Pro-Union Protesters," March 5, 2011
- ↑ Reuters, "Up to 100,000 protest Wisconsin law curbing unions," March 12, 2011
- ↑ 47.0 47.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. William E Gardner," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Railroad CEO charged with campaign law violations," April 11, 2011
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "2011 Recall Election - Results," August 16, 2011
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "FBI seizes items at home of former top aide to Gov. Walker," September 14, 2011
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 51.2 United States District Court For the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Wiesmueller v. Nettesheim," November 3, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "First arrest made in John Doe investigation," December 13, 2011
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker appointees charged in John Doe investigation," January 6, 2012
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "Recall Election Information," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Document Cloud, "Order permitting use and dissemination of John Doe Information and Materials - Kelly Rindfleisch," January 25, 2012
- ↑ Wisconsin State Journal, "New charges in John Doe investigation allege pattern of illegal fundraising among Walker aides," January 27, 2012
- ↑ 57.0 57.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. Darlene J. Wink," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Ex-aide apologizes to governor during sentencing for county crimes," January 10, 2013
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "March 2012 GAB Special Board Meeting," March 30, 2012
- ↑ Milwaukee County District Attorney, "Memo," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Real estate broker cleared in John Doe probe," April 19, 2012
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "2012 Recall Primary for Governor, Lt. Governor and State Senator," May 8, 2012
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "2012 Recall Election for Governor, Lt. Governor and State Senator," June 5, 2012
- ↑ 64.0 64.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "Christopher Brekken vs. Bruce J Landgraf," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ 65.0 65.1 65.2 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. Kevin D. Kavanaugh," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ 66.0 66.1 66.2 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Ex-Walker appointee convicted of stealing $51,000 from veterans," October 12, 2012
- ↑ 67.0 67.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. Kelly M. Rindfleisch," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker, key aides implicated during Doe sentencing," November 19, 2012
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker, key aides implicated during Doe sentencing," November 19, 2012
- ↑ 70.0 70.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. Timothy D. Russell," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ 71.0 71.1 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Ex-Walker aide Timothy Russell sentenced to 2 years in prison for theft," January 22, 2013
- ↑ 72.0 72.1 Wisconsin Court System Circuit Court Access, "State of Wisconsin vs. Brian B Pierick," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ 73.0 73.1 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Former Scott Walker aide's partner fined for texting teen," February 14, 2013
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe probe of Scott Walker office closed with no new charges," March 2, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Center for Media and Democracy: Liberals are morally superior," November 22, 2013
- ↑ Baraboo News Republic, "John Doe transcript: Scott Walker must have known of private email, laptop system," February 20, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Rindfleisch attorney: Appeals court can protect the Fourth Amendment in Digital Age," September 18, 2014
- ↑ Nettesheim to Van Hollen, "Request for Legal Representation," November 3, 2014
- ↑ Court of Appeals of Wisconsin, "State of Wisconsin v. Kelly M. Rindfleisch," November 22, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Kelly Rindfleisch will fight on in Fourth Amendment case," November 13, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Supreme Court, "State of Wisconsin v. Kelly M. Rindfleisch," December 12, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Rindfleisch appeals to Supreme Court in John Doe Fourth Amendment abuse case," December 12, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Supreme Court, "State of Wisconsin v. Kelly M. Rindfleisch," January 13, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Public defender asks Supreme Court to take up John Doe-related Fourth Amendment case," January 15, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Former Scott Walker aide Rindfleisch denied state high court appeal," March 17, 2015
- ↑ Watchdog.org, "Political prisoner Kelly Rindfleisch on home confinement, working for O’Keefe," May 8, 2015
- ↑ 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 United States Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, "O'Keefe v. Chisholm," September 2, 2014
- ↑ 88.0 88.1 Wall Street Journal, "Another John Doe Disclosure," June 9, 2014
