State executive official measures on the ballot

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State executive official measures

State executive official measures on the ballot: This topic refers to ballot measures regarding State executive officials, including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Treasurer, Controller, Auditor, Superintendent of Schools, and a variety of Commissioners. Measures vary widely in topic, from how the executive officers are elected or appointed, to what powers they hold, to whether or not the office shall even exist.


Ballot measures lists

By state

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. Alabama Amendment 3, Notice to Victim's Family Required for Commutation or Reprieve of Death Sentences Amendment (2022)


  1. Alaska Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 3 (August 1970)


  1. Arizona Proposition 100, Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1994)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Special Legislative Sessions Amendment (September 1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, Governor's Pardon Powers Referendum (1914)
  5. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Election of State Board of Education Amendment (September 1950)
  6. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Prohibit Legislative Changes or Governor's Veto of Initiatives and Referendums Amendment (1914)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Executive Department Amendment (September 1922)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for Executive Officials Amendment (September 1950)
  9. Arizona Proposition 135, Emergency Declarations Amendment (2024)
  10. Arizona Proposition 131, Create Office of Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2022)
  11. Arizona Proposition 102, State Treasurer Term Limits Amendment (1980)
  12. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Run-Off Requirement for State Executive Elections Amendment (1992)
  13. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Create Office of Commissioner of State Finance Initiative (1928)
  14. Arizona Proposition 107, Term Limits for Congressional and State Elected Officials Initiative (1992)
  15. Arizona Approval of State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (2026)


  1. Arkansas Legislative Sessions and State Official Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1932)
  2. Arkansas State Officer Salaries, Proposed Amendment 37 (1946)
  3. Arkansas Governor to Fill Vacancies in Local Offices Amendment (1894)
  4. Arkansas Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 6 (1914)
  5. Arkansas 4-Year Term for Governor, Proposed Amendment 44 (1954)
  6. Arkansas Executive Department, Proposed Amendment 51 (1964)
  7. Arkansas Salary Raise for Constitutional Officers, Proposed Amendment 56 (1976)
  8. Arkansas Executive Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 2 (2002)
  9. Arkansas Gubernatorial Power When Governor is Absent from State, Issue 2 (2016)


  1. California Proposition 89, Governor's Parole Review Amendment (1988)
  2. California Proposition 109, Extend Time Granted to Governor to Review Legislation Amendment (June 1990)
  3. California Proposition 2, Vacancies of Executive Officials Amendment (1970)
  4. California Proposition 5, State Officials' Salary Amendment (1926)
  5. California Proposition 3, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1930)
  6. California Proposition 20, Governor's Council Amendment (1930)
  7. California Proposition 8, Attorney General to Write Ballot Titles and Summaries for Initiatives Amendment (1932)
  8. California Proposition 4, Job of Attorney General Initiative (1934)
  9. California Proposition 4, Election Returns for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1940)
  10. California Proposition 3, Pay for State Executive Officials Amendment (1944)
  11. California Proposition 9, Successors to Executive Officials Amendment (1948)
  12. California Proposition 57, Retirement Benefits for Elected State Constitutional Officers Amendment (1986)
  13. California Proposition 9, Salaries of Select Executive Officials Amendment (1942)
  14. California Duties of the Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 11 (1892)
  15. California SCA 14, Increase State Officers' Salaries Amendment (1908)
  16. California Gubernatorial Veto Power, Amendment 28 (1908)
  17. California Proposition 32, US Senator Election Requirements Amendment (1914)
  18. California Proposition 6, Enactment of Bills Amendment (1976)
  19. California Proposition 159, Office of Auditor General Amendment (1992)
  20. California Proposition 2, Repeal Provision for Lieutenant Governor as President of Senate Amendment (June 1982)
  21. California Proposition 9, Nominees to Vacate Positions Amendment (1976)
  22. California Proposition 10, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1946)
  23. California Proposition 10, Terms of Legislators and the Governor Amendment (1954)
  24. California Proposition 12, Allow Public Officials to Serve in the Military Amendment (1952)
  25. California Proposition 13, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1958)
  26. California Proposition 158, Create the Office of California Analyst Amendment (1992)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Commissioner of Insurance Amendment (1984)
  2. Colorado Centralized Authority of the Governor, Measure 1 (1934)
  3. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Term Lengths for Executive Offices Amendment (1956)
  4. Colorado Proposal No. 7, Administrative Officer Appointments and Civil Service Initiative (1960)
  5. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Reorganization of Administrative and Executive Offices Amendment (1966)
  6. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Vacancies in Executive Offices and Special Sessions of the General Assembly Amendment (1974)
  7. Colorado Amendment No. 4, Exemptions from the State Personnel System Amendment (1976)
  8. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Offices of State Executive Officials Amendment (1954)
  9. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1968)
  10. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Principal Department Heads Exemption for Civil Service Amendment (1970)


  1. Connecticut Executive Officers Succession Procedures, Question 2 (1984)
  2. Connecticut Attorney General Election, Question 1 (1970)
  3. Connecticut Election Procedure for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 3 (1962)
  4. Connecticut Election Procedure for State Executive Officials, Question 2 (1948)


  1. Florida Amendment 8, Duties of the Commissioner of Agriculture Amendment (1964)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Election of Executive Officials Amendment (1963)
  3. Florida Amendment 7, Legislative Nullification of Executive Rules and Regulations Amendment (1976)
  4. Florida Amendment 4, Days for Gubernatorial Approvals and Vetoes Amendment (1954)
  5. Florida Pardon Powers Amendment (October 1896)
  6. Florida Amendment 1, Appointment of a Statewide Prosecutor Amendment (1986)
  7. Florida Amendment 4, Elimination of the Executive Cabinet Amendment (1978)
  8. Florida Amendment 8, State Executive Officers and Cabinet Amendment (1998)
  9. Florida Executive Clemency Initiative (2026)
  10. Florida Change the Commissioner of Education to a Cabinet Position Initiative (2026)


  1. Georgia Duties of Executive Officers, Amendment 8 (1928)
  2. Georgia Legislative Sessions and Governor Inauguration, Amendment 1 (1932)
  3. Georgia Office of Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 2 (1936)
  4. Georgia Constitutional Officer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1936)
  5. Georgia Duties of Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 7 (1936)
  6. Georgia Term Limits, Amendment 1 (June 1941)
  7. Georgia Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 2 (June 1941)
  8. Georgia Gubernatorial Approval of Bills, Amendment 5 (1952)
  9. Georgia Amendment 8, Payment for Commercial Oil Well Amendment (1956)
  10. Georgia Amendment 15, Legislation Over Governor's Veto Amendment (1962)
  11. Georgia Amendment 1, Succession of the Governor-Elect Measure (1968)
  12. Georgia Amendment 2, Gubernatorial Runoff Elections Measure (1968)
  13. Georgia State Executive Official Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  14. Georgia Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment 2 (1970)
  15. Georgia Presenting Bills and Overriding Vetoes, Amendment 23 (1972)
  16. Georgia Secretary of State Powers, Amendment 3 (1974)
  17. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1976)
  18. Georgia Disabled Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1976)
  19. Georgia Secretary of State Powers, Amendment 8 (1976)
  20. Georgia Veto Override Procedures, Amendment 25 (1978)
  21. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1982)
  22. Georgia Pension Payments for Governors, Amendment 5 (1984)


