Transportation on the ballot

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Transportation on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding transportation, including vehicle laws, road and railway construction and construction bonds, and vehicle taxes and highway tolls.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Ten Year Road and Bridge Construction Program, Amendment 3 (2010)
  2. Alabama Transportation Tax, Amendment 2 (1920)
  3. Alabama Road Tax, Amendment 3 (1920)
  4. Alabama Transportation Taxes, Amendment 1 (1952)
  5. Alabama Regional Airport Amendment (1994)
  6. Alabama Authorization of Toll Districts and Toll District Revenue Bond Debt in Baldwin County, Amendment 12 (2016)


  1. Alaska Transportation Bonds, Proposition A (2008)
  2. Alaska Railroad Initiative, Measure 1 (August 1990)
  3. Alaska Reduce Transportation Regulation Initiative (1984)
  4. Alaska Transportation, Bonding Proposition B (2002)
  5. Alaska Proposition 2, Ferry and Road Bond Measure (1960)
  6. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 3 (1966)
  7. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1966)
  8. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1966)
  9. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1968)
  10. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1968)
  11. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 7 (1968)
  12. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1970)
  13. Alaska Highway Maintenance Bond, Proposition 8 (1970)
  14. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 9 (1970)
  15. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 10 (1970)
  16. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1972)
  17. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1972)
  18. Alaska Flood Control and Small Boat Harbor Bond, Proposition 7 (1972)
  19. Alaska Port Facility Development Bond, Proposition 2 (1974)
  20. Alaska Trunk and Secondary Airport Bond, Proposition 4 (1974)
  21. Alaska Transportation Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1974)
  22. Alaska Transportation Maintenance Bond, Proposition 13 (1976)
  23. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 14 (1976)
  24. Alaska Transportation Project Bonds Question, Bonding Proposition A (2012)
  25. Alaska Proposition 6, Bush Airfields Bond Measure (1960)
  26. Alaska Proposition 3, Trunk Airport Bond Measure (1962)
  27. Alaska Transportation Bond, Proposition 10 (1978)
  28. Alaska Transportation Projects, Bonding Proposition F (1980)


  1. Arizona Proposition 200, Railroad Anti-Featherbedding Initiative (1964)
  2. Arizona Proposition 101, Railroads as Public Service Corporations Amendment (1980)
  3. Arizona Proposition 300, Abolishment of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspections Measure (1976)
  4. Arizona Proposition 105, Distribution of Vehicle Tax Amendment (1974)
  5. Arizona Proposition 108, Motor Vehicle Taxes Amendment (1972)
  6. Arizona Proposition 104, Vehicle and Gas Tax Revenues Amendment (1970)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Repeal of 1925 Automobile Title Law Referendum (1928)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 302-303, Passenger Transportation on Railroads Regulation Referendum (1914)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Bonds for Highway from the Hassayampa River to Colorado River and Colorado River Bridge Amendment (1924)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Motor Vehicle Department Initiative (1928)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Creation of State Highway Department Initiative (1920)
  12. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Fuel Tax Revenue Dedicated to Roads Amendment (1952)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Motor Vehicle Department Initiative (1926)
  14. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Uniform Auto Tax Amendment (1940)
  15. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Bonds for Highway Construction Amendment (1930)
  16. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Train Headline Regulations Referendum (1912)
  17. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Highway Bonds Amendment (1914)
  18. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Tax Exemptions for Public Corporations Amendment (1932)
  19. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, State Highway Department Finance Initiative (1926)
  20. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, State Highway Commission Initiative (1924)
  21. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Automobile Tax Exemption Amendment (1930)
  22. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Train Employee Regulations Referendum (1912)
  23. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Bonds for Highway from Hassayampa River to Colorado River Amendment (1922)
  24. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Passenger Train Rates Referendum (1912)
  25. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Train Car Limits Referendum (1912)
  26. Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, Train Engineer and Conductor Regulations Referendum (1912)
  27. Arizona Proposition 105, Automobile Accident Exemption from Right to Recovering Damages Initiative (1990)
  28. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Percentage of Gas Tax Revenue Distributed to Cities Initiative (1940)
  29. Arizona Prohibit Taxes or Fees on Miles Traveled in Motor Vehicle Amendment (2026)
  30. Arizona Prohibit Photo Enforcement Systems for Speeding or Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices Measure (2026)


  1. Arkansas Sales Tax Increase Amendment, Issue 1 (2012)
  2. Arkansas Local Road Construction, Proposed Amendment 53 (1964)
  3. Arkansas Full Railroad Crew Laws, Initiated Act 1 (1972)
  4. Arkansas Highway Bond Refunding, Proposed Amendment 28 (1938)
  5. Arkansas Regulation of Rail Rates, Amendment 2 (1898)
  6. Arkansas County Road Tax, Amendment 3 (1894)
  7. Arkansas Vote for Bridge Bonds Amendment (1932)
  8. Arkansas State Highway Commission, Amendment 42 (1952)
  9. Arkansas Repeal of Full Crew Laws, Initiative 1 (1958)
  10. Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission, Referred Act 199 (1962)
  11. Arkansas Full Railroad Crew Laws, Initiated Act 1 (1970)
  12. Arkansas Interstate Highway Bonds, Referred Question 1 (December 2005)


  1. California Proposition 2, Loans of Transportation-Related Revenues to the General Fund Amendment (1998)
  2. California Proposition 51, Vehicle Tax Revenue for Transportation Projects Initiative (2002)
  3. California Proposition 42, Allocation of Gasoline Sales Tax Revenue Amendment (March 2002)
  4. California Proposition 1A, Transportation Funding Amendment (2006)
  5. California Proposition 1B, Transportation Bond Measure (2006)
  6. California Proposition 181, Transportation and Rail Project Bond Measure (1994)
  7. California Proposition 157, Sunset on the Collection of Tolls Amendment (1992)
  8. California Proposition 108, Passenger Rail Bond Measure (June 1990)
  9. California Proposition 111, Gasoline Tax Increase Amendment (June 1990)
  10. California Proposition 116, Rail Transportation Bond Initiative (June 1990)
  11. California Proposition 8, Motor Vehicle Fees Referendum (1928)
  12. California Proposition 91, Dedicated Transportation Funds Initiative (February 2008)
  13. California Proposition 3, Highway Completion Bond Measure (1916)
  14. California Proposition 7, State Highway Bond Repayment Measure (1916)
  15. California Proposition 9, State Highway Bonds Initiative (1920)
  16. California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
  17. California Proposition 1, Common Carrier Gross Receipts Tax Initiative (1924)
  18. California Proposition 2, Highway Usage Taxation Amendment (1926)
  19. California Proposition 7, Short-Line Steam Railroad Taxation Amendment (1926)
  20. California Proposition 4, Gasoline Distributor Tax Initiative (1926)
  21. California Proposition 8, State Highways Initiative (1926)
  22. California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
  23. California Proposition 4, Street Railways Tax Amendment (1930)
  24. California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)
  25. California Proposition 9, San Francisco Harbor Bond Measure (1930)
  26. California Proposition 18, Motor Vehicle Tax Amendment (1930)
  27. California Proposition 4, Highway Taxation Usage Amendment (1932)
  28. California Proposition 4, Highway and Traffic Safety Commission Initiative (1938)
  29. California Proposition 9, Vessel Tax Exemption Amendment (1940)
  30. California Proposition 3, Number of Brakemen on Trains Initiative (1948)
  31. California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  32. California Proposition 8, Vessel Taxation Exemption Amendment (1954)
  33. California Proposition 125, Allocation of Gas Tax Revenue to Railroad Equipment Amendment (1990)
  34. California Proposition 3, Vehicle and Gas Tax and Fees Amendment (1938)
  35. California Proposition 23, Public Service Commission of the State of California Amendment (1936)
  36. California San Francisco Depot, Proposition 2 (1892)
  37. California State Highway Bond Measure (1910)
  38. California Proposition 23, Railroad Rate Increase Procedures Amendment (October 1911)
  39. California Proposition 19, Free or Reduced Price Railroad Tickets for Government Officials Amendment (October 1911)
  40. California Proposition 8, Vessel Taxation Amendment (1914)
  41. California Proposition 1A, High-Speed Rail Bond Measure (2008)
  42. California Proposition 185, Gas Tax Increase for Transportation Programs and Projects Initiative (1994)
  43. California Proposition 3, Use of Parking Meter Income for Off-Street Parking Amendment (June 1950)
  44. California Proposition 18, Use of Fuel Taxes and License Fees Amendment (1970)
  45. California Proposition 156, Transportation Improvements Bond Measure (1992)
  46. California Proposition 74, Transportation Bond Measure (June 1988)
  47. California Proposition 5, Use of Fuel Taxes and License Fees Amendment (June 1974)
  48. California Proposition 9, Use Gas Tax Revenue for Highway Bond Payments Measure (June 1933)
  49. California Proposition 10, Use Gas Tax Revenue for Highway Bond Payments Measure (June 1933)
  50. California Proposition 1, State Highways Bond Amendment (July 1919)
  51. California Proposition 10, Taking of Property for Schools and Airports Amendment (1958)
  52. California Proposition 10, Vehicle Registration Fee and Taxes Usage Amendment (1936)
  53. California Proposition 11, Bonds for Streets and Roads Amendment (1958)
  54. California Proposition 12, Railroad Commission Control and Regulation of Services Amendment (October 1911)
  55. California Proposition 14, Use of Funds for Separation of Grade Districts Amendment (1960)
  56. California Proposition 14, Vessel Taxation Exemption Amendment (1932)
  57. California Proposition 15, Street and High Improvement Repayment Amendment (1936)
  58. California Proposition 17, Railroad Grade Separations Bond Measure (1928)
  59. California Proposition 17, Railroad Labor Initiative (1964)
  60. California Proposition 17, Street and Highway Revenues for Parking Facilities Amendment (1954)
  61. California Proposition 69, Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox and Appropriations Limit Exemption Amendment (June 2018)
  62. California Proposition 6, Voter Approval for Future Gas and Vehicle Taxes and 2017 Tax Repeal Initiative (2018)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Board of Directors for the Regional Transportation District Initiative (1980)
  2. Colorado Amendment 26, Creation of a Fixed Guideway System Initiative (2001)
  3. Colorado Limit on Motor Fuel Taxation, Measure 6 (1932)
  4. Colorado Bonds for Highway Construction, Measure 4 (1928)
  5. Colorado Referendum A, Funds for Transportation Projects Bond Measure (1999)
  6. Colorado Amendment 1, Funds for Transportation Improvement Projects Initiative (1997)
  7. Colorado Referred Law No. 11, No-Fault Insurance System Initiative (1972)
  8. Colorado Funds for State Highway Commission, Measure 20 (1912)
  9. Colorado Bonded Indebtedness for State Highways, Measure 31 (1912)
  10. Colorado Tunnel Through James Peak, Measure 32 (1912)
  11. Colorado State Road Fund Increase for Highway Construction, Measure 7 (1914)
  12. Colorado Moffat, Monarch and San Juan Tunnels, Measure 5 (1920)
  13. Colorado Bonds for Public Highways, Measure 8 (1920)
  14. Colorado Bonds for Public Highways, Measure 1 (1922)
  15. Colorado General Assembly to Enact Motor Vehicle Taxes, Measure 3 (1926)
  16. Colorado Petroleum and Motor Vehicle Taxes, Measure 8 (1926)
  17. Colorado Taxation on Petroleum and Motor Vehicles for Roads, Measure 5 (1934)
  18. Colorado Limit on Motor Fuel Tax, Measure 6 (1934)
  19. Colorado Tax on Motor Vehicle Ownership, Measure 1 (1936)
  20. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Mobile Homes and Construction Equipment Amendment (1966)
  21. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Aviation Fuel Excise Tax Usage Amendment (1974)
  22. Colorado Amendment 52, Severance Taxes for Highway Projects Initiative (2008)
  23. Colorado Proposition 109, "Fix Our Damn Roads" Transportation Bond Initiative (2018)
  24. Colorado Statutory Referendum No. 6, Revenue Anticipation Warrants for Highway Maintenance Bond Measure (1954)
  25. Colorado Referendum B, Excess Funds for Transportation and Education Measure (1998)
  26. Colorado Proposition 110, "Let's Go Colorado" Transportation Bond and Sales Tax Increase Initiative (2018)
  27. Colorado Proposition CC, Retain Revenue for Transportation and Education TABOR Measure (2019)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Monorail System Initiative (2000)
  2. Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of the High Speed Ground Transportation System Initiative (2004)
  3. Florida Amendment 2, Transportation Bonds Amendment (1974)
  4. Florida Amendment 4, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for Education Amendment (1972)
  5. Florida Amendment 2, Use of State Funds for Toll Roads Amendment (1954)
  6. Florida Amendment 1, Funds of Education Capital Projects Amendment (1952)
  7. Florida Amendment 1, Fuel Taxes Amendment (1948)
  8. Florida Motor Vehicle Taxation Amendment (1930)
  9. Florida Road System Bonds Amendment (1920)
  10. Florida Amendment 4, Transportation Bonds Amendment (1988)
  11. Florida Amendment 8, Civil Traffic Hearing Officer System Amendment (1988)
  12. Florida Amendment 5, Second Gas Tax Limitation Amendment (1980)
  13. Florida Amendment 12, Second Gas Tax Extension Amendment (1964)
  14. Florida Amendment 5, Motor Vehicle Definition for Taxation Amendment (1965)
  15. Florida Amendment 4, Bonds for Roads Amendment (1965)