- ↑ 89.00 89.01 89.02 89.03 89.04 89.05 89.06 89.07 89.08 89.09 89.10 89.11 89.12 89.13 89.14 89.15 89.16 89.17 89.18 89.19 89.20 89.21 89.22 Wisconsin Court of Appeals, District Four, "John Doe Court Records," January 6, 2014
- ↑ Columbia County District Attorney, "Petition for Commencement of John Doe Proceeding," July 22, 2013
- ↑ 91.0 91.1 91.2 United States District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin, "O'Keefe v. Schmitz," February 10, 2014
- ↑ 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 Wisconsin Watchdog, "Rogue agency defied judges to carry out partisan probe of Wisconsin conservatives," December 19, 2014
- ↑ 93.0 93.1 Wisconsin Watchdog, "‘Retaliation': Docs show state prosecutors launched mini-NSA probe of WI conservatives," August 23, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "June 2013 GAB Special Teleconference Meeting," accessed May 20, 2015
- ↑ 95.0 95.1 95.2 United States District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin, "O'Keefe v. Schmitz," February 10, 2014
- ↑ 96.0 96.1 State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "Meeting of the Board," May 21, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "In the Matter of a John Doe Proceeding," accessed May 20, 2015
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, "Affidavit in support of a request for subpoenas," April 15, 2014
- ↑ 99.0 99.1 Wisconsin Watchdog, "The day John Doe rushed through the door," October 3, 2013
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Secret probe spreads to five Wisconsin counties," October 21, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "EXCLUSIVE: Judge in Democrat-led John Doe probe recuses herself," October 30, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Sheriff Clarke: John Doe case shows Milwaukee DA is ‘weaponized for political purposes,'" November 6, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Court System Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Access, "Three Unnamed Petitioners v. Gregory A. Peterson," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Wall Street Journal, "Wisconsin Political Speech Raid," November 18, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "‘Dangerous’ game: Former FEC official blasts Democrats’ secret investigation of conservative groups," November 21, 2013
- ↑ 106.0 106.1 106.2 106.3 106.4 106.5 United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "O'Keefe v. Chisholm," June 19, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Republicans speak out about silent John Doe targeting conservatives," December 16, 2013
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "WSJ: John Doe judge deals body blow to secret probe targeting conservatives," January 10, 2014
- ↑ BakerHostetler LLP, "John Doe Target Demands Wisconsin Prosecutors End Retaliatory Probe or Face Federal Civil Rights Lawsuit," January 15, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Rindfleisch, O'Keefe identified as subjects in John Doe probe," February 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Target files civil rights lawsuit against Wisconsin’s John Doe prosecutors," February 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Court System Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Access, "Three Unnamed Petitioners v. Gregory A. Peterson," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ United States District Court Eastern District of Wisconsin, "O'Keefe v. Schmitz," February 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "John Doe special prosecutor appeals judge’s ruling quashing subpoenas," February 28, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Defendants' joint motion to stay briefing on injunctive relief," March 7, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Defendants’ Motion To Stay Briefing," March 10, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Defendant Dean Nickel's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss Pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P. 12(b)(1), (b)(6) AND (b)(7)," March 12, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Prosecutors ask judge to dismiss suit seeking John Doe's halt," March 12, 2014
- ↑ 119.0 119.1 United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Status/Scheduling Conference Call Minutes," March 13, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs’ Motion To Amend Scheduling Order," March 14, 2014
- ↑ Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin, "State of Wisconsin ex rel. Three Unnamed Petitioners v. the Hon. Gregory A. Peterson, John Doe Judge," March 19, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Recusal in John Doe case raises questions of fairness, purpose," March 21, 2014
- ↑ Supreme Court of the United States, "McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission," October 2013
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Notice of Supplemental Authority," April 2, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," April 8, 2014
- ↑ Watchdog, "Judge denies John Doe prosecutors’ move to dismiss civil rights suit," April 8, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe special prosecutor says he voted for Scott Walker," April 15, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs' Supplemental Response in Support of their Motion for Preliminary Injunction," April 20, 2014