  1. Idaho Powers of the State Board of Land Commissioners, SJR 12 (1900)
  2. Idaho Make State Auditor Member of State Board of Land Commissioners, HJR 15 (1910)
  3. Idaho Abolish State Board of Prison Commissioners, SJR 6 (1942)
  4. Idaho Governor Pardoning Power, SJR 7 (1942)
  5. Idaho Abolish State Board of Prison Commissioners, HJR 3 (1944)
  6. Idaho Governor Pardoning Power, HJR 4 (1944)
  7. Idaho SJR 1, Four-Year Term for State Officers Amendment (1944)
  8. Idaho Creation of a Pardoning Board, SJR 3 (1946)
  9. Idaho Extending Terms of State Officers, SJR 4 (1914)
  10. Idaho Monthly Salaries for State Officers, HJR 3 (1928)
  11. Idaho Four Year Terms for State Officers, HJR 8 (1928)
  12. Idaho Qualifications of State Officers, SJR 6 (1948)
  13. Idaho Governor Succession, SJR 6 (1956)
  14. Idaho Replacements for Executive Office Vacancies, HJR 4 (1968)
  15. Idaho Removal of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, SJR 5 (1968)
  16. Idaho Governor and Lt. Governor Political Party, HJR 52 (1972)
  17. Idaho Eliminate Land Board, SJR 101 (1972)
  18. Idaho Executive Branch Re-organization, SJR 132 (1972)
  19. Idaho Residence Requirement in Ada County, HJR 24 (1994)
  20. Idaho Change State Auditor Title, SJR 109 (1994)
  21. Idaho Compensation for State Executive Officers, SJR 102 (1998)


  1. Illinois Restrict Governor's Amendatory Veto Power, Amendment 1 (1974)
  2. Illinois Veto of Appropriation Items Amendment (1884)
  3. Illinois Executive Department Amendment (1954)


  1. Indiana Remove Superintendent of Public Instruction from Gubernatorial Line of Succession Amendment (2024)


  1. Iowa Replacement of Governor-Elect, Amendment 1 (1952)
  2. Iowa Gubernatorial Vacancies, Amendment 2 (1952)
  3. Iowa Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment 4 (1968)
  4. Iowa State Executive Term Length, Amendment 2 (1972)
  5. Iowa Duties of the Lt. Gov. Assigned by Governor and Legislature, Amendment 2 (1988)
  6. Iowa Governor and Lt. Governor Elected as a Team, Amendment 1 (1988)
  7. Iowa Amendment 2, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (2024)


  1. Kansas Executive Powers, Amendment 2 (1972)
  2. Kansas Executive Office, Amendment 3 (1970)


  1. Kentucky Limit Gubernatorial Pardons and Commutations Near General Elections Amendment (2026)


  1. Louisiana Twenty-One Executive Departments, Amendment 11 (2014)
  2. Louisiana Sentencing Guidelines, Amendment 1 (1999)


  1. Maine Governor Citizenship Qualifications, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1955)
  2. Maine Gubernatorial Pardon Power for Juvenile Delinquency, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1955)
  3. Maine Repeal Treasurer Term Limit, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1951)
  4. Maine Gubernatorial Term Length and Limits, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1957)
  5. Maine Elimination of Pardon Communication, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1964)
  6. Maine State Legislator Oaths in Absence of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1964)
  7. Maine Governor Commander in Chief Authority, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 6 (1964)
  8. Maine Determining Election of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 7 (1964)
  9. Maine Gubernatorial Vacancy Filling, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 8 (1964)
  10. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)
  11. Maine Legislative Adjournment and Gubernatorial Approval, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1973)
  12. Maine Gubernatorial Incapacity, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1975)
  13. Maine Abolition of Executive Council and Notary Public, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1975)
  14. Maine Time Frame for Gubernatorial Action on Legislation Referendum (1976)
  15. Maine Public Financing of Gubernatorial Campaigns, Question 1 (1989)
  16. Maine Gubernatorial Line-Item Budgetary Veto Power, Question 7 (1995)
  17. Maine Public Campaign Financing, Question 3 (1996)


  1. Maryland Executive Official Provisions, Question 1 (1970)
  2. Maryland Reorganization of the Executive Branch, Question 7 (1970)
  3. Maryland Succession of Treasurer, Question 2 (1976)
  4. Maryland Salaries for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 7 (1976)
  5. Maryland Authority of the Attorney General, Question 9 (1976)
  6. Maryland Amend Article 2, Section 17 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1890)
  7. Maryland Term Limits for Comptroller and Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1922)
  8. Maryland Fill Vacancies in the General Assembly, Amendment 2 (1936)
  9. Maryland Succession of the Governor, Amendment 5 (1940)
  10. Maryland Chief Judge Vacancies, Amendment 4 (1946)
  11. Maryland Governor Succession, Amendment 4 (1948)
  12. Maryland Signing of State Bonds, Amendment 1 (1950)
  13. Maryland Governor Annual Salary, Amendment 2 (1954)
  14. Maryland Secretary of State Salary, Amendment 6 (1954)
  15. Maryland Executive and Legislative Department Changes, Amendment 4 (1964)
  16. Maryland Annual Salary for the Governor, Amendment 3 (1966)
  17. Maryland Salary of the State Treasurer, Amendment 14 (1966)


  1. Minnesota Veto Appropriation Items, Amendment 1 (1876)
  2. Minnesota Auditor Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1883)
  3. Minnesota Pardoning Power, Amendment 1 (1896)
  4. Minnesota Appropriation Bill Items, Amendment 5 (1916)
  5. Minnesota Gubernatorial Appointments, Amendment 2 (1954)
  6. Minnesota Succession to the Office of the Governor, Amendment 3 (1960)
  7. Minnesota Presentation and Veto of Bills, Amendment 1 (1968)
  8. Minnesota Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 3 (1972)
  9. Minnesota Abolish Office of State Treasurer, Amendment 2 (1998)


  1. Mississippi Gubernatorial Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1986)
  2. Mississippi Election of the Governor, Amendment 2 (1982)
  3. Mississippi Acting Governor, Amendment 3 (1992)


  1. Missouri Proposition 3, Executive Budget and Item Veto Initiative (1932)
  2. Missouri Gubernatorial Budgetary Recommendations, Amendment 10 (2014)


  1. Montana Extra Amendments to Reorganize the Executive Department, Amendment 1 (1970)
  2. Montana Executive Department Allocation, Amendment 2 (1970)
  3. Montana Legislative Poll for Vetoed Bills, C-12 (1982)
  4. Montana Gubernatorial Action on Bills, C-26 (1994)
  5. Montana State Auditor, C-43 (2006)


