School board elections, 2015

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2015 School Board Elections

School Board Elections by State
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Elections Information
Election dates2015 elections
Candidate filing datesFinance reportingPoll opening and closing times

A total of 1,377 seats were up for election in 440 of America's largest school districts by enrollment in 2015. These districts collectively educated a total of 10,322,036 students during the 2012-2013 school year, which was 20.54 percent of all K-12 students in the United States.[1]

These elections took place in 32 states. The 18 states where the largest districts by enrollment did not hold elections in 2015 were Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Note: Ballotpedia has extended its coverage of Wisconsin school districts due to a grant. In addition to covering the 12 Wisconsin districts in the top 1,000 districts by enrollment in the United States, Ballotpedia also covers the additional eight districts that make up the top 20 districts by enrollment in Wisconsin. These eight districts are not included in the cumulative statistics on this page.

Quick facts

See also: School boards in session: 2015 in brief and School board incumbency analysis: 2015 in brief

The following chart lists the 10 largest school districts that held elections in 2015:

Largest school districts with 2015 elections
District State Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Los Angeles Unified School District California 5/19/2015 4 7 655,455
Houston Independent School District Texas 11/3/2015 4 9 203,354
Fairfax County Public Schools Virginia 11/3/2015 12 12 180,616
Dallas Independent School District Texas 5/9/2015 3 9 158,932
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools North Carolina 11/3/2015 3 9 144,478
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District Texas 11/3/2015 4 7 110,013
Northside Independent School District Texas 5/9/2015 4 7 100,159
Albuquerque Public Schools New Mexico 2/3/2015 3 7 94,083
Jeffco Public Schools Colorado 11/3/2015 5 5 85,542
Prince William County Public Schools Virginia 11/3/2015 8 8 83,865


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Alaska.
Education on the ballot

A total of three Alaska school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for eight seats. One election was held April 7, 2015, and two were held October 6, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Alaska's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 80,652 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Alaska School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Anchorage School District 4/7/2015 3 7 48,790
Fairbanks North Star Borough School District 10/6/2015 2 7 14,378
Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District 10/6/2015 3 7 17,484


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Arkansas.
Education on the ballot

Regular elections for Arkansas school boards were held September 15, 2015. Six Arkansas school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 11 seats on that date.

Here are several quick facts about Arkansas's largest school district elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 85,040 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Arkansas School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Bentonville School District 9/15/2015 1 7 14,880
Cabot Public School District 9/15/2015 1 7 10,423
Conway Public Schools 9/15/2015 2 7 9,829
Fort Smith Public Schools 9/15/2015 3 7 14,374
Rogers School District 9/15/2015 2 7 14,793
Springdale Public Schools 9/15/2015 2 7 20,741


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Click here to learn more about education policy in California.
Education on the ballot

A total of 46 California school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 122 seats. Five of the elections were scheduled for April, one for May, and the remaining 40 districts held elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about California's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 1,453,222 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 California School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Glendale Unified School District 4/7/2015 2 5 26,179
Inglewood Unified School District 4/7/2015 4 5 14,207
Burbank Unified School District 4/14/2015 3 5 16,481
Arcadia Unified School District 4/21/2015 3 5 9,667
Pasadena Unified School District 4/21/2015 3 7 19,540
Los Angeles Unified School District 5/19/2015 4 7 655,455
ABC Unified School District 11/3/2015 4 7 20,835
Antelope Valley Union High School District 11/3/2015 2 5 24,816
Azusa Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,755
Baldwin Park Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 18,845
Bellflower Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 13,721
Bonita Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 9,870
Ceres Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 7 12,839
Compton Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 7 24,710
Covina-Valley Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 12,978
Downey Unified School District 11/3/2015 4 7 22,848
El Monte City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,304
El Monte Union High School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,812
El Rancho Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,648
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 20,358
Lancaster School District 11/3/2015 2 5 14,713
Las Virgenes Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 11,200
Lynwood Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 15,029
Menifee Union School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,955
Modesto City Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 29,978
Montebello Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 30,564
Monterey Peninsula Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 7 10,729
Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 7 19,770
Palmdale School District 11/3/2015 2 5 21,264
Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 11,864
Paramount Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 15,846
Pomona Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 27,186
Redwood City Elementary School District 11/3/2015 3 5 9,210
Riverside Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 42,560
Rowland Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 15,501
Salinas Union High School District 11/3/2015 4 7 13,879
San Bernardino City Unified School District 11/3/2015 4 7 54,102
San Jacinto Unified School District (special election) 11/3/2015 1 5 10,041
San Mateo-Foster City Elementary School District 11/3/2015 2 5 11,456
Sequoia Union High School District 11/3/2015 3 5 9,247
Torrance Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 24,324
Turlock Unified School District 11/3/2015 4 7 13,956
Walnut Valley Unified School District 11/3/2015 2 5 14,661
West Covina Unified School District 11/3/2015 3 5 14,460
Whittier Union High School District 11/3/2015 2 5 13,486
William S. Hart Union High School District 11/3/2015 2 5 26,373