- ↑ Watchdog, "Civil rights expert: John Doe law is ‘un-American,’ like something from ‘Nazi Germany’," April 21, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Opposition To Defendants Chisholm, Landgraf, and Robles’ Motion for Stay Pending Appeal And in Support of Cross-Motion To Certify Appeals as Frivolous," April 28, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Defendants Chisholm, Landgraf and Robles' Answer to Plaintiffs' Complaint, Motions to Strike, Affirmative Defenses, and Jury Demand," April 29, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," May 1, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Federal judge denies John Doe prosecutors’ motion to stall civil rights case," May 1, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Memorandum of law in support of the motion to intervene and unseal the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, American Society of News Editors, Wisconsin Broadcasters Association, Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council, and Wisconsin Newspaper Association," May 1, 2014
- ↑ 135.0 135.1 United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs’ Civil L. R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive Motion To Certify Appeals as Frivolous," May 6, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Defendants Chisholm, Landgraf, and Robles' response to plaintiffs' Civil L. R. 7(h) Expedited Non-Dispositive motion to certify appeals as frivolous," May 6, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," May 6, 2014
- ↑ Watchdog, "John Doe is dead: Judge stops WI prosecutors’ probe into conservatives," May 6, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "What’s next for now-defunct John Doe probe?" May 7, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Order," May 7, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," May 7, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," May 8, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Lawmakers call for review of GAB’s secret John Doe activities, funds," May 8, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Barland," May 14, 2014
- ↑ Watchdog, "Appeals Court declares portions of Wisconsin campaign finance law unconstitutional," May 14, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs’ Response to Intervenors’ Motion To Unseal," May 14, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Motion of Unnamed Intervenors to Seal Disclosure Statements and Pleadings and Proceed Pseudonymously," May 14, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Defendants Chisholm, Landgraf, and Robles' Objection to Plaintiffs' Proposed Order Granting In Part Intervenors' Motion to Unseal," May 15, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs' response to State Farm Fire & Casualty, Co.'s amended motion to intervene, bifurcate & stay," May 19, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Court System Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Access, "Two Unnamed Petitioners v. Gregory A. Peterson," accessed May 12, 2015
- ↑ Wall Street Journal, "Scott Walker's Friends," May 28, 2014
- ↑ 152.0 152.1 Wisconsin Watchdog, "Attorney to judge: Don’t let John Doe prosecutor ‘moot’ injunction," May 29, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Walker’s John Doe response raises more questions than answers," May 29, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Sources: Attorney General passes on defending GAB in John Doe cases," May 29, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs' response to defendant Francis Schmitz's expedited Civil L.R. 7(h) Non-dispositive motion for clarification," May 29, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, Waukesha County, "Complaint," May 28, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "John Doe targets sue Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board," May 30, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Federal judge says his order halting John Doe probe should be clear to prosecutor," May 30, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe judge sends Scott Walker records back to county," May 21, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Defendants-Appellants John Chisholm, Bruce Landgraf, and David Robles' reply brief in support of their motion for stay of district court proceedings," June 4, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Notice of Compliance," June 5, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Order," June 9, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Plaintiffs' motion for leave to file first amended complaint," June 9, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "John Doe prosecutors jump back into the dark?" June 18, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Order on Defendants Chisholm, Landgraf, and Robles' motion for leave to file materials under seal," June 9, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Office of the Governor, "Special Counsel Contract# 2014-08," June 18, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," June 19, 2014
- ↑ 168.0 168.1 Wisconsin Watchdog, "Right on cue: Document dump fuels anti-Walker donation drive," June 20, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe prosecutors allege Scott Walker at center of 'criminal scheme'," June 19, 2014
- ↑ Wall Street Journal, "A Free Speech 'Scheme'," June 20, 2014