  1. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 3 (1896)
  2. Nebraska State Officers Term Limits, Amendment 7 (1896)
  3. Nebraska Increasing the Number of State Officers, Amendment 8 (1896)
  4. Nebraska Salaries of State Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1914)
  5. Nebraska Creation of Executive Offices, Amendment 13 (September 1920)
  6. Nebraska Number of State Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1938)
  7. Nebraska State Executive Officer Recalls, Amendment 6 (1938)
  8. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 1 (1954)
  9. Nebraska Residence Requirements of Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1954)
  10. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 4 (1956)
  11. Nebraska Residence Requirements of Executive Officers, Amendment 1 (1958)
  12. Nebraska Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 3 (1958)
  13. Nebraska Elections of Executive Officers, Amendment 4 (1960)
  14. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Candidacy, Amendment 3 (1962)
  15. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 4 (1962)
  16. Nebraska Terms of Office for State Officials, Amendment 2 (1964)
  17. Nebraska Duties of State Executive Officers, Amendment 6 (1964)
  18. Nebraska Elective Officers Seeking State Office, Amendment 1 (1966)
  19. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 9 (1966)
  20. Nebraska Presiding Officer of the Legislature, Amendment 13a (1970)
  21. Nebraska Joint Elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 13b (1970)
  22. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Duties, Amendment 13c (1970)
  23. Nebraska Budget Bill, Amendment 3 (May 1972)
  24. Nebraska Certification of Executive Officer Elections, Amendment 5 (May 1972)
  25. Nebraska Vacancies in Elective Office, Amendment 5 (1972)
  26. Nebraska Presiding Officer of the Legislature, Amendment 2 (May 1974)
  27. Nebraska Submitting Acts to the Governor, Amendment 3 (1974)
  28. Nebraska Veto of Appropriation Bills, Amendment 2 (1976)
  29. Nebraska Presiding Officer of Legislature, Amendment 4 (1976)
  30. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Vacancies, Amendment 1 (May 1980)
  31. Nebraska Amendment 4, Tax Equalization and Review Commission Measure (May 1996)
  32. Nebraska Amendment 1, Executive Officer Residency Requirement Measure (May 1998)
  33. Nebraska Amendment 6, Change Presiding Officer of Legislature Measure (May 1998)


  1. Nevada State Question 8, Repeal of Lieutenant Governor Election Amendment (1888)
  2. Nevada State Question 20, Lieutenant Governor Impeachment Amendment (1888)

New Hampshire

  1. New Hampshire Elected Officials to Serve in National Guard, Question 4 (1992)
  2. New Hampshire Reduce Age Requirements for Governor Amendment (February 1980)
  3. New Hampshire Acting Governor serving in Legislature Amendment (February 1980)
  4. New Hampshire Eliminate Power to Extend Legislative Recess Amendment (1984)
  5. New Hampshire Term Limits for Governor Amendment (1984)
  6. New Hampshire Incapacitated Governor Amendment (1984)
  7. New Hampshire Residency Requirements for Senate and Executive Council Amendment (1978)
  8. New Hampshire Election of Governor, Question 4 (1970)
  9. New Hampshire Absentee Governor, Question 3 (1956)
  10. New Hampshire Governor's Power on Appropriations, Question 3 (1930)
  11. New Hampshire Governor's Power on Appropriations, Question 3 (1920)
  12. New Hampshire Governor Disapprove Appropriations, Question 12 (1912)
  13. New Hampshire Governor Line of Succession, Question 4 (1889)
  14. New Hampshire Governor as Commander-in-chief Amendment (1968)
  15. New Hampshire Line of Succession for Governor Amendment (1968)
  16. New Hampshire Executive Powers Amendment (1966)
  17. New Hampshire Commissioned Officers Amendment (1966)

New Mexico

  1. New Mexico Public Regulation Commissioner Qualifications Amendment, Constitutional Amendment 2 (2012)
  2. New Mexico Referendum: Executive Officer Terms (1970)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: State Executive Officers Term Limits (1980)
  4. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointments (1986)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Two-year Terms for Executive Officers (1914)
  6. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Four-year Terms for Executive Officers (1924)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Succession to Governorship by Lieutenant Governor (1948)
  8. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1960)
  9. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Location of Executive Offices in Santa Fe (1960)
  10. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Change Names of Certain State Institutions (1960)
  11. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Continuity of Government in Case of Disaster (1960)
  12. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor (1962)
  13. New Mexico Eliminate Governor’s Pocket Veto and Require Veto Explanations Amendment (2026)

New Jersey

  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 3 (1972)
  2. New Jersey Public Question No. 6 (1981)
  3. New Jersey Public Question No. 8 (1983)
  4. New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Amendment, Question 1 (2005)

New York

  1. New York Executive Budget, Amendment 2 (1965)
  2. New York Increase in Term Limits of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 1 (1937)
  3. New York Article 4-A Amendment, Amendment 1 (1927)
  4. New York Head of the Executive Department, Amendment 5 (1927)

North Carolina

  1. North Carolina Reduce Number of State Administrative Departments Amendment (1970)
  2. North Carolina Allow Governor and Lieutenant Governor to Serve Second Consecutive Term Amendment (1977)
  3. North Carolina Establish the Governor's Voter Power Amendment (1996)

North Dakota

  1. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 4 (1966)
  2. North Dakota Executive Article Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
  3. North Dakota Future Governor and Lieutenant Governor Elections Referendum, Measure 4 (1982)
  4. North Dakota State Treasurer Removal Referendum, Measure 1 (1984)
  5. North Dakota Governor and Lieutenant Governor Office Term Referendum, Measure 1 (1986)
  6. North Dakota Tax Commissioner on Party Ballot Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  7. North Dakota Executive Branch Article Changes Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  8. North Dakota Executive Branch Article Referendum, Measure 2 (1988)
  9. North Dakota State Government Reorganization, Measure 1 (1989)
  10. North Dakota Lieutenant Governor as Presiding Officer, Measure 1 (1990)
  11. North Dakota State Auditor in Legislative Branch, Measure 4 (1990)
  12. North Dakota Lieutenant Governor Duties, Measure 1 (1996)
  13. North Dakota Executive Branch Article, Measure 4 (1996)
  14. North Dakota Executive Branch Officer Election, Measure 2 (2000)
  15. North Dakota State Treasurer Not Elected, Measure 3 (2000)


  1. Ohio Lower Legislative Veto Override Threshold Amendment (September 1912)
  2. Ohio Gubernatorial Vetoes, Amendment 3 (1908)
  3. Ohio Gubernatorial Vetoes, Amendment 1 (1903)
  4. Ohio Elections of State Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1879)
  5. Ohio Election Day for State Officers, Amendment 2 (October 1885)


  1. Oklahoma Governor in the Parole Process Amendment, State Question 762 (2012)


  1. Oregon Measure 115, Impeachment of Elected State Executives Amendment (2024)
  2. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (May 1920)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 5, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (May 1967)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 2, Emergency Declarations Amendment (May 2021)
  3. Pennsylvania Question 1, Legislative Resolution to Extend or Terminate Emergency Declaration Amendment (May 2021)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 2, Changes to Board of Pardons Amendment (1997)
  5. Pennsylvania Question 1, Election of the Attorney General Amendment (May 1978)
  6. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consecutive Terms Allowed for Governors Amendment (1961)
  7. Pennsylvania Question 3, Date of Assuming Office for Secretary of Internal Affairs Amendment (1961)

Rhode Island

  1. Rhode Island Four-Year Term and Recall, Constitutional Amendment 4 (1986)
  2. Rhode Island Budget Power and Executive Succession, Constitutional Amendment 7 (1986)
  3. Rhode Island Governor, Proposal 3 (1992)