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Colorado.
Education on the ballot

A total of 21 Colorado school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 65 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Colorado's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Jeffco Public Schools with 85,542 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Widefield School District 3 with 9,297 K-12 students.
  • School District 27J and Poudre School District tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with five seats up for election in both districts.
  • Seven districts tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election in each district.

The districts listed below served 663,315 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Colorado School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Academy School District 20 11/3/2015 2 5 23,973
Adams 12 Five Star Schools 11/3/2015 4 5 43,268
Adams County School District 50 11/3/2015 3 5 10,069
Aurora Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 39,835
Boulder Valley School District 11/3/2015 4 7 30,041
Cherry Creek School District 11/3/2015 3 5 53,422
Colorado Springs School District 11 11/3/2015 4 7 29,032
Denver Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 83,377
Douglas County School District 11/3/2015 3 7 64,657
Falcon School District 49 11/3/2015 2 5 15,478
Greeley-Evans School District 6 11/3/2015 3 7 19,821
Harrison School District Two 11/3/2015 2 5 10,775
Jeffco Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 85,542
Littleton Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 15,754
Mesa County Valley School District 51 11/3/2015 2 5 21,746
Poudre School District 11/3/2015 5 7 27,909
Pueblo City Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 17,711
School District 27J 11/3/2015 5 7 16,184
St. Vrain Valley School District 11/3/2015 4 7 29,382
Thompson School District 11/3/2015 4 7 16,042
Widefield School District 3 11/3/2015 2 5 9,297


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Connecticut.
Education on the ballot

A total of nine Connecticut school districts school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 41 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Connecticut's school board elections in 2015:

The district listed below served 127,693 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Connecticut School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Bridgeport Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 9 20,155
Danbury Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 11 10,612
Fairfield Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 9 10,294
New Britain Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 10 10,232
New Haven Public School 11/3/2015 2 7 21,150
Norwalk Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 9 11,071
Stamford Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 9 15,758
Waterbury Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 11 18,391
West Hartford Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 10,030


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Delaware.
Education on the ballot

A total of five Delaware school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for eight seats. All of the elections were scheduled on May 12, 2015.

The districts listed below served 62,469 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Delaware School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Appoquinimink School District 5/12/2015 1 5 9,380
Brandywine School District 5/12/2015 2 7 10,851
Christina School District 5/12/2015 1 7 16,384
Colonial School District 5/12/2015 2 7 9,697
Red Clay Consolidated School District 5/12/2015 2 7 16,157


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Idaho.
Education on the ballot

A total of six Idaho school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 14 seats. All of the elections were scheduled on May 19, 2015.

The districts listed below served 97,639 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Idaho School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Bonneville Joint School District No. 93 5/19/2015 2 5 10,758
Coeur d'Alene Public Schools 5/19/2015 2 5 10,878
Idaho Falls School District 91 5/19/2015 3 5 10,293
Nampa School District 5/19/2015 2 5 16,073
Pocatello-Chubbuck School District No. 25 5/19/2015 2 5 12,799
West Ada School District 5/19/2015 3 5 36,838


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Illinois.
Education on the ballot

A total of 24 Illinois school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 82 seats. All of the elections were held on April 7, 2015.

