The Safer Road Arizona Act (2008)

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The Safer Road Arizona Act was an initiated state statute that did not make the November 4, 2008. It would have prohibited the use of cellular telephones without a hands-free device while operating a motor vehicle on Arizona's roadways and highways. Persons found violating this act would have been subject to a civil penalty from $100 - $200 plus court fees.

Exemptions include: police officers, fire fighters and operators of other authorized emergency vehicles while in performance of their official duties.


The sponsors of the initiative were The Safer Road Arizona Act Yes on I-05-2008.[1]


The cell phone industry successfully killed repeated legislative efforts to impose similar restrictions.

Susan Bitter Smith, who lobbied for the cell phone companies, said all of them advise customers to use phones responsibly but it was also no more distracting than changing a radio station or eating a hamburger.[2]

See also

External links