South Carolina

  1. South Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture, Amendment 1 (1982)
  2. South Carolina Succession of the Governor, Amendment 1 (1972)
  3. South Carolina Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 1 (2012)
  4. South Carolina Amendment 1, Appointed Superintendent of Education Measure (2018)

South Dakota

  1. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Successive Term Limit (1894)
  2. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary (1904)
  3. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Qualifications Referendum (1906)
  4. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary Referendum (1908)
  5. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary (1910)
  6. South Dakota Removal of State and Local Officers (1910)
  7. South Dakota End Superintendent of Schools Term Limit (1914)
  8. South Dakota State Treasurer Term Limits (1936)
  9. South Dakota Legislative Vacancies (1940)
  10. South Dakota Legislative Vacancies (1948)
  11. South Dakota Gubernatorial Succession (1958)
  12. South Dakota Appointment of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment E (1968)
  13. South Dakota Four Year Terms, Amendment E (1970)
  14. South Dakota Executive Reorganization, Amendment B (1972)
  15. South Dakota Duties of the Lieutenant Governor, Amendment A (1986)
  16. South Dakota Time Limit on Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment C (2002)


  1. Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 2, Acting Governor Amendment (2022)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Salaries Amendment (1908)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Elected Official Terms and Compensation Amendment (July 1913)
  3. Texas Proposition 3, Increase Salary of Governor Amendment (May 1919)
  4. Texas Proposition 2, Compensation of Executive Officials Amendment (July 1921)
  5. Texas Proposition 2, Governor Salary Amendment (July 1929)
  6. Texas Proposition 3, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1936)
  7. Texas Proposition 2, Appointment of Notaries Public Amendment (1940)
  8. Texas Proposition 4, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (1948)
  9. Texas Proposition 4, Salaries of Elected Officials Amendment (1954)
  10. Texas Proposition 4, Length of Executive Terms Amendment (1965)
  11. Texas Proposition 8, State Executive Office Term Length Amendment (1972)
  12. Texas Proposition 6, Removal of Appointed Officers Amendment (1980)
  13. Texas Proposition 5, Lieutenant Governor Vacancies Amendment (1984)
  14. Texas Proposition 22, Governor Authority at End of Term Amendment (1987)
  15. Texas Proposition 10, Abolish Office of State Treasurer Amendment (1995)
  16. Texas Proposition 1, Filling Gubernatorial Vacancies Amendment (1999)
  17. Texas Proposition 8, Adjutant General Amendment (1999)
  18. Texas Proposition 10, Commissioner of Health and Human Services Amendment (1999)
  19. Texas State Capital Residency Repeal Amendment, Proposition 3 (2015)
  20. Texas Proposition 4, Require Court to Provide Notice to Attorney General Amendment (2017)
  21. Texas Proposition 3, Appointed Officer Term Expiration Amendment (2017)


  1. Utah Election of Appointed Lieutenant Governor, Amendment B (2014)
  2. Utah Appointment of Legal Counsel for Executive Officers, Amendment C (2014)
  3. Utah Proposition 8, Abolish the Board of Examiners Amendment (1966)
  4. Utah Amendment A, Change the Process for Vacancies in Executive Offices Measure (2008)
  5. Utah Amendment 2, Remove the Superintendent of Public Instruction from the Executive Department Measure (1950)


  1. Washington Gubernatorial Line of Succession and Special Election Amendment (1910)
  2. Washington Referendum 36, State Officer Financial Reports Measure (1976)
  3. Washington Referendum 35, Senate Vacancy Appointments Measure (1975)
  4. Washington SJR 140, Gubernatorial Veto Power Restriction Amendment (1974)
  5. Washington Executive Officer Salaries Amendment (1920)

West Virginia

  1. West Virginia Governors Succession Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 4 (1970)
  2. West Virginia Governor's Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1966)
  3. West Virginia State Executive and Budget Amendment, Amendment 2 (1962)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Elimination of State Treasurer Amendment (April 2018)
  2. Wisconsin Prohibit Partial Veto to Increase Tax or Fee Amendment (2026)


  1. Wyoming Office of the Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1982)

By year

Note: The list below automatically compiles all potential and certified ballot measures being tracked by Ballotpedia. Sometimes a measure that has been abandoned by petitioners or in the legislature will still be listed until a legal deadline passes. As more deadlines pass in any given year, the list will more accurately represent which measures will actually go before voters in the current year.


  1. New Mexico Eliminate Governor’s Pocket Veto and Require Veto Explanations Amendment (2026)
  2. Florida Executive Clemency Initiative (2026)
  3. Wisconsin Prohibit Partial Veto to Increase Tax or Fee Amendment (2026)
  4. Kentucky Limit Gubernatorial Pardons and Commutations Near General Elections Amendment (2026)
  5. Florida Change the Commissioner of Education to a Cabinet Position Initiative (2026)
  6. Arizona Approval of State Trust Land Exchange Amendment (2026)


  1. Indiana Remove Superintendent of Public Instruction from Gubernatorial Line of Succession Amendment (2024)
  2. Iowa Amendment 2, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (2024)
  3. Arizona Proposition 135, Emergency Declarations Amendment (2024)
  4. Oregon Measure 115, Impeachment of Elected State Executives Amendment (2024)


  1. Tennessee Constitutional Amendment 2, Acting Governor Amendment (2022)
  2. Alabama Amendment 3, Notice to Victim's Family Required for Commutation or Reprieve of Death Sentences Amendment (2022)
  3. Arizona Proposition 131, Create Office of Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2022)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Emergency Declarations Amendment (May 2021)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 1, Legislative Resolution to Extend or Terminate Emergency Declaration Amendment (May 2021)


  1. Wisconsin Question 1, Elimination of State Treasurer Amendment (April 2018)
  2. South Carolina Amendment 1, Appointed Superintendent of Education Measure (2018)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Require Court to Provide Notice to Attorney General Amendment (2017)
  2. Texas Proposition 3, Appointed Officer Term Expiration Amendment (2017)


  1. Arkansas Gubernatorial Power When Governor is Absent from State, Issue 2 (2016)


  1. Texas State Capital Residency Repeal Amendment, Proposition 3 (2015)


  1. Missouri Gubernatorial Budgetary Recommendations, Amendment 10 (2014)
  2. Louisiana Twenty-One Executive Departments, Amendment 11 (2014)
  3. Utah Election of Appointed Lieutenant Governor, Amendment B (2014)
  4. Utah Appointment of Legal Counsel for Executive Officers, Amendment C (2014)


  1. New Mexico Public Regulation Commissioner Qualifications Amendment, Constitutional Amendment 2 (2012)
  2. South Carolina Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 1 (2012)


  1. Utah Amendment A, Change the Process for Vacancies in Executive Offices Measure (2008)


  1. Montana State Auditor, C-43 (2006)


  1. New Jersey Lieutenant Governor Amendment, Question 1 (2005)


  1. South Dakota Time Limit on Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment C (2002)


  1. North Dakota Executive Branch Officer Election, Measure 2 (2000)
  2. North Dakota State Treasurer Not Elected, Measure 3 (2000)
  3. Arkansas Executive Article Revision, Proposed Amendment 2 (2002)