  1. Georgia Trauma Care Funding, Amendment 2 (2010)
  2. Georgia Transportation Project Contracts, Amendment 3 (2010)
  3. Georgia Special License Plates, Amendment 3 (2006)
  4. Georgia Public Highways, Amendment 4 (1926)
  5. Georgia Chatham County Road Bonds, Amendment 6 (1926)
  6. Georgia Street Improvement Bonds, Amendment 5 (1928)
  7. Georgia City of Lakeland Railway, Amendment 11 (1930)
  8. Georgia State Highway Funds, Amendment 8 (1932)
  9. Georgia Highway Bonds, Amendment 11 (June 1939)
  10. Georgia Coastal Highway District, Amendment 20 (June 1939)
  11. Georgia Savannah Airport Commission, Amendment 9 (1950)
  12. Georgia DeKalb County Street Improvements, Amendment 18 (1950)
  13. Georgia Muscogee County Street Improvements, Amendment 33 (1950)
  14. Georgia Muscogee County Street Improvement Bonds, Amendment 34 (1950)
  15. Georgia Highway Funds, Amendment 2 (1952)
  16. Georgia Amendment 4, Brunswick Port Authority Amendment (1958)
  17. Georgia Amendment 9, Revenue Certificates for Public Transportation Amendment (1958)
  18. Georgia Amendment 1, Motor Fuel Tax for Highway Construction and Maintenance Amendment (1960)
  19. Georgia Amendment 17, Brunswick Ports Authority Amendment (1960)
  20. Georgia Amendment 9, County Taxes for Public Transportation Amendment (1962)
  21. Georgia Amendment 1, State Highway Board Measure (1964)
  22. Georgia Amendment 8, Motor Vehicle Taxation Measure (1964)
  23. Georgia Amendment 14, Taxes for Public Transportation Amendment (1966)
  24. Georgia State Highway Board, Amendment 4 (1972)
  25. Georgia Amendment 24, Federal Funds for Transportation Measure (1976)
  26. Georgia Amendment 26, Regulation of Roadsides Measure (1976)
  27. Georgia Voter Approval of Road Construction Authorities, Amendment 6 (1986)
  28. Georgia Transportation Trust Fund, Amendment 5 (1992)
  29. Georgia Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Fund, Amendment 4 (1998)
  30. Georgia Indemnification for State Highway Employees, Amendment 5 (2000)


  1. Idaho Airport Debt, HJR 5 (2010)
  2. Idaho Railroad Taxation Exemption, SJR 5 (1906)
  3. Idaho Revenue from Motor Vehicles, HJR 3 (1940)
  4. Idaho Public Funds for Transportation to Schools, HJR 35 (1972)


  1. Illinois Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox Amendment (2016)


  1. Iowa Fuel Tax Allocation, Amendment 1 (1942)


  1. Kentucky Highway Fund Taxes Referendum (1945)
  2. Kentucky Highways and Parks Bonds Ballot Question (1960)


  1. Louisiana Highway Projects Act, Ballot Measure 6 (October 2003)
  2. Louisiana Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Amendment 4 (2014)
  3. Louisiana Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Amendment 2 (2015)
  4. Louisiana Baton Rouge Airport Amendment (1968)
  5. Louisiana Airport Bond Issue (1968)
  6. Louisiana Transportation Fund Amendment (October 1989)
  7. Louisiana Amendment 3, Dedicate New Taxes on Fuel to Transportation Construction Fund Measure (October 2017)
  8. Louisiana Amendment 4, No Dedication of Transportation Trust Fund Revenue to State Police Amendment (2018)


  1. Maine Turnpike Widening, Question 6 (1997)
  2. Maine Comprehensive Transportation Policy and Turnpike Authority, Question 1 (1991)
  3. Maine Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements, Question 3 (1999)
  4. Maine Excise Tax on Railroads, Referendum Question (1928)
  5. Maine Government Aid for Highway Bridges, Question Two (1916)
  6. Maine Transportation Development and Improvement, Question 3 (2001)
  7. Maine Transportation Improvements and Air-Medical System, Question 6 (2003)
  8. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 4 (1997)
  9. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 2 (2005)
  10. Maine Transportation Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Bond, Question 3 (2013)
  11. Maine Portland Bridge Reconstruction, P. & S. L. 1909, c. 404 (1910)
  12. Maine Bond Issue for State Highways, Question No. 2 (1912)
  13. Maine Port Facilities Bond Issue, Amendment No. 3 (1919)
  14. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Amendment No. 5 (1919)
  15. Maine State Aid Highways Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1921)
  16. Maine Full-Time State Highway Commission (1922)
  17. Maine Kennebec Bridge Bond Issue, Amendment No. 1 (1925)
  18. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1925)
  19. Maine Waldo-Hancock Bridge, Amendment No. 2 (1929)
  20. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Amendment No. 3 (1929)
  21. Maine State Aid Highways Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1935)
  22. Maine Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge Bond Issue, Amendment No. 4 (1935)
  23. Maine Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge District, Referendum Question (1935)
  24. Maine General Highway Fund Use, Question No. 5 (1936)
  25. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (1939)
  26. Maine Highway Fund Use (1944)
  27. Maine Fore River Bridge Bond Issue, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1950)
  28. Maine Fore River Bridge Toll, Referendum Question No. 4 (1951)
  29. Maine Bangor-Brewer Toll Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 2 (1951)
  30. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Toll Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 3 (1951)
  31. Maine Jonesport Reach Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question (1955)
  32. Maine State Highways Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 1 (1957)
  33. Maine Ferry Service Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 2 (1957)
  34. Maine Vehicle License and Registration Fees, Referendum Question (1958)
  35. Maine Passagassawaukeag River Bridge, Referendum Question No. 1 (1959)
  36. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1959)
  37. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1961)
  38. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1963)
  39. Maine Chebeague Island Bridge and Causeways, Referendum Question No. 5 (1963)
  40. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1965)
  41. Maine State Highway Commission Office Building, Referendum Question No. 1 (1966)
  42. Maine Airport Construction and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1966)
  43. Maine State Route 6 Reconstruction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1967)
  44. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Bridge, Referendum Question No. 3 (1967)
  45. Maine Airport Construction, Extension and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 5 (1967)
  46. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1968)
  47. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Bridge, Referendum Question No. 4 (1968)
  48. Maine Norridgewock Airport Appropriation, Referendum Question No. 2 (1969)
  49. Maine Matinicus Island Docking Facilities, Referendum Question No. 6 (1969)
  50. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 11 (1969)
  51. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question (1970)
  52. Maine State Route 6 Reconstruction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1970)
  53. Maine Kennebec Bridge, Referendum Question No. 3 (1972)
  54. Maine State Parks, Airports and Maintenance Building, Referendum Question No. 4 (1972)
  55. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1972)
  56. Maine Airport Moneys Reallocation, Referendum Question No. 3 (1972)
  57. Maine Weight of Commercial Vehicles and Related Provisions, Referendum Question (1974)
  58. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1974)
  59. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement Program, Referendum Question No. 2 (1975)
  60. Maine Airport Improvements, Referendum Question No. 6 (1977)
  61. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement Program, Referendum Question No. 7 (1977)
  62. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Referendum Question No. 1 (1979)
  63. Maine Public Fish Piers, Airports and Transportation Improvements, Referendum Question No. 2 (1979)
  64. Maine Agricultural and Economic Development, Referendum Question No. 1 (1981)
  65. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1981)
  66. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Bond Issue 3 (1983)
  67. Maine Economic Development, Bond Issue 5 (1983)
  68. Maine Highway, Bridge and Airport Improvements, Bond Issue 4 (1985)
  69. Maine Rail Line Acquisition, Lease and Rehabilitation, Bond Issue 5 (1985)
  70. Maine Coastal Access and Harbor, Ferry and Laboratory Improvements, Bond Issue 6 (1986)
  71. Maine School Bus Acquisition, Question 8 (1987)
  72. Maine Highway, Bridge and Airport Improvements and Groundwater Pollution, Question 9 (1987)
  73. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Harbor Improvements, Question 7 (1989)
  74. Maine Rail Lines, Trackage Rights and Easements Rights, Question No. 2 (1990)
  75. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport, Ferry Vessel and Harbor Improvements Matching Federal Funds, Question 8 (1991)
  76. Maine Municipal Improvements to Port Facilities, Question 2 (1992)
  77. Maine Rail Service Continuation in Piscataquis, Penobscot and Waldo Counties, Question 6 (1992)
  78. Maine Transportation Facilities Improvements Job Creation and Protection, Question 1 Part B (1992)
  79. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport, Cargo Port and Ferry Service Improvements, Question 3 (1993)
  80. Maine Port and Rail Facilities Improvements, Question 6 (1994)
  81. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Cargo Port Improvements for Economic Development, Question 2 (1995)
  82. Maine Safety Belts Required for Four Years and Older, Question 8 (1995)
  83. Maine Surface, Air, Water and Rail Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (1998)
  84. Maine State Highways Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 1 (1951)
  85. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (June 2007)
  86. Maine Fish Hatcheries Water, Dams and Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (June 2008)
  87. Maine Auto Excise Tax Repeal, Question 2 (2009)
  88. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 6 (2009)
  89. Maine Job Creating Transportation Projects, Question 3 (June 2010)
  90. Maine Transportation Bond, Question 3 (2015)
  91. Maine Question 3, Transportation Bond Issue (2017)
  92. Maine Question 3, Transportation Bond Issue (2018)
  93. Maine Question 1, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (2019)
  94. Maine Question 2, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (July 2020)
  95. Maine Question 2, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (2021)
  96. Maine Question 4, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2023)


