Rand Paul presidential campaign key staff and advisors, 2016

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See also: Rand Paul presidential campaign, 2016
2016 presidential candidate Rand Paul

Rand Paul was a Republican candidate for the office of president of the United States in 2016. Paul is a Republican member of the U.S. Senate from the state of Kentucky. Prior to being elected to Congress in 2010, Paul worked as an ophthalmologist.[1]

As speculation swirled as to whether or not Paul would announce in early April, his campaign released a video on April 6, 2015, indicating an announcement would be made on April 7, 2015, at a rally in Louisville, Ky. Two hours before the rally, his website was updated with the following quote from Paul, "I am running for president to return our country to the principles of liberty and limited government."[2]

Previously, on December 8, 2013, Paul said that his family would determine whether or not he would run for president, claiming, "The thought has crossed my mind. ... I'm not ready to make a decision yet."[3] Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), Rand Paul's father, ran for the presidency three times, including once as a Libertarian in 1988.[4] There have been 16 U.S. senators elected to the presidency, including President Barack Obama (D).[5]

Paul suspended his presidential run on February 3, 2016.[6]

Key staff and advisors

See also: Rand Paul presidential campaign key staff and advisors experience, 2016

The table below details some of the key staff and advisors for Rand Paul's 2016 presidential campaign at the time the campaign was suspended in February 2016. The leftmost column indicates the individual staff member or advisor. The middle column details that individual's relationship to Paul's 2016 presidential campaign. The final column indicates the individual's political experience prior to working on Paul's 2016 campaign. More detailed profiles of individuals can be found by clicking the links in the leftmost column.

Jesse Benton and John Tate were both employed by America's Liberty PAC, a super PAC in support of Rand Paul. Super PACs may not contribute directly to a politician or political party but can spend independently to advocate for or against candidates. Hence, super PACs are officially called independent expenditure-only committees.[7] These individuals are listed here because of their influence on the Paul presidential campaign as a whole.

Rand Paul key staff and advisors
IndividualRolePrevious Experience
A.J. SpikerPAC advisorRon Paul 2012 presidential
Chip EnglanderCampaign managerBruce Rauner 2014 Illinois gubernatorial
Mark Neumann 2012 U.S. Senate
Chris LaCivitaSenior advisorGeorge Allen 2000 U.S. Senate
Ken Cuccinelli 2009 Virginia Attorney General and 2012 Virginia gubernatorial
Scott Rigell 2010 and 2012 U.S. House
Pat Roberts 2014 U.S. Senate
Doug StaffordSenior advisorRand Paul 2010 Senate campaign
Jesse BentonSenior advisor to super PACRon Paul 2008 and 2012 presidential
Rand Paul 2010 U.S. Senate
Mitch McConnell 2014 U.S. Senate
John TateSuper PAC presidentRon Paul 2008 and 2012 presidential
John YobNational political directorJohn McCain 2008 presidential
Rick Snyder 2010 Michigan gubernatorial
Christine O'Donnell 2010 U.S. Senate
Mark Neumann 2012 U.S. Senate
Rick Santorum 2012 presidential
Michael BiundoPAC New Hampshire strategist•Pat Buchanan 1996 presidential
Frank Guinta 2010 U.S. House, 2005 and 2007 Manchester, NH mayoral
Rick Santorum 2012 presidential
Mitt Romney 2012 presidential
Steve GrubbsPAC advisor•Bob Dole 1996 presidential
•Steve Forbes 2000 presidential
Tommy Thompson 2008 presidential
Herman Cain 2012 presidential
Steve MunisteriSenior advisorLamar Alexander 1996 presidential
George W. Bush 2000 presidential
John McCain 2008 presidential
Fred Thompson 2008 presidential
Vincent HarrisDigital strategistMike Huckabee 2008 presidential
Rick Perry 2012 presidential
Newt Gingrich 2012 presidential
Ted Cruz 2012 U.S. Senate
Mitch McConnell 2014 U.S. Senate