  1. Texas Proposition 1, Filling Gubernatorial Vacancies Amendment (1999)
  2. Texas Proposition 8, Adjutant General Amendment (1999)
  3. Texas Proposition 10, Commissioner of Health and Human Services Amendment (1999)
  4. Louisiana Sentencing Guidelines, Amendment 1 (1999)


  1. Idaho Compensation for State Executive Officers, SJR 102 (1998)
  2. Minnesota Abolish Office of State Treasurer, Amendment 2 (1998)
  3. Nebraska Amendment 1, Executive Officer Residency Requirement Measure (May 1998)
  4. Nebraska Amendment 6, Change Presiding Officer of Legislature Measure (May 1998)
  5. Florida Amendment 8, State Executive Officers and Cabinet Amendment (1998)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Changes to Board of Pardons Amendment (1997)


  1. North Dakota Lieutenant Governor Duties, Measure 1 (1996)
  2. North Dakota Executive Branch Article, Measure 4 (1996)
  3. Maine Public Campaign Financing, Question 3 (1996)
  4. Nebraska Amendment 4, Tax Equalization and Review Commission Measure (May 1996)
  5. North Carolina Establish the Governor's Voter Power Amendment (1996)


  1. Maine Gubernatorial Line-Item Budgetary Veto Power, Question 7 (1995)
  2. Texas Proposition 10, Abolish Office of State Treasurer Amendment (1995)


  1. Arizona Proposition 100, Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1994)
  2. Idaho Residence Requirement in Ada County, HJR 24 (1994)
  3. Idaho Change State Auditor Title, SJR 109 (1994)
  4. Montana Gubernatorial Action on Bills, C-26 (1994)


  1. New Hampshire Elected Officials to Serve in National Guard, Question 4 (1992)
  2. Mississippi Acting Governor, Amendment 3 (1992)
  3. Rhode Island Governor, Proposal 3 (1992)
  4. California Proposition 159, Office of Auditor General Amendment (1992)
  5. California Proposition 158, Create the Office of California Analyst Amendment (1992)
  6. Arizona Proposition 100, Repeal Run-Off Requirement for State Executive Elections Amendment (1992)
  7. Arizona Proposition 107, Term Limits for Congressional and State Elected Officials Initiative (1992)


  1. California Proposition 109, Extend Time Granted to Governor to Review Legislation Amendment (June 1990)
  2. North Dakota Lieutenant Governor as Presiding Officer, Measure 1 (1990)
  3. North Dakota State Auditor in Legislative Branch, Measure 4 (1990)


  1. North Dakota State Government Reorganization, Measure 1 (1989)
  2. Maine Public Financing of Gubernatorial Campaigns, Question 1 (1989)


  1. California Proposition 89, Governor's Parole Review Amendment (1988)
  2. North Dakota Executive Branch Article Referendum, Measure 2 (1988)
  3. Iowa Duties of the Lt. Gov. Assigned by Governor and Legislature, Amendment 2 (1988)
  4. Iowa Governor and Lt. Governor Elected as a Team, Amendment 1 (1988)


  1. Texas Proposition 22, Governor Authority at End of Term Amendment (1987)


  1. California Proposition 57, Retirement Benefits for Elected State Constitutional Officers Amendment (1986)
  2. Florida Amendment 1, Appointment of a Statewide Prosecutor Amendment (1986)
  3. North Dakota Governor and Lieutenant Governor Office Term Referendum, Measure 1 (1986)
  4. North Dakota Tax Commissioner on Party Ballot Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  5. North Dakota Executive Branch Article Changes Referendum, Measure 2 (1986)
  6. South Dakota Duties of the Lieutenant Governor, Amendment A (1986)
  7. New Mexico Ballot Proposal: Confirmation of Gubernatorial Appointments (1986)
  8. Rhode Island Four-Year Term and Recall, Constitutional Amendment 4 (1986)
  9. Rhode Island Budget Power and Executive Succession, Constitutional Amendment 7 (1986)
  10. Mississippi Gubernatorial Term Limits, Amendment 3 (1986)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Commissioner of Insurance Amendment (1984)
  2. Connecticut Executive Officers Succession Procedures, Question 2 (1984)
  3. North Dakota State Treasurer Removal Referendum, Measure 1 (1984)
  4. Texas Proposition 5, Lieutenant Governor Vacancies Amendment (1984)
  5. New Hampshire Eliminate Power to Extend Legislative Recess Amendment (1984)
  6. New Hampshire Term Limits for Governor Amendment (1984)
  7. New Hampshire Incapacitated Governor Amendment (1984)
  8. Georgia Pension Payments for Governors, Amendment 5 (1984)


  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 8 (1983)


  1. North Dakota Future Governor and Lieutenant Governor Elections Referendum, Measure 4 (1982)
  2. Montana Legislative Poll for Vetoed Bills, C-12 (1982)
  3. Mississippi Election of the Governor, Amendment 2 (1982)
  4. Wyoming Office of the Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1982)
  5. South Carolina Commissioner of Agriculture, Amendment 1 (1982)
  6. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1982)
  7. California Proposition 2, Repeal Provision for Lieutenant Governor as President of Senate Amendment (June 1982)


  1. New Jersey Public Question No. 6 (1981)


  1. North Dakota Executive Article Referendum, Amendment 4 (1980)
  2. Texas Proposition 6, Removal of Appointed Officers Amendment (1980)
  3. New Mexico Referendum: State Executive Officers Term Limits (1980)
  4. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Vacancies, Amendment 1 (May 1980)
  5. New Hampshire Reduce Age Requirements for Governor Amendment (February 1980)
  6. New Hampshire Acting Governor serving in Legislature Amendment (February 1980)
  7. Arizona Proposition 102, State Treasurer Term Limits Amendment (1980)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Elimination of the Executive Cabinet Amendment (1978)
  2. New Hampshire Residency Requirements for Senate and Executive Council Amendment (1978)
  3. Georgia Veto Override Procedures, Amendment 25 (1978)
  4. Pennsylvania Question 1, Election of the Attorney General Amendment (May 1978)


  1. North Carolina Allow Governor and Lieutenant Governor to Serve Second Consecutive Term Amendment (1977)


  1. Washington Referendum 36, State Officer Financial Reports Measure (1976)
  2. Florida Amendment 7, Legislative Nullification of Executive Rules and Regulations Amendment (1976)
  3. Colorado Amendment No. 4, Exemptions from the State Personnel System Amendment (1976)
  4. Maine Time Frame for Gubernatorial Action on Legislation Referendum (1976)
  5. Maryland Succession of Treasurer, Question 2 (1976)
  6. Maryland Salaries for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 7 (1976)
  7. Maryland Authority of the Attorney General, Question 9 (1976)
  8. Nebraska Veto of Appropriation Bills, Amendment 2 (1976)
  9. Nebraska Presiding Officer of Legislature, Amendment 4 (1976)
  10. Arkansas Salary Raise for Constitutional Officers, Proposed Amendment 56 (1976)
  11. Georgia Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 2 (1976)
  12. Georgia Disabled Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1976)
  13. Georgia Secretary of State Powers, Amendment 8 (1976)
  14. California Proposition 6, Enactment of Bills Amendment (1976)
  15. California Proposition 9, Nominees to Vacate Positions Amendment (1976)