  1. Maryland Transportation Fund Amendment, Question 1 (2014)
  2. Maryland Roads, Amendment 2 (1905)
  3. Maryland State Roads Commission Property Acquisition, Amendment 3 (1942)
  4. Maryland Chesapeake Bay Toll Bridge, Amendment 17 (1966)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Tax on Income Above $1 Million for Education and Transportation Amendment (2022)
  2. Massachusetts Question 1, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020)
  3. Massachusetts Question 4, Remove Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Status for Driver's License Applications Referendum (2022)


  1. Michigan Sales Tax Increase for Transportation Amendment, Proposal 1 (May 2015)
  2. Michigan Regulation of Railroad Rates, Proposal 4 (1870)
  3. Michigan Restricting Railroad Consolidations, Proposal 5 (1870)
  4. Michigan Railroad Aid Bonds, Proposal 6 (1870)


  1. Minnesota Motor Vehicle Sales Tax, Amendment 1 (2006)
  2. Minnesota Railroad Loans, Amendment 1 (April 1858)
  3. Minnesota Road and Bridge Fund, Amendment 4 (1898)
  4. Minnesota Increase Road and Bridge Tax, Amendment 2 (1906)
  5. Minnesota Unlimited Road and Bridge Tax, Amendment 2 (1908)
  6. Minnesota Cost of Road and Bridge Projects, Amendment 1 (1910)
  7. Minnesota State Tax for Roads and Bridges, Amendment 1 (1912)
  8. Minnesota State Trunk Highway System, Amendment 1 (1920)
  9. Minnesota Revenue for Trunk Highway Fund, Amendment 1 (1924)
  10. Minnesota Motor Fuel Tax Revenue, Amendment 1 (1928)
  11. Minnesota New Routes for Trunk Highway System, Amendment 2 (1934)
  12. Minnesota Airport Operation, Amendment 1 (1944)
  13. Minnesota Petroleum Excise Tax, Amendment 1 (1948)
  14. Minnesota Petroleum Excise Tax, Amendment 3 (1950)
  15. Minnesota Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, Amendment 5 (1952)
  16. Minnesota Highway Funding, Amendment 2 (1956)
  17. Minnesota Railroad Taxes, Amendment 3 (1974)
  18. Minnesota Motor Fuel Taxes and Highway Bonds, Amendment 1 (1976)
  19. Minnesota Highway Bond Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1980)
  20. Minnesota Highway Bond Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1982)
  21. Minnesota Bonding Authority for Railroad Facilities, Amendment 4 (1982)


  1. Mississippi Railroad, Amendment 2 (1978)


  1. Missouri State Highway System, Issue 5 (1924)
  2. Missouri Amendment 3, Fuel Tax for Highway Maintenance Initiative (2004)
  3. Missouri Proposition A, Large Commercial Vehicles on Highways Referendum (April 1982)
  4. Missouri Amendment 7, Reduce Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (1940)
  5. Missouri Amendment 6, Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (1940)
  6. Missouri Amendment 4, Special Tax for Road Districts Measure (1920)
  7. Missouri Proposition 5, Funding the State Highway System Initiative (1924)
  8. Missouri Proposition 3, State Highway Bond Initiative (1928)
  9. Missouri Amendment 6, Fuel Tax and State Highway Commission Initiative (1938)
  10. Missouri Amendment 2, Transportation Funding and Department Consolidation Measure (1979)
  11. Missouri Temporary Sales and Use Tax Increase for Transportation, Amendment 7 (August 2014)
  12. Missouri Amendment 5, Gasoline Tax Measure (August 1978)
  13. Missouri Amendment 1, Gas Tax Increase Referendum (April 1950)
  14. Missouri Proposition D, Gas Tax Increase, Olympic Prize Tax Exemption, and Traffic Reduction Fund Measure (2018)
  15. Missouri Proposition 5, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Referendum (1938)
  16. Missouri Amendment 2, Road and Bridge Maintenance Tax Measure (1908)
  17. Missouri Amendment 7, Public Roads and Highways Tax Measure (1908)
  18. Missouri Amendment 8, Indebtedness for Subway Construction Measure (1908)


  1. Montana Repeal Retail Motor Fuel Marketing Act, I-134 (1998)
  2. Montana Vehicle Tax Revision, LR-115 (2000)
  3. Montana Bond for Highways, R-23 (1920)
  4. Montana Gasoline Tax for Roads, I-31 (1926)
  5. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debenture Act, R-35 (May 1931)
  6. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debentures Act, I-41 (1938)
  7. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debentures Act, R-49 (June 1945)
  8. Montana Gasoline Tax, I-55 (1952)
  9. Montana Use of Highway Taxes, Amendment 1 (1956)
  10. Montana Seatbelt Use, I-110 (1988)


  1. Nebraska Mandatory Seat Belts, Referendum 2 (1986)
  2. Nebraska Gas Tax, Amendment 1 (1944)
  3. Nebraska Gas Tax, Referendum 1 (1950)
  4. Nebraska Vehicle Registration Fee, Referendum 2 (1950)
  5. Nebraska Motor Vehicle Tax, Amendment 2 (1952)
  6. Nebraska Ton Mile Tax, Initiative 1 (1956)
  7. Nebraska Allocation of Vehicle Fees, Amendment 1 (1956)
  8. Nebraska Motor Vehicle Taxes, Amendment 5 (1964)
  9. Nebraska Transportation for Private Schools, Amendment 6 (1966)
  10. Nebraska Bonds for Highway Construction, Amendment 14 (1968)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question 2, Gas Taxes Earmarked for Transportation Trust Fund (1995)
  2. New Jersey Vehicle Fee for Transportation System Amendment, ACR 37 (2014)
  3. New Jersey Dedication of All Gas Tax Revenue to Transportation, Public Question 2 (2016)

New York

  1. New York Transportation Bond Act, Proposal 2 (2005)
  2. New York Proposition Number One (1967)
  3. New York Roads and Bridges Bond Act, Proposal 1 (1988)
  4. New York Transportation and Infrastructure Bond, Proposal 1 (1983)
  5. New York State Debt for Improved Transportation , Proposal 1 (1979)
  6. New York Rail Preservation Bond Act, Proposition 1 (1974)
  7. New York State Debt for Mass Transportation, Proposition 1 (1967)
  8. New York Land for the Improvement of Piseco Airport, Amendment 9 (1965)
  9. New York Purchase of Railroad Commuter Cars, Amendment 3 (1961)
  10. New York Highway Relocation in Hamilton County, Amendment 7 (1961)
  11. New York Highway on Forest Preserve Land, Amendment 2 (1959)
  12. New York Forest Land for Highway Purposes, Amendment 7 (1957)
  13. New York Bond for Construction of Highways and Parkways, Proposition 1 (1956)
  14. New York State Bonds for State Highways, Amendment 1 (1955)
  15. New York Use of Railroad Bonds for Highways and Parkways, Amendment 1 (1941)
  16. New York Railroad Grade Crossings, Amendment 3 (1938)
  17. New York City Debt for Transit Facilities, Amendment 9 (1938)
  18. New York Construction of State Highway in Forest Preserve, Amendment 3 (1933)
  19. New York Barge Terminal Canal Lands, Amendment 4 (1933)
  20. New York Elimination of Railroad Grade Crossings, Amendment 3 (1927)
  21. New York Highway Construction on Forest Preserve Land, Amendment 7 (1927)
  22. New York Highway Improvement, Amendment 5 (1905)
  23. New York Contract Bidding for Canal Projects Amendment (February 1854)
  24. New York State Debt for Transportation, Proposition 1 (1971)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Gasoline Motor Fuel Initiative (1940)
  2. North Dakota Financing Highway Construction Initiative (1944)
  3. North Dakota Safety Belts, Measure 2 (1994)
  4. North Dakota Vehicle Searches, Measure 6 (1992)
  5. North Dakota Prohibiting Parking Meters, Initiative 2 (1948)
  6. North Dakota Repeal Parking Meter Initiative (1948)
  7. North Dakota State Aid for Highways Referendum (1914)
  8. North Dakota State Athletic Commission Initiative (1920)
  9. North Dakota Legalizing Use of Parking Meters, Referendum 1 (1952)
  10. North Dakota Rural Roads Gas Tax, Initiative 3 (1954)
  11. North Dakota Tax Allocation, Initiative 4 (1954)
  12. North Dakota Highway Construction Bond Issue, Referendum 3 (1956)
  13. North Dakota Aviation Fuel Tax Referendum, Amendment 4 (1960)
  14. North Dakota Brakeman Requirements, Referendum 2 (1960)
  15. North Dakota Repeal Required Crew on Freight Trains, Initiative 3 (1964)
  16. North Dakota Five-Man Train Crew, Initiative 4 (1964)
  17. North Dakota Daily Passenger-Freight Train Requirements, Initiative 5 (1964)
  18. North Dakota Measure 5, Seat Belt Requirement Referendum (December 1989)
  19. North Dakota Safety Belt Law Repeal, Measure 4 (1994)
  20. North Dakota Remove Restrictions on Vehicle Window Tinting Initiative (2026)