- ↑ von Briesen & Roper, S.C., "Statement," June 26, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Plaintiffs’ Response to Defendants’ Memoranda Regarding Jurisdiction," June 27, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Is John Doe probe a case of a mini NSA in Wisconsin?" July 10, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Department of Justice, "van Hollen to Kennedy," July 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Senator asks attorney general to compel GAB to open up its books," July 10, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "GAB now playing secrets in state John Doe lawsuit," July 14, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Defendants-Appellants' joint motion for leave to file joint and consolidated appellate briefs," July 17, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Motion of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board for leave to intervene as appellant and alternative motion for leave to file amicus brief," July 18, 2014
- ↑ 179.0 179.1 Wisconsin Watchdog, "Will John Doe prosecutors launch lengthy probe against Trek Bicycle?" July 22, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Motion of the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board for Leave To Intervene as Appellant and Leave To File Amicus Brief and Cross-Motion To Strike," July 21, 2014
- ↑ Fox, O'Neill, Shannon, S.C., "O'Neill to Dreyfus," July 22, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," July 28, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "John Doe document blitz must have broken mainstream media’s heart," August 12, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Plaintiffs-Appellees’ Motion To Maintain Documents Under Seal," August 18, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Order," August 21, 2104
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Overheated media erroneously bring back Walker ‘criminal scheme’ theme," August 22, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Walker wanted funds funneled to Wisconsin Club for Growth," August 22, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Brief of Former Members of the Federal Election Commission Lee Ann Elliott, David Mason, Hans von Spakovsky, and Darryl Wold as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs-Appellees," September 2, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin State Legislative Fiscal Bureau, "Funding for Special Prosecutors under s. 798.045," September 3, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "$25,000 and counting: WI taxpayers’ bill so far to defend GAB and its ‘monster’," September 5, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Another blow for Wisconsin’s restrictive campaign finance law," September 9, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Wisconsin prosecutors appeal for protection from blowback in partisan probe," September 9, 2014
- ↑ Legal Newsline Legal Journal, "District attorney’s wife drove case against Wis. Gov. Walker, insider says," September 9, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "A whistleblower’s story: Taking on a ‘hyper-partisan’ district attorney," September 29, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Source who accused Chisholm of vendetta has troubled past," September 12, 2010
- ↑ Legal Newsline Legal Journal, "Decorated Wis. cop says he paid dearly for blowing whistle on DA’s crusade against Gov. Walker," September 19, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "O'Keefe v. Chisholm," September 24, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Appeals court reverses John Doe injunction, but Wisconsin’s secret war far from over," September 24, 2014
- ↑ Office of Eric O'Keefe, "Petition of Eric 0 'Keefe for Investigation Concerning John Chisholm," September 26, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee County Office of Performance, Strategy & Budget, "2015 Milwaukee County Requested Budgets," accessed May 13, 2015
- ↑ NewsTalk 1310 WIBA, "Vicki McKenna HR3 Monday 10-06-14," October 6, 2014
- ↑ Huffington Post, "Conservative Group Leader: Home Raids Like 'Rape,'" October 3, 2014
- ↑ Office of Kurt Klomberg, "Petition of Chris Kliesmet for Investigation Concerning John Chisholm," October 6, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Conservative group asks court to stop John Doe 'constitutional injury,'" October 7, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Appellees’ Petition for Rehearing, with Suggestion for Rehearing En Banc," October 8, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Decision and Order," October 14, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Federal judge stops John Doe prosecutors from bothering conservative group," October 14, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Milwaukee County releases 16,000 emails collected in John Doe probe," October 21, 2014
- ↑ Office of Dodge County District Attorney, "Request for John Doe investigation regarding DA John Chisholm," October 22, 2014
- ↑ United States Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit, "Order," October 23, 2014
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Milwaukee County's chief judge won't order investigation of DA Chisholm," October 28, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin State Government Accountability Board, "Canvass Results for 2014 GENERAL ELECTION - 11/4/2014," November 4, 2014