  1. Washington Referendum 35, Senate Vacancy Appointments Measure (1975)
  2. Maine Gubernatorial Incapacity, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1975)
  3. Maine Abolition of Executive Council and Notary Public, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 4 (1975)


  1. Washington SJR 140, Gubernatorial Veto Power Restriction Amendment (1974)
  2. Colorado Amendment No. 6, Vacancies in Executive Offices and Special Sessions of the General Assembly Amendment (1974)
  3. Nebraska Presiding Officer of the Legislature, Amendment 2 (May 1974)
  4. Nebraska Submitting Acts to the Governor, Amendment 3 (1974)
  5. Illinois Restrict Governor's Amendatory Veto Power, Amendment 1 (1974)
  6. Georgia Secretary of State Powers, Amendment 3 (1974)


  1. Maine Legislative Adjournment and Gubernatorial Approval, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1973)


  1. Idaho Governor and Lt. Governor Political Party, HJR 52 (1972)
  2. Idaho Eliminate Land Board, SJR 101 (1972)
  3. Idaho Executive Branch Re-organization, SJR 132 (1972)
  4. Minnesota Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 3 (1972)
  5. South Dakota Executive Reorganization, Amendment B (1972)
  6. Texas Proposition 8, State Executive Office Term Length Amendment (1972)
  7. Nebraska Budget Bill, Amendment 3 (May 1972)
  8. Nebraska Certification of Executive Officer Elections, Amendment 5 (May 1972)
  9. Nebraska Vacancies in Elective Office, Amendment 5 (1972)
  10. New Jersey Public Question No. 3 (1972)
  11. Kansas Executive Powers, Amendment 2 (1972)
  12. Georgia Presenting Bills and Overriding Vetoes, Amendment 23 (1972)
  13. South Carolina Succession of the Governor, Amendment 1 (1972)
  14. Iowa State Executive Term Length, Amendment 2 (1972)


  1. Maine Gubernatorial Term Continuation, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1971)


  1. Alaska Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 3 (August 1970)
  2. California Proposition 2, Vacancies of Executive Officials Amendment (1970)
  3. Connecticut Attorney General Election, Question 1 (1970)
  4. Maryland Executive Official Provisions, Question 1 (1970)
  5. Maryland Reorganization of the Executive Branch, Question 7 (1970)
  6. Montana Extra Amendments to Reorganize the Executive Department, Amendment 1 (1970)
  7. Montana Executive Department Allocation, Amendment 2 (1970)
  8. South Dakota Four Year Terms, Amendment E (1970)
  9. New Mexico Referendum: Executive Officer Terms (1970)
  10. Nebraska Presiding Officer of the Legislature, Amendment 13a (1970)
  11. Nebraska Joint Elections for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 13b (1970)
  12. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Duties, Amendment 13c (1970)
  13. Kansas Executive Office, Amendment 3 (1970)
  14. West Virginia Governors Succession Constitutional Amendment, Amendment 4 (1970)
  15. New Hampshire Election of Governor, Question 4 (1970)
  16. Georgia Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment 2 (1970)
  17. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Principal Department Heads Exemption for Civil Service Amendment (1970)
  18. North Carolina Reduce Number of State Administrative Departments Amendment (1970)


  1. Idaho Replacements for Executive Office Vacancies, HJR 4 (1968)
  2. Idaho Removal of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, SJR 5 (1968)
  3. Minnesota Presentation and Veto of Bills, Amendment 1 (1968)
  4. South Dakota Appointment of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Amendment E (1968)
  5. New Hampshire Governor as Commander-in-chief Amendment (1968)
  6. New Hampshire Line of Succession for Governor Amendment (1968)
  7. Georgia Amendment 1, Succession of the Governor-Elect Measure (1968)
  8. Georgia Amendment 2, Gubernatorial Runoff Elections Measure (1968)
  9. Georgia State Executive Official Elections, Amendment 5 (1968)
  10. Iowa Gubernatorial Veto, Amendment 4 (1968)
  11. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1968)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 5, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (May 1967)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Reorganization of Administrative and Executive Offices Amendment (1966)
  2. North Dakota Constitutional Revision Referendum, Number 4 (1966)
  3. Maryland Annual Salary for the Governor, Amendment 3 (1966)
  4. Maryland Salary of the State Treasurer, Amendment 14 (1966)
  5. Nebraska Elective Officers Seeking State Office, Amendment 1 (1966)
  6. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 9 (1966)
  7. West Virginia Governor's Succession Amendment, Amendment 2 (1966)
  8. New Hampshire Executive Powers Amendment (1966)
  9. New Hampshire Commissioned Officers Amendment (1966)
  10. Utah Proposition 8, Abolish the Board of Examiners Amendment (1966)


  1. Texas Proposition 4, Length of Executive Terms Amendment (1965)
  2. New York Executive Budget, Amendment 2 (1965)


  1. Florida Amendment 8, Duties of the Commissioner of Agriculture Amendment (1964)
  2. Maine Elimination of Pardon Communication, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1964)
  3. Maine State Legislator Oaths in Absence of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1964)
  4. Maine Governor Commander in Chief Authority, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 6 (1964)
  5. Maine Determining Election of Governor, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 7 (1964)
  6. Maine Gubernatorial Vacancy Filling, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 8 (1964)
  7. Maryland Executive and Legislative Department Changes, Amendment 4 (1964)
  8. Nebraska Terms of Office for State Officials, Amendment 2 (1964)
  9. Nebraska Duties of State Executive Officers, Amendment 6 (1964)
  10. Arkansas Executive Department, Proposed Amendment 51 (1964)


  1. Florida Amendment 1, Election of Executive Officials Amendment (1963)


  1. Connecticut Election Procedure for the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Question 3 (1962)
  2. Nebraska Lieutenant Governor Candidacy, Amendment 3 (1962)
  3. Nebraska Term Limits for the Governor, Amendment 4 (1962)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Joint Election of Governor and Lieutenant Governor (1962)
  5. West Virginia State Executive and Budget Amendment, Amendment 2 (1962)
  6. Georgia Amendment 15, Legislation Over Governor's Veto Amendment (1962)


  1. Pennsylvania Question 2, Consecutive Terms Allowed for Governors Amendment (1961)
  2. Pennsylvania Question 3, Date of Assuming Office for Secretary of Internal Affairs Amendment (1961)


  1. Colorado Proposal No. 7, Administrative Officer Appointments and Civil Service Initiative (1960)
  2. Minnesota Succession to the Office of the Governor, Amendment 3 (1960)
  3. Nebraska Elections of Executive Officers, Amendment 4 (1960)
  4. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Four-year Terms for State Executive Officers (1960)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Location of Executive Offices in Santa Fe (1960)
  6. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Change Names of Certain State Institutions (1960)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Continuity of Government in Case of Disaster (1960)


  1. South Dakota Gubernatorial Succession (1958)
  2. Nebraska Residence Requirements of Executive Officers, Amendment 1 (1958)
  3. Nebraska Gubernatorial Succession, Amendment 3 (1958)
  4. California Proposition 13, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction Amendment (1958)