The district listed below served 409,548 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Illinois School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Champaign Community Unit School District 4 4/7/2015 5 7 9,656
Cicero Public School District 99 4/7/2015 3 7 13,304
Community Consolidated School District 15 4/7/2015 3 7 12,925
Community Unit School District 200 4/7/2015 3 7 13,244
Community Unit School District 300 4/7/2015 4 7 20,775
Consolidated School District 158 4/7/2015 3 7 9,305
East Aurora School District 131 4/7/2015 4 7 14,765
Indian Prairie School District 204 4/7/2015 3 7 28,996
Joliet Public Schools District 86 4/7/2015 4 7 11,619
McLean County Unit District No 5 4/7/2015 5 7 13,660
Naperville Community Unit School District 203 4/7/2015 3 7 17,544
Oswego Community Unit School District 308 4/7/2015 3 7 17,595
Peoria Public Schools District 150 4/7/2015 2 7 13,976
Plainfield Community Consolidated School District 202 4/7/2015 3 7 28,726
Rockford Public Schools 4/7/2015 3 7 28,777
School District 54 4/7/2015 3 7 14,085
School District U-46 4/7/2015 5 7 40,340
Springfield School District 186 4/7/2015 3 7 15,044
St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 4/7/2015 3 7 13,464
Township High School District 211 4/7/2015 4 7 12,362
Township High School District 214 4/7/2015 3 7 12,129
Valley View School District 365U 4/7/2015 3 7 17,819
Waukegan Public School District 60 4/7/2015 3 7 16,812
West Aurora Public School District 129 4/7/2015 4 7 12,626


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Iowa.
Education on the ballot

Regular elections for Iowa's school boards were held September 8, 2015.[2] The 10 Iowa school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 41 seats on that date.

Here are several quick facts about the 2015 school board elections in Iowa's largest districts:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Des Moines Public Schools with 34,092 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was West Des Moines Community Schools with 9,376 K-12 students.
  • Nine of the districts tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election in each.
  • Iowa City Community School District had the most seats up for election with five seats on the ballot.

The districts listed below served 146,562 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Iowa School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Ankeny Community School District 9/8/2015 4 7 9,643
Cedar Rapids Community School District 9/8/2015 4 7 17,120
Council Bluffs Community School District 9/8/2015 4 7 9,438
Davenport Community School District 9/8/2015 4 7 16,766
Des Moines Public Schools 9/8/2015 4 7 34,092
Dubuque Community Schools 9/8/2015 4 7 11,275
Iowa City Community School District 9/8/2015 5 7 13,019
Sioux City Community Schools 9/8/2015 4 7 14,551
Waterloo Community Schools 9/8/2015 4 7 11,282
West Des Moines Community Schools 9/8/2015 4 7 9,376


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Kansas.
Education on the ballot

A total of seven Kansas school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 28 seats. All of the elections were scheduled on April 7, 2015. Primary elections were held March 3, 2015, if needed to reduce the number of candidates for each office in the general election.[3]

The districts listed below served 174,722 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Kansas School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Blue Valley Unified School District 229 4/7/2015 4 7 22,162
Kansas City Kansas Public Schools 4/7/2015 4 7 20,194
Lawrence Public Schools, Kansas 4/7/2015 5 7 11,828
Olathe Public Schools Unified School District 233 4/7/2015 4 7 28,745
Shawnee Mission School District 4/7/2015 4 7 27,435
Topeka Public Schools 4/7/2015 4 7 14,019
Wichita Public Schools 4/7/2015 3 7 50,339


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Louisiana.
Education on the ballot

There were no Louisiana school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment holding regular general elections in 2015. However, three districts held special elections for a total of four seats, one up for primary election in March and three in October.

Louisiana elections use the Louisiana majority-vote system. All candidates compete in the same primary, and a candidate can win the election outright by receiving more than 50% of the vote. If no candidate does, the top two vote recipients from the primary advance to the general election, regardless of their partisan affiliation.

For information about which offices are nominated via primary election, see this article.

Here are several quick facts about Louisiana's school board elections in 2015:

The districts served a total of 71,054 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Louisiana School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools: District 12 3/28/2015 1 15 37,513
Orleans Parish School Board: District 1 10/24/2015 1 7 13,707
St. Tammany Parish Public Schools: District 14 10/24/2015 1 15 37,513
Tangipahoa Parish School System: District G 10/24/2015 1 9 19,834


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Massachusetts.
Education on the ballot

A total of nine Massachusetts school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 51 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Massachusetts's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 126,853 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Massachusetts School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Brockton Public Schools 11/3/2015 7 7 16,595
Fall River Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 7 10,138
Lawrence Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 7 13,145
Lowell Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 7 13,879
Lynn Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 7 14,139
New Bedford Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 12,616
Newton Public Schools 11/3/2015 8 9 12,335
Quincy Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 9,266
Worcester Public Schools 11/3/2015 6 7 24,740


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Minnesota.
Education on the ballot

A total of nine Minnesota school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 33 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Minnesota's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Anoka-Hennepin School District with 38,467 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Eden Prairie Schools with 9,402 K-12 students.
  • Six districts were tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election in each district.
  • The remaining three districts tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with three seats up for election in each district.