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Joint Motion for Entry of Stipulation and Stay of Proceedings on Merits," November 4, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "GAB, Milwaukee County DA bail on key provision behind war on conservatives," November 6, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Vos: There will be reforms to John Doe, GAB," November 5, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Supreme Court, "Petition for Leave To Commence an Original Action Seeking Declaratory Judgment and Other Relief," November 5, 2014
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Circuit Court, Dodge County, "Decision," November 6, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Conservatives to court: Open up records on GAB’s role in John Doe," December 5, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin State Government Accountability Board, "Report Highlights," December 12, 2014
- ↑ Supreme Court of Wisconsin, "Order," December 16, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Wisconsin Supreme Court to take up John Doe complaints," December 17, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "'Outside the … law': Lawmakers call for investigation of GAB," December 19, 2014
- ↑ Lee, Kilkelly, Paulson, & Younger, S.C., "O'Keefe, et al. v. Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, et al.," December 29, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "O’Keefe officially asks judge to open probe into John ‘Doe’ Chisholm," December 29, 2014
- ↑ Strang & Bradley, LLC, "Wisconsin Supreme Court, Nos. 13AP2504 etseq,, 14AP0296, & 14AP0417 etseq.," December 29, 2014
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "State lawmakers look to investigate the GAB and its investigators," January 7, 2015
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "Meeting of the Board," January 13, 2015
- ↑ Supreme Court of the United States, "Petition for Writ of Certiorari," January 21, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "O’Keefe takes his case against John Doe to U.S. Supreme Court," January 21, 2015
- ↑ State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board, "Gerald Nichol to Robin Vos," January 22, 2015
- ↑ United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, "Judgment and Permanent Injunction Following the Seventh Circuit Remand in Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. v. Barland ("Barland II")," January 30, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Federal judge’s judgment takes John Doe probe off life support," February 1, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "Lawmakers to propose bill to make John Doe investigations more transparent," February 12, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Court System Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Access, "Francis D. Schmitz v. Honorable Gregory A. Peterson," accessed May 13, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Watchdog, "First Amendment expert: Wisconsin ought to be 'embarrassed' by John Doe," February 16, 2015
- ↑ National Review, "Wisconsin’s Shame: ‘I Thought It Was a Home Invasion,'" April 20, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Chisholm's free speech folly," April 28, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Scott Walker, prosecutors trade pointed swipes on John Doe," April 25, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "U.S. Supreme Court takes no action on John Doe lawsuit," April 27, 2015
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Supreme Court declines to hear lawsuit seeking to block John Doe probe," May 18, 2015
- ↑ Wall Street Journal, "Why I’m Filing a Civil-Rights Lawsuit," June 30, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin State Journal, "Supreme Court ends John Doe probe that threatened Scott Walker's presidential bid," July 16, 2015
- ↑ Supreme Court of Wisconsin, "Case No. 2013AP296-OA & 2014AP417-W through 2014AP421-W & 2013AP2504-W through 2013AP2508-W," accessed July 17, 2015
- ↑ Todd Richmond, Washington Times, "Supreme Court won’t restart probe of Scott Walker recall campaign," December 2, 2015
- ↑ M.D. Kittle, Wisconsin Watchdog, "Wisconsin Supreme Court reaffirms John Doe is dead," December 2, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin Public Radio, "Republicans Reveal Plan To Break Up Government Accountability Board," October 7, 2015
- ↑ Wisconsin State Journal, "Scott Walker signs bills dismantling GAB, overhauling campaign finance law," December 16, 2015
- ↑ Matthew DeFour, Wisconsin State Journal, "Federal judge's ruling on evidence could fuel John Doe appeal to U.S. Supreme Court," December 29, 2015
- ↑ The Guardian, "Leaked documents reveal secretive influence of corporate cash on politics," September 14, 2016
- ↑ The Capital Times, "DOJ investigation of John Doe leak recommends disciplinary actions, reveals 'John Doe III' investigation," December 7, 2017
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe investigation into Gov. Scott Walker gathered millions of pages of records from Republicans," December 7, 2017
- ↑ Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "John Doe judge to step down because of tweets he posted about the case," December 8, 2017
- ↑ Associated Press, "Judge says he shouldn't have released ethics probe details," December 18, 2017