Hiring timeline for key staff and advisors

  • On January 14, 2015, Paul hired Chip Englander as his 2016 campaign manager. Englander was Governor Bruce Rauner's (R) campaign manager in his successful challenge to former Governor of Illinois Pat Quinn (D).[8]
  • In January 2015, Paul hired Republican strategist Chris LaCivita as a senior advisor.[8]
  • In January 2015, Steve Munisteri stepped down as Texas Republican Party chair to join Rand Paul's campaign as a senior advisor.[9] Of his transition to the Paul campaign, Munisteri said: "Paul shares my vision of promoting the conservative values of individual freedom, limited government, a strong national defense and defense of the Constitution in each and every community in our country."[10]
  • In November 2014, Paul hired digital strategist Vincent Harris to run his online campaigning. Harris moved to the Paul campaign because of the emphasis Paul placed on digital campaigning: "Rand Paul is a forward looking thought leader who is going to put a large emphasis on technology, probably a larger emphasis than any other candidate considering who he is, who his supporters are and his issue stands."[11]
  • In July 2014, veteran Michigan Republican strategist John Yob joined RAND PAC as a Michigan strategist and transitioned to the role of national political director. Of Paul's candidacy, Yob stated: "The Republican Party is going to need to learn how to reach out to non-traditional Republican groups in order to win a national election again given the changing demographics in a post-Obama era. Senator Paul has the ability to inspire a new generation of conservatives, libertarians, and disaffected Democrats in states across the country. I am proud to join the team and look forward to building the strongest political operation in America."[13]
  • In June 2014, Paul hired Steve Grubbs to work for RAND PAC. Grubbs is a "former state legislator and veteran of Iowa presidential politics," according to Politico. After joining RAND PAC, Grubbs said, "Rand Paul’s vision for the Republican Party is one that can expand our base and welcome under-30 voters into the party. And that’s important not just for this election, but for the future as well. That’s one of the reasons I’m stepping into RAND PAC as they move forward in the 2014 election.”[14]
  • In May 2013, Paul's former chief of staff, Doug Stafford, resigned to take over Paul's national political operations. Stafford was one Politico's “50 Politicos to Watch” in 2013.[16]

America's Liberty Super PAC Key Staff

  • In April 2015, Jesse Benton joined America's Liberty PAC as a senior advisor.[17] Benton previously worked as director of Rand Paul's 2010 U.S. Senate campaign and as the campaign manager for Mitch McConnell's 2014 re-election campaign.[18] Benton took a leave of absence after being charged by the Justice Department with attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator in 2012.[19]
  • John Tate is the founder and president of America's Liberty PAC.[20] Tate is also the president of Campaign for Liberty, a 501(c)(4) political organization founded by former Rep. Ron Paul.[21] Tate took a leave of absence after being charged by the Justice Department with attempting to bribe an Iowa state senator in 2012.[19]

Recent news

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Rand Paul Campaign Staff. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.

See also

External links


  1. Rand Paul, "About," accessed May 27, 2015
  2. RandPaul.com, "About Rand," accessed April 7, 2015
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named december2013
  4. National Journal, "Ron Paul Steps Toward Third Presidential Race," April 25, 2011
  5. United States Senate, "Senators Who Became President," accessed October 16, 2013
  6. Politico, "Rand Paul dropping out of White House race," February 3, 2016
  7. New York Times, "Who's Financing the 'Super PACs?" May 7, 2012
  8. 8.0 8.1 CBS News, “Rand Paul hires campaign manager for 2016,” January 14, 2015
  9. Dallas Morning News, "Republican Party of Texas Chairman Munisteri leaving post to join Rand Paul's political team," January 29, 2015
  10. CNN, "Texas GOP chairman sides with Rand Paul," January 29, 2015
  11. Politico, "Rand Paul hires digital guru away from Ted Cruz," accessed May 6, 2015
  12. RAND PAC, "New Hampshire RANDPAC Chief Strategist Announcement," July 8, 2014
  13. RAND PAC, "National Political Director and Michigan RANDPAC Chief Strategist Announcement," July 28, 2014
  14. Politico, "Rand Paul hires former Iowa GOP head Steve Grubbs," accessed February 9, 2015
  15. Washington Post, "Paul ally A.J. Spiker to resign as Iowa GOP chairman," accessed May 8, 2015
  16. Politico, "50 Politicos to Watch: Doug Stafford," accessed February 9, 2015
  17. National Journal, "Rand Paul Taps Jesse Benton to Run His Super PAC," April 6, 2015
  18. Slate, "Ron Paul's Campaign Manager Will Work for Mitch McConnell," accessed May 11, 2015
  19. 19.0 19.1 Politico, "Rand allies take leave after indictment on bribery scheme charges," August 6, 2015
  20. America's Liberty PAC, "Our Staff," accessed May 15, 2015
  21. Campaign for Liberty, "John F. Tate," accessed May 15, 2015