  1. Ohio Bond Limits for Inter-County Roads Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Ohio Aid for Railroads, Amendment 3 (August 1874)


  1. Oregon Voter Approval for New Tolls Initiative (2026)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 8, Repeal Article 17 Concerning Railroads and Canals Amendment (May 1967)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Question 1, Transportation Bonds (1998)
  2. Rhode Island Transportation Bonds, Question 3 (2000)
  3. Rhode Island Transportation Bonds, Question 1 (2008)
  4. Rhode Island Capital Bonds for Transportation Question, Question 3 (2010)
  5. Rhode Island Question 3, Transportation Bonds (2002)
  6. Rhode Island Question 4, Quonset Point/Davisville Bonds (2002)
  7. Rhode Island Question 3, Transportation Bonds (2004)
  8. Rhode Island Question 5, Transportation Bonds Act (2006)
  9. Rhode Island Mass Transit Hub Infrastructure Bonds, Question 6 (2014)
  10. Rhode Island Permanent Registration, Proposal 2 (1950)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Use of Seat Belts, Referendum 2 (1994)
  2. South Dakota State Aircraft for State Use, Initiative 5 (2006)
  3. South Dakota Municipal Debt Limits for Water, Street Railways and Lighting (1902)
  4. South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required (1910)
  5. South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required, Measure 2 (1912)
  6. South Dakota State Coal Supplying and Roads Funding (1916)
  7. South Dakota Municipal Debt for Street Railways and Lighting (1920)
  8. South Dakota Motor Vehicle Registration (1930)
  9. South Dakota Taxes for Highways (1940)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund Amendment (2005)
  2. Texas Proposition 2, Bonds for County Road Projects Amendment (2001)
  3. Texas Proposition 15, Mobility Fund Amendment (2001)
  4. Texas Proposition 7, County Road Work Amendment (1980)
  5. Texas Proposition 14, Transportation Projects Funding Amendment (September 2003)
  6. Texas Transportation Funding Amendment, Proposition 1 (2014)
  7. Texas Population Requirement for Private Road Work Amendment, Proposition 5 (2015)
  8. Texas Proposition 3, Road Tax Amendment (July 1915)
  9. Texas Proposition 6, Bonds for Highway Construction Amendment (1919)
  10. Texas Proposition 2, Road Plan for Harris County Amendment (August 1937)
  11. Texas Proposition 3, Tax Revenue Allocation Amendment (November 1946)
  12. Texas Proposition 5, Turnpike Authority Bonds Amendment (1987)
  13. Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Motor Vehicles Amendment (2007)
  14. Texas Proposition 12, Bonds for Highway Improvement Projects Amendment (2007)
  15. Texas Sales and Use Tax Revenue for Transportation Amendment, Proposition 7 (2015)
  16. Texas Proposition 2, Authorize Counties to Issue Infrastructure Bonds in Blighted Areas Amendment (2021)
  17. Texas Proposition 8, Bonds for State Construction Projects Amendment (2001)


  1. Utah Amendment 2, Require that Fuel and Motor Vehicle Taxes be Used for Mandated Purposes Measure (1962)


  1. Vermont Green Mountain Parkway Act (1936)
  2. Vermont Statewide Referendum: The Green Mountain Parkway (1936)


  1. Washington Initiative 912, Motor Vehicle Tax Repeal Measure (2005)
  2. Washington Initiative 745, Transportation Funds for Road Infrastructure Measure (2000)
  3. Washington Initiative 776, License Tab Fees Measure (2002)
  4. Washington Referendum 49, Vehicle Excise Taxes and Transportation Bonds Measure (1998)
  5. Washington Referendum 8, Port Districts and Harbor Development Measure (1916)
  6. Washington HJR 55, Transportation Rates Set By Legislature Amendment (1977)
  7. Washington HJR 57, Shared Earnings for Common Carriers Amendment (1977)
  8. Washington Referendum 1, Truck Line Highway Construction Measure (1920)
  9. Washington Initiative 233, Repeal of Freight Train Crew Law Measure (1966)
  10. Washington HJR 56, Repeal of Constitutional Provision on Transportation Rate Limits Amendment (1977)
  11. Washington Referendum 51, Transportation Improvements Measure (2002)
  12. Washington Initiative 985, Vehicle Traffic-Related Policies Measure (2008)
  13. Washington Referendum 30, Public Transportation Improvements Bond Measure (1972)
  14. Washington HJR 4, Vehicle Taxes for Highways Amendment (1944)
  15. Washington Transportation, Initiative 1125 (2011)
  16. Washington Referendum 33, License Plate Fee for Conservation Measure (1973)
  17. Washington Initiative 348, Motor Vehicle Tax Laws Repeal Measure (1977)
  18. Washington Initiative 242, Implied Consent for Driver Intoxication Tests Measure (1968)
  19. Washington Initiative 695, Voter Approval for Tax Increases Measure (1999)
  20. Washington Amendment to Article XV Sec. 1, Harbor Lines Measure (1924)
  21. Washington Oil Spill Prevention Taxes Advisory Vote No. 10 (2015)
  22. Washington Initiative 976, Limits on Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees Measure (2019)
  23. Washington Advisory Vote 39, Aircraft Fuel Tax Increase Nonbinding Question (2022)
  24. Washington Advisory Vote 40, Transportation Network Companies Tax Nonbinding Question (2022)
  25. Washington Limit Vehicle Emission Standards and Greenhouse Gas Disclosures to California Residents Initiative (2026)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Bonds for Roads, Amendment 3 (1996)
  2. West Virginia Amendment 1, Bonds for Roads and Bridges Measure (October 2017)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Transportation Fund Revenue Allocation Amendment (2014)


  1. Wyoming Initiative to Ban Triple Trailers, Initiative 1 (1992)
  2. Wyoming Railroad Regulation, Initiative 3 (1992)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Oregon Voter Approval for New Tolls Initiative (2026)
  2. Arizona Prohibit Taxes or Fees on Miles Traveled in Motor Vehicle Amendment (2026)
  3. North Dakota Remove Restrictions on Vehicle Window Tinting Initiative (2026)
  4. Arizona Prohibit Photo Enforcement Systems for Speeding or Failure to Obey Traffic Control Devices Measure (2026)


  1. Washington Limit Vehicle Emission Standards and Greenhouse Gas Disclosures to California Residents Initiative (2026)


  1. Maine Question 4, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2023)


  1. Massachusetts Question 1, Tax on Income Above $1 Million for Education and Transportation Amendment (2022)
  2. Washington Advisory Vote 39, Aircraft Fuel Tax Increase Nonbinding Question (2022)
  3. Washington Advisory Vote 40, Transportation Network Companies Tax Nonbinding Question (2022)
  4. Massachusetts Question 4, Remove Proof of Citizenship or Immigration Status for Driver's License Applications Referendum (2022)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Authorize Counties to Issue Infrastructure Bonds in Blighted Areas Amendment (2021)
  2. Maine Question 2, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (2021)


  1. Maine Question 2, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (July 2020)
  2. Massachusetts Question 1, "Right to Repair Law" Vehicle Data Access Requirement Initiative (2020)


  1. Maine Question 1, Transportation Infrastructure Bond Issue (2019)
  2. Washington Initiative 976, Limits on Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees Measure (2019)
  3. Colorado Proposition CC, Retain Revenue for Transportation and Education TABOR Measure (2019)


  1. Colorado Proposition 109, "Fix Our Damn Roads" Transportation Bond Initiative (2018)
  2. Maine Question 3, Transportation Bond Issue (2018)
  3. Missouri Proposition D, Gas Tax Increase, Olympic Prize Tax Exemption, and Traffic Reduction Fund Measure (2018)
  4. Louisiana Amendment 4, No Dedication of Transportation Trust Fund Revenue to State Police Amendment (2018)
  5. Colorado Proposition 110, "Let's Go Colorado" Transportation Bond and Sales Tax Increase Initiative (2018)
  6. California Proposition 69, Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox and Appropriations Limit Exemption Amendment (June 2018)
  7. California Proposition 6, Voter Approval for Future Gas and Vehicle Taxes and 2017 Tax Repeal Initiative (2018)


  1. West Virginia Amendment 1, Bonds for Roads and Bridges Measure (October 2017)
  2. Maine Question 3, Transportation Bond Issue (2017)
  3. Louisiana Amendment 3, Dedicate New Taxes on Fuel to Transportation Construction Fund Measure (October 2017)


  1. Illinois Transportation Taxes and Fees Lockbox Amendment (2016)
  2. Alabama Authorization of Toll Districts and Toll District Revenue Bond Debt in Baldwin County, Amendment 12 (2016)
  3. New Jersey Dedication of All Gas Tax Revenue to Transportation, Public Question 2 (2016)


  1. Michigan Sales Tax Increase for Transportation Amendment, Proposal 1 (May 2015)
  2. Texas Population Requirement for Private Road Work Amendment, Proposition 5 (2015)
  3. Texas Sales and Use Tax Revenue for Transportation Amendment, Proposition 7 (2015)
  4. Louisiana Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Amendment 2 (2015)
  5. Maine Transportation Bond, Question 3 (2015)
  6. Washington Oil Spill Prevention Taxes Advisory Vote No. 10 (2015)


  1. Texas Transportation Funding Amendment, Proposition 1 (2014)
  2. Wisconsin Question 1, Transportation Fund Revenue Allocation Amendment (2014)
  3. Maryland Transportation Fund Amendment, Question 1 (2014)
  4. Missouri Temporary Sales and Use Tax Increase for Transportation, Amendment 7 (August 2014)
  5. Louisiana Transportation Infrastructure Bank, Amendment 4 (2014)
  6. Rhode Island Mass Transit Hub Infrastructure Bonds, Question 6 (2014)


  1. Maine Transportation Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Bond, Question 3 (2013)


  1. Alaska Transportation Project Bonds Question, Bonding Proposition A (2012)
  2. Arkansas Sales Tax Increase Amendment, Issue 1 (2012)
  3. Rogue River City Street Improvement Bond Measure (November 2012)
  4. Lake Oswego City Boones Ferry Road Bond Issue (November 2012)