The districts listed below served 172,892 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Minnesota School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Anoka-Hennepin School District 11/3/2015 3 6 38,467
Bloomington Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 10,501
Eden Prairie Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 9,402
Minnetonka School District 11/3/2015 4 7 9,596
Mounds View Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 10,431
Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 27,243
Saint Paul Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 38,419
South Washington County Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 18,048
Wayzata Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 10,785


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Mississippi.
Education on the ballot

A total of one Mississippi school district among America's largest school districts by enrollment held an election for one seat on November 3, 2015.

Jackson County School District served 9,518 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Mississippi School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Jackson County School District 11/3/2015 1 5 9,518


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Missouri.
Education on the ballot

A total of 18 Missouri school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 38 seats. All but one of the elections were scheduled on April 7, 2015; a special election for Kansas City Public Schools was held on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Missouri's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was St. Louis Public Schools with 32,364 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Mehlville School District with 10,537 K-12 students.
  • Three districts were tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with three seats up for election in each.
  • Kansas City Public Schools had the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with one up for election.

The district listed below served 307,680 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Missouri School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Blue Springs School District 4/7/2015 2 7 14,203
Columbia Public Schools 4/7/2015 2 7 17,719
Ferguson-Florissant School District 4/7/2015 2 7 11,723
Fort Zumwalt R-II School District 4/7/2015 2 7 18,871
Fox C-6 School District 4/7/2015 2 7 11,759
Francis Howell School District 4/7/2015 2 7 19,835
Hazelwood School District 4/7/2015 2 7 18,325
Lee's Summit R-7 Schools 4/7/2015 2 7 17,783
Liberty Public Schools 4/7/2015 2 7 11,549
Mehlville School District 4/7/2015 2 7 10,537
North Kansas City Schools 4/7/2015 3 7 19,443
Park Hill School District 4/7/2015 2 7 10,579
Parkway Schools 4/7/2015 2 7 16,192
Rockwood School District 4/7/2015 3 7 20,450
St. Louis Public Schools 4/7/2015 2 7 32,364
Springfield Public Schools 4/7/2015 3 7 25,545
Wentzville R-IV School District 4/7/2015 2 7 13,971
Kansas City Public Schools 11/3/2015 1 9 16,832


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Montana.
Education on the ballot

A total of one Montana school district among America's largest school districts by enrollment held an election in 2015 for four seats. Billings Public Schools held its election on May 5, 2015.

The district served 11,145 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board election.

2015 Montana School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Billings Public Schools 5/5/2015 4 9 11,145


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Nebraska.
Education on the ballot

A total of one Nebraska school district among America's largest school districts by enrollment held an election in 2015 for three seats. Lincoln Public Schools held its general election on May 5, 2015.

The district served 36,943 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board election.

2015 Nebraska School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Lincoln Public Schools 5/5/2015 3 7 36,943

New Hampshire

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Click here to learn more about education policy in New Hampshire.
Education on the ballot

A total of two New Hampshire school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 19 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about New Hampshire's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 26,243 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 New Hampshire School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Manchester School District 11/3/2015 14 15 14,452
Nashua School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,791

New Jersey

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Click here to learn more about education policy in New Jersey.
Education on the ballot

A total of 18 New Jersey school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 58 seats in 2015. Two districts held elections on April 21, 2015, and the remaining 16 districts held their elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about New Jersey's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Newark Public Schools with 35,588 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Jackson School District with 9,224 K-12 students.
  • Four districts tied for the largest number of seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election each.

The districts listed below served 274,059 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 New Jersey School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Newark Public Schools 4/21/2015 3 9 35,588
Passaic Public Schools 4/21/2015 3 9 13,602
Brick Township Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 9,702
Cherry Hill Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 9 11,516
Clifton Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 9 10,949
Edison Township Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 14,317
Elizabeth Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 23,988
Freehold Regional High School District 11/3/2015 3 9 11,589
Hamilton Township School District 11/3/2015 3 9 12,241
Jackson School District 11/3/2015 3 7 9,224
Jersey City Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 27,028
Middletown Township School District 11/3/2015 3 9 9,885
Paterson Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 24,571
Perth Amboy Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 10,278
Toms River Regional Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 16,760
Vineland Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 9 9,771
West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District 11/3/2015 3 9 9,770
Woodbridge Township School District 11/3/2015 3 9 13,280

New Mexico

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Education on the ballot

A total of eight New Mexico school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 20 seats in 2015. All of the elections were held February 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about New Mexico's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Albuquerque Public Schools with 94,083 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Roswell Independent Schools with 10,261 K-12 students.
  • Four districts were tied the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with three seats up for election.
  • The other four districts were tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election each.