  1. Maine Gubernatorial Term Length and Limits, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 3 (1957)


  1. Colorado Amendment No. 1, Term Lengths for Executive Offices Amendment (1956)
  2. Idaho Governor Succession, SJR 6 (1956)
  3. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 4 (1956)
  4. New Hampshire Absentee Governor, Question 3 (1956)
  5. Georgia Amendment 8, Payment for Commercial Oil Well Amendment (1956)


  1. Maine Governor Citizenship Qualifications, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 2 (1955)
  2. Maine Gubernatorial Pardon Power for Juvenile Delinquency, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1955)


  1. Florida Amendment 4, Days for Gubernatorial Approvals and Vetoes Amendment (1954)
  2. Maryland Governor Annual Salary, Amendment 2 (1954)
  3. Maryland Secretary of State Salary, Amendment 6 (1954)
  4. Minnesota Gubernatorial Appointments, Amendment 2 (1954)
  5. Texas Proposition 4, Salaries of Elected Officials Amendment (1954)
  6. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 1 (1954)
  7. Nebraska Residence Requirements of Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1954)
  8. Arkansas 4-Year Term for Governor, Proposed Amendment 44 (1954)
  9. Illinois Executive Department Amendment (1954)
  10. Colorado Amendment No. 3, Offices of State Executive Officials Amendment (1954)
  11. California Proposition 10, Terms of Legislators and the Governor Amendment (1954)


  1. Georgia Gubernatorial Approval of Bills, Amendment 5 (1952)
  2. Iowa Replacement of Governor-Elect, Amendment 1 (1952)
  3. Iowa Gubernatorial Vacancies, Amendment 2 (1952)
  4. California Proposition 12, Allow Public Officials to Serve in the Military Amendment (1952)


  1. Maine Repeal Treasurer Term Limit, Proposed Constitutional Amendment No. 1 (1951)


  1. Maryland Signing of State Bonds, Amendment 1 (1950)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 102-103, Special Legislative Sessions Amendment (September 1950)
  3. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Election of State Board of Education Amendment (September 1950)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 104-105, Four-Year Terms for Executive Officials Amendment (September 1950)
  5. Utah Amendment 2, Remove the Superintendent of Public Instruction from the Executive Department Measure (1950)


  1. California Proposition 9, Successors to Executive Officials Amendment (1948)
  2. Connecticut Election Procedure for State Executive Officials, Question 2 (1948)
  3. Idaho Qualifications of State Officers, SJR 6 (1948)
  4. Maryland Governor Succession, Amendment 4 (1948)
  5. South Dakota Legislative Vacancies (1948)
  6. Texas Proposition 4, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (1948)
  7. New Mexico Proposed Amendment, Succession to Governorship by Lieutenant Governor (1948)


  1. Idaho Creation of a Pardoning Board, SJR 3 (1946)
  2. Maryland Chief Judge Vacancies, Amendment 4 (1946)
  3. Arkansas State Officer Salaries, Proposed Amendment 37 (1946)
  4. California Proposition 10, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1946)


  1. California Proposition 3, Pay for State Executive Officials Amendment (1944)
  2. Idaho Abolish State Board of Prison Commissioners, HJR 3 (1944)
  3. Idaho Governor Pardoning Power, HJR 4 (1944)
  4. Idaho SJR 1, Four-Year Term for State Officers Amendment (1944)


  1. California Proposition 9, Salaries of Select Executive Officials Amendment (1942)
  2. Idaho Abolish State Board of Prison Commissioners, SJR 6 (1942)
  3. Idaho Governor Pardoning Power, SJR 7 (1942)


  1. Georgia Term Limits, Amendment 1 (June 1941)
  2. Georgia Gubernatorial Elections, Amendment 2 (June 1941)


  1. California Proposition 4, Election Returns for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (1940)
  2. Maryland Succession of the Governor, Amendment 5 (1940)
  3. South Dakota Legislative Vacancies (1940)
  4. Texas Proposition 2, Appointment of Notaries Public Amendment (1940)


  1. Nebraska Number of State Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1938)
  2. Nebraska State Executive Officer Recalls, Amendment 6 (1938)


  1. New York Increase in Term Limits of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 1 (1937)


  1. Maryland Fill Vacancies in the General Assembly, Amendment 2 (1936)
  2. South Dakota State Treasurer Term Limits (1936)
  3. Texas Proposition 3, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1936)
  4. Georgia Office of Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 2 (1936)
  5. Georgia Constitutional Officer Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1936)
  6. Georgia Duties of Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 7 (1936)


  1. California Proposition 4, Job of Attorney General Initiative (1934)
  2. Colorado Centralized Authority of the Governor, Measure 1 (1934)


  1. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Four-Year Terms for Mine Inspector Amendment (1933)


  1. California Proposition 8, Attorney General to Write Ballot Titles and Summaries for Initiatives Amendment (1932)
  2. Missouri Proposition 3, Executive Budget and Item Veto Initiative (1932)
  3. Arkansas Legislative Sessions and State Official Term Limits, Amendment 4 (1932)
  4. Georgia Legislative Sessions and Governor Inauguration, Amendment 1 (1932)


  1. California Proposition 3, Salaries of Executive Officials Amendment (1930)
  2. California Proposition 20, Governor's Council Amendment (1930)
  3. New Hampshire Governor's Power on Appropriations, Question 3 (1930)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Governor Salary Amendment (July 1929)


  1. Idaho Monthly Salaries for State Officers, HJR 3 (1928)
  2. Idaho Four Year Terms for State Officers, HJR 8 (1928)
  3. Georgia Duties of Executive Officers, Amendment 8 (1928)
  4. Arizona Measure Nos. 310-311, Create Office of Commissioner of State Finance Initiative (1928)


  1. New York Article 4-A Amendment, Amendment 1 (1927)
  2. New York Head of the Executive Department, Amendment 5 (1927)


  1. California Proposition 5, State Officials' Salary Amendment (1926)


  1. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 2, Four-year Terms for Executive Officers (1924)


  1. Maryland Term Limits for Comptroller and Treasurer, Amendment 3 (1922)
  2. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, State Executive Department Amendment (September 1922)


  1. Texas Proposition 2, Compensation of Executive Officials Amendment (July 1921)


  1. Washington Executive Officer Salaries Amendment (1920)
  2. Nebraska Creation of Executive Offices, Amendment 13 (September 1920)
  3. New Hampshire Governor's Power on Appropriations, Question 3 (1920)
  4. Oregon Measure Nos. 308-309, Gubernatorial Succession Amendment (May 1920)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Increase Salary of Governor Amendment (May 1919)


  1. Minnesota Appropriation Bill Items, Amendment 5 (1916)


  1. Idaho Extending Terms of State Officers, SJR 4 (1914)
  2. South Dakota End Superintendent of Schools Term Limit (1914)
  3. Arkansas Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 6 (1914)
  4. Nebraska Salaries of State Executive Officers, Amendment 3 (1914)
  5. New Mexico Proposed Amendment 3, Two-year Terms for Executive Officers (1914)
  6. California Proposition 32, US Senator Election Requirements Amendment (1914)
  7. Arizona Measure Nos. 300-301, Governor's Pardon Powers Referendum (1914)
  8. Arizona Measure Nos. 108-109, Prohibit Legislative Changes or Governor's Veto of Initiatives and Referendums Amendment (1914)