  1. Washington Transportation, Initiative 1125 (2011)


  1. Georgia Trauma Care Funding, Amendment 2 (2010)
  2. Alabama Ten Year Road and Bridge Construction Program, Amendment 3 (2010)
  3. Rhode Island Capital Bonds for Transportation Question, Question 3 (2010)
  4. Georgia Transportation Project Contracts, Amendment 3 (2010)
  5. Maine Job Creating Transportation Projects, Question 3 (June 2010)
  6. Idaho Airport Debt, HJR 5 (2010)


  1. Maine Auto Excise Tax Repeal, Question 2 (2009)
  2. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 6 (2009)


  1. Washington Initiative 985, Vehicle Traffic-Related Policies Measure (2008)
  2. Alaska Transportation Bonds, Proposition A (2008)
  3. Rhode Island Transportation Bonds, Question 1 (2008)
  4. California Proposition 91, Dedicated Transportation Funds Initiative (February 2008)
  5. Colorado Amendment 52, Severance Taxes for Highway Projects Initiative (2008)
  6. Maine Fish Hatcheries Water, Dams and Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (June 2008)
  7. California Proposition 1A, High-Speed Rail Bond Measure (2008)


  1. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (June 2007)
  2. Texas Proposition 6, Tax Exemptions for Motor Vehicles Amendment (2007)
  3. Texas Proposition 12, Bonds for Highway Improvement Projects Amendment (2007)


  1. California Proposition 1A, Transportation Funding Amendment (2006)
  2. California Proposition 1B, Transportation Bond Measure (2006)
  3. South Dakota State Aircraft for State Use, Initiative 5 (2006)
  4. Minnesota Motor Vehicle Sales Tax, Amendment 1 (2006)
  5. Rhode Island Question 5, Transportation Bonds Act (2006)
  6. Georgia Special License Plates, Amendment 3 (2006)


  1. Washington Initiative 912, Motor Vehicle Tax Repeal Measure (2005)
  2. New York Transportation Bond Act, Proposal 2 (2005)
  3. Texas Proposition 1, Rail Relocation and Improvement Fund Amendment (2005)
  4. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 2 (2005)
  5. Arkansas Interstate Highway Bonds, Referred Question 1 (December 2005)


  1. Florida Amendment 6, Repeal of the High Speed Ground Transportation System Initiative (2004)
  2. Missouri Amendment 3, Fuel Tax for Highway Maintenance Initiative (2004)
  3. Rhode Island Question 3, Transportation Bonds (2004)


  1. Louisiana Highway Projects Act, Ballot Measure 6 (October 2003)
  2. Maine Transportation Improvements and Air-Medical System, Question 6 (2003)
  3. Texas Proposition 14, Transportation Projects Funding Amendment (September 2003)


  1. Washington Initiative 776, License Tab Fees Measure (2002)
  2. Washington Referendum 51, Transportation Improvements Measure (2002)
  3. Alaska Transportation, Bonding Proposition B (2002)
  4. California Proposition 42, Allocation of Gasoline Sales Tax Revenue Amendment (March 2002)
  5. California Proposition 51, Vehicle Tax Revenue for Transportation Projects Initiative (2002)
  6. Rhode Island Question 3, Transportation Bonds (2002)
  7. Rhode Island Question 4, Quonset Point/Davisville Bonds (2002)


  1. Colorado Amendment 26, Creation of a Fixed Guideway System Initiative (2001)
  2. Maine Transportation Development and Improvement, Question 3 (2001)
  3. Texas Proposition 2, Bonds for County Road Projects Amendment (2001)
  4. Texas Proposition 15, Mobility Fund Amendment (2001)
  5. Texas Proposition 8, Bonds for State Construction Projects Amendment (2001)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Monorail System Initiative (2000)
  2. Washington Initiative 745, Transportation Funds for Road Infrastructure Measure (2000)
  3. Rhode Island Transportation Bonds, Question 3 (2000)
  4. Montana Vehicle Tax Revision, LR-115 (2000)
  5. Georgia Indemnification for State Highway Employees, Amendment 5 (2000)


  1. Maine Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements, Question 3 (1999)
  2. Colorado Referendum A, Funds for Transportation Projects Bond Measure (1999)
  3. Washington Initiative 695, Voter Approval for Tax Increases Measure (1999)


  1. Washington Referendum 49, Vehicle Excise Taxes and Transportation Bonds Measure (1998)
  2. California Proposition 2, Loans of Transportation-Related Revenues to the General Fund Amendment (1998)
  3. Montana Repeal Retail Motor Fuel Marketing Act, I-134 (1998)
  4. Rhode Island Question 1, Transportation Bonds (1998)
  5. Maine Surface, Air, Water and Rail Transportation Improvements, Question 1 (1998)
  6. Georgia Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Fund, Amendment 4 (1998)
  7. Colorado Referendum B, Excess Funds for Transportation and Education Measure (1998)


  1. Maine Transportation Improvements, Question 4 (1997)
  2. Maine Turnpike Widening, Question 6 (1997)
  3. Colorado Amendment 1, Funds for Transportation Improvement Projects Initiative (1997)


  1. West Virginia Bonds for Roads, Amendment 3 (1996)


  1. New Jersey Public Question 2, Gas Taxes Earmarked for Transportation Trust Fund (1995)
  2. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Cargo Port Improvements for Economic Development, Question 2 (1995)
  3. Maine Safety Belts Required for Four Years and Older, Question 8 (1995)


  1. South Dakota Use of Seat Belts, Referendum 2 (1994)
  2. California Proposition 181, Transportation and Rail Project Bond Measure (1994)
  3. North Dakota Safety Belts, Measure 2 (1994)
  4. North Dakota Safety Belt Law Repeal, Measure 4 (1994)
  5. Maine Port and Rail Facilities Improvements, Question 6 (1994)
  6. Alabama Regional Airport Amendment (1994)
  7. California Proposition 185, Gas Tax Increase for Transportation Programs and Projects Initiative (1994)


  1. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport, Cargo Port and Ferry Service Improvements, Question 3 (1993)


  1. Wyoming Railroad Regulation, Initiative 3 (1992)
  2. California Proposition 157, Sunset on the Collection of Tolls Amendment (1992)
  3. Wyoming Initiative to Ban Triple Trailers, Initiative 1 (1992)
  4. North Dakota Vehicle Searches, Measure 6 (1992)
  5. Maine Municipal Improvements to Port Facilities, Question 2 (1992)
  6. Maine Rail Service Continuation in Piscataquis, Penobscot and Waldo Counties, Question 6 (1992)
  7. Maine Transportation Facilities Improvements Job Creation and Protection, Question 1 Part B (1992)
  8. Georgia Transportation Trust Fund, Amendment 5 (1992)
  9. California Proposition 156, Transportation Improvements Bond Measure (1992)


  1. Maine Comprehensive Transportation Policy and Turnpike Authority, Question 1 (1991)
  2. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport, Ferry Vessel and Harbor Improvements Matching Federal Funds, Question 8 (1991)


  1. California Proposition 116, Rail Transportation Bond Initiative (June 1990)
  2. California Proposition 108, Passenger Rail Bond Measure (June 1990)
  3. California Proposition 111, Gasoline Tax Increase Amendment (June 1990)
  4. Alaska Railroad Initiative, Measure 1 (August 1990)
  5. California Proposition 125, Allocation of Gas Tax Revenue to Railroad Equipment Amendment (1990)
  6. Maine Rail Lines, Trackage Rights and Easements Rights, Question No. 2 (1990)
  7. Arizona Proposition 105, Automobile Accident Exemption from Right to Recovering Damages Initiative (1990)


  1. North Dakota Measure 5, Seat Belt Requirement Referendum (December 1989)
  2. Maine Highway, Bridge, Airport and Harbor Improvements, Question 7 (1989)
  3. Louisiana Transportation Fund Amendment (October 1989)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Transportation Bonds Amendment (1988)
  2. Florida Amendment 8, Civil Traffic Hearing Officer System Amendment (1988)
  3. Montana Seatbelt Use, I-110 (1988)
  4. New York Roads and Bridges Bond Act, Proposal 1 (1988)
  5. California Proposition 74, Transportation Bond Measure (June 1988)


  1. Maine School Bus Acquisition, Question 8 (1987)
  2. Maine Highway, Bridge and Airport Improvements and Groundwater Pollution, Question 9 (1987)
  3. Texas Proposition 5, Turnpike Authority Bonds Amendment (1987)


  1. Nebraska Mandatory Seat Belts, Referendum 2 (1986)
  2. Maine Coastal Access and Harbor, Ferry and Laboratory Improvements, Bond Issue 6 (1986)
  3. Georgia Voter Approval of Road Construction Authorities, Amendment 6 (1986)


  1. Maine Highway, Bridge and Airport Improvements, Bond Issue 4 (1985)
  2. Maine Rail Line Acquisition, Lease and Rehabilitation, Bond Issue 5 (1985)


  1. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Bond Issue 3 (1983)
  2. Maine Economic Development, Bond Issue 5 (1983)
  3. New York Transportation and Infrastructure Bond, Proposal 1 (1983)


  1. Missouri Proposition A, Large Commercial Vehicles on Highways Referendum (April 1982)
  2. Minnesota Highway Bond Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1982)
  3. Minnesota Bonding Authority for Railroad Facilities, Amendment 4 (1982)
  4. Alaska Reduce Transportation Regulation Initiative (1984)


  1. Maine Agricultural and Economic Development, Referendum Question No. 1 (1981)
  2. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1981)


  1. Texas Proposition 7, County Road Work Amendment (1980)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Board of Directors for the Regional Transportation District Initiative (1980)
  3. Florida Amendment 5, Second Gas Tax Limitation Amendment (1980)
  4. Arizona Proposition 101, Railroads as Public Service Corporations Amendment (1980)
  5. Minnesota Highway Bond Restrictions, Amendment 2 (1980)
  6. Alaska Transportation Projects, Bonding Proposition F (1980)


  1. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement, Referendum Question No. 1 (1979)
  2. Maine Public Fish Piers, Airports and Transportation Improvements, Referendum Question No. 2 (1979)
  3. Missouri Amendment 2, Transportation Funding and Department Consolidation Measure (1979)
  4. New York State Debt for Improved Transportation , Proposal 1 (1979)


  1. Alaska Transportation Bond, Proposition 10 (1978)
  2. Mississippi Railroad, Amendment 2 (1978)
  3. Missouri Amendment 5, Gasoline Tax Measure (August 1978)