The districts listed below served 198,128 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 New Mexico School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Albuquerque Public Schools 2/3/2015 3 7 94,083
Farmington Municipal Schools 2/3/2015 3 5 11,222
Gadsden Independent Schools 2/3/2015 3 5 13,957
Gallup-McKinley County Schools 2/3/2015 2 5 12,033
Las Cruces Public Schools 2/3/2015 2 5 25,384
Rio Rancho Public Schools 2/3/2015 2 5 16,884
Roswell Independent Schools 2/3/2015 2 5 10,261
Santa Fe Public Schools 2/3/2015 3 5 14,304

New York

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Education on the ballot

A total of 16 New York school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 44 seats in 2015. Fourteen districts held elections on May 19, 2015. The other two held elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about New York's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was the Rochester City School District, with 30,145 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was the North Syracuse Central School District, with 9,239 K-12 students.
  • Three districts were tied the most seats on the ballot in 2015, with four seats up for election in both.
  • The Utica City School District had the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015, with one seat up for election.

The districts listed below served a total of 207,170 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).[1] Click on a district name for more information on that district and its school board elections.

2015 New York School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Brentwood Union Free School District 5/19/2015 3 7 17,492
Greece Central School District 5/19/2015 3 9 11,602
Half Hollow Hills Central School District 5/19/2015 2 7 9,427
Middle Country Central School District 5/19/2015 3 9 10,398
New Rochelle School District 5/19/2015 2 9 10,907
Newburgh Enlarged City School District 5/19/2015 3 9 11,406
North Syracuse Central School District 5/19/2015 4 9 9,239
Sachem Central School District 5/19/2015 3 9 14,231
Schenectady City School District 5/19/2015 2 7 9,790
Shenendehowa Central School District 5/19/2015 2 7 9,776
Smithtown Central School District 5/19/2015 2 7 10,317
Utica City School District 5/19/2015 1 7 9,714
Wappingers Central School District 5/19/2015 3 9 11,865
Williamsville Central School District 5/19/2015 3 9 10,239
Rochester City School District 11/3/2015 4 7 30,145
Syracuse City School District 11/3/2015 4 7 20,622

North Carolina

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Education on the ballot

A total of four North Carolina school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 16 seats in 2015. All of the districts held their elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about North Carolina's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 186,101 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 North Carolina School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Burke County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 13,343
Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 12,329
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools 11/3/2015 3 9 144,478
Cleveland County Schools 11/3/2015 5 9 15,951


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Ohio.
Education on the ballot

A total of 19 Ohio school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 46 seats in 2015. All of the districts held their elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Ohio's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Columbus City Schools with 50,384 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Northwest Local School District with 9,197 K-12 students.
  • Two districts tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election each.
  • Thirteen districts were tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election each.

The districts listed below served 320,378 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Ohio School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Akron Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 22,394
Canton City Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 9,612
Cincinnati Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 31,615
Columbus City Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 50,384
Dayton Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 14,357
Dublin City Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 14,627
Fairfield City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,703
Hamilton City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,868
Hilliard City Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 15,435
Lakota Local Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 16,526
Mason City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 10,836
Northwest Local School District 11/3/2015 2 5 9,197
Olentangy Local School District 11/3/2015 3 5 17,383
Parma City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 11,315
Pickerington Local School District 11/3/2015 2 5 10,061
South-Western City Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 20,906
Toledo Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 22,107
Westerville City School District 11/3/2015 2 5 14,629
Worthington Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 9,423


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Oklahoma.
Education on the ballot

A total of 13 Oklahoma school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 14 seats in 2015. None of the districts held primary elections, and all of the general elections were held February 10, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Oklahoma's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Oklahoma City Public Schools with 44,720 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Owasso Public Schools with 9,321 K-12 students.
  • Union Public Schools had the most seats up for election in 2015 with two seats on the ballot.
  • The other 12 districts had just one seat up for election in 2015.

