Single-subject rule for ballot initiatives

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A single-subject rule is a state law that requires ballot initiatives to address a single subject, topic, or issue. There are 26 states that provide for at least one type of statewide citizen-initiated measure. Of those 26 states, 16 have single-subject rules.

There is a similar rule called the separate-vote requirement, which applies to constitutional amendments, whether citizen-initiated or legislative, in at least six states. The separate-vote requirement prohibits constitutional amendments from changing more than one article or section of the state constitution.

  • Adopted in 2022: Arizona voters adopted a single-subject rule with the passage of Proposition 129, a legislatively referred constitutional amendment.
  • Looking to 2024: Voters in North Dakota decided on a constitutional amendment to establish single-subject rules for initiatives, increase the signature requirement for constitutional initiatives, and require constitutional initiatives to be approved at two elections.
  • Requirements by state

    Sixteen (16) states provide for at least one type of statewide citizen-initiated measure and have a single-subject rule. Ten (10) states that provide for an initiative process do not have a single-subject rule. The following map provides information on single-subject rules for citizen-initiated measures.

    See also