  1. Washington HJR 55, Transportation Rates Set By Legislature Amendment (1977)
  2. Washington HJR 56, Repeal of Constitutional Provision on Transportation Rate Limits Amendment (1977)
  3. Washington HJR 57, Shared Earnings for Common Carriers Amendment (1977)
  4. Washington Initiative 348, Motor Vehicle Tax Laws Repeal Measure (1977)
  5. Maine Airport Improvements, Referendum Question No. 6 (1977)
  6. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement Program, Referendum Question No. 7 (1977)


  1. Alaska Transportation Maintenance Bond, Proposition 13 (1976)
  2. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 14 (1976)
  3. Arizona Proposition 300, Abolishment of Motor Vehicle Emissions Inspections Measure (1976)
  4. Minnesota Motor Fuel Taxes and Highway Bonds, Amendment 1 (1976)
  5. Georgia Amendment 24, Federal Funds for Transportation Measure (1976)
  6. Georgia Amendment 26, Regulation of Roadsides Measure (1976)


  1. Maine Highway and Bridge Improvement Program, Referendum Question No. 2 (1975)


  1. Alaska Port Facility Development Bond, Proposition 2 (1974)
  2. Alaska Trunk and Secondary Airport Bond, Proposition 4 (1974)
  3. Alaska Transportation Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1974)
  4. Florida Amendment 2, Transportation Bonds Amendment (1974)
  5. Arizona Proposition 105, Distribution of Vehicle Tax Amendment (1974)
  6. Colorado Amendment No. 7, Aviation Fuel Excise Tax Usage Amendment (1974)
  7. Maine Weight of Commercial Vehicles and Related Provisions, Referendum Question (1974)
  8. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1974)
  9. Minnesota Railroad Taxes, Amendment 3 (1974)
  10. New York Rail Preservation Bond Act, Proposition 1 (1974)
  11. California Proposition 5, Use of Fuel Taxes and License Fees Amendment (June 1974)


  1. Washington Referendum 33, License Plate Fee for Conservation Measure (1973)


  1. Washington Referendum 30, Public Transportation Improvements Bond Measure (1972)
  2. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1972)
  3. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1972)
  4. Alaska Flood Control and Small Boat Harbor Bond, Proposition 7 (1972)
  5. Colorado Referred Law No. 11, No-Fault Insurance System Initiative (1972)
  6. Florida Amendment 4, Motor Vehicle Licensing Revenue for Education Amendment (1972)
  7. Arkansas Full Railroad Crew Laws, Initiated Act 1 (1972)
  8. Arizona Proposition 108, Motor Vehicle Taxes Amendment (1972)
  9. Idaho Public Funds for Transportation to Schools, HJR 35 (1972)
  10. Maine Kennebec Bridge, Referendum Question No. 3 (1972)
  11. Maine State Parks, Airports and Maintenance Building, Referendum Question No. 4 (1972)
  12. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1972)
  13. Maine Airport Moneys Reallocation, Referendum Question No. 3 (1972)
  14. Georgia State Highway Board, Amendment 4 (1972)


  1. New York State Debt for Transportation, Proposition 1 (1971)


  1. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1970)
  2. Alaska Highway Maintenance Bond, Proposition 8 (1970)
  3. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 9 (1970)
  4. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 10 (1970)
  5. Arizona Proposition 104, Vehicle and Gas Tax Revenues Amendment (1970)
  6. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question (1970)
  7. Maine State Route 6 Reconstruction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1970)
  8. Arkansas Full Railroad Crew Laws, Initiated Act 1 (1970)
  9. California Proposition 18, Use of Fuel Taxes and License Fees Amendment (1970)


  1. Maine Norridgewock Airport Appropriation, Referendum Question No. 2 (1969)
  2. Maine Matinicus Island Docking Facilities, Referendum Question No. 6 (1969)
  3. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 11 (1969)


  1. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 2 (1968)
  2. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 4 (1968)
  3. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 7 (1968)
  4. Washington Initiative 242, Implied Consent for Driver Intoxication Tests Measure (1968)
  5. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1968)
  6. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Bridge, Referendum Question No. 4 (1968)
  7. Nebraska Bonds for Highway Construction, Amendment 14 (1968)
  8. Louisiana Baton Rouge Airport Amendment (1968)
  9. Louisiana Airport Bond Issue (1968)


  1. Maine State Route 6 Reconstruction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1967)
  2. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Bridge, Referendum Question No. 3 (1967)
  3. Maine Airport Construction, Extension and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 5 (1967)
  4. New York Proposition Number One (1967)
  5. New York State Debt for Mass Transportation, Proposition 1 (1967)
  6. Pennsylvania Question 8, Repeal Article 17 Concerning Railroads and Canals Amendment (May 1967)


  1. Washington Initiative 233, Repeal of Freight Train Crew Law Measure (1966)
  2. Alaska Ferry Construction Bond, Proposition 3 (1966)
  3. Alaska Highway Construction Bond, Proposition 5 (1966)
  4. Alaska Airport Construction Bond, Proposition 6 (1966)
  5. Colorado Amendment No. 2, Taxation of Mobile Homes and Construction Equipment Amendment (1966)
  6. Maine State Highway Commission Office Building, Referendum Question No. 1 (1966)
  7. Maine Airport Construction and Improvement, Referendum Question No. 2 (1966)
  8. Maryland Chesapeake Bay Toll Bridge, Amendment 17 (1966)
  9. Nebraska Transportation for Private Schools, Amendment 6 (1966)
  10. Georgia Amendment 14, Taxes for Public Transportation Amendment (1966)


  1. Florida Amendment 5, Motor Vehicle Definition for Taxation Amendment (1965)
  2. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1965)
  3. New York Land for the Improvement of Piseco Airport, Amendment 9 (1965)
  4. Florida Amendment 4, Bonds for Roads Amendment (1965)


  1. Florida Amendment 12, Second Gas Tax Extension Amendment (1964)
  2. Arkansas Local Road Construction, Proposed Amendment 53 (1964)
  3. Arizona Proposition 200, Railroad Anti-Featherbedding Initiative (1964)
  4. North Dakota Repeal Required Crew on Freight Trains, Initiative 3 (1964)
  5. North Dakota Five-Man Train Crew, Initiative 4 (1964)
  6. North Dakota Daily Passenger-Freight Train Requirements, Initiative 5 (1964)
  7. Nebraska Motor Vehicle Taxes, Amendment 5 (1964)
  8. Georgia Amendment 1, State Highway Board Measure (1964)
  9. Georgia Amendment 8, Motor Vehicle Taxation Measure (1964)
  10. California Proposition 17, Railroad Labor Initiative (1964)


  1. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1963)
  2. Maine Chebeague Island Bridge and Causeways, Referendum Question No. 5 (1963)


  1. Alaska Proposition 3, Trunk Airport Bond Measure (1962)
  2. Arkansas Motor Vehicle Commission, Referred Act 199 (1962)
  3. Georgia Amendment 9, County Taxes for Public Transportation Amendment (1962)
  4. Utah Amendment 2, Require that Fuel and Motor Vehicle Taxes be Used for Mandated Purposes Measure (1962)


  1. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 1 (1961)
  2. New York Purchase of Railroad Commuter Cars, Amendment 3 (1961)
  3. New York Highway Relocation in Hamilton County, Amendment 7 (1961)


  1. Alaska Proposition 2, Ferry and Road Bond Measure (1960)
  2. Kentucky Highways and Parks Bonds Ballot Question (1960)
  3. North Dakota Aviation Fuel Tax Referendum, Amendment 4 (1960)
  4. North Dakota Brakeman Requirements, Referendum 2 (1960)
  5. Alaska Proposition 6, Bush Airfields Bond Measure (1960)
  6. Georgia Amendment 1, Motor Fuel Tax for Highway Construction and Maintenance Amendment (1960)
  7. Georgia Amendment 17, Brunswick Ports Authority Amendment (1960)
  8. California Proposition 14, Use of Funds for Separation of Grade Districts Amendment (1960)


  1. Maine Passagassawaukeag River Bridge, Referendum Question No. 1 (1959)
  2. Maine State Highways Construction, Referendum Question No. 2 (1959)
  3. New York Highway on Forest Preserve Land, Amendment 2 (1959)


  1. Maine Vehicle License and Registration Fees, Referendum Question (1958)
  2. Arkansas Repeal of Full Crew Laws, Initiative 1 (1958)
  3. Georgia Amendment 4, Brunswick Port Authority Amendment (1958)
  4. Georgia Amendment 9, Revenue Certificates for Public Transportation Amendment (1958)
  5. California Proposition 10, Taking of Property for Schools and Airports Amendment (1958)
  6. California Proposition 11, Bonds for Streets and Roads Amendment (1958)


  1. Maine State Highways Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 1 (1957)
  2. Maine Ferry Service Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 2 (1957)
  3. New York Forest Land for Highway Purposes, Amendment 7 (1957)


  1. North Dakota Highway Construction Bond Issue, Referendum 3 (1956)
  2. Minnesota Highway Funding, Amendment 2 (1956)
  3. Montana Use of Highway Taxes, Amendment 1 (1956)
  4. Nebraska Ton Mile Tax, Initiative 1 (1956)
  5. Nebraska Allocation of Vehicle Fees, Amendment 1 (1956)
  6. New York Bond for Construction of Highways and Parkways, Proposition 1 (1956)


  1. Maine Jonesport Reach Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question (1955)
  2. New York State Bonds for State Highways, Amendment 1 (1955)


  1. California Proposition 5, Freight and Passenger Ship Tax Exemption Amendment (1954)
  2. California Proposition 8, Vessel Taxation Exemption Amendment (1954)
  3. Florida Amendment 2, Use of State Funds for Toll Roads Amendment (1954)
  4. North Dakota Rural Roads Gas Tax, Initiative 3 (1954)
  5. North Dakota Tax Allocation, Initiative 4 (1954)
  6. Colorado Statutory Referendum No. 6, Revenue Anticipation Warrants for Highway Maintenance Bond Measure (1954)
  7. California Proposition 17, Street and Highway Revenues for Parking Facilities Amendment (1954)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Funds of Education Capital Projects Amendment (1952)
  2. North Dakota Legalizing Use of Parking Meters, Referendum 1 (1952)
  3. Minnesota Motor Vehicle Excise Tax, Amendment 5 (1952)
  4. Montana Gasoline Tax, I-55 (1952)
  5. Nebraska Motor Vehicle Tax, Amendment 2 (1952)
  6. Arkansas State Highway Commission, Amendment 42 (1952)
  7. Georgia Highway Funds, Amendment 2 (1952)
  8. Alabama Transportation Taxes, Amendment 1 (1952)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Fuel Tax Revenue Dedicated to Roads Amendment (1952)