The districts listed below served 258,524 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Oklahoma School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Broken Arrow Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 17,207
Edmond Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 22,489
Jenks Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 10,906
Lawton Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 15,684
Midwest City-Del City Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 14,680
Moore Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 23,173
Mustang Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 9,584
Norman Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 15,129
Oklahoma City Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 8 44,720
Owasso Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 9,321
Putnam City Schools 2/10/2015 1 5 19,257
Tulsa Public Schools 2/10/2015 1 7 41,076
Union Public Schools 2/10/2015 2 5 15,298


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Oregon.
Education on the ballot

A total of 13 Oregon school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 44 seats. All of the elections were scheduled on May 19, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Oregon's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Portland Public Schools with 46,748 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was David Douglas School District with 10,818 K-12 students.
  • Seven districts were tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election in each.
  • Two districts were tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election in both.

The district listed below served 270,159 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Oregon School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Beaverton School District 5/19/2015 3 7 39,691
Bend-La Pine Schools 5/19/2015 4 7 16,586
David Douglas School District 5/19/2015 3 7 10,818
Eugene School District 5/19/2015 4 7 17,029
Gresham-Barlow School District 5/19/2015 4 7 12,185
Hillsboro School District 5/19/2015 3 7 21,158
Medford School District 5/19/2015 4 7 13,394
North Clackamas School District 5/19/2015 4 7 17,048
Portland Public Schools 5/19/2015 4 7 46,748
Reynolds School District 5/19/2015 4 7 11,415
Salem-Keizer Public Schools 5/19/2015 3 7 40,360
Springfield School District 5/19/2015 2 5 11,066
Tigard-Tualatin School District 5/19/2015 2 5 12,661


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Pennsylvania.
Education on the ballot

A total of 18 Pennsylvania school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 91 seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Pennsylvania's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 238,994 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Pennsylvania School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Allentown City School District 11/3/2015 5 9 16,966
Bethlehem Area School District 11/3/2015 5 9 14,300
Central Bucks School District 11/3/2015 5 9 19,814
Central Dauphin School District 11/3/2015 6 9 10,946
Council Rock School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,426
Downingtown Area School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,915
Erie City School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,908
Hazleton Area School District 11/3/2015 5 9 10,429
Lancaster School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,174
North Penn School District 11/3/2015 5 9 12,650
Parkland School District 11/3/2015 5 9 9,263
Pennsbury School District 11/3/2015 6 9 10,434
Pittsburgh School District 11/3/2015 4 9 26,292
Pocono Mountain School District 11/3/2015 4 9 9,814
Reading School District 11/3/2015 6 9 17,651
Scranton School District 11/3/2015 5 9 9,881
Upper Darby School District 11/3/2015 5 9 12,449
West Chester Area School District 11/3/2015 5 9 11,682

South Carolina

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Click here to learn more about education policy in South Carolina.
Education on the ballot

A total of two South Carolina school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for nine seats on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about South Carolina's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 21,097 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 South Carolina School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Spartanburg County School District 6 11/3/2015 4 9 11,023
Spartanburg School District 2 11/3/2015 5 10 10,074

South Dakota

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Click here to learn more about education policy in South Dakota.
Education on the ballot

A total of two South Dakota school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for five seats in 2015. The first election was April 14, 2015, and the second was June 2, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about South Dakota's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 37,227 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 South Dakota School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Sioux Falls School District 4/14/2015 2 5 23,227
Rapid City Area School District 6/2/2015 3 7 14,000


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Texas.
Education on the ballot

A total of 80 Texas school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 218 seats. Board elections in 69 districts were held on May 9, 2015. The remaining 11 districts held their elections on November 3, 2015.

Here are several quick facts about Texas's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Houston Independent School District with 203,354 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Canyon Independent School District with 9,224 K-12 students.
  • Eight districts were tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election in each district.
  • Thirty-seven districts were tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election in each district.

