Pinellas County, Florida ballot measures

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Pinellas County
Seal of Pinellas County, Florida.png
Election Department
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Voter registration
Pinellas County Florida.png

Pinellas County is one of the 67 counties in Florida. The Supervisor of Elections for Pinellas County is Julie Marcus. The elections department is responsible for coordinating and administering elections and tabulating election results.


November 5

See also: Florida 2024 local ballot measures

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 1, Term Limits for County Commissioners Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported enacting term limits on county commissioners who have held office for the preceding 12 years and requiring a minimum of four years off before serving again.

A "no" vote opposed enacting term limits on county commissioners.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 2, Initiative Process Changes Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported providing for initiative petition drives from September through April before a November general election, requiring monthly submission deadlines for signed petitions, requiring tallies of verified petitions on the Supervisor of Election’s website, and requiring preparation of ballot translations.

A "no" vote opposed providing for initiative petition drives from September through April before a November general election, requiring monthly submission deadlines for signed petitions, requiring tallies of verified petitions on the Supervisor of Election’s website, and requiring preparation of ballot translations.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 3, Reduce Signature Requirement for Charter Amendment Initiative Petitions Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported reducing the number of signatures required for an initiative charter amendment from eight to five percent of registered county voters.

A "no" vote opposed reducing the number of signatures required for an initiative charter amendment to five percent of registered county voters, thereby leaving in place the current requirement of eight percent.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 4, Appointment and Removal of County Attorney by County Attorney Oversight Committee Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported providing that the 12-member County Attorney Oversight Committee can select and appoint a County Attorney by an supermajority vote of eight members, and may remove the County Attorney by a seven-member vote at two consecutive meetings, or by an eight-member supermajority vote at one meeting.

A "no" vote opposed providing that the 12-member County Attorney Oversight Committee can select and appoint a County Attorney by an supermajority vote of eight members, and may remove the County Attorney by a seven-member vote at two consecutive meetings, or by an eight-member supermajority vote at one meeting.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 5, Requiring Ballot Questions to be Voted on During Even-Year General Elections Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported requiring that county charter amendments placed on the ballot through initiative petition or referred to the ballot by the Board of County Commissioners be voted on only during even-numbered general elections.

A "no" vote opposed requiring that county charter amendments placed on the ballot through initiative petition or referred to the ballot by the Board of County Commissioners be voted on only during even-numbered general elections.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 6, Charter Amendment Publication Requirements Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported changing the publication requirements for county charter amendment ballot questions to conform to those required by state law, which requires publication in one news paper in the county in the tenth week and the sixth week preceding the election.

A "no" vote opposed changing the publication requirements for county charter amendment ballot questions to conform to those required by state law, which requires publication in one news paper in the county in the tenth week and the sixth week preceding the election.

Pinellas County, Florida, Charter Amendment 7, Remove Obsolete Language and Gender References from County Charter Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported removing from the county charter certain one-time provisions that have already occurred or expired, remove gender references, update organization names, and remove references to organizations that no longer exist.

A "no" vote opposed removing from the county charter certain one-time provisions that have already occurred or expired, remove gender references, update organization names, and remove references to organizations that no longer exist.

Pinellas County, Florida, Pinellas County School District Millage Increase Measure (November 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported increasing the Pinellas County School District ad valorem millage from one-half mill per year to one mill per year from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2029, to fund school district operating expenses, recruiting and retaining quality teachers and support staff; funding music, art and reading classes; providing current technology; and sharing funds with public charter schools proportionate to student enrollment, with oversight by an independent citizens financial oversight committee.

A "no" vote opposed increasing the Pinellas County School District ad valorem millage to one mill per year from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2029, thereby allowing the current one-half mill levy to expire on June 30, 2025.

August 20

See also: Florida 2024 local ballot measures

Pinellas County, Florida, Tax Exemptions for New Businesses and Businesses Expansions Expected to Generate Jobs Referendum (August 2024):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners to renew the ADVTE (ad valorem tax exemption) program, first approved by voters in 2014 for a period of 10 years, to grant property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs with pay above the average wage in Pinellas County, for a period of 10 years.

A "no" vote opposed authorizing the Pinellas County Board of County Commissioners to grant property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs in Pinellas County.


November 8

See also: Florida 2022 local ballot measures

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 1, Move Odd-Year Municipal Elections to Coincide With Even-Year State and National Elections Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported holding municipal elections in even-numbered years coinciding with state and national elections, rather than in odd-numbered years, beginning in 2024.

