South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required, Measure 2 (1912)

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South Dakota
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The South Dakota Headlights on Locomotives Required Veto Referendum, also known as Measure 2, was on the November 4, 1912 ballot in South Dakota as a veto referendum, where it was approved. The measure required locomotives to have headlights.[1]

Election results

South Dakota Measure 2 (1912)
Approveda Yes 93,136 81.94%

Election results via: South Dakota Political Almanac, Table 7. Results of Elections Concerning State Constitutional Amendments and Initiated and Referred Laws, 1889-1968

Text of measure

Each measure on the South Dakota 1912 ballot appeared with the full text of the law or measure to be enacted followed by the question, "Shall the above measure or law (as the case may be) become the law of this State?" To the left of the question the words "Yes" and "No" appeared preceded by a square in which the voter was to mark their support or opposition to the law.[2]

The following is the text of the legislation Measure 2 put to the electors for approval:[2]

SD1912 Locomotive Headlights.PNG[3]

Similar measures

See also

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