  1. Texas Proposition 3, Elected Official Terms and Compensation Amendment (July 1913)


  1. Ohio Lower Legislative Veto Override Threshold Amendment (September 1912)
  2. New Hampshire Governor Disapprove Appropriations, Question 12 (1912)


  1. Washington Gubernatorial Line of Succession and Special Election Amendment (1910)
  2. Idaho Make State Auditor Member of State Board of Land Commissioners, HJR 15 (1910)
  3. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary (1910)
  4. South Dakota Removal of State and Local Officers (1910)


  1. Ohio Gubernatorial Vetoes, Amendment 3 (1908)
  2. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary Referendum (1908)
  3. Texas Proposition 4, Governor and Lieutenant Governor Salaries Amendment (1908)
  4. California SCA 14, Increase State Officers' Salaries Amendment (1908)
  5. California Gubernatorial Veto Power, Amendment 28 (1908)


  1. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Qualifications Referendum (1906)


  1. South Dakota Attorney General's Salary (1904)


  1. Ohio Gubernatorial Vetoes, Amendment 1 (1903)


  1. Idaho Powers of the State Board of Land Commissioners, SJR 12 (1900)

Before 1900

  1. Minnesota Veto Appropriation Items, Amendment 1 (1876)
  2. Ohio Elections of State Officers, Amendment 3 (October 1879)
  3. Minnesota Auditor Term Limits, Amendment 1 (1883)
  4. Illinois Veto of Appropriation Items Amendment (1884)
  5. Ohio Election Day for State Officers, Amendment 2 (October 1885)
  6. Nevada State Question 20, Lieutenant Governor Impeachment Amendment (1888)
  7. Nevada State Question 8, Repeal of Lieutenant Governor Election Amendment (1888)
  8. New Hampshire Governor Line of Succession, Question 4 (1889)
  9. Maryland Amend Article 2, Section 17 of the Constitution, Amendment 1 (1890)
  10. California Duties of the Lieutenant Governor, Amendment 11 (1892)
  11. Arkansas Governor to Fill Vacancies in Local Offices Amendment (1894)
  12. South Dakota Superintendent of Schools Successive Term Limit (1894)
  13. Florida Pardon Powers Amendment (October 1896)
  14. Minnesota Pardoning Power, Amendment 1 (1896)
  15. Nebraska Increasing the Number of State Officers, Amendment 8 (1896)
  16. Nebraska Salaries of State Officers, Amendment 3 (1896)
  17. Nebraska State Officers Term Limits, Amendment 7 (1896)

Did not make ballot

Did not make ballot

  1. Florida Lieutenant Governor as Executive Department Head Amendment (2014)
  2. Wyoming Education Department Director Referendum (2014)
  3. Colorado No Clemency for Death Penalty by Governor Initiative (2014)
  4. Illinois Elimination of Lieutenant Governor Amendment, HJR CA18 (2014)
  5. Rhode Island Executive Office Vacancy Procedures Amendment (2014)
  6. Colorado Appointment of Nonpartisan Secretary of State Amendment (2014)
  7. New Jersey Gubernatorial Partial Term Excluded from Term Limit Amendment, SCR 118 (2014)
  8. New Jersey Election of Comptroller and Elimination of Auditor Amendment (2014)
  9. California Nonpartisan Secretary of State Amendment (2014)
  10. Texas Court Notice to Attorney General Amendment (2015)
  11. Texas Governor and Lieutenant Governor Inauguration Date Amendment (2015)
  12. Texas Attorney General Licensed to Practice Law Amendment (2015)
  13. Texas Term Limits for Executive Offices Amendment (2015)
  14. Texas Three Terms Limit for Officials Amendment (2015)
  15. Texas Prosecution by Attorney General Amendment (2015)
  16. Texas Energy Commission Amendment (2015)
  17. Texas Legislative Review of Agency Rules Amendment (2015)
  18. Louisiana Veto Line Items in Appropriation Bills Amendment (2015)
  19. New Jersey Elected Attorney General Amendment (2015)
  20. Arkansas Provisions for Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2016)
  21. Oregon Gubernatorial Impeachment Amendment (2016)
  22. Alabama Filling Legislative Vacancies Amendment (2016)
  23. Kentucky Dates of Executive Elections Amendment (2016)
  24. Kentucky Legislative Review of Executive Regulations Amendment (2016)
  25. Missouri Ranked-Choice Voting for State Executives and U.S. Senate Initiative (2018)
  26. Montana State Executive Vacancies Filled by Member of Same Political Party Amendment (2018)
  27. Texas Gender Composition of Governor's Appointments Amendment, HJR 29 (2017)
  28. North Carolina Two Term Limit for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2018)
  29. Kentucky State Executive Elections in Even-Numbered Years Amendment (2018)
  30. Oregon Impeachment of Elected State Executives Amendment (2018)
  31. Florida Elected Secretary of State Amendment (2018)
  32. Florida Chief Financial Officer Duties Amendment (2020)
  33. Kentucky State Executive Elections in Even-Numbered Years Amendment (2020)
  34. Kentucky Governor's Pardoning Power Amendment (2020)
  35. Maryland Deadline for Selecting Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2020)
  36. Mississippi Gubernatorial Elections Amendment (2020)
  37. Washington End Washington State Patrol Protection and Security for Governor and Lieutenant Governor Initiative (2020)
  38. Montana Filling Vacancies for Certain Statewide Officers Amendment (2022)
  39. Texas Emergency Declarations Amendment (2021)
  40. Rhode Island Procedure for Filling Secretary of State, Attorney General, or Treasurer Vacancies Amendment (2022)
  41. West Virginia Term Limits for Certain Executive Offices Amendment (2022)
  42. Maryland Changes to Lieutenant Governor Elections Amendment (2022)
  43. Kentucky Prohibit Gubernatorial Pardons Starting 30 Days before Election Amendment (2022)
  44. Tennessee Selection of Attorney General Amendment (2022)
  45. Michigan Limits on Epidemic Emergency Orders Initiative (2022)
  46. Rhode Island Changes to Filling Secretary of State, Attorney General, or Treasurer Vacancies Amendment (2022)
  47. California Chief of Protocol for California's International Relations Act (2016)
  48. Alabama Abolish Office of State Auditor and Transfer Duties to the Office of the State Treasurer Amendment (2022)
  49. Alabama Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2018)
  50. Arizona Emergency Declarations Amendment (2022)
  51. Arizona Lieutenant Governor Amendment (2020)
  52. Arizona Special Legislative Sessions for Emergency Orders Amendment (2022)
  53. California Governor to President Initiative (2016)
  54. Texas Special Legislative Session to Continue Emergency Declaration Amendment (2023)
  55. South Dakota Lieutenant Governor and Presiding Officers of the Senate and House of Representatives Amendment (2024)
  56. Missouri Elections for Statewide Officials Amendment (2024)
  57. South Carolina Governor Appointment of Comptroller General Amendment (2024)
  58. Kentucky Limit Gubernatorial Ability to Grant Pardons and Commute Sentences Amendment (2024)
  59. Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor Selection Amendment (2024)
  60. California Restrictions on Emergency Orders Initiative (2022)
Voting on
State Executive
Ballot Measures
By state
By year
Not on ballot

IssuesBallot logo final.jpg

Measures by topic
Measures by year
Measures by state

See also