A "no" vote opposed moving municipal elections to even-numbered years, thereby continuing to hold them during odd-numbered years.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 2, City Council Residency Requirements After Redistricting Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending city council residency requirements to allow councilmembers to complete their terms following redistricting as long as their residency is maintained within their previous or new districts.

A "no" vote opposed amending city council residency requirements to allow councilmembers to complete their terms following redistricting as long as their residency is maintained within their previous or new districts.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Referendum Question 1, Dalí Museum Expansion Construction Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported amending the lease of city-owned property used by the Dalí Museum to allow construction of museum expansion and development of the Center for the Arts.

A "no" vote opposed amending the lease of city-owned property used by the Dalí Museum to allow construction of museum expansion and development of the Center for the Arts.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Referendum Question 2, Property Tax Exemptions for New and Expanding Businesses Creating New Full-Time Jobs Measure (November 2022):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported allowing the St. Petersburg City Council to give property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs in the city.

A "no" vote opposed allowing the St. Petersburg City Council to give property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs in the city.

March 15

See also: Florida 2022 local ballot measures

Belleair, Florida, Vote Requirements to Abolish Municipal and Police Departments Amendment (March 2022):  ✔

A “yes” vote supported this charter amendment to require an unanimous vote of the town commission to abolish a municipal department, along with an unanimous vote, which must be done by ordinance, to abolish the police department.

A “no” vote opposed this charter amendment, thus continuing to require the affirmative vote of four (of five) commissioners to abolish a municipal department, including the police department, in the city's charter.


November 2

See also: Florida 2021 local ballot measures

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 1, Limit City Council General Elections to Voters in the Council District (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported limiting voting in city council general elections to voters in the council district (the way city council primary elections are conducted).

A "no" vote opposed limiting voting in city council general elections to voters in the council district (the way city council primary elections are conducted), thereby continuing to allow all voters city-wide to vote in city council general elections.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 2, Create New City Council Redistricting Process (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported creating a new city council redistricting process to occur every 10 years using "comprehensive standards for drawing equitable district boundaries" and that has requirements and restrictions on who may serve on the redistricting commission, which maps City Council would be required to adhere to.

A "no" vote opposed creating a new city council redistricting process, thereby maintaining the current process in which an advisory commission appointed by current council members make nonbinding map recommendations to the city council.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 3, Create Chief Equity Officer and Establish City-Wide Equity Action Plan (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported creating a Chief Equity Officer for the City to address "equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and other immutable characteristics" through a city-wide equity action plan.

A "no" vote opposed creating a Chief Equity Officer for the City to address "equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and other immutable characteristics" through a city-wide equity action plan.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 4, Charter-Protected Equity Funding to Address Racial and Ethnic Equity Gaps (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported creating "Charter-protected equity funding" to address "equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and other immutable characteristics."

A "no" vote opposed creating "Charter-protected equity funding" to address "equity gaps based on race, ethnicity, and other immutable characteristics."

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 5, Requirements for City Administrator, City Clerk, and City Council Administrative Officer (November 2021):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported adding a residency requirement for the City Administrator; clarifying that the City Clerk can only be removed from office with consent of both Mayor and the City Council, and giving the City Council Administrative Officer duties and protections similar to the City Clerk.

A "no" vote opposed adding a residency requirement for the City Administrator; clarifying that the City Clerk can only be removed from office with consent of both Mayor and the City Council, and giving the City Council Administrative Officer duties and protections similar to the City Clerk.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 6, Change Charter Review Process and Resolve Scheduling Conflicts with City Redistricting Timeline (November 2021):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported resolving the scheduling conflict of the ten-year redistricting process and charter-review process occurring simultaneously and making other changes to the charter-review process.

A "no" vote opposed resolving the scheduling conflict of the ten-year redistricting process and charter-review process occurring simultaneously and making other changes to the charter-review process.

St. Petersburg, Florida, Charter Amendment 7, Governing Philosophy and Aspirations Addition to Charter Preamble (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported adding a preamble to the city charter describing "the City’s vision, goals, values, and priorities while acknowledging past shortcomings and promising a renewed and continuing commitment to improving the quality of life for all citizens."

A "no" vote opposed adding a preamble to the city charter describing "the City’s vision, goals, values, and priorities while acknowledging past shortcomings and promising a renewed and continuing commitment to improving the quality of life for all citizens."

St. Petersburg, Florida, Referendum Question 1, Authorize City Council to Grant Tax Exemptions to Businesses Expected to Create New Full-Time Jobs (November 2021):  ✖

A "yes" vote supported allowing the St. Petersburg City Council to give property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs in the city.