  1. Maine Fore River Bridge Toll, Referendum Question No. 4 (1951)
  2. Maine State Highways Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 1 (1951)
  3. Maine Bangor-Brewer Toll Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 2 (1951)
  4. Maine Lewiston-Auburn Toll Bridge Bond Issue, Referendum Question No. 3 (1951)


  1. Maine Fore River Bridge Bond Issue, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1950)
  2. Minnesota Petroleum Excise Tax, Amendment 3 (1950)
  3. Nebraska Gas Tax, Referendum 1 (1950)
  4. Nebraska Vehicle Registration Fee, Referendum 2 (1950)
  5. Georgia Savannah Airport Commission, Amendment 9 (1950)
  6. Georgia DeKalb County Street Improvements, Amendment 18 (1950)
  7. Georgia Muscogee County Street Improvements, Amendment 33 (1950)
  8. Georgia Muscogee County Street Improvement Bonds, Amendment 34 (1950)
  9. Rhode Island Permanent Registration, Proposal 2 (1950)
  10. Missouri Amendment 1, Gas Tax Increase Referendum (April 1950)
  11. California Proposition 3, Use of Parking Meter Income for Off-Street Parking Amendment (June 1950)


  1. California Proposition 3, Number of Brakemen on Trains Initiative (1948)
  2. North Dakota Prohibiting Parking Meters, Initiative 2 (1948)
  3. North Dakota Repeal Parking Meter Initiative (1948)
  4. Florida Amendment 1, Fuel Taxes Amendment (1948)
  5. Minnesota Petroleum Excise Tax, Amendment 1 (1948)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Tax Revenue Allocation Amendment (November 1946)


  1. Kentucky Highway Fund Taxes Referendum (1945)
  2. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debentures Act, R-49 (June 1945)


  1. Washington HJR 4, Vehicle Taxes for Highways Amendment (1944)
  2. North Dakota Financing Highway Construction Initiative (1944)
  3. Maine Highway Fund Use (1944)
  4. Minnesota Airport Operation, Amendment 1 (1944)
  5. Nebraska Gas Tax, Amendment 1 (1944)


  1. Maryland State Roads Commission Property Acquisition, Amendment 3 (1942)
  2. Iowa Fuel Tax Allocation, Amendment 1 (1942)


  1. New York Use of Railroad Bonds for Highways and Parkways, Amendment 1 (1941)


  1. Missouri Amendment 7, Reduce Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (1940)
  2. Missouri Amendment 6, Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (1940)
  3. California Proposition 9, Vessel Tax Exemption Amendment (1940)
  4. North Dakota Gasoline Motor Fuel Initiative (1940)
  5. Idaho Revenue from Motor Vehicles, HJR 3 (1940)
  6. South Dakota Taxes for Highways (1940)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Uniform Auto Tax Amendment (1940)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Percentage of Gas Tax Revenue Distributed to Cities Initiative (1940)


  1. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (1939)
  2. Georgia Highway Bonds, Amendment 11 (June 1939)
  3. Georgia Coastal Highway District, Amendment 20 (June 1939)


  1. California Proposition 4, Highway and Traffic Safety Commission Initiative (1938)
  2. California Proposition 3, Vehicle and Gas Tax and Fees Amendment (1938)
  3. Missouri Amendment 6, Fuel Tax and State Highway Commission Initiative (1938)
  4. Arkansas Highway Bond Refunding, Proposed Amendment 28 (1938)
  5. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debentures Act, I-41 (1938)
  6. New York Railroad Grade Crossings, Amendment 3 (1938)
  7. New York City Debt for Transit Facilities, Amendment 9 (1938)
  8. Missouri Proposition 5, Motor Vehicle Fuel Tax Referendum (1938)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Road Plan for Harris County Amendment (August 1937)


  1. Vermont Green Mountain Parkway Act (1936)
  2. California Proposition 23, Public Service Commission of the State of California Amendment (1936)
  3. Colorado Tax on Motor Vehicle Ownership, Measure 1 (1936)
  4. Maine General Highway Fund Use, Question No. 5 (1936)
  5. Vermont Statewide Referendum: The Green Mountain Parkway (1936)
  6. California Proposition 10, Vehicle Registration Fee and Taxes Usage Amendment (1936)
  7. California Proposition 15, Street and High Improvement Repayment Amendment (1936)


  1. Maine State Aid Highways Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1935)
  2. Maine Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge Bond Issue, Amendment No. 4 (1935)
  3. Maine Deer Isle-Sedgwick Bridge District, Referendum Question (1935)


  1. Colorado Taxation on Petroleum and Motor Vehicles for Roads, Measure 5 (1934)
  2. Colorado Limit on Motor Fuel Tax, Measure 6 (1934)
  3. Minnesota New Routes for Trunk Highway System, Amendment 2 (1934)


  1. New York Construction of State Highway in Forest Preserve, Amendment 3 (1933)
  2. New York Barge Terminal Canal Lands, Amendment 4 (1933)
  3. California Proposition 9, Use Gas Tax Revenue for Highway Bond Payments Measure (June 1933)
  4. California Proposition 10, Use Gas Tax Revenue for Highway Bond Payments Measure (June 1933)


  1. Colorado Limit on Motor Fuel Taxation, Measure 6 (1932)
  2. California Proposition 4, Highway Taxation Usage Amendment (1932)
  3. Arkansas Vote for Bridge Bonds Amendment (1932)
  4. Georgia State Highway Funds, Amendment 8 (1932)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 106-107, Tax Exemptions for Public Corporations Amendment (1932)
  6. California Proposition 14, Vessel Taxation Exemption Amendment (1932)


  1. California Proposition 4, Street Railways Tax Amendment (1930)
  2. California Proposition 6, Toll Bridge Tax Collection Amendment (1930)
  3. California Proposition 9, San Francisco Harbor Bond Measure (1930)
  4. California Proposition 18, Motor Vehicle Tax Amendment (1930)
  5. Florida Motor Vehicle Taxation Amendment (1930)
  6. Montana State Highway Treasury Anticipation Debenture Act, R-35 (May 1931)
  7. South Dakota Motor Vehicle Registration (1930)
  8. Georgia City of Lakeland Railway, Amendment 11 (1930)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Bonds for Highway Construction Amendment (1930)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 110-111, Automobile Tax Exemption Amendment (1930)


  1. Maine Waldo-Hancock Bridge, Amendment No. 2 (1929)


  1. Maine Excise Tax on Railroads, Referendum Question (1928)
  2. California Proposition 8, Motor Vehicle Fees Referendum (1928)
  3. Colorado Bonds for Highway Construction, Measure 4 (1928)
  4. California Proposition 9, State Right of Way Amendment (1928)
  5. Missouri Proposition 3, State Highway Bond Initiative (1928)
  6. Minnesota Motor Fuel Tax Revenue, Amendment 1 (1928)
  7. Georgia Street Improvement Bonds, Amendment 5 (1928)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Repeal of 1925 Automobile Title Law Referendum (1928)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Motor Vehicle Department Initiative (1928)
  10. California Proposition 17, Railroad Grade Separations Bond Measure (1928)


  1. New York Elimination of Railroad Grade Crossings, Amendment 3 (1927)
  2. New York Highway Construction on Forest Preserve Land, Amendment 7 (1927)


  1. California Proposition 2, Highway Usage Taxation Amendment (1926)
  2. California Proposition 7, Short-Line Steam Railroad Taxation Amendment (1926)
  3. California Proposition 4, Gasoline Distributor Tax Initiative (1926)
  4. California Proposition 8, State Highways Initiative (1926)
  5. Colorado General Assembly to Enact Motor Vehicle Taxes, Measure 3 (1926)
  6. Colorado Petroleum and Motor Vehicle Taxes, Measure 8 (1926)
  7. Montana Gasoline Tax for Roads, I-31 (1926)
  8. Georgia Public Highways, Amendment 4 (1926)
  9. Georgia Chatham County Road Bonds, Amendment 6 (1926)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Motor Vehicle Department Initiative (1926)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, State Highway Department Finance Initiative (1926)


  1. Maine Kennebec Bridge Bond Issue, Amendment No. 1 (1925)
  2. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1925)
  3. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Amendment No. 3 (1929)


  1. California Proposition 1, Common Carrier Gross Receipts Tax Initiative (1924)
  2. Washington Amendment to Article XV Sec. 1, Harbor Lines Measure (1924)
  3. Missouri Proposition 5, Funding the State Highway System Initiative (1924)
  4. Minnesota Revenue for Trunk Highway Fund, Amendment 1 (1924)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Bonds for Highway from the Hassayampa River to Colorado River and Colorado River Bridge Amendment (1924)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, State Highway Commission Initiative (1924)


  1. California Proposition 30, Railroad Franchises Initiative (1922)
  2. Colorado Bonds for Public Highways, Measure 1 (1922)
  3. Maine Full-Time State Highway Commission (1922)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 100-101, Bonds for Highway from Hassayampa River to Colorado River Amendment (1922)


  1. Maine State Aid Highways Bond Issue, Amendment No. 2 (1921)


  1. Washington Referendum 1, Truck Line Highway Construction Measure (1920)
  2. California Proposition 9, State Highway Bonds Initiative (1920)
  3. Florida Road System Bonds Amendment (1920)
  4. Colorado Moffat, Monarch and San Juan Tunnels, Measure 5 (1920)
  5. Colorado Bonds for Public Highways, Measure 8 (1920)
  6. North Dakota State Athletic Commission Initiative (1920)
  7. Missouri Amendment 4, Special Tax for Road Districts Measure (1920)
  8. Minnesota State Trunk Highway System, Amendment 1 (1920)
  9. Montana Bond for Highways, R-23 (1920)
  10. South Dakota Municipal Debt for Street Railways and Lighting (1920)
  11. Alabama Transportation Tax, Amendment 2 (1920)
  12. Alabama Road Tax, Amendment 3 (1920)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Creation of State Highway Department Initiative (1920)


  1. Maine Port Facilities Bond Issue, Amendment No. 3 (1919)
  2. Maine Highways and Bridges Bond Issue Increase, Amendment No. 5 (1919)
  3. Texas Proposition 6, Bonds for Highway Construction Amendment (1919)
  4. California Proposition 1, State Highways Bond Amendment (July 1919)


  1. Washington Referendum 8, Port Districts and Harbor Development Measure (1916)
  2. California Proposition 3, Highway Completion Bond Measure (1916)
  3. California Proposition 7, State Highway Bond Repayment Measure (1916)
  4. Maine Government Aid for Highway Bridges, Question Two (1916)
  5. South Dakota State Coal Supplying and Roads Funding (1916)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Road Tax Amendment (July 1915)