The districts listed below served 2,723,097 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Texas School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Allen Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 19,894
Alvin Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 18,886
Amarillo Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 33,327
Arlington Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 65,001
Bastrop Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 9,302
Belton Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 9,932
Birdville Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 24,190
Brazosport Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 12,542
Burleson Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 10,581
Canyon Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 9,224
Carrollton-Farmers Branch Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 26,385
Clear Creek Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 39,635
Comal Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 18,693
Coppell Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 10,999
Crowley Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 15,060
Dallas Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 9 158,932
Deer Park Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 12,826
Denton Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 25,775
Dickinson Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 9,746
Duncanville Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 13,271
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 17,728
Ector County Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 29,649
El Paso Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 63,210
Fort Bend Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 69,591
Fort Worth Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 9 83,503
Frisco Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 42,707
Galena Park Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 22,113
Garland Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 58,059
Georgetown Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 10,370
Goose Creek Consolidated Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 21,821
Grand Prairie Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 26,921
Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 13,388
Harlandale Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 15,175
Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 18,509
Hays Consolidated Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 16,568
Humble Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 37,095
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 21,814
Irving Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 35,030
Judson Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 22,606
Katy Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 64,562
Keller Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 33,367
Killeen Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 41,756
Lamar Consolidated Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 26,135
Leander Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 34,381
Lewisville Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 52,528
Magnolia Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 11,990
Mansfield Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 32,879
McAllen Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 24,931
McKinney Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 24,443
Mesquite Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 39,127
Northside Independent School District 5/9/2015 4 7 100,159
Northwest Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 17,811
Pasadena Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 53,665
Pearland Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 19,650
Pflugerville Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 23,347
Plano Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 55,185
Richardson Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 38,043
Rockwall Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 14,486
San Angelo Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 14,758
San Antonio Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 54,268
San Benito Consolidated Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 11,171
Sharyland Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 10,232
Socorro Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 44,259
Southwest Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 13,024
Spring Branch Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 34,857
Tyler Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 18,263
Victoria Independent School District 5/9/2015 2 7 14,513
Waco Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 15,221
Ysleta Independent School District 5/9/2015 3 7 43,680
Aldine Independent School District 11/3/2015 4 7 65,684
Alief Independent School District 11/3/2015 3 7 45,783
Bryan Independent School District 11/3/2015 2 7 15,624
College Station Independent School District 11/3/2015 2 7 11,178
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District 11/3/2015 4 7 110,013
Houston Independent School District 11/3/2015 4 9 203,354
Klein Independent School District 11/3/2015 3 7 47,045
Los Fresnos Consolidated Independent School District 11/3/2015 3 7 10,424
New Caney Independent School District 11/3/2015 3 7 11,551
Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City Independent School District 11/3/2015 4 7 13,594
Spring Independent School District 11/3/2015 2 7 36,098


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Virginia.
Education on the ballot

A total of 20 Virginia school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 103 seats on November 3, 2015. While all Virginia school board elections are nonpartisan by law, observers have noted that partisanship still has a strong influence in some districts. Fairfax County Public Schools is one example of such a school district.[4][5]

Prior to 1995, Virginia school board members were appointed. State law was changed, however, to allow localities to decide between elected and appointed boards.[4] The statute reads:

If a majority of the qualified voters voting in such referendum vote in favor of changing the method of selecting school board members to direct election by the voters, then the members of the school board shall be elected by popular vote. Elections of school board members in a county, city, or town shall be held to coincide with the elections for members of the governing body of the county, city, or town at the regular general election in November or the regular general election in May, as the case may be.[6]
—Code of Virginia § 22.1-57.3. (2014)[7]

Here are several quick facts about Virginia's school board elections in 2015:

The districts listed below served 475,304 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Virginia School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Albemarle County Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 7 13,263
Alexandria Public Schools 11/3/2015 9 9 13,105
Arlington Public Schools 11/3/2015 1 5 22,543
Augusta County Public Schools 11/3/2015 7 7 10,755
Bedford County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 10,513
Chesterfield County Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 5 58,859
Fairfax County Public Schools 11/3/2015 12 12 180,616
Fauquier County Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 5 11,065
Frederick County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 13,163
Henrico County Public Schools 11/3/2015 5 5 50,083
Loudoun County Public Schools 11/3/2015 9 9 68,205
Montgomery County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 9,742
Pittsylvania County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 9,311
Prince William County Public Schools 11/3/2015 8 8 83,865
Roanoke County Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 14,369
Rockingham County Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 11,787
Spotsylvania County Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 23,768
Stafford County Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 27,463
Williamsburg-James City County Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 7 11,024
York County School Division 11/3/2015 5 5 12,421


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Washington.
Education on the ballot

A total of 34 Washington school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections for 102 seats on November 3, 2015. Eight of the districts held primaries on August 4, 2015. Primaries were required if more than two candidates filed for one seat up for election. The top two vote recipients advanced from the primaries to the general election.

Here are several quick facts about Washington's school board elections in 2015:

  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Seattle Public Schools with 50,655 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Olympia School District with 9,439 K-12 students.
  • Seven districts were tied for the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with four seats up for election each.
  • Seven districts were tied for the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election each.