A "no" vote opposed allowing the St. Petersburg City Council to give property tax exemptions to new businesses and expansions of existing businesses expected to create new, full-time jobs in the city.


November 3

See also: November 3, 2020 ballot measures in Florida

Pinellas County School District, Florida, Referendum Question, Property Tax (November 2020):  ✔

A "yes" vote supported authorizing the district to continue a property tax levy of $50 per $100,000 in assessed property value (half a mill) from July 2021 to June 2025.

A "no" vote opposed this measure authorizing the district to continue a property tax levy of $50 per $100,000 in assessed property value (half a mill) from July 2021 to June 2025.


November 5

See also: November 5, 2019 ballot measures in Florida

Charter Amendment 1: St. Petersburg Clarifying Conservation Grant Language Approveda
Charter Amendment 2: St. Petersburg Aligning Terms of City Council and Mayor Start Dates Approveda
Referendum Question: Authorize the St. Petersburg Yacht Club to Operate the St. Petersburg Sailing Center Approveda


November 6

See also: November 6, 2018 ballot measures in Florida

St. Petersburg St. Pete Pier Ten-Year Lease Limitation Charter Amendment Approveda
St. Petersburg Harborage Marina Lease Amendment Approveda


August 27

See also: August 27, 2013 ballot measures in Florida

ApprovedaSt. Petersburg Referendum Question Terminating the Michael Maltzan Lens Pier Design

March 12

See also: March 12, 2013 ballot measures in Florida

Approveda Gulfport City Vacancy Amendment Question (March 2013)
Approveda Treasure Island City Maximum Construction Height Question (March 2013)
Approveda Treasure Island City Residential Density Question (March 2013)
UnresolvedDefeatedd Treasure Island City Tourist Dwelling Density Questions, 2 (March 2013)
Approveda Treasure Island City Residential Dwelling Density Question (March 2013)


November 6

See also: November 6, 2012 ballot measures in Florida

Approveda Pinellas County School Levy Renewal (November 2012)
Approveda Largo City Property Tax Exemption Question (November 2012)
Defeatedd Belleair Bluffs Mayor & Commissioners Term Limit Question (November 2012)
Approveda Clearwater City Pension Plan Referendum, Question 1 (November 2012)
Approveda Clearwater City Tax Exemption Referendum, Question 2 (November 2012)
Approveda St. Pete Beach City Charter Police Department Referendum Question (November 2012)
ApprovedaApproveda Redington Town Board Residency Amendment, Questions 1 and 8 (November 2012)
Approveda Redington Town Property Amendment, Question 2 (November 2012)
ApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApproveda Redington Town Obsolete Language Removal Amendment, Questions 3, 6, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16 (November 2012)
ApprovedaApproveda Redington Town Ethical Standards Amendment, Questions 4 and 5 (November 2012)
Approveda Redington Town Special Meetings Amendment, Question 7 (November 2012)
Approveda Redington Town Vice Mayor Appointment Amendment, Question 11 (November 2012)
Approveda Redington Town Purchasing Fairness Amendment, Question 12 (November 2012)
Approveda Redington Town Charter Review Committee Amendment, Question 13 (November 2012)
ApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApprovedaApproveda Dunedin City Charter Amendment, Questions 1-6 (November 2012)


November 8

See also: November 8, 2011 ballot measures in Florida

DefeateddApproveda St Petersburg City Charter Amendments, 8 (November 2011)

March 8

See also: March 8, 2011 ballot measures in Florida

Approveda Belleair Beach City Charter Amendments, 5 (March 2011)
Approveda St. Pete Beach City Charter Amendments, 4 (March 2011)
Approveda Treasure Island City Charter Amendments, 10 (March 2011)


November 2

See also: November 2, 2010 ballot measures in Florida

Approveda Pinellas County Charter Review Question (November 2010)
Approveda Dunedin City Charter Amendment (November 2010)
Approveda Largo City Charter Amendment (November 2010)
Approveda Redington Beach Town Charter Amendment (November 2010)
Defeatedd Pinellas Suncoast Fire and Rescue District Question (November 2010)

March 9

See also: March 9, 2010 ballot measures in Florida

Defeatedd Belleair City Charter Amendment (March 2010)
ApprovedaDefeatedd Belleair Bluffs City Charter Amendments, 5 (March 2010)
Defeatedd Clearwater City Charter Amendment (March 2010)
Approveda Kenneth City Charter Amendment (March 2010)
Approveda Seminole City Charter Amendments, 8 (march 2010)
Approveda Tarpon Springs City Referendum Questions, 9 (March 2010)

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