Republican Party of California

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Republican Party of California
California Republican Party.png
Basic facts
Location:Sacramento, Calif.
Type:Political party
Top official:Jessica Millan Patterson, Chairwoman
Website:Official website

The Republican Party of California is the California political party affiliate of the national Republican Party. The group is headquartered in Sacramento, California.

Party chair

Jessica Millan Patterson

Jessica Millan Patterson was elected as chairman in 2019.[1]

Party leadership

The following individuals held leadership positions with the California Republican Party as of April 2024:[2]

  • Jessica Millan Patterson, Chairwoman
  • Harmeet Dhillon, National committeewoman
  • Shawn Steel, National committeeman
  • Corrin Rankin, Vice Chairman
  • Randy Berholtz, Secretary
  • Gregory Gandrud, Treasurer

For more information on the party's full leadership and staff, please click here.

Party platform

For complete information on the party's platform, please click here.

Party rules and bylaws

For complete information on the party's bylaws, please click here.

Party candidates

Note: The following table lists candidates who filed to run for office with this political party in a given year. This may also include candidates who filed to run with more than one political party. The list may not be comprehensive if the state's official filing deadline has not passed. This list may not populate if no candidates have filed to run with this political party. The table lists non-presidential candidates who filed to run for office with this political party in a given year. For more information on presidential candidates and elections, please click here.

Using the tools at the top of the table, you can increase the number of candidates shown on your screen or scroll through the table to view additional candidates. To report an error, please email us at


See also

External links