  1. Colorado State Road Fund Increase for Highway Construction, Measure 7 (1914)
  2. North Dakota State Aid for Highways Referendum (1914)
  3. California Proposition 8, Vessel Taxation Amendment (1914)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 302-303, Passenger Transportation on Railroads Regulation Referendum (1914)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Highway Bonds Amendment (1914)


  1. Ohio Bond Limits for Inter-County Roads Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Colorado Funds for State Highway Commission, Measure 20 (1912)
  3. Colorado Bonded Indebtedness for State Highways, Measure 31 (1912)
  4. Colorado Tunnel Through James Peak, Measure 32 (1912)
  5. Maine Bond Issue for State Highways, Question No. 2 (1912)
  6. South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required, Measure 2 (1912)
  7. Minnesota State Tax for Roads and Bridges, Amendment 1 (1912)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 306-307, Train Headline Regulations Referendum (1912)
  9. Arizona Measure Nos. 304-305, Train Employee Regulations Referendum (1912)
  10. Arizona Measure Nos. 312-313, Passenger Train Rates Referendum (1912)
  11. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Train Car Limits Referendum (1912)
  12. Arizona Measure Nos. 308-309, Train Engineer and Conductor Regulations Referendum (1912)


  1. California Proposition 23, Railroad Rate Increase Procedures Amendment (October 1911)
  2. California Proposition 19, Free or Reduced Price Railroad Tickets for Government Officials Amendment (October 1911)
  3. California Proposition 12, Railroad Commission Control and Regulation of Services Amendment (October 1911)


  1. Maine Portland Bridge Reconstruction, P. & S. L. 1909, c. 404 (1910)
  2. South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required (1910)
  3. Minnesota Cost of Road and Bridge Projects, Amendment 1 (1910)
  4. California State Highway Bond Measure (1910)


  1. Minnesota Unlimited Road and Bridge Tax, Amendment 2 (1908)
  2. Missouri Amendment 2, Road and Bridge Maintenance Tax Measure (1908)
  3. Missouri Amendment 7, Public Roads and Highways Tax Measure (1908)
  4. Missouri Amendment 8, Indebtedness for Subway Construction Measure (1908)


  1. Idaho Railroad Taxation Exemption, SJR 5 (1906)
  2. Minnesota Increase Road and Bridge Tax, Amendment 2 (1906)


  1. Maryland Roads, Amendment 2 (1905)
  2. New York Highway Improvement, Amendment 5 (1905)


  1. South Dakota Municipal Debt Limits for Water, Street Railways and Lighting (1902)

Before 1900

  1. New York Contract Bidding for Canal Projects Amendment (February 1854)
  2. Minnesota Railroad Loans, Amendment 1 (April 1858)
  3. Michigan Regulation of Railroad Rates, Proposal 4 (1870)
  4. Michigan Restricting Railroad Consolidations, Proposal 5 (1870)
  5. Michigan Railroad Aid Bonds, Proposal 6 (1870)
  6. Ohio Aid for Railroads, Amendment 3 (August 1874)
  7. California San Francisco Depot, Proposition 2 (1892)
  8. Minnesota Road and Bridge Fund, Amendment 4 (1898)
  9. Arkansas Regulation of Rail Rates, Amendment 2 (1898)
  10. Arkansas County Road Tax, Amendment 3 (1894)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Washington Mandatory Seat Belts Initiative I-1046 (2009)
  2. Washington Initiative 988 (2008)
  3. Washington Initiative 996 (2008)
  4. Arizona Proposition 203 (2008)
  5. The Safer Road Arizona Act (2008)
  6. Maryland Speed Camera Referendum (2010)
  7. Alaska Dedicated Funds Amendment (2010)
  8. California Proposition 1, Bonds for High-Speed Rail (2008)
  9. Washington Motor Vehicle Voter Approval, Initiative 1179 (2011)
  10. Arizona Traffic Camera Question (2012)
  11. California Elimination of the High-Speed Rail Authority (2012)
  12. Oregon Studded Tire Ban Initiative (2012)
  13. Oregon Motor Vehicle Tax Voter Approval Initiative (2012)
  14. Washington Vehicle License Tab Fees, Initiative 1186 (2012)
  15. Washington Red-Light Cameras, Initiative 1187 (2012)
  16. Washington 13.5 Hour Limited Driver's License Initiative (2012)
  17. Washington Motor Vehicle Fees, Initiative 490 (2012)
  18. Maryland Transportation Trust Fund Amendment (2012)
  19. California "Stop the $100 Billion Bullet Train to Nowhere" Initiative (2014)
  20. California Road Repairs Initiative (2014)
  21. West Virginia Bonds for Road Repairs Amendment (2014)
  22. Missouri Transportation Sales Tax Amendment, SJR 16 (2014)
  23. Missouri Transportation Sales and Use Tax Amendment (2014)
  24. Arizona No Toll Roads Amendment (2014)
  25. Washington Vehicle License Fees Cap Measure, Initiative 1323 (2014)
  26. Washington Red Light Camera Ban, Initiative 1324 (2014)
  27. Colorado Tax on Nongovernmental Tolls Initiative (2014)
  28. New Jersey Voter Approval of Indebtedness for Transportation Amendment, ACR 90 (2014)
  29. New Jersey Fuel Tax Revenue to Transportation Trust Fund Amendment (2014)
  30. California "Transportation Innovation" Initiative (2014)
  31. California “Stop High Speed Rail Investment and Reinvest in Education” Initiative (2014)
  32. Michigan Transportation Funding Amendment (2014)
  33. Texas Prohibition on Using Motor Vehicle Revenue for Policing Amendment (2015)
  34. Texas Limitations on Motor Vehicle Revenue Use Amendment (2015)
  35. Texas Motor Vehicle Revenue for Non-Tolled Roadways Amendment (2015)
  36. Texas Motor Vehicle Revenue Uses Amendment (2015)
  37. Washington Limit Vehicle License Fees Measure, Initiative 1360 (2015)
  38. Washington Bridge and Highway Tolls Measure, Initiative 1361 (2015)
  39. Washington Automated Traffic Cameras Measure, Initiative 1362 (2015)
  40. Washington Repeal Motor Vehicle Fuel Taxes Measure, Initiative 1367 (2015)
  41. New Mexico Motor Vehicle Tax Revenue Appropriations Amendment (2016)
  42. Washington Vehicle Registration Fee Limit Initiative (ITP) (2016)
  43. Washington Toll Restrictions Initiative (ITP) (2016)
  44. Washington Highway Administration Initiative (2016)
  45. Washington Vehicle Registration Fee Limit Initiative (ITL) (2016)
  46. Washington Toll Restrictions Initiative (ITL) (2016)
  47. Florida Voter Approval on Tolls Amendment (2018)
  48. Arizona No Toll Roads in Arizona Act (2016)
  49. Washington Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (2017)
  50. Washington Ban on Red-Light Cameras Initiative (2017)
  51. Washington Voter Approval of Tolls Initiative (2017)
  52. Washington Tolls for Road Projects Initiative (2017)
  53. California Repeal Gas Tax and Fees Increase Bill Initiative (2018)
  54. Washington No Express Toll Lanes on Interstate 405 Initiative (2017)
  55. Colorado Sales Tax Increase for Transportation Funding Measure (2017)
  56. Washington Regional Transit Authorities' Taxation Powers Initiative (2018)
  57. Virginia Transportation Revenue Lockbox Amendment (2018)
  58. Colorado Roads and Bridges Bonds Initiative (2018)
  59. Massachusetts Repeal Authority for Public Tolling Initiative (2018)
  60. Washington Toll Revenue Dedicated to Transportation Lockbox Initiative (2018)
  61. Washington Lawful Presence to Receive Driver's License Initiative (2017)
  62. Louisiana No Dedication of Transportation Trust Fund Revenue to State Police Amendment (2017)
  63. Washington Dedication of Toll Revenue Initiative (2018)
  64. Washington Prohibit Interstate 405 Toll Lanes Initiative (2018)
  65. Colorado Sales Tax Increase for Transportation Funds Initiative (2018)
  66. Missouri Prohibit Toll Roads Initiative (2018)
  67. Minnesota Dedicate Sales Tax on Vehicle Parts to Road and Bridge Funding Amendment (2018)
  68. Missouri Ban Cell Phone Usage while Driving Initiative (2018)
  69. Washington Remove Express Toll Lanes on Interstate 405 Initiative (2019)
  70. Missouri Diesel Fuel Tax Increase Initiative (2018)
  71. Missouri Motor Fuel Tax Increase Initiative (2018)
  72. Washington Prohibit Interstate 405 Toll Lanes Initiative (2020)
  73. Washington Motor Vehicle License Fees Initiative (2018)
  74. Oregon Gas Tax Decrease and Carbon Tax Initiative (2020)
  75. Maine $200 Excise Tax on Motor Vehicles Initiative (2020)
  76. Oregon Voter Approval for Transportation Tolls and Fees Initiative (2020)
  77. Arizona Prohibit Red Light and Speeding Cameras Initiative (2020)
  78. Montana I-188, Vehicular Manslaughter Initiative (2020)
  79. North Carolina Education and Transportation Bond Measure (2020)
  80. North Carolina Transportation Infrastructure Bond (2015)
  81. New York Transportation Infrastructure Bond (2015)
  82. Massachusetts Elimination of Tolls Initiative (2010)
  83. Massachusetts Gas Tax Credit Initiative (2024)
  84. Arizona "Used Car Lemon Law" Initiative (2016)
  85. Arizona Civil Penalties for Excessive Speeding Initiative (2020)
  86. Arizona Use of HOV Lanes Initiative (2020)
  87. California Ban Sale and Registration of Gasoline and Diesel Passenger Vehicles Initiative (2020)
  88. California Local Governments Responsible for State Highways, Transportation Lockboxes, and Terminate High-Speed Rail Project Initiative (2020)
  89. Oklahoma State Question 829, Abolish Oklahoma Turnpike Authority and Remove Tolls Initiative (2024)
  90. Washington Limit Motor Vehicle Taxes and Fees Initiative (2023)
  91. Missouri Appropriation of Funds for State Highways Amendment (2024)
  92. Arkansas Lower Age Requirement to Register Historic Vehicles from 45 Years to 25 Years Initiative (2024)
  93. Oregon Require Voter Approval for Highway Fees or Tolls Amendment (2024)
  94. Colorado Restrictions on Collecting Fees for Mass Transit Initiative (2024)
Voting on Transportation
Ballot Measures
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Not on ballot

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