The districts listed below served 618,358 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district names for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Washington School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Auburn School District 11/3/2015 4 5 14,774
Battle Ground School District 11/3/2015 2 5 13,212
Bellevue School District 11/3/2015 3 5 19,009
Bellingham School District 11/3/2015 4 5 11,148
Bethel School District 11/3/2015 3 5 18,031
Central Kitsap School District 11/3/2015 3 5 11,428
Central Valley School District 11/3/2015 3 5 12,956
Clover Park School District 11/3/2015 3 5 12,643
Edmonds School District 11/3/2015 4 5 20,741
Everett Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 18,909
Evergreen Public Schools (Clark) 11/3/2015 3 5 26,495
Federal Way Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 22,231
Highline Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 5 18,372
Issaquah School District 11/3/2015 3 5 18,455
Kennewick School District 11/3/2015 3 5 16,580
Kent School District 11/3/2015 3 5 27,518
Lake Washington School District 11/3/2015 3 5 25,522
Marysville School District 11/3/2015 3 5 11,565
Mead School District 11/3/2015 4 5 9,473
Mukilteo School District 11/3/2015 3 5 14,906
North Thurston Public Schools 11/3/2015 3 5 14,434
Northshore School District 11/3/2015 2 5 20,328
Olympia School District 11/3/2015 3 5 9,439
Pasco School District 11/3/2015 2 5 16,067
Puyallup School District 11/3/2015 3 5 20,625
Renton School District 11/3/2015 3 5 14,981
Richland School District 11/3/2015 3 5 11,898
Seattle Public Schools 11/3/2015 4 7 50,655
Snohomish School District 11/3/2015 2 5 10,027
South Kitsap School District 11/3/2015 3 5 9,635
Spokane Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 29,032
Tacoma Public Schools 11/3/2015 2 5 28,957
Vancouver School District 11/3/2015 3 5 22,925
Yakima School District 11/3/2015 4 5 15,387


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Click here to learn more about education policy in Wisconsin.
Education on the ballot

A total of 19 Wisconsin school districts among America's largest school districts by enrollment held elections in 2015 for 51 seats. Twelve of those districts were in the country's top 1,000 largest school districts. All of the elections were scheduled on April 7, 2015. Because no more than two candidates filed for any board position in these districts, none of these races required a primary election.

Here are several quick facts about Wisconsin's school board elections in 2015:

  • Twelve of the districts are among the top 1,000 largest school districts by enrollment in the United States and enrolled a total of 249,634 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year. The seven districts not in the top 1,000 largest nationwide had a combined enrollment of 51,721 during the same period.[1]
  • The largest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was Milwaukee Public Schools with 78,363 K-12 students.
  • The smallest school district by enrollment with an election in 2015 was West Bend School District with 6,920 K-12 students.
  • Milwaukee Public Schools had the most seats on the ballot in 2015 with five seats up for election.
  • Nine districts were tied the fewest seats on the ballot in 2015 with two seats up for election in each.

The district listed below served 301,355 K-12 students during the 2012-2013 school year, according to the National Center for Education Statistics.[1] Click on the district name for more information on the district and its school board elections.

2015 Wisconsin School Board Elections
District Date Seats up for election Total board seats Student enrollment
Appleton Area School District 4/7/2015 2 7 15,231
Beloit School District 4/7/2015 2 7 6,985
Eau Claire Area School District 4/7/2015 2 7 11,130
Elmbrook School District 4/7/2015 2 7 6,992
Fond du Lac School District 4/7/2015 2 7 7,424
Green Bay Area Public School District 4/7/2015 2 7 20,685
Janesville School District 4/7/2015 3 9 10,327
Kenosha Unified School District 4/7/2015 3 7 22,570
Madison Metropolitan School District 4/7/2015 2 7 27,112
Milwaukee Public Schools 4/7/2015 5 9 78,363
Oshkosh Area School District 4/7/2015 3 7 10,008
Racine Unified School District 4/7/2015 3 9 20,577
Sheboygan Area School District 4/7/2015 3 9 10,374
Stevens Point Area Public School District 4/7/2015 3 9 7,404
Sun Prairie Area School District 4/7/2015 3 7 7,373
Waukesha School District 4/7/2015 3 9 13,867
Wausau School District 4/7/2015 3 9 8,623
West Allis-West Milwaukee School District 4/7/2015 3 9 9,390
West Bend School District 4/7/2015 2 7 6,920